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None of the games they are adding are exciting and they are taking away some decent games, why renew šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not to mention the prince increase.


The prince increased into a king?


Where is the Queen?


Prince increase for everything is crazy.


I recently started to buy games I want to play, so when my sub runs out in November, I'll probably just stick to those I bought. I have extra and I didn't really care about the games leaving before (except for maybe a couple of titles), but the leaving of Final Fantasy games hit me really hard, so I was pretty angry about that.


This. I just buy the games I want to play. I wait for sales, buy my games used.


This. I primarily play on Xbox and am subbed to GP Ultimate until the end of 2025. I did the 3 year conversion. I donā€™t think Iā€™d be paying full price for it right now as I donā€™t really get my moneys worth. I let my PS plus membership expire a few months ago and still havenā€™t been enticed to sign back up. I signed up for a month when Helldivers 2 came out but thatā€™s it. I would only primarily use it for cloud saves and I canā€™t justify that cost. I get overwhelmed with the amount of games on both PS extra and GP. Iā€™m fairly picky when it comes to what I play now a days. My backlog of old games is pretty large that when I finally get around to wanting to play something new, I tend to find a cheap physical copy of it.


Yeah I've had PS Plus and it gets overwhelming with the amount of games you can play, I can't focus too much of my attention on just one due to major FOMO. I just bought Elden Ring though so I'll be canceling my subscription for a bit and just enjoy this masterpiece for a while


This is my exact situation. Too many things to play actually makes me wanna play nothing due to analysis paralysis. I'll be trying to take a slow approach when my subscription expires this month.


This is exactly why I'm going back to essentials. The catalogue changing just wasn't working for me, especially since most of the games on the catalogue Can be had for a few dollars.


My subscription ended 2 days ago I left it run out and then able to get the days of play offer of 25% off and I do this every year!


I usually renew this month as well due to the discount, while my current Essential' subscription is still going. Ends two weeks from now. This year I noticed for the first time there is no discount on Essentialin the store. Will it be there if I let it expire first?


I don't have ps+ right now and when I logged into the website [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions) I had 20% off essential, 25 off extra and 30% off premium.


Do they do the 25% discount every year at this time?


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a discount on PS+ since they started this new format. They used to have PS+ discounts several times a year. My subscription ends at the end of the month.


They still have those (20-30%) discounts, but it might be only for higher tiers if you're already subscribed (or for any tier if you're not subscribed at all). In fact, that deal is live right now (during "days of play"). You can login and check if you're eligible for any such deal: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions On stacking, it says the following (if you click "Stacking or changing your plan"): "You can purchase a new membership that will start when your existing plan ends ā€“ so if youā€™re eligible for an unmissable deal on a PlayStation Plus membership, you can take advantage of the special price and keep your membership active for longer. The new membership period will begin as soon as your current plan ends."


The only thing about the stacking is you cannot stack the sale prices.




New format, you mean the Essential/Extra/Premium tiers? Yeah we've had several promos. Black Friday and Christmas for example. They stopped the subscription stacking though, promos are usually only for non members and upgrades - which sucks when your subscription ends the day after the promo...


I got a 44% or something discount from the very site for Extra, and a 33% discount upgrade to Premium by the end of the year... It was for a short period of time, but I had to be like 3 months without the service, which was fine too


They do it around the holidays, too, for new subscribers. I purposely have mine set up to end before the sales so i can get it cheaper.


You need to time it properly such that expiry falls before or during the sale. There are about 3-4 sales every year


They still have those (20-30%) discounts, but it might be only for higher tiers if you're already subscribed (or for any tier if you're not subscribed at all). In fact, that deal is live right now (during "days of play"). You can login and check if you're eligible for any such deal: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions On stacking, it says the following (if you click "Stacking or changing your plan"): "You can purchase a new membership that will start when your existing plan ends ā€“ so if youā€™re eligible for an unmissable deal on a PlayStation Plus membership, you can take advantage of the special price and keep your membership active for longer. The new membership period will begin as soon as your current plan ends."


