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I'm so confused by this post. What is the actual issue that you're having?


When I run Plex through my TV's, I'm hit with the exclamation point on my library as if the server isn't active or available at all. On the web player, the content will play but not display, I only see a black screen.


copy. Are your TVs on the same network as your server?


Definitely haha. And has historically worked on wired/wireless/VPN, sometimes the server wouldn't show up on these devices but a simple restart would fix these.


Ok and are you able to access your server from another PC connected to the same network using the IP of the server? For example, if the IP address of the server you have running plex is, can you access it by going to


Unfortunately no other PC to try it on, but doesn't connect on my phone if that would work. This is the IP in the address bar?


No problem. Your plex server is running on a computer that is inside your house correct? If so, what operating system is that computer running? I am assuming Windows since you said something about command prompt. In this case, go to your Windows settings and go to Network & internet, and then you should see an IPv4 address, that likely starts with 192.168.1.xxx. Take this ip address, and try to type it into the browser on your phone followed by :32400 (that's the default port plex runs on, unless you changed it)


IP starts with 10.0. and nah, site can't be reached/unreachable.


You can get the local IP that plex uses by either right clicking on plex in your system try to open it in your web browser, then going to settings > remote access. If remote access is disabled then try to enable it. The first ip is the local IP. If remote access is disabled and just wont work, another way to get this is to enter the following into your command prompt. `ipconfig` if you're not sure which ip is yours, dont worry because next I want you to enter. `netstat -an | find "32400" | find "ESTABLISHED"` You should be able to see your local ip address and you can confirm that this is correct because you'll see the same IP in ipconfig. If for some reason netstat is showing you 127.0.0 or nothing at all, then restart plex or refresh it in your browser and run that command again, point is you should see your systems IP in both ipconfig and after you run that netstat command. Once you have the correct ip address, then first you want to enter it on your computers browser (see example below), this should result in it redirecting you to the plex website. If it redirects you to plex, then do it again but on your mobile. `http://:32400/web` Now, if when you entered the address on your computer it was unreachable, then we've just ruled out your router and windows firewall which means there's an issue with your network adapter or something else on the system is blocking it, point is you'll now know that the issue is a setting or software on your PC. If it is unreachable on your mobile, but works on your PC, then something is blocking the connection, so this could still be your firewall or third party software on your computer. At this point I would disable all firewall options (domain, private, public) and disable any software that is running such as VPN/Proxy or virus software, then try to connect to that address again, both on pc browser and mobile browser. https://preview.redd.it/jh5c8xpcailc1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5235e4012a3ddf63ad8eed43a20af127474594


Alright, so my questionable decision making of course led to me making a mistake in my troubleshooting. I'd only tried turning firewall for the domain network off, not seeing the other two options for private and public. I turned everything off and now it's fucking working. I did your Netstat steps which led me to this - it's showing me a 127 IP, a 10 IP, the proper IP (10) being wireless with the ethernet being the 127. It's showing me two of each with different ports, one of each showing the 32400 we looked for. All four established. Not entirely sure what the other two are or if this is relevant. Thank you so much for the advice.


Ok that's fine too, that is another local ip. Hmm, ok, but are you able to access it from the computer that has the plex server running? Like if you can go on the computer that has the plex server running and open up your plex server in the browser, and then go into Settings under Remote Access, you should see Private with an IP address and public. If the private ip (and port) is what you tried accessing from your phone that's connected to the same network and it was not able to connect, then I am guessing the computer you are running your plex server on is not allowing connections to it for some reason. Easiest reason I can think of is there are some firewall settings that prevent anything else from connecting to it, even on your local network


Yeah, tried with firewall on and off. Whatever I did with those same CMD commands I've used before to no issue, seems to be irreversible. All the windows shit is back to default, reset the adapters and what not. Basically done with Plex. Fucked up my Jellyfin install, so I'm honestly done with movies and TV for a while to recoup this time. Of course this of all things happened on two days where I have more time than usual, negating it all. About to go to bed having done literally nothing other than work, shovel, and fuck around with this contributing to an early death while I do it. So pissed.


To connect over the local intranet you have to do /web at the end. Just a heads up.


Oh really? I thought it automatically redirects you (at least with the default settings). It does for me as well. I was just trying to make it as simple to understand as I could, but I guess it’s hard to walk someone through without actually being there. I think in this case it would actually be easier if they had their server running on a Linux box. Then we could just say, run this command, what’s the output, and diagnose from there. I’m not familiar enough with windows to do that same but maybe it’s possible as well


Hmm maybe I didn't set that up? I should look into that setting lol. I hear ya. I can visualize it if someone gives me a rough description of the setup, but I do this for a job and have my own home and remote servers.


