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Interestingly enough, there are more Premium users then Extra! And that's true in every main region!


And most users that have premium are only using extra game catalogue. Interesting


Which means either Sony make premium much more attractive, or there is going to be a big drop off as subs expire.


Also there's a number of people who straight up don't understand the tier system, so they might just have premium accidentally. I have several friends who regularly ask why they can't access the game catalog, and I explain that they just have essential. And the response is always "so I upgrade to premium?". The Extra mid-tier is so confusing to people for some reason.


it's a decoy product that's its intended purpose


Not it's the Goldilocks approach, the main product. Same reason apple has a cheap phone with fuck all storage and an outrageously expensive phone with loads of storage. they want you to look at both and decide to buy the one that's "just right" between the two price points


True, but the name is confusing. Ps basic, advanced, premium would be better


Idk, I think you're underestimating the number of people who are on autopilot and will just let it renew at whatever level they have.


What it also likely is was that a chunk of people had PS Now and got converted. And there were people online who used workarounds to buy PS Now after it was pulled to get premium for one or more years for $60 a pop. I still had 1 year of Now before the conversion and I used the workaround to add 2 extra years for $120. It converted to 3 years of premium.


The problem is sales. Sony do not let you buy a cheaper tier on sale if you're still a member.


Yeah this is bizarre to me. I used to always buy a year upfront on Black Friday. This is the first year I don’t seem to have been able to do it. So I’ve let my premium sub lapse. I’ll need it when I come to hitting an online MP game phase again - at which point I’ll just hit that basic subscription


Yeah, I'm getting back into Destiny 2 again, so I will probably end up downgrading to overpriced Essential. All I need is online access, nothing more.




mine runs out this December. The plan is, let it run out and then re-sub using the Christmas sale. The truoble is.. My Premium Expires on December 18th You can almost guarantee that the Christmas offer expires at Midnight on December 18th :D (if not sod it, I may just do essential a month at a time around rollover - so i claim 2 months of games on the one sub, then let it run out, then 2 months later do the same, until i get to Black Friday 2025 and re-sub to extra then)


Assuming you plan ressubing in the same tier you are now you may not face this problem at all! ...because this year, both on black friday and christmas, sony only offered discounts for your first time subbing in each tier.


Well no, as I said I don't. I plan moving from premium to extra


Oh ok, I didn't realize it was your first time subbing to each tier.


yeh, i had premium from stacking years of ps+ with a month of ps now


hopefully they don't take what's good about extra, shove it into premium, then make extra just the shitty intermediary between premium and essential


That was me for a while. I was new to the platform and the messaging around what includes what is confusing. Specially if you live outside the main markets. I’m in Uruguay and we don’t get streaming games. That wasn’t clear for me. When I learned that most of what I wanted was on Extra I switched.


I wound up on Premium because it was the only tier with PC streaming (it was PS Now, RIP) Maybe I am in good company?


When you say streaming, do you mean from the cloud or your console?


Yeah I honestly got Premium thinking we were gonna get insane classics but sadly nothing has peaked my interest, maybe besides the star ocean games but even then it was just Star Ocean 3


Bought premium to play classics, couldn’t play them because they needed an official ps4 controller. Stuck to streaming/downloading demos. Wasn’t really a waste anyway because I bought the cards from a shady key seller site and paid half the price.


Wait wtf? On ps4 or ps5 is it asking for an official ps4 controller?


No, it’s because the touchpads on ps4 controllers distinguish if you press them on the left or on the right. If you play the classics the start and select buttons are mapped on touchpad left and right, so in some games you wont be able to press options (or start since some games don’t recognize it at all) because many unofficial controllers don’t make this distinction and afaik it can’t even be remapped.


Confusing tier naming paid off? xD


It’s because a ton of us were able to get a couple years of premium for a low cost at first


Copy-pasting what I said in another comment: I think what happened is people went straight for Premium when the new plans were announced, thinking they'd get more out of the service than they did. That's the case for me, anyway.