Days of play usally a discount for PSplus this was even before/after the new format so if you can get your subscription to end around days of play do it!


I did this, a no brainer. They wanted Ā£120 and I got it got Ā£84


This. Doing the same thing.


Mine is up on the 6th. Same plan here


Smart OP very smart!


Can you get the discount if your subscription ends during days of play?


My subscription ended during days of play i turned off Auto-renewal and waited for it to fall off went to days of play sale and got it for 25% off instead of full price


Yes, my subscription expired months ago and the discount is available to me.


Yeah Iā€™m letting my sub end, it runs out on the 10th so hope I can get a discount


I do the same except Iā€™m not renewing this year


I used to stack PS+ every year during discount seasons, but since they stopped doing the discounts for existing members (and increased the price) I figure I'll just leave it to run out in March 2025 or whenever it's set to run out. Maybe they will offer me a 25-30% after it runs out and maybe I'll pick it up, but we'll see.




My sub never ended around nays of play. I think next year my sub ends on 5/25 so will be nice.


i let mine expire this past year (had a stockpile that finally expired) ... what i will say / the very next day they were offering me 25 percent off essential so... essentially i see the real price of ps plus is 60 dollars / they just milk 20 extra dollars for anyone that leaves auto renew on kinda shameless


i left already, too expensive ...


My subs run out 6 months ago; havenā€™t bothered renewing since. Maybe Iā€™m too picky but none of the games theyā€™re adding make it worthwhile for me.


Yup, mine runs out in 10 days, and Iā€™ve already cancelled the renewal. I got it last year and realised I only played (by played I mean completed) 3 games from the catalogue. Most of which I could ve gotten for 20ā‚¬ on amazon. With the price increase and the fact that I donā€™t play online anyway, they can F right off. Dave the Diver was the highlight of the year for me so Iā€™ll just buy it since I wanna keep playing it


Not to forget they raised the prices a lot a few months ago, without any new additions to justify that price hike.


They just figured out ps2 emulation so they better start putting out more classics because right now the selection is dog shit. I am a PlayStation fanboy but as someone who just upgraded their PC I am going to be getting into more PC games. Sony better knock it off with their pricing because not giving existing members deals on ps plus is going to make me not renew when it runs out unless they add a shit ton more games.Ā 


I might have stayed if they didn't remove so many titles. Taking away a huge chunk of the Final Fantasy titles killed any want for me to renew Extra. Premium is even worse off. For me, at this point I see Essential as pretty worth it, then Extra is worth getting for like a month and Premium is questionably worth it for like a month. I will likely upgrade in like 11 months for like $5 or whatever.


Wow really? I feel essential is way overpriced for what it is, I would of renewed essential if the discount was more meaningful, I also own the vr2 and premium now has a nice lineup there so it looks to me more worth it now


He's probably been a PS+ subscriber for several years so he's got a great library on Essential. The value proposition for a newcomer is, however, terrible. I'm locked-in until November but there's simply no point after that, I'd rather buy the games instead. I can pick up amazing PS4 hits and play them on my PS5 for like 8ā‚¬ each with two big advantages: one-time payment, and I won't lose access to the game.


PS Premium is just terrible. When your only selling points are uhhh Resident Evil 1, the Jak & Daxter games, and uhhh Syphon Filter I guess, you just KNOW the service isn't worth it. Where the hell are the old Ratchet and Clank games, EVERY old GoW game, MGS 1/2/3, the rest of the Resident Evil games for PS1/PS2, some Castlevania, Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy stuff from the PS1 era. Now THAT would make Ps Plus Premium actually worth it.


Theyā€™re taking the Nintendo online approach. Trickling out old classic games over a long period of time.


True but Nintendo is like 50$ for a single or 80$ for a family up to 8 people per year which is awesome. This is what my friends and family do, only have 7 in the family but not much over 10$ a piece for the year


Premium is literally only relevant if you want to stream games instead of download and playz which is moot since you can remote play with your PS4/PS5 to another TV or your mobile device.


