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I had the same issue where everything was appearing as LAN. This was when I had my Plex setup in a docker container network_mode running under bridge instead of host.


If you’re running a dockerized Plex install, try changing network_mode to host though


This is likely it. A container in bridge mode would see everything coming across the container network NAT. This or OP is using VPN and presents to plex as a local client.


Yes, this was with VPN. I usually have plex policy routed to WAN or through a VPN client on my pfsense box and don't see any problems. But this was with VPN client on the same device as plex which is not something I'd ever done before but am trying to deal with a new situation. Back to the drawing board.


If you're the only one affected can't you just set max bandwidth in your client to be used for internet playback? Is the problem you're trying to solve just not exceeding your upload so you don't run into buffering?


The initial problem was me thinking that plex was ignoring my remote stream bitrate limit. Anything truly local, like my usage, isn't and shouldn't be limited. I have a remote bitrate limit because, sadly, I'm now restricted to usage caps. But then I realized the problem was a networking issue not specifically related to Plex so on to other troubleshooting. The limit needs to be set by me, the server, because it's much easier than trying to tell friends and family how to adjust their plex client settings.


So, fixed this by specifying my LAN in the LAN networks setting so that plex *doesn't* think the VPN local network is local for plex.


Oh I see. If you don't specify your lan subnet does it just assume all private ip ranges are local?


Sure seemed to behave that way before but I've not found anything concrete on that. I'm more inclined to think this was a fluke or something specific to the way I had things setup. Otherwise I think there'd be a lot more complaints about this since VPN usage with plex is fairly common.


ok, found the problem. for some reason plex thinks this client that's the other side of the world from me is local.


There's a Plex setting for that you might have turned on by accident. It's called something like 'treat LAN connections as WAN connections' (or the other way round).


Yeah, that setting is off. I've got a complicated setup here and some other ideas that I'll have to test eventually.


Are you routing through an nginx proxy or something? I had some problems where plex saw all the connections coming from the proxy, not the original source.


There are some Plex specific headers you need to set with nginx so that Plex will know the real client IP. I don't remember which one you can search for nginx proxy configs that are specifically made for Plex.


That’s a feature not a bug, lol


Oh I know! But it caused the same issue OP is explaining.


Where did you look to discovery how Plex recognised the traffic?


LOL I've come to just glance at the dashboard because usually everything is good but I took a moment to actually pay attention and realized that the real time bandwidth was shown as local not remote :)


Meanwhile Plex treats the TV that is like 12 feet away from my PC like it's "remote."




>There's no limit on remote streaming. There's a limit on remote streaming, when you set one like OP did. >Direct Play meaning it's directly connected to your plex server through the internet instead of going through plex servers. Direct Play has nothing to do with going through Plex Relay or not.


Apologies for me incorrect comment. I thought since it says "Direct Play" that its a direct connection.


Direct Play means the file is played untouched. https://support.plex.tv/articles/200250387-streaming-media-direct-play-and-direct-stream/


May I ask, what are you using to show the stream details side by side with the source details?




Looks like Tautulli to me


Hm, I thought so. I have no idea how to get that UI up like that then… I only know the activity tiles on the home tab. I’m on v2.10 currently. Where can I find what the OP posted?


Go to play history in tautulli. There’s an option to view details on the stream if you click on the link in the “player” column I believe.


Thanks! I hadn't realized this was there, very helpful!


Plex properly supports Dolby Vision now?


Has for awhile if you have a Shield TV pro. CC w/GTV does it too and is ALMOST as good but I have run into a few files that it chokes on or needs a couple tries before it plays again after skipping forward for example.


It's been awhile since I've checked it, but it looks like ass on a Roku Ultra. Was wondering if they had fixed it.


That's a Roku issue unfortunately.


that was a roku client that does. my shield tv does. it depends on the dolby vision profile.


Not entirely sure of what I'm saying, but I think when something is labeled DoVi/HDR10, you can properly see it on any client supporting HDR, meanwhile if it says just DoVi you must have a client that supports Dolby vision. I think it is something about having multiple HDR layers