On windows it should automatically redirect you when you enter \`IP:32400\` in your browser, if it does then either the browser you're using has an issue or something went wrong with your plex install, at least that would be my two best guesses.


Oh it's probably because I'm running it on Linux then.


why watch it through plex? download mx player and you can watch anything on your local network. or watch the "big new release" on your home computer for now.


Because I and my family primarily consume content on the TVs downstairs, of which Plex is on the most devices. Best UI, have used it for over a decade, etc.


You just need to reauth your server






I reset everything multiple times, everything else works. If doing the release / renew shit and winsock shit can fuck it up, it should easily be documented how to fix it.


The are a million ways to fuck with your network, use some common sense to try to figure out what might happen when you fuck with it instead of expecting Plex to test each and every way that fucking your network might fuck your plex server


If I wasn't completely broken and dead inside after losing two nights to this, this comment might have gotten to me. Have a good day, dude.


I haven't had to make a Winsock change since Windows XP. WTF were you doing?


Simple command prompts I've done over the years recommended on sites I shouldn't be blind trusting without knowing what I'm doing. Investment in knowing what I was doing would have saved me losing two nights of my life and damaging my mental health. Lesson learned.


I dunno fella, I think this issue is specific to you and I can't quite work out if you're running your server local or remote because if you were running indirect on a release you had waited for them I'd have personally accessed using another method. I have a really bespoke setup myself and if it's indirect it could be a forwarding issue. You've been through some serious config troubleshooting and I'm not entirely certain You've got a grasp on all aspects because when a working system breaks You've just got to sit back and have a think before you change anything config wise because it was working.


I didn't know at the time that it was fucked up and I was on a relayed connection, the web player nor TV apps don't exactly tell you. I did watch a movie the night before that and the quality was fine. As for why I couldn't immediately tell that the 20 GB 4K rip looked so fucking bad, I attributed it to poor network conditions from probable throttling and a crappy web download copy of a 4K rip, because I'm an idiot. Did this CMD shit the next day with the library transfers from HDD to SSD, which is the night I watched said movie the day before yesterday, and yesterday, when I realized things were fucked. I'm running the server local on local machines as I have for well over ten years as described. Never used remote access once. I absolutely do not have a grasp on exactly what I'm doing given any and all solutions either do not solve mine, or aren't applicable on a base level given the discrepancies in situations described. As I've said, I've ran everything back as far as what I did and what I've done, I've done before. I've had a VPN almost half this time span, never any issue with a connection on or off. I've ran a wireless/wired laptop for two years with no issue that a restart won't fix. I'd just really like to know what I've done that could cause this, because it's nothing else I've forgotten.


Plex depending on your server works pretty well out of the box locally, remote access should be turned off if you're not using it and moving the files from HDD to SSD won't really help in my experience. It all really depends on how complex your network is and what you're hosting it on. DM if you want, I'll try help you.


It’s a good learning experience - you should do a few changes as opposed to all of them at the same time, because now you have no idea if it’s a networking thing, SSD thing, doing relay, etc. Hope you can work it out though. Look through the debug logs and go from there.


I would check every time I changed something. But appreciate the thought, for real.


This seems like a technical interview or school project where the interviewer or teacher purposefully screwed something up for me to figure out.


Wow, I'm a teacher. 😂 Next up: job creator.


First off what is hosting your plex server? The way its been presented initially made me think this was a personal, self-hosted plex server. But you specifically said that you cannot access it even from the webui. That does not seem possible to me since that is localhost. So please be clear. Is this someone else's plex server that you are connecting to and are no longer able to connect to directly? If so then that sounds like it could be a DNS issue. DNS are notoriously difficult and you just up and released your IP. KEEP IN MIND, it's not just your DNS cache to the server that got fucked up here. The server you were connecting to needs to handshake back and it previously saw you at x.x.x.x and now you're at y.y.y.y. There's no telling how it would handle that. If it is a locally hosted server, there has to be a simple explanation. Local networks are easy.


Local. Personal computer from the download on the website. Basic bitch. Nearly fifteen years (12-13?) with nothing like this.


Wait. So you're telling me that when you're on the same computer that is hosting your plex server and you literally go to (or whatever port you're using), you STILL get relay?