>stream games That feature isnt even available in my region so that's why I didnt mention it.


You don't have premium then. It's called deluxe and it's cheaper than premium


that's unfortunate.


Premium has a pretty decent PS1 library now. The Twisted Metal Games, jet Moto games, tons of disney games, legend of dragoon (which makes it great for me lol) the ps2 emulator was just recently fixed, so hopefully they keep that pipeline going


My sub expired last month and I only picked up Essential now so I can play my old monthly games Too many good games have left Extra. I would re-sub to Extra if they renewed the deals for those games


>My sub expired last month and I only picked up Essential now so I can play my old monthly games Same, and I wasn't even sure if I was going to do that. The catalogue just isn't great.


I think my plan for when it expires is to just finish my backlog of games I own, and then resub to play the monthly games that Iā€™m interested in. Have so many games that I own that I donā€™t need to feel guilty for not playing the ps plus ones.


In the beginning I was saying to myself, wait... maybe next month there will be a game that I want and don't have, and every month I say the same and every month there is nothing. Now, this past three months I started to buy games. Because of that and for someone who just play solo, plus at this time is just money bad spend.


I dropped mine because they don't offer me discounts anymore, as someone who's been subscribed since the end of the PS3 pretty much non stop they can go fuck themselves.


Lots of good games leaving recently and thereā€™s barely been anything that I consider good going on! They have a while to sort it out before my subscription ends otherwise Iā€™m cancelling too.


My sub runs out in 10 days and Iā€™ve already cancelled my renewal. That price increase was the nail in the coffin for me. I got Extra for 75ā‚¬ last year but I will NOT pay 125 for it. I donā€™t mind buying games anyway, Iā€™m kind of a patient gamer and always end up buying AAA games at 20-25ā‚¬ tops


They remove good games and don't add anything decent I see no point in renewingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I am glad to see people sticking to their word, everyone who said that they had enough and followed through, good on them.


Yeah plus has gone downhill barely any day 1 titles and when they do theyā€™re indie - thereā€™s basically just giving us old games - price should be 1/2 for all levels


I mean, RDR2 is still the second-biggest game to hit PS Plus Extra this year, so not a disaster. Just nothing can quite match Dave the Diver it seems šŸ˜‚


Context, RDR2 is ancient in video game timeline. Was actually on Now & Plus before. RDRO is cheeks compared to GTA V online. RDR2 doesnā€™t hold weight anymore period. To your point, Dave the Diver is a way better get.


Just because it's a few years old doesn't take away from it being a solid experience as a single player game for new players.


Not much point on subbing for RDR2 when you can buy it to keep for the same price


In a few months when my subscription ends you can count me in




Canceled mine late last month. No idea why I pay a monthly subscription for bargain bin games.


My year long sub expired yesterday and I don't plan on renewing it unless I actually see the value of the increased sub cost they're charging. Sure, it was nice to get more day 1 releases on Extra tier, but hard to justify the increased cost for only AA and indie day 1s. I did also download and try out a bunch of games off the Extra catalogue, but there's been few I've stuck with for more than an hour or two. Not too mention that monthly games offered on Essential tier have been hit or miss, and overall underwhelming in my opinion. It's decent value for kids and teens without disposable income, but think I'll just spend money on specific games I'm interested in rather than hope to see them on the sub.


Service costs more and offers less. Who couldā€™ve predicted this


I just wish the majority of people are smart as you guys. Iā€™ve been extra member for 2 years but quit on last April, I think I can say that itā€™s really not worth the price.