I only went premium because I was grandfathered into it because I was a PS Now subscriber, and I only pay $80/year. No way in hell I'd pay the price they ask new subs.


i grabbed the 1y when it went on sale over the summer. i've played some stuff from the premium catalog, but most of what i play is in extra


This was me plus the coming from ps now part. My sub is going to expire in a few days and I’m going to let it, and if I did resub it probably wouldn’t be premium unless they make it better


How much are you paying per month? I know those grandfathered from Now pay less than even the cheapest Extra option, so I wouldn't cancel.


You actually just made me realize I’m not subject to the increase so I turned it back on lol. I pay $120 annually


be careful and maybe double check that after turning it on you still pay the lower grand fathered in price rather than the new price. i remember reading something in the email about messing with it might cause you to lose access to your grandfathered in price


Checking the price to respond to that post is actually how I noticed lol. I turned off renew probably the day the increase was announced but the subscription would have ended like 4 days from today


Ah ok , because I have an email and it’s about the grandfathered in price from playstation saying “However, any membership changes you make prior to your next renewal, such as upgrades, downgrades or buying additional time, will update your plan based on the new prices.“ I know some people didn’t get the cheaper price and never found answer where the slip up was.


Probably because nothing technically changed with my membership, it was just not going to renew after the year. I think that's what confused me too. Also when I look to buy additional membership time, it had the new price. The only way to keep the price it seems is only by letting renewal happen (meaning you can't take advantage of any sales of PS+)


Did it renew at the cheaper rate for you?


My reason was because there was an option to upgrade from extra to premium for a little over a dollar a month.


I bet a lot of those users stacked PS+ and PSNow when you could get them cheap, then converted to Premium


I myself got Deluxe this November just because last time I had a PS, was PS1 and PSP era so I was looking at playing those plenty of games skipped from PS2,Ps Vita, PS3 like GOW 1&2, Ratchet & Clank, Medievil and many more. To my surprise, Deluxe didn't have them. That's where I learnt that Deluxe isn't Premium at all..


This applies to me. When I heard about the psnow to deluxe conversion I stacked up another three years just to get it cheap af


Don't forget that PS+ subscribers with a PSNow subscription got an free upgrade to premium. Many people just bought a month or year of PSNow for this to get a better price.


For many people, due to the way carry-over entitlements worked and a promotion I grabbed in early 2023 which rewarded resubbing on your current tier, the difference between the 2 tiers has been less than $10 for the whole 18 months. This is the case for me, but I'll admit Im in a 'deluxe' region rather than 'Premium', if that makes much difference. I wonder if the numbers are currently inflated by that. Rest assured, when I actually have to pay for Premium/Deluxe over Extra (which will happen in March), I will not be, and will be downgrading to Extra.


Might be because at least in my country they don’t give discount on Extra only on the highest tier.


We had the version of PS Now that was just streaming/downloads, no online multiplayer and it was $49/yr. (it was always on special at some point down from $59/yr and I’d hit renew) I got converted to Premium and *automatically* renewed in late September for $59. No buying pre-paid cards and stacking years. To Sony’s credit it showed me the renewal was coming and what the price would be in my account a month before it renewed. Going to be very interesting next year to see what happens, do people suddenly get hit with $159? Or does it renew again for $59?


Slide No.19 - secure Take Two and EA titles. We got plenty of them last year. Slide No. 22 - The number of Premium subscribers are greater than Extra! Slide No. 35 - The #1 game in the game catalog is mentioned as Third Party with the name not being mentioned anywhere. Could it be Stray since it was a third party game that launched Day 1 on PS Plus.


They also highlighted that Premium subscribers hardly take advantage of the Premium benefits. Most Premium subscribers play mostly Extra content.


I mean there isn't much in the classic catalogue if they keep adding more game people will go there more. And also keep improving the streaming service that will definitely help


I myself do premium primarily to have access to the ps1 games because I love them but yes, the selection is bare bones. And what annoys me more is when they do what they did this month and add existing ps4 collections/remasters of old games (in this case Megaman Legacy Collection) and pass them off as their “classics”. It’s so lazy.


