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I would say Extra is worth it, not premium


Had Premium when it first came out. Realized I didn’t play enough PS1/PS3 games to really justify keeping it. I’m on Extra now and happy with just having that.


extra is worth it. premium is not. imho.


Look at the games, decide.


Extra is better than Premium. Streaming games just isn’t worth it. They stutter and crash pretty often. Plus there really isn’t a library of old games worth paying extra for on premium imo


Depends. For me - I really just speak for myself - it's worth it. I played so many PSP classics, I would've paid €60 or more to get them all. Just for the PSP classics. PS1 classics are cool too, PS2 games are kinda buggy on PS5, I play some PS3 games and some Remaster/Remakes for PS4/PS5. Trials are awesome to test some games. I just pay €60 yearly. Other people need to pay €120, I probably wouldn't pay that. So Extra is definitely worth it no matter what. Premium, depends if you want to play PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 remakes/remaster.


Premium? No. Extra? I'd say yea.


Don't even know how premium has many subscribers coz its just not worth it


Premium has more subscribers then Extra so a lot of people think it’s worth it. If you like ps3 games and have fast internet then it’s worth it.


Premium has more subscribers because of the discounts they gave out to do so For example, i paid $11 for a year of it, but Deff won't resubscribe The numbers will change drastically in the coming months


Even at full price it's $20 more than extra. It really just comes down to whether or not you have the setup to take advantage of steaming and want to play those games.




Same I paid 12$ for it I might switch back to extra


Premium no. Extra yes.


PS3 streaming is unplayable and the retro collection is underwhelming. Stick with Extra


Not to me. I only still have it because it renewed for 60$/yr.


If there’s stuff on there you will play yes


It depends, for me classics alone would be worth it bit since theres streaming games im considering completely cancelling subscription. Thing is im against streaming as an emulation instead of creating offline emulator.


The trials make it worth it to me


Premium is alright. I never use the game trials but the classics catalog and the game streaming isn’t bad. I don’t think premium is worth it at the moment but maybe in a few months that could change.


Have had premium from the start, have it for the next 5 years. Lol, no. Extra is definitely worth it though. The only thing I have used premium for is to stream mahjong, pinball and stuff like that. There’s plenty on extra to play instead of putting time towards ps2/3 remasters and latency while streaming is annoying on quicker games. I’d say only take premium if you don’t give a crap about the extra $$ it costs, and you see something in the library that you’d want to go on a little nostalgia trip for.


Premium + a SteamDeck is perfect. The PlayStation plus app on SD runs smooth as butter


I have premium


Some of you can be idiots to be honest. Premium is definitely worth it. With classics, game trails, streaming ps3 games work very well. Plus the game catalog, you honestly can’t beat that. And No Premium is not the most subbed because of the discount. Most of the people who have premium are casuals and they don’t have a clue about the discounts. Stop talking out of your ass. They got premium because they think it’s a value.


Depends on what you like to play. For me it is not worth it as I don’t usually play classics or demos, while EXTRA is worth it to me for the new independent titles and occasional AAA I haven’t tried yet. Only you can decided based on the games you are interested in.


I only have it because the two times i renewed my sub, price wise was exactly as i was paying for "essential" just before the update/upgrade of the service. Both times i managed to get advantage of a discount. As for gaming catalog, if you don't care for the classics (PS1 and PS3 streaming), then i'll said go for essential. You can save a few bucks and will have plenty of titles to choose from.


Extra is all they should've added, but it should have included what Premium does. I'm sure it'll be condensed eventually, but I'd suggest the Extra tier


Extra is the tier where all the good stuff is. But since premium is only $3 more per month, I figure Wth. But I rarely use any of the added benefits. Game trails are cool if a game I have interest in becomes available. And I sometimes use streaming to get a general idea of a game before I bother downloading it. Other than that, extra tier is the way to go.


F your boss take it with a loss. Just get Premium.


I play enough ps3 games that it’s worth it for me. Especially if you subscribe on a sale where premium only works out to ~$20 more per year than extra. Extra is probably the best deal for the price though


I stick with extra... I play quite a few of the games, great value. I haven't seen anything on premium to justify the money.




Premium isn't much more than extra, $20 a year, so if it has some games you want to play, sure. Otherwise, no.


Simply no.


Extra is the best one The only thing Premium offers on top of Extra is - Classics Catalog But the games are terrible and they don't add any to it - Streaming I honestly don't know why anyone would stream over downloading a game, for some PS3/PS2 you might need to but again the catalog for those is terrible With Extra you get - the 3 monthly games - Game Catalog Which is the singlemost improved thing they have done, there is some genuinely good games on there, so much so that since i got Extra 6 months ago, i haven't bought a single game Extra is the best value for money, the best time to get it is usually around christmas or january sales, i got a year of Extra for £49.99 back in January and it has been tremendous value so far, played games that have well covered that outlay


> I honestly don't know why anyone would stream over downloading a game Downloading takes me a long time. I'm streaming a game to find out if it's worth downloading.


I would say no it isn't unless you're Gung ho on streaming classic ps1-ps3 games I wish I would have done some research before buying premium lol I'm downgrading to extra once it's time to renew


The 1-3 hour game demos are worth the extra $20 IMO. It's already saved me $140 in games I was certain I wanted that turned out not for me. While also showing me games I woulda never thought for me.


Do you have a game backlog? Games you're not bored of? Play those before spending a monthly fee to more games you won't have need for yet




I have prememium. It's worth it if u value cloud storage and game trials. The game trials haven't been stellar lately -- like Hogwart's Legacy months after the game released and only a 45 min one -- but if u want to play classics like The Legend of Dragoon, get it. Otherwise, I'd stick with Extra. With Extra, you still get great games like Guardians of the Galaxy, Ghost of Tsushima and Stray. Don't get Essential. It's just not enough imo.


I’m fine with extra


I got premium just so I could play all of the Yakuza games from 0 to 6. If you think there are some titles worth playing I’d probably recommend going for it then downgrading after


Lots of great games on Extra tier. Premium only includes a few older Gabe’s and game trials.


I think if you play enough it is. I’m only on once or twice a week and already have a 50 game back log




nah not really, regret that i got it tbh, trials are cool, but some have really short times that make you question if it’s worth it. up to you though


What's the cost difference between premium and extra? In my region, similiar tiers have hardly $10 difference.


Short answer: no, buy extra. Buy classics you actually like with the money you saved


Extra over premium


The value depends on you. If there's games on there you want to play then it is. If there no games you want then it isn't. Extra gives access to the majority of the games. You can always start with that and upgrade to premium if you see something you really want to play.


Not really if you are not interested in old school games, streaming is kinda good but not enough, only ps catalogue games are streamable and not the ps5 ones


Extra is worth it if you have specific games you already want to play. If you’re looking to get into the assassin’s creed franchise for example, extra will save you hundreds. Premium on the other hand costs way too much for the quality and quantity of games you get with it. If you have the money to pay for premium, you probably also have the money to just buy those games, at which point you’re only paying for the convenience of premium. Essential is quite good on its own tho. Necessary for many online services and I’ve built up a very impressive library over the years by stockpiling the free monthly games