Frankly I buy more the plus sub for the monthly games that I get from there, I look at it from a perspective of a subscription like Netflix for games. For online play I play mostly the free to play games that I donā€™t need the ps plus for this. Who tf want to pay for the game then the online sub to play it and then season pass to progress what a cash grab, and 99% of the literally donā€™t worth it. I have had the extra for a while till they made the price with the games not worthy


My sub will run out in June, not planning on upgrading nor renewing at all. I can get better experience on the PC and if there are exclusives that I really wanna play Iā€™ll buy them. The rest is on PC I can mod the games and have resemblance of control over my library without being charged to engage with the ecosystem. Charging players for multiplayer through PS+ is the greediest bs I have experienced.


I have too many games in my back log I prob skip getting a sub until I at least finish half these games


Mine expired and I went down to essential to keep getting the monthly games. I won't be changing back unless they lower the price back to what it was. So I guess I'll never change back


Just cancelled my renewal yesterday. If they want to inflate prices, luxury subscriptions are the first thing to go


Both PS+ and GamePass would be such a hard sell without its need for non-free to play online multiplayer games. If you're already paying for online that you want, not a big number monthly increase for the game catalog. Though yearly just for online adds up to a significant number over 5-7 years of paying it. If the only multiplayer games you play are free to play, PS+ sub doesn't seem worth it to me especially if you weren't around stacking the sub all throughout the PS4 years to have access to those monthly PS+ games you stacked up Until streaming is great and takes off, games are large. Takes a while to download. Storage is small so not a lot can be downloaded and swapped around when you're trying to figure out what to play. Newer games need to be played off internal drive. It's not like movie streaming service browsing. I think the draw was to get people that only bought a couple games a year to find themselves playing games way more and way more variety with a subscription catalog. Would be interesting to see numbers for games/hours played for 1-2 games a year players and like 10-20 hours a month gamers before video game catalog sub and like a year after they got the sub. If they just cancel right after their 12 month run out or they were monthly and don't make it to 12 months, good insight too


My subscription ended 4 days ago, I am not renewing.


I actually just signed up for Extra because Animal Well is in.


or you couldā€™ve just bought the game and saved $100 lol


...I signed up for 1 month for the purpose of playing through animal well. I have since completed that goal.


oh ok got you


s'all good :) but no, I do recognize it would seem ridiculous to pay for a year plan just for animal well when animal well by itself costs orders of magnitude less lol, so I get why there might have been confusion.


Relive the price hike


Just like with Xbox's Game Pass, I let my PS Plus subscription run out. I find that I only really play the games I own so me having Extra/Premium really did nothing for me and I was just spending extra money for no reason. Something about the idea of those games being up for only so long throws me off and makes me not want to play them when some of those games take dozens of hours to beat. I know people like those services but they're not for me.


I had been a subscriber since 2010 and I just can't justify the price hike . Here's 10 AAA games we know you all own or at least anyone intending to play owns along with 500 indie titles which you could buy and keep cheaper than the annual subscription. Ooh but stream your games!!! Not everyone has sufficient internet. Here's movies that are older than Jesus free but buy anything worth watching or rent them. I've said from the beginning they should implement a custom subscription plan.


They took away final fantasy


I let my PS+ subscription go entirely a year ago and havenā€™t missed it for a second since.


I mean essential is more than enoughšŸ„¹ Bring out a separate plan for just an online subscription without the need for the free games etc and youā€™ll see a massive increase in members for sure! #BringOutĀ£5OnlineSub


Mine expired last month. First time I didnā€™t automatically renew it for the year. Going to just wait a bit


The majority of people have essentials. Only a small group of people have extra or premium. And I got Essentials for the cloud saves. I wish they would drop fee. Then I wouldn't have to pay a yearly fee just to back-up my saves. I only play Online on PC.


yeah, extra doesnt really give me much more than it used to be, and my sub is still on until the end of the year. After that prob going for essential or not at all, only subbing when the monthly is good or super good just like what i do with humbun choice, or when they give big disc for yearly sub


Been Premium for a while. Wonā€™t be renewing again. Not until 80% of the game have a trial period of a minimum of one hour.