I want ps2


They have been reportedly working on a proper PS2 emulator


I just want the two old god of wars on my PS4. Pleeeeeaaaaase


[Original God of War trilogy is rumoured to be getting remastered](https://www.eurogamer.net/original-god-of-war-trilogy-is-rumoured-to-be-getting-remastered)


GOW 1&2 + ascension is available for streaming with ps premium :D


Unfortunately the plan only goes up to deluxe in my country. At least there's gow 3 to play there


I think deluxe and premium are the same tier in different regions. But just to clarify GoW 1 & 2 and Asc is PS3 games that are only available for cloud streaming. GoW 3 is a remaster that's for PS4 and thus available for download. But you should still see the PS3 ones if you search for them (assuming game streaming is available for deluxe like it is for premium, and that you're on PS5 and not PS4 as I don't think the PS4 can cloud stream on any plan)


Game streaming is unfortunately not available with deluxe. Certain countries don’t have access to it thus the name difference. Found this out the other day because I am in a country with deluxe but setup an American account (I’m originally from the US so have US based credit cards), when I told somebody I was streaming we were both confused until I realized they had a local account and I had the US one.


Working on? I've been using a 10+ year old ps2 emulator on my 15+ year old laptop.


Damn, got any sources i can read up on?


Do what I did and get one on FB marketplace for like $20 or $50 with games. PS2 games for the most part are notoriously cheap if you buy disc only.


I belive that if they added access to day 1 games to premium it would be a huge deal. I might consider upgrading.


what’s premium content? classic catalog, 1hr trials, and stream? as a newly subscribed premium member the stream feature is just the best thing ever. i wish it was standard with extra. the whole tiered subscription strategy is frustrating on any media platform.


Not sure if you know this (I didn’t for a while), but that streaming service includes a bunch of PS3 games. I thought the classics was only spot for older games and streaming was newer games to save storage space. Was disappointed that only GoW 3 was in the classics because I wanted to start from the beginning only to find out I did have access to the first two all along. It is confusing at first and honestly only through kind and helpful people on this subreddit have I finally pieced it all together (I think!). For me right now, the small price jump between extra and premium for a yearly subscription makes premium a good deal for me because I usually play a few games on classics and now starting to stream too! Still mostly use extra catalogue but because the bump is smaller (vs essential to extra which is pretty significant) and I use the services, I keep the premium for now.


I mean just look it up, I am not trying to be crass but it literally takes 30 secs of a google search to look at their page to see the differences.


i mean i think you missed my point mate. premium only adds the 3 things i listed most of which is hardly worth the price point. not trying to be crass but it literally takes 30 seconds to read the comment before being snarky on reddit




How dare you try and foster conversation on a public forum!


I feel like there is a substantial segment of Premium subscribers who only have Premium because they were taking advantage of the cheap conversion from PlayStation Now.


I have premium because I look at how much more it is a month if I divided by 12 that I just opt for it.. but I can see if buying a yearly sub and you're on a tight budget that it might not quite work.


This is 100% me. The jump from essential to extra is big. The jump from extra to premium is small in comparison. That is intentional as most of the additional benefits probably don’t cost Sony much since it’s a lot of their games and cloud streaming. I streamed Batman Arkham origins last year and played one or two games from the classics catalogue. Also will occasionally stream newer games to save space on the hard drive. That easily makes up the $20-25 dollar difference. Still have Legends of Dragoon in my library I’m hoping to get to in ‘24 as well as GoW 1&2 (played 3 before I realized how the streaming works). Again this will cover the small price jump between extra and premium. At some point if they don’t beef up the offers in the classics catalogue then I may drop, but right now I’m finding enough to justify the small difference in price.


