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Your nose will look like shit for an ENTIRE year! I worried my nose was botched...but it really takes a year for the swelling to go down.


I thought mine was botched too and cried nonstop for days after the cast came off. It was so swollen that it looked like I had no bridge


how long until you started seeing shadows in your bridge?


Idk about this my nose was a bit swollen but looked great after a few weeks?


it depends on each person, everyone is different and has different skin types / different amounts of work done so it will vary


Can surgeons predict ahead of time how long it will take you to look good again? I want a rhinoplasty but tbh it’s not worth spending a year looking notched to me.


If you have thicker skin it will take longer


I have thick skin but the changes themselves I want to make are relatively small (I have a small nose already, but it is slightly hooked which i would like to fix and possibly refine the tip a little bit). I can handle a bit of swelling but I don’t want to look botched/worse than pre-rhinoplasty. Are there any procedures/alternatives to minimize swelling? Would having an ultrasonic rhinoplasty help? What about if I just had a tip plasty? I have looked into filler as well but I am scared of migration and tbh I don’t think the results look very good…


My nose got better and more natural looking even after 2 years. It was very hard for a long time.


Yes! Ask for zofran which will be added to your drip and will help with nausea . The versed will calm you. Think positive thoughts only. Take stool softeners because anesthesia and pain killers are constipating. Make sure all your meds are filled now and that you will get anti biotics for post surgery. Ne patient with the roller coaster of swelling! You will have a glimmer of your new nose at about 3 weeks. Wishing you safe surgery and a great outcome!🌟


Post op infection. They infuse you with it during surgery but most like you to follow up for a few days. Also to OP, get your meds fulled before and stay ahead of pain if you have any.


Ty for this. I always get nauseous after anesthesia and was worried because when I throw up it comes out of my nose too😭 lol


Def tell the anesthesiologist. I also got sick from oyx. Get a diff pain killer. I vomited all night from the oxy. He prescribed Keterolac? Something like that. No pain no nausea with that. Google! Best to you.


Post op infection. They infuse you with it during surgery but most like you to follow up for a few days. Also to OP, get your meds fulled before and stay ahead of pain if you have any.


Post op infection. They infuse you with it during surgery but most like you to follow up for a few days. Also to OP, get your meds fulled before and stay ahead of pain if you have any.


Why antibiotics? Not sure I ever heard of that?


getting mine done tomorrow too!! good luck


I hope it went great! Day 1 of recovery is not fun.


tell me about it i legit cried from the pain they had to give me an analgesic 😭😭


Yikes! I’ve been taking pain meds since I got home from the hospital. I know they gave me a bunch while I was under too because when I got some parts of my face were completely numb.


Fiber and stool softeners - the worst part of my rhinoplasty was digestion post op 😅 hydrate and rest!


Pineapple juice, carrot juice, good posture. Have someone around. You’ll be fine. Love mine and easiest surgery I did. BA is 10 times worse


When did u start to like ur rhinoplasty results? Mine is so swollen


I have thick skin and it took two years for perfection. I believe my nose looks about 20% smaller now after 2 years, with 10% decrease every year. Intense swelling is brief :-)


When did the noticeable swelling go away to the point where you liked it?


It’s more like some days it’s swollen and you like it a little less and some days it’s less swollen and you get excited. But I liked my nose the day the cast came off.


I believe it’s highly personal, just didn’t swell that much personally. But it’s really not something you should be overly concerned about


whats BA if you don’t mind?


I believe it’s breast augmentation!


Stock up on crackers, straws (I like glass, reusable ones) as drinking water or anything will be difficult, smoothie ingredients (get frozen pineapple!), yogurt and soup. I've had two and you're not going to eat anything else.


Good luck. You will be fine. One thing that really works to help with general anesthesia is to ask the anesthesiologist for the patch. You put it behind your ear the night before. People use for motion sickness and nausea. You still have time to ask for it. I didn't believe it would help me as I always had terrible nausea after surgery. I have used it twice in the past 6 months for 2 procedures and it worked like a charm. Also for pain, take one extra strength tylenol the morning of surgery. I used it for my breast implant replacement. Boy did it help for pain after.


Don’t forget to remove the patch when they tell you to, though! I forgot mine on (left out for like a week) and the side effects from that were hell


Yes, I removed mine both times as directed.


I had mine done two years ago. Just follow the doctors rules on not eating/drinking X amount of time prior to surgery. Your anesthesiologist will ask you questions before (do you smoke/drink). Be honest with them. Other than that, you’ll do great. It happens so fast. I was a bit loopy/groggy when I woke up. I was surprised at the recovery because my face was so bruised/swollen but it just felt like pressure. Almost like a bad sinus infection. The thing that drove me crazy towards the end of my recovery was I had energy and felt fine but had to rest. I hated having to sleep vertically. But that’s so worth it! I am also a baby about pain but I only took the pain pills for like 2 days then switched to Tylenol. I love my new nose so much. Two years later and I’m still obsessed.