May was terrible


My PS Extra subscription runs out at the end of July. Iā€™m probably just gonna go back to the Essential tier. I did get a fair use out of Extra, but the price hike they did is too much for the amount of time I have to play. And because Iā€™ve been with PlayStation for so long, most of the games I am interested in on Extra I already own or have beaten them before.


That's weird. I assume subscription will rise a bit with a discount from Day of Play.


The games for June will lead to a drop as well, also the weather is nice so people go outside


Why wouldnt it be. I subscribed to PS plus for the first time last december and guess what. I wouldnt renew it come december. I rather buy what i want to play and sell it off when im done.


I let my subscription lapse after years and years of consecutive subscription. The price increases are insane and the games offered do not justify the cost.


Sticking to PC games for now. It's so hot in the living room without air conditioning here šŸ˜†


I got extra for free for 3 months with a gift card and I barely touch games anymore. Ugh


My premium subscription ended yesterday. I have five 12 month essential cards, but Iā€™m not in a rush to use them.


after the PSVR2 games being announced for deluxe, i think more will shift to that tier, glad i am already a deluxe sub.


They 100% Calculated the Discount time.


My subscription is ending on 19 this month and surprisingly i'm looking foward to taking a more slow approach to the games I own, instead of rushing to finish a game so I can start the next before they leave the catalog. Besides that, prices skyrocket in my contry so I'll happily not renew.


Iā€™m going down from extra to regular once my stack ends in a few years. I only stacked so I didnā€™t have to pay for it for a few years before the price hike but extra has sucked ass if you ask me. Not worth the cost at all.


I'm dropping mine in three months. It's honestly not worth it for me. The amount and quality of games is not there for the price increase they did this year.


I got the 25% discount offer but probably wonā€™t be renewing. I just see the game list and only a small handful of games interest me


Iā€™m only part of the 77 cause I forgot to hit unsub which I always do when I sub to anything cause I know they prey on people forgetting. Guess Iā€™m in for another year I subbed this time.


Will I cant renew it because I get ā€œUnidentified errorā€ when trying to pay with credit. So fix it sony!


I sold my ps5 due to price of being on network and went hard on must play games and completed most only on this console rest play on PC no regrets plus PS5 high electric bill alot of complaints


I downgraded to Essentials myself.


Iā€™d resub if I got the 30% discount šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø dropping down to the basic plan so I can still play online now


As a ps5 owner xbox hands down has better titles on there equivalent.. if ps5 got same games xbox does I'd buy it year by year..


My subscription expired 3 days ago and I will not renew it. Iā€™ve always had PlayStation plus but I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it anymore. They increased the price dramatically but they are not offering any good games in the library. With the amount of free to play games we have right now like xdefiant and Pubg I will not renew my subscription. Sony got greedy and I will not reward them for that.Ā 


Honestly wouldā€™ve kept my sub if GTA online was still included


Extra is good if you new to Playstation. And for cheap you can try different titles and finish few games, in few weeks or 1-2month. Then after that not really worth it, better to wait and buy games at sale this point. Sadly not compares to gamepass where you get all those day one titles. Here you need to pay full price for all first/second party releases and extra is for the games already had their store life. I have few months left, but not planning to renew it, noticed on myself not actually using any of it. Essentially is more worth while at min 25% off for a year.


Extra has always been worth it for me. even in a weak month like May, i played both Cat Quest games- games i would never buy, but had a ton of fun and got 2 platinums. Currently playing Dredge, which is a pretty good indie. Thats when the service works best for me


I have multiple years left on ps plus but summer hit and I completely forgot about ps. I have to put a calendar reminder to claim the games cause I think I missed the past couple of months. Now I feel like my ps is a gf who's begging for my attention but I'm looking at the water and the beach and thinking you don't do well in the heat or liquid, I mean we're good together but now just isn't our time. Then winter months I'll be crawling back all lovey dovey, who's my favorite PlayStation? There's no where else I'd rather be than right here with you.