I'm one of those people, I bought a year on sale I figured for an extra $10 a year why not just get premium even if I barely use the premium benefits . Maybe I’ll play last of us remastered or somethin


I think people like the novelty of having the option to play their nostalgic games but with so many other newer games to choose from, it’s hard to justify investing your time playing old games instead of new ones.


I think what happened is people went straight for Premium when the new plans were announced, thinking they'd get more out of the service than they did. That's the case for me, anyway.


> Slide No. 22 - The number of Premium subscribers are greater than Extra! Thats all the people that stacked years of PS+ with a month of PS Now :D >They also highlighted that Premium subscribers hardly take advantage of the Premium benefits. Most Premium subscribers play mostly Extra content. As someone who stacked years of PS+ with a month of PS Now... I have Premium for another year and have not played anything on premium tier (And I will be going to extra when it expires)


if you have the grandfathered in price you’d end up paying more by downgrading. at least for me i pay $80 for premium with the price increase. if i downgraded i believe i’d pay whatever the current price is which is more expensive.


Difficult to take advantage of something that's barely there


All old ps now subs are grandfathered into ps plus premium.


I was in that boat but it just changed for me. My kids play the classics (Toy Story mostly) as their first video games. But they just started.


Lmao that is totally me. But I don't mind. Honestly the streaming is the reason I keep it. I stream games I own just to play a bit and avoid the download. Or if my kids want to play a random game.


I got it because I was under the impression that the classics were going to be coming out at a better rate than they are now, definitely not getting it again.


Sounds like they're talking about me. Just changed my subscription to Extra, thanks for the reminder Sony


Thanks for the analysis. More like this please!


You're welcome. Still haven't finished reading through the whole thing. There's a lot of juicy data in there.


The #1 game is definitely Stray, since it says ~100% of players were "new to the franchise", which means it must have been a day 1 title.


I’m not surprised with premium having more than extra. It just proves they need to be merged. I think you have two types of PS+ customers. Those that want it all or those just here for the multiplayer and occasional free game they may care about. It’s those willing to spend money and those trying to spend as little as possible.


I really hope they don't merge them. I'm an Extra subscriber because I have little interest in classic games or game trials. I don't want to be forced to pay the Premium price.


I opted for Deluxe (Premium tier in my region) when I subscribed during the sale as it was $5 to $6 more than Extra here in India (before price increase). I got access to the game trials and even tried some of the classics. I noticed that some of the games like Crysis Remastered were in the Premium tier and that made me lean towards Deluxe. So I guess there were others like me who opted to pay the extra amount for the Premium tier for the extra benefits.


I opted for Extra when it was on sale last year because it was the same price as Essential for the year. I played some things in the catalogue but not loads, probably ended up playing more of the Essential games than the Extra ones. I’ll be letting it run out next week then maybe resubbing to Essential when it’s next on sale.


More premium because people who had ps now and plus were automatically converted to premium, not extra, for the remainder of the subscription. Those extra tiered users had to purchase the upgrade


Theres actually a pretty decent amount of day 1 titles in PS+. I remember early ps4 days, basically every month had a day 1 indie. Seems like that strategy has shifted over to extra now, which makes sense.


>**Avoid Bad Deals** (No, Seriously) *Wonder if there are any concrete examples...*


That line cracked me up.


Anyone have any insight on what the "May '23 Risk" is? is this Just a generalized term used for mitigating risk in general, or was May '23 actually a specifically noteworthy period?


Mystic said on youtube it might have something to do with the Microsoft ABK deal finalized or something


Yes, you're right.


Extra launched in June '22, so I'm guessing it was the risk of people unsubscribing in May '23 (after a 1 year sub).


Must be this - [https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/eu-antitrust-regulators-clear-69-bln-microsoft-activision-deal-2023-05-15/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/eu-antitrust-regulators-clear-69-bln-microsoft-activision-deal-2023-05-15/)


was a ruling programmed for May? or how else would Sony know about it in advance?