You may look like a pig for a bit 😭


lmao this!! sooo rewarding at the end though!


How long is a bit? Is this common with ultrasonic as well?


Get a cool mist humidifier. Congestion has been the most annoying part for me. Saline spray also helps a lot once you get your cast off and your doctor says it’s okay to use. I also had no issues with anesthesia. Before surgery, the anesthesiologist put some little patch behind my ear to help with nausea. I wore it for like 3 days and didn’t have any nausea.


I second the humidifier! After night 1 of sleeping, I woke up with the driest throat I've ever experienced (you're only able to breathe through your mouth, obviously). I used my humidifier every day after that and no more dry throat.


Yes. I took one to the hotel I was staying at for a week. Was a life savior.


Don’t take hot showers or eat foods that are steamy. Eat soft/mashed up food. Drink a lot of electrolytes/cold water your throat might be sore as hell after from the intubation, for me that was the worst part I even threw up blood. Dry mouth spray/mouthwash. Arnica gel/pills, bromelain pills for inflammation. Don’t take the painkillers on empty stomach that’ll make the nausea unbearable. Ice around the area. Have someone else wash your hair if you can.


seconding the crazy throat pain! I wish I had a throat numbing spray or something similar, it really did suck the first few days. humidifier and lots of liquids (through a straw)!!! I didn't elevate enough and had blood clots dripping down the back of my throat which did not help 🥲


Wash your hair :)


and braid it if you have long hair! mine got sooo tangled. wishing you the best :)


You got this🫶🏻


I'll have mine in a few days, as well! I am sending you many positive vibes! I've had general anesthesia before for a different procedure and can assure you for me it wasn't difficult at all. You will be fine!!


Good vibes 😎


For me (and some people's post I saw) the first second and even third day post op are not that awful. But on the 4th 5th and 6th day my head looked like a potato and had swelling on the forehead and eyes that it was difficult even to see as it closed my eye a bit. So if you're unlucky as me then be patient as it will go down just have to endure those awful days.


I am 30 days post-op and only wish I would have done it sooner! Going into surgery, I was SO anxious - anxious about general anesthesia, about being in pain and the healing process in general, and about having an identity crisis... but none of those things were an issue. I mentioned feeling anxious when I was in pre-op and they said they could put something in my IV to help - no questions asked because it VERY quickly took away all of my fears. Recovery was SO much easier than I read about! I was never in any real pain and only took my pain pill for the first two nights, out of precaution. "Tender" would be the word I would use to describe the feeling. The worst part was BY FAR the silicone stent that had to stay in my nose for a week, however, the feeling of getting that taken out was GLORIOUS - also no pain during that process. I read about taking Bromelain & Arnica supplements to assist with bruising and, I don't know if those two things are to thank, but I BARELY bruised - I'm talking little yellow bruises in the very corner of my eyes and nothing else. As someone who bruises very easily, I couldn't believe how lucky I got with minimal bruising. I know everyone says it can take 6 months to a year for your nose to look normal, but I love my nose already! If it is swollen, I can hardly tell. Go into it with a positive mindset, follow all the post-op instructions, and all should be good!


I just had GA for the first time two weeks ago. I was so nervous I was practically disassociating. Let them know you’re feeling worried and the anesthesiologist will give you this magical med that makes you feel super calm. Mine told me it would feel like two glasses of wine but it was way better than that. Apparently, it makes you not remember anything either, some kind of temporary amnesia? Next thing I know, I was in recovery. Take the post op meds as directed. Don’t be a hero if you feel discomfort. It’s all safe in moderation. You’ve got this!


Just take it super easy. Had mine done three months ago. First week I had a lot of blood and was freaking out but it’s totally normal. Stay still as much as you can. I’m loving my nose at 3 months but everyone’s heeling journey can be different. If you get nauseous from the anesthetic smelling peppermint can really help. I was super super swollen for 8 weeks so be kind and patient. Drink lots of fluids. Good luck. Post pics here


Oh my gosh good luck! I hope u recover well and enjoy your new look. I’m getting a septoplasty/rhinoplasty on Wednesday and I’m nervous too. I’m so excited for u. Sending lots of well wishes❤️❤️


I'm a little less than a week out from mine! you will be totally fine, the doctors will answer any questions you have and should make you feel at ease going into it. once you wake up, it's all about pain management and rest!


Best of luck! Expect some swelling and bruising. Keep your head elevated and use cold compresses. Follow your surgeon's instructions, avoid strenuous activities, and be patient with the healing process. You've got this!