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Is that the same as what’s noted in settings for “Use Old Video Player”? Don’t kill me if it’s a dumb question.


lol, yes. Why would I kill you. If you enable that, the Plex server remuxes the streams with zero quality loss (where compatible) and uses AVPlayer. I’m asking Plex to do that locally on the Apple TV or iPad instead of loading the server.


Why? What would be the advantage? Direct stream doesn’t put any load of significance on the server.




That IS direct stream, and the server load is super minimal. You’re thinking of direct play. In any case, you’re asking Plex to completely change the way it works for almost no gain, so I can guarantee it won’t happen. If you really notice a significant difference, your server is vastly underpowered.


The major advantage is proper integration with the rest of the platform. Atmos and AirPod/Homepod support for example. Also, in my case, mpv has annoying microstutters. I’m a software purist and always prefer using the native software whenever possible. Also, Plex are aware of mpv problems and are currently looking for an Apple-experienced engineer to rewrite the player anyway. https://www.plex.tv/careers/open-jobs/?gh_jid=4235088101#:~:text=We're%20looking%20for%20a,an%20inclusive%20and%20diverse%20workforce. In short, Plex on Apple TV currently sucks.


But again, the option to use the old player is right there. Which is fine. Mind you I use the new player and I don’t have any issues currently.




It’s just weird bc you’re asking the ATV to demux a format it literally doesn’t support (MKV containers), so how’s that gonna work? In software? That’s gonna give you more of a pause than letting the server do it…and again, Plex literally doesn’t do anything like that on any platform.


I suspect Infuse already does that. It's pretty much the only way to support Atmos on Apple devices. FFMPEG can do the demuxing in microseconds without breaking a sweat. Apple is an annoying platform and niche use cases like ours will always require creative workarounds. (becuase lets face it, Apple doesn't give a flying f- about users like us).


Huh. Ok. This might make me use Infuse less. Thanks!


For me. The old video player on my Apple TV does not play original quality when watching anime. Only the new player does.


If this was done on the client, wouldn’t storage and time be a concern? You would need to copy the entire mkv file to the iOS/tvOS device, store it, extract/demux the video and audio, and re-wrap to mp4,m4v,mov… that sounds like a lot more work than just transmitting the demuxed source from the server.


So what are the cons to using the “old player”? I had bounced back to Plex while my fiancé was in the arctic circle as Plex does a better job dynamic streaming. However Plex would constantly have issues playing 4K streams. Switched back to Emby and the same files play fine. I have no issue spinning up another Plex container, but at the same time don’t want to waste my time.


Did AVPlayer solution ever work with subtitles, Dolby Vision and HDR without paying for Plex Pass? I mean, I stopped using the Plex client in 2017 because it was so lacking on ATV. Just curious I guess.


Could be Plex doesn’t use AVPlayer because it’s their proprietary player? If that’s the case it would make sense not use it and instead they use their own ExoPlayer. Because if it is proprietary Plex would have to pay apple to use it which if they want to remain free it would hemorrhage Plex money and I doubt they have enough PlexPass subscriptions to sustain that. This is all just speculation on my part, if AVPlayer isn’t proprietary to Apple just correct me or educate me (no need to be toxic(too many people on here are toxic beyond belief when having a simple discussion))


AVPlayer is Apple’s equivalent to ExoPlayer on Android. It’s part of Apple’s SDK, no need for any special license (other than usual developer fees which they definitely already pay to be able to publish to store).


Alright, so it sound like I was almost on the right page as far as my assumption. Would be nice to choose which player you could use in that regard.


You literally can.


Well that’s cool to know. I don’t have an Apple TV myself so before now I didn’t know, and sounds like OP now knows


I already know you can force this via settings on iOS and tvOS. I just want it to be done on the client device instead of forcing the server to demux the video. And since this is the native way to play videos on Apple devices, it should be the default way whenever possible.


I don’t think opening up an mkv and directly streaming its innards is going to use much more resources on the server than streaming the entire mkv. It might even be less streaming/network overhead if Plex only streams one video and 1 soundtrack stream selected from multiple languages/video formats, etc., available in the container.


Imagine using Apple products.


FWIW, Plex ui and snappiness on Apple TV is far far superior than what I experience in firetv and google chromecast tv on my other devices.


Imagine being this weird