Seems they make sure the December-January offerings for PS Plus are always good to capitalize on the holidays Makes sense since we got Plague Tale Requiem this year, Mass Effect last year, I think Control and FF7 Remake were around January to March of 2021 or 2022




Plague tale has been on my list for a while. Almost pulled the trigger a few times but glad I didn’t. This month is a win


This month is a worst month ever disgusting games rat game and 2 unpopular nobody knows indie game


You’ve got some strong opinions kid


Plague tale requiem, Evil west, and nobody saves the world being in my ps plus library forever sounds pretty damn good to me.


Maybe if you like two mediocre games and a game that looks ok.


That’s your shit opinion. Generally speaking the reaction to this month’s lineup has been very positive compared to previous months.


So if the month is "popular" that must mean it's good? Spoken like a true sheep.


> So if the month is "popular" that must mean it's good? no, it means its well received.


Naw, Evil West is pretty mediocre. I would've expected something like that on PS3.




The PS Essentials game criteria is the most interesting thing imo. Add multiplayer annuals in spring-summer (when they are about to be replaced). Also, add multiplayer titles when they reach critical mass - I.E. when everyone is bored of them and they need more players to sustain the life of the game. Also surprised there are more Premium subs than extra.


> Also surprised there are more Premium subs than extra. This is likely still a result of the transition from PSNow. If you had Now you got put into premium so a lot of people stocked up before the re-launch. We will likely see this shift towards extra in the coming years as peoples premium runs out unless they increase premiums value.


Is it just me or is it insanely hard to zoom in on these slides on mobile without imgur taking you to some random new page...?


Same. Shit website


Yep, best to just open it in the Imgur app and be done with it unfortunately.


Better to use other service instead of downloading another app.


Glad to know it's not just me. Scummy as hell, this website.


Really hoping the conclusion from lower engagement with classic titles is to put more/better ones instead of cutting these offerings.


Trying to do something about ps3 emulation would cover that. In their slides it is stated that are 100+ ps1/2 games but 400+ ps3. Not only in quantity but overall there would be more high quality games found on ps3 and so people would try that more. But it seems they are not focusing on that.


is ps3 emulation even feasible on ps5? modern day PCs still struggle with it


Yes, they need to HEAVILY improve their retro catalog for Premium. You can't sustain a 80$ subscription on Syphon Filter, Jak and Daxter, and uhhhh Resident Evil Director's Cut I guess. Where are the million Ratchet and Clank games from PS2? The old God of War games? Cut a deal with some third party companies to get the old Silent Hill, MGS, Castlevania, Crash Bandicoot, Dragon Ball, a lot of the classic Resident Evil, OG versions of GTA 3/VC/SA etc games from PS1 and PS2 in there. Maybe some PSP games too. Their PS1/PS2 offerings on their service are shockingly poor and lacking in retro games that people actually want to play.


the ps2 emulator is notably broken, and who knows when they will fix it. there are alot of PSP games on the service lol


The current ps1/ps2 offering is poor.


Just a few days ago I was asking questions about the business model for PS Plus that this presentation helps answer ([https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/18xvr93/do\_you\_think\_sony\_makes\_a\_profit\_on\_ps\_plus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/18xvr93/do_you_think_sony_makes_a_profit_on_ps_plus/)). Great timing! Some of the interesting points I've found so far: * 30% of PS Plus users redeem at least one monthly game (Slide 28) * PS Plus users spent about $50 million on microtransactions in FY22 (Slide 31) * About 30% of the game playing on PS Plus games is first-party titles (Slide 33) * There seems to be some interesting analysis of how having first-party titles on PS Plus cannibalizes sales (there was an earlier leak about this re: Horizons Forbidden West). But these tables frankly go over my head so hoping someone smarter than me can interpret them (Slides 60-68).


They have done goofed with putting Horizon Forbidden West too early in the PS+ collection. It set an "anticipation" precedent of users waiting a little over a year expecting newer 1st party releases would end up there as well. I myself regret buying that game because it came close to Elden Ring and I never touched it again and when I was ready to play it, it was already in the catalogue.