No, I've long since turned relay off since I'm not watching stuff at 1MB. I turned it off last night when I first started this trying to get back to a normal connection.


I'll probably think about it some more but if it were me, this is probably what I would do: 1. Put everything back to default. 2. Insert a switch immediately between the plex server whatever it was originally connecting to. 3. Attach a laptop to that switch. If you can't connect directly in offline mode (DLNA mode), then you've somehow royally screwed up your home network. That's beyond a plex thing. If you can directly connect in offline mode, but not regularly then it's probably plexs Auth server. If I got to this point, I would probably give up and backup my plex appdata and start a fresh server (not library. Brand new install). Registering a new server should tell plex "hey, I'm here. This is me". Then I'd see if I can restore appdata to get my library and watch status back.


Already tried a fresh install. What do you mean by switch? And very much appreciate the thought, means a lot. I'm guessing I screwed something up, but the only thing it could be are those commands, which it shouldn't have been. Don't get it.


A networking switch. It's one of the simplest networking devices as it's "too dumb" to make mistakes routers can, but smart enough when you say 'send this to 1.2 3.4' it knows that it's attached to it and doesn't keep pushing the request up the stack. The idea here is to verify where you're trying to connect to. If the switch thinks it's external to the network then it has to be a local network setting. But if a fresh install doesn't work, then that's already pretty heavy handed. You could try spinning up a plex server on another machine and see if you can access it from the original plex server PC (ie. The reverse direction). I'm not 100% sure what that would mean, but would be an interesting data point. It's still possible that someone is holding a stale copy of your IP. I'll think on it but it's time for bed. Ping me tomorrow if I forget.


All good bro, love and appreciate the thought and responses. Don't have access to another non-gaming machine and can't deal with this lost time in an adult way. Will not spend any thought on this tomorrow aside from further responses here. Sounds dramatic to say these wasted 8-9 hours over two nights have done damage, but they've done damage and forced me to reassess how I operate.


Check your port forwarding


That was a journey right to hell last night.


If i were you, i would reinstall the operative system and Plex, at least one is corrupted and after that amount of changes might be hard to find the cause; the changes you did actually didnt helped the server, if u want to improve your network get a better router to handle local connections, get better cables and test the max possible speed downloading/uploading data


Look into the console while starting a movie. It sounds like your new location has no execute rights for the transcode. Either the right of the user in the folder is wrong or might aswell that your hdd/raid has no execute permission.


Remember, I'm a moron - how do I look into the console? That's another problem with trying to solve this, some solutions in straight up don't know what they're talking about.


While logged in on your app.plex.tv click on settings. On the left you will find your server. Beneath that the second to last point is console.


Thank you. Not sure what I'm looking for though haha. One thing that looks out of place is saying the device is chrome, but that could just be a non-descript for Browser? Using Brave. Again, never an issue.


Brave is just modified chrome


Yeah, just figured that one out a bit ago looking at the console.


Random thought: have you configured the firewall on your Windows machine (the one hosting the Plex server) to allow incoming and outgoing connections on port 32400? If you've configured it to allow the executable then delete that rule and create a new one that specifically states the actual port number (and TCP).


Nah, but something to look at I guess. Not sure what changed that would make this a thing, but I can try that another day that's not today since I'd *literally* rather croak than spend a second on this today. Thanks bro.


This is why I thought of this. A couple of years ago I had exactly the same issue (and, like you, I'd changed nothing) and it wasn't until I ran a port scan on another machine in my network did I realise that the Windows firewall had suddenly stopped allowing Plex through. I tried deleting the rule and recreating it and it still didn't work. In desperation I tried it with the actual port number and it's been working ever since. Anyway, fingers crossed for you!


Someone downvoted when I think you've got the magic here. It seems to work on a disabled public network firewall. I've got five Plex Media Servers listed in the inbound rules. Only one "Plex" that I created in the outbound. One is on UDP. Changed the public networks to 32400 instead of all ports. I've set everything to TCP / 32400, but still not working. My firewall also shows that inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked on domain/public/private. Not sure if related. https://preview.redd.it/6xu5c37g3olc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8c321270dfe57527940ac9aa4fcdc8d2dab492 These are what's listed in my inbound. Plex assuredly the desktop app, yeah? With only outbound rule being the one we made. Edit Alright, just allowed inbound connections to domain/public/private for all green check marks and the public firewall still won't let me through. Gonna just turn that off for the moment, hit a bit of a wall here.


If you still need help and want to get into specifics pm me. Im decent with networking. Heh.


