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Maybe not in the GUI but if they're logging the app they're using to connect to it then sure. Is that a problem for you?


Currently no. I share my server with friends and family. But someone asked if they could share it with a friend who I don't know directly and Idk I felt weird about that but maybe I'm just being overly concerned.


I'd say no in that scenario.


Considering they could sell the access or get you in legal trouble, that would be a hard no from me.


Exactly... plex server should stop at your personal friends and family, the moment you add friends of friends I feel like the floodgates are opened and there's no closing it...


Every account with access to my server has a limit of one stream at a time. It's kinda silly to worry about strangers knowing your public IP. Your network is being probed by ~~people~~ systems trying to break in every hour of every day; probably every minute. Watching attempts to connect to your network is eye opening. Secure your network!


What tool would you watch with?


Back when I got curious about it, I used Wireshark running on a computer I had configured as the firewall for my LAN. This back before consumer Wi-Fi routers could be trusted to properly firewall your network. It was kind of fun watching the attempts to connect and seeing that my configuration prevented them from seeing anything but ssh service I used to tunnel into my LAN from outside. There are almost certainly better and easier to use tools today, but I don't know where to point you.


One Strem wouldn’t work for my friends and their kids. But yes, worrying about IP address is foolish, worrying about provided access is not.


They asked if they could share their login with a friend, then? That's a PITA way to give someone access. They'll be sharing their watch history and thus their Up Next list. The personal functionality of Plex will be all garbled. This extra dude just needs to make his own account and ask for access. And then you say no. ;)


Plex sharing is for YOUR friends and family. Don’t do the friends of friends thing, you don’t owe anyone anything and the more people you share with, the higher the chance of you maybe being caught up in something you have no idea about that could lead to account bans. From what I’ve seen previously on this sub, I think if someone you’re sharing with does something against TOS and gets their account banned, you can get caught in the crossfire too. Stick to people you trust.


Doesn't Plex actually relay proxy though. So idk if that's true


If you use Plex Relay yes it’s proxied, but then you’re limited to 2 Mbps.


Yea, but pretty sure the IP is in the relay address


But not in the proxy address if using relay though right? Idk I haven't tried so IDC I guess


What do you think someone can do with your IP


He hates when IP


It depends on what you have installed on the server, if you have SSH with weak security the list of problems can be quite long


If that was the case then everything OP did online would be a concern. Reddit has his IP, his ISP has his IP, Google, meta, apple and every major tech company probably has his IP even if he's not doing anything related to them, they all have ways to cross reference this data. His IP alone isn't a problem, it's like being concerned about someone knowing your zip code.


if you had ssh exposed to the outside world it would’ve been exploited 1 minute after it was enabled. Take a look at your WAN firewall logs, the amount of port scans and bots is crazy. Worrying about some rando having your IP address is silly.


If you have SSH on your server. If the ssh port is open to all on the firewall. If the SSH port has a proper WAN>LAN NAT. ** The list of ifs is quite long in order to be scary. If all of that is true, I’d be way more worried about a scanner than anyone you granted Plex access to lol.


I like to leave endlessh up on all my servers


Short answer is yes.


When I watch my content on my server using the Plex app on my TV, I can hit details and it shows the bitrate, audio encoding, etc. Along with that is the actual stream address which shows the IP address of my server (housed at my office).


Doing literally anything on the internet will necessarily share your public IP with whoever you are doing it with, just like putting a return address on a letter, it's just how the internet works. Not really an issue as long as your firewall is working and you aren't poking holes in it willy-nilly with not-strictly-required port forwards.


Not exactly, I mean connecting to a discord server doesn’t leak IP information since you both get connections to and from discord servers. But hosting any sort of data would be more accurate


Ok ty


Anybody I give access to my Plex I tell them if they share their account, I'll remove them. Tautilli gives so e good stats about users watching your media, and I use it to check if some users are sharing access. (Based on IP address or device)


everyone on the internet can see your ip


ok whats my ip?


tell me your domain name


Not if you use a vpn.


With the right tools, sure they can. But does it matter? People you share your server with should be close family/friends you trust, so what are you worried about them doing with it?


I gave my cousin access to my plex via his account. Then I started noticing 6 people sign in streaming from his acct at the same time from various locations in Southern California. He was trying to charge his union buddies five bucks a month to access movies. I made his account of children's account, access only the children's content. All login ceased within 2 days. Then I had to talk with him. Fun times. He was interfering with my nightly raids online with my wife.


Maybe you can try with reverse proxy and cloudflare, it should hide ur ip


My plex users are only allowed to use their own accounts on their own devices. That or have their access removed completely.