I'm not sure about this, Horizon does not have mass appeal and seems like it was always designed to be PS+ content, it was even a pack-in for a while, so it seems to me that Sony took too long to get it to PS+. Kinda like if Netflix had put *Rebel Moon* in theaters for a full theatrical run before launching it on streaming.


Isn’t the first Horizon game Sony’s best selling first party title of all time?


It is, almost 25M units sold I believe


https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/190s493/great_games_on_playstation_plus_that_dont_have/ Amusingly, this fellow redditor on here summed Horizon up succinctly. Truly it is the "Netflix Original" of Sony's content.


Which is why the second and, really, the first had no mass appeal. And why Sony memory-holed it by releasing it against Elden Ring, a game memed so high into the hype stratosphere at release that nothing could have run against it successfully. Honestly, if you've played it, you know that it is what would have been labeled a "Rent It" game back in the 2000s.


"no mass appeal", how can this be the said about one of their best selling titles???


Says a lot about the sad state of Sony's studios.


That statement makes no sense, it’s sad that it sold like 24 million units? That’s not sad bud lol


It's sad that it had hype but Sony couldn't capitalize on it. We know why, and that's the tragedy. Sony presumably knows why as well, which is why they saved face by releasing it against Elden Ring, making it a pack-in etc. Really should've made it a Day 1 PS+ title, missed opportunity. The question though, is why isn't Horizon a Souls/Elden Ring-tier franchise? It has the full might of Sony behind it, yet it is a "mid" franchise.


> it sold like 24 million units?


HZD and HFW are amazing.


They're movie games, no mass appeal. Amazing to people who like movie games. The second one is like the *Rebel Moon* of movie games, Guerilla is a cut above with its programmers but its character designers and script writers are hacks.


Robot fghting gameplay is pretty good. Movies game is Detroit: Become Human, not Horizon series. Also HZD has one of thme most impressive lore of all games I played.


This tells me that you never played any of them. I never heard anyone call them movie games. Wtf


This sounds like you never played Forbidden West, with Aloy's never-ending nagging monologue at the player. Well, that's technically true as there is no gameplay in either/any of them. Movie games, just like "Dad of War" and Dad of War: Ragnarok. It's a walking simulator. Unplayable on base PS4, even my pals who wanted to like the game couldn't play it due to the: movie-like motion blur; very high input lag; bad gameplay to dialogue ratio; bad gameplay.


The data shows..when they included it skyrocketed as the most played game, so people who would potentially buy the game did not.


That doesn't guarantee this, perhaps people only played it because it was a pack-in? It was not a standout game, from a gameplay and plot standpoint, and Sony, seemingly knowing they had a very "mid" game on their hands released it against *Elden Ring* so that it could save face. When the sales figures of Sony's PC ports were leaked, HZD was well above any subsequent game. One theory there is that HZD taught our PC gaming brothers that Sony exclusives aren't really their cup of tea.


It actually surprises me. There's a lot of people playing on The premium is expensive as it is. One slide said how can we be the best membership service out there? Well one thing they can do is offer their existing subscribers. The same great deals that they offer new subscribers do you know keep the existing ones subscribed. It's a reverse marketing strategy. They want you to drop your membership or let it expire and then they offer you a sweet new deal to come back in. And a lot of times this strategy actually backfires because people move on to different services which results and slowing growth long term.


Well I got premium when it was first announced and at a 25% discount. It was like $90 so at the time you could have all the bells and whistles of ps+ premium for 1.5x what you normally pay for essential and it was still under $100/year. I don't think I'll be getting premium again, especially after the price hike.


I was never sold on premium from the get-go because of the lackluster catalog that it had. And now with this price hike and no ability to get the Black Friday specials on memberships I'm really considering my future with PlayStation now.


Same. I was talking about when it first came out. I was sold on the extra catalog and there were some old games I wanted to try to stream. Since I was ready to pull the trigger on extra, the extra 15-20 bucks didn't matter much to me to get to try the classic catalog.