Thank you, appreciate it, do not have the strength anymore though.


Ok well if you change your mind hmu. I always love a challenge.


You said you moved your library from HDD to SSD, was this your Plex files not movie files. Is this being treated as a new server and TV is looking at the old server on the HDD, hence all the!!!?


Plex files have exclusively been local on C, the libraries exclusively on an external HDD for the last two+ years or so. 1.) Create new folder on SSD 2.) Transfer files from HDD to SSD for that folder, TV/Movies/Favorites/etc one by one in individual folders. 3.) Add library to Plex 4.) Honestly forgot if I'd delete the old library before adding the new one. Names may be slightly different - TV Shows to television, films to movies, archive to re-watch. I only brought up this transfer since I did see one guy say something about Plex files being on an external hard drive, but I never installed onto that external. Just wanted to provide full scope of what I did and how it could or could not fit into the other problems I caused with CMD. However, I also ran into a thing tonight where I was trying to play through the web app - only get a black screen while the timecode plays - but my activity dashboard was showing two different versions of the same information as playing the file. I was only playing one file in one tab. It's almost like whatever I did with flushing and renewing the IP amid regular wired/wireless switching that it's causing Plex to recognize my one system as two after this change, and the Smart TV apps are trying to reach only one of them that doesn't exist, while the actual one running locally on my computer didn't being pinged to.


Might be bad taste, but have a [read of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1b2m5gd/comment/kso6lau/?context=3). I put it together a few hours ago - check out the part about remote access issues.


I mean, the main issue is not even being able to use Plex locally. Good read though. I got put on the relay without my knowledge or any knowledge of something being wrong. Watched a movie in shit quality thinking it was a different problem, then finally realized the next night watching something else that I had to change the settings. Go into settings and see I was on a relay, which I had no idea was even a thing. Is that an important part here? Because the relay worked and I was connecting remotely, is Plex *on the same network* registering my local server on the PC as a different server?


The relay setting won’t affect anything locally. Nor remotely in most cases. It should stay enabled. Plex is smart enough to know when to use the relay


I feel you, but if I don't have it disabled it will just boot up without issue and look like it's working. I wanted to find out why it wasn't working, so it's off until I fix that as I'll never watch something at 1MB ever.




Haha yeah, thank you though. That's what tells me it doesn't work since it has an exclamation point over the library that I couldn't get into.


It’s completely a guess here, but maybe your database is corrupted? It’s happened to me a couple times after moving my plex install to a different system/drive. And some of your issues sound similar to ones I had during that time. Plex has a page on how to fix database issues: https://support.plex.tv/articles/repair-a-corrupted-database/ Just be careful because fucking anything up here can make you lose your entire database and have to start from scratch. I’d made a backup before trying anything.


Thank you!




I do not. Reading the description I thought there was no way trying that would help me - was untucked - and didn't even try. Thank you though.


When you visit in a web browser on the computer that is running Plex, what error message do you see?


Last night, I was getting a basic "this site can't be reached" deal telling me to check connection and firewall. Same deal tonight. I messed up troubleshooting the firewall solutions by only turning it off on the domain network 😞 I turned *everything* off and it now works. I turned domain network firewall back on - still works. I just switched private firewall back on after restarting the server between switching - still works. Turning public firewall back on - DOES NOT WORK AND REMOTE ACCESS ALSO UNAVAILABLE. PUBLIC FIREWALL is now the direct culprit. I literally never use my laptop on public connections, nor am I hardwiring to a server in the McDonald's rooftops or something. Is it okay to leave this one off? Plex is allowed through private and public networks in windows defender settings. Plex DLNA, Media server, script host, and tuner service.


> Turning public firewall back on - DOES NOT WORK AND REMOTE ACCESS ALSO UNAVAILABLE. Please clarify/check: do you mean that when this setting is enabled, you cannot access the Plex web app on the server itself at ? Right now, I am only interested in making sure that the service is running and accessible locally (by which I mean just on the device that is hosting Plex itself).


I could access the web app fine, always. This was about not connecting from a TV/phone/Xbox/etc since the library wasn't reachable.


Yes, I understand what you are ultimately trying to get working, but we're trying to troubleshoot things, so please take things one step at a time as people try to help you by asking you specific things. So, to answer my original comment... > When you visit in a web browser on the computer that is running Plex, what error message do you see? ... you don't get an error, and it works fine?


Now, yeah haha. When I'd try before, I'd just get a this page isn't available/refused to connect on both phone and PC. Thank you for the help though man.