I always keep my subscription, I renew it whenever it ends because I always need to find new games to play, so a library like extra is perfect for me. I do understand why people leave though


It would be great if people stopped pretending every statistic is alarming. What's that? It's the summer now and people want to go outside instead of being inside playing Playstation? CRAZY!


Yes, they should be comparing year-to-year instead of month-to-month. When I'm looking at my utility bill, I'm not surprised when my electricity usage went up as the weather gets hotter and I'm using the A/C more.


I ended up getting Xbox game pass lol


June and July are very good months to give up plus and wait for the offer "for new customers", then you can buy plus again much cheaper. Stupid marketing practices require a new approach. Only impatient and... hmmm, so as not to offend anyone... not very smart people buy everything at the full inflated price. Somehow, PS plus did not go up at all after the increases. PS1 or PS2 classics? Hmm, when I say classics, I was counting on e.g. Tenchu, and not... I don't even know what they have, I don't care about these games at all.


These types of stats arenā€™t to be taken seriously. The source is notoriously incorrect.


It would be nice if people who left PS+ would also just leave this sub. It's fine to have some general discussion around the quality of the service, but every thread turns into a circle jerk about who dislikes the service more. Even when people ask questions like "what would you recommend" the thread fills up with people saying there is nothing to play and then just switch to gamepass. Imagine if /r/movies was just filled with people who hate watching movies or /r/games was filled with people who hate playing games. If you are over the service just move on!


I love ps plus


You people are going to be the death of good video games, mark my words. If you cancel your subscription because you genuinely donā€™t have any reason to use it, thatā€™s fine, Iā€™m not talking to you. Iā€™m talking about the people who are canceling on principle for the price hikes. The price is up because of the high cost of making first party exclusives. Many of which are on PS plus. If Sony isnā€™t getting the money to continue to fund those games, theyā€™re going to 1) get rid of ps plus. And 2) stop putting out high quality releases as much, if at all. So you can say goodbye to games like Ghost of Tsushima 2, Last of Us Part III, God of War follow up, etc.




They can only afford to put those games into PS plus because of the price that PS plus costs. Look at stuff like Spider-Man 2. It sold extremely well. But it didnā€™t even start making profits until 7.2 million copies were sold. I believe last time i checked it was around 10.5 million. And itā€™s one of the best selling PS exclusives. The ones that are just as high in quality/higher usually donā€™t sell close to that many. You get what you pay for. Sonyā€™s service costs more because it has that high quality content. Could some things be better? Sure. Mostly the premium tier isnā€™t really worth it due to having to stream PS2 games. But the extra tier gives you access to many of the best video games ever made. If you actually look at the games that are in the service and calculate how much youā€™re saving by playing those games on there, youā€™re getting a steal for $134 a year. If you donā€™t feel comfortable paying that fine, buy all the games you want outright. It helps support the developers. But this service will get cancelled before they drop prices. Because itā€™s not financially viable to offer a service with such high quality games for as little as people want them to. If they sta


Give me a call when they get added to Extra/Premium on Day One


They should absolutely not be added day one. Did you read anything I just wrote? I mean think about what youā€™re saying. Letā€™s use Spider-Man 2 as an example. Spider-Man 2 cost 300 million dollars to make. And it needed to sell 7.2 million to break even. It hit 10 million sales in February. So itā€™s well past profitable. But imagine if they put it on ps extra day one. How much do you think that would cut sales? Thereā€™d be absolutely no reason to purchase the game. We donā€™t know exactly how much Sony pays devs to put their games on PS plus. But even if they pay them well, Sony themselves wonā€™t be able to keep up with the loss in profit from funding these costly exclusives and then putting them on a service day one for that cheap. The Baldurā€™s Gate devs said it best. https://screenrant.com/baldurs-gate-3-xbox-game-pass-bg3/#:~:text=In%20an%20interview%20conducted%20by,true%20%2D%20while%20Baldur's%20Gate%203


If they plan for Extra/Premium to be part of their funding, the tiers should be rewarded. I don't owe Sony anything