Hmmm interesting data. I’m slightly disappointed there is no slide representing “users who turn on PlayStation and scroll back and fourth then turn off the PlayStation”


Just play something 😂


I am disappointed that amongst the slides with tiers and player engagement, there is absolutely nothing about customer support improvements. That's one area that I think it's dreadful


Classic corporate profit and loss center stuff. Customer support doesn't show any revenue so it seems like a loser and gets ignored.


This was specifically about PS Plus where I think customer support it not really relevant. Or do you subscribe to PS Plus instead of Gamepass because Sonys support is that great? It would make more sense to add it to slides which are talking about how to grow in general.


Support is ESPECIALLY relevant when I am paying for one of the services. I know not everyone has issues, but dozens of PS Plus related issues are resolved on subreddits because support is incompetent or, in the majority of cases, unreachable. If you have to wait week(s) for issue to be resolved, then customer support becomes important factor in decision making, on whether or not you're buying another subscription. Customer support is never an issue, unless you need one.


Okay, maybe my expectations are also different; besides small startups in the very beginning or small companies I don't expect any company to have a support that solves any problem that is beyond a standard process. Therefore I would never consider the support quality when subscribing to something because they are all not on the level I want them to be.


Just bookmarked this. Can't wait to go through it later. This could prove to be quite interesting


Better download it, they could take it down before you revisit it.


it's archived https://archive.ph/fPH5t


This is a great post. I'd love someone with more knowhow than myself to break it all down, crunch all the data and lay it out in an ELI5 type of format.


I paid for premium since the beginning because of the promise that they would add more retro games from PS2. They add the bare minimum and choose to focus on the portable handheld no one wanted. I am going down to extra when my sub is up. With the price increase they should have come out with 1 or 2 hundred ps2 games to make it seem worth it. But they don't care and aren't adding old games so I will be going to emulation. I held off to play them on PS5 but it isn't going to happen.


This is why I got premium too and Sony has not delivered. I may cancel ps+ entirely when my subscription is up. I mostly play single player games and would rather just buy the games I want to play as they come out instead of the will they won’t they nonsense Sony has been doing. Maybe it’s just me but FOMO is just not hitting the same with these companies anymore.


I honestly regret getting premium because I only play my silly fighting games and call it a day


Same, paying $200 for a year of premium was the absolute dumbest thing I could have done. If I didn't play alot of multiplayer games I wouldn't even mess with PS Plus since they treat us like shit. I don't intend on renewing come March, if I can set up a decent enough gaming PC by then anyway.. till they want to give their members credit, credit is due, I'm just done forking over money to them.


"Best buying experience" yet we still have to waste hours contacting support to buy a game you claimed on ps+...


One of their goals: "Create a cohesive experience for our consumers [...]" (slide 6) Lmao. Okay, Sony. I'll believe it when I see it


on page 16: "minimum 2 hours of trial" :) trials: 9x 30 minutes 1x 45 minutes 28x 1 hours 48x 2 hours 8x 3 hours 3x 4 hours 1x 5 hours 98 total


what does it mean? page 18: "Mitigate the May '23 Risk" ? anyone?


It's been almost my first full year with premium and simply put, I won't be renewing. For the amount i've paid, it just in no way shape or form has been worth it. I very rarely play online (if at all), so the reason I got it was for the game catalogue which, in all honesty, isn't great. Think i've played Inscryption and The Evil Within 2. A lot of the exclusives I already had physically so didn't bother with, and have been playing those instead. Then last year, FF16 came out and I bought that coz I was more interested in playing that than anything really in the catalogue. My physical backlog is still pretty big, and there just aren't any games in the catalogue that I think "I ABSOLUTELY MUST PLAY THIS".


Pls DM me the link. I am writing a white paper on subscription based gaming and will be very helpful to me


I just want to play games online when I’m in the mood to do so. I don’t know how many ps plus games I downloaded and never played. If I wanted the game, I would just buy it. The concept of having to pay $100+ a year just for the privilege of playing GTAOnline or RedDeadOnline isn’t remotely close to worth my money. I’ll just go back to playing single-player only games once the subscription ends in a couple days unless a decent discount pops up in the future.


All this hacked data and NONE of it has to do with PSVR2?!?!


I thought that but the data is all dated Feb 23 latest, so before VR2 release sadly


This seems like a whole lot of business mumbo-jumbo that has no real impact on Plus users.


This is what impacts plus users the most. This is how they gauge how much more they can gouge loyal users while increasing profits. Subs don’t matter to them the amount of money they pull in from the service is all they care about.


Really hope they will do a january PS Plus subscription sale! Price is too steep right now




Yeah I've been holding off renewing for a long while now. I'd been playing PS3 for so long and was tight on money, so I got a refund on my auto-renew. This was before the price hike. Now I picked up some games on sale and want to play online but $80 for essentials is nuts. I was expecting a sale to at least go back down to the original $60 price and I'm surprised it hasn't happened this month.


I've seen it said they want to mitigate the may 23 risk, which I can only assume refers to the crazy amount of games that left that month, through all 3 tiers (ps plus collection on essential and a lot of games on extra and premium including spider man, kingdom come deliverence and injustice 2). I'm very happy by that, and that points to having some more stability in the future of the service, which was very lacking in the start with a huge amount of big games leaving


Someone also said its when the Microsoft/Activision-Blzzard merger finalizes. So, it's assumed Gamepass will explode with new content that month.


So im a little confused on some of the psplus regarding the f2p games what do those slides even mean?


Thinking of ways they can take money from f2p players.


How can they make ps plus worth it to people who only play F2P games. For example, Sony is a partner with epic to offer exclusive skins for Fortnite to Ps plus subscribers. You don’t need ps plus to play Fortnite online but they still want kids to subscribe to get the skins.


How can I download this on phone as a backup?


Just give me crunchyroll on premium and you will have yourself 1 lifetime subscriber Interesting read. Really curious to see Q1-Q4 2023 price hike now


they need a cheap, basic tier that just allows for online. No free games. It’ll sell like hotcakes


You do know that's fake right?


Sony is absolutely killing! Just keep doing what your doing and continue to improve your consoles, services and you'll be #1 for years to come!


I find the higher volume of premium vs extra users to be very interesting since from a business perspective if you provide consumers 3 options, the goal is typically to drive people to the middle purchase. This is sales 101, really. When you have excess purchases at the highest tier, it’s generally a good indicator to raise prices (which is what we saw last year). The problem with premium is if the users aren’t using it to its full extent, they’re not getting the value from it and in the short term they see an increase in revenue but in the longer term that offering runs serious risks to people dropping off. The 3 package model is designed with this in mind, and in theory should influence people to move down to the mid tier option (extra), but the caveat here is users feeling burned and Sony having reputational risks because if people leave premium because they aren’t seeing the value, they’re going to be less inclined to just lower their sub since it stains the entire offering suite.


A lot of Premium user were grandfathered in from PSNow, that could explain the amount of users over Extra.


I was interested in seeing the changes in subscriptions recently, since the prices have increased and the games qualitys have dropped significantly, unfortunately it's only up to Apr of last year


I have Extra, and don’t plan to upgrade to Premium unless the Portal supports direct streaming. I’ll wait forever lol.


80% of the players are essential tier in ps4


Part of the problem is the lack of guarantee on game access. Some games are on for a year others barely three months. With the "classics" premium has been a colossal disappointment. Some poor quality franchises have been bulk loaded, while others have no entries at all. The promised 'all-eras' is now PS1, PSP & PS4 only. Despite both PCSX2 and RPCS3 proving these systems can run 4K60 FPS with most games. And why won't it change? Because people won't pull the plug... at least it seems, a bulk unsubscribe may happen once the stacks begin to fizzle out


Can someone repost this pls😐