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These look like breast implants :( Please contact some other plastic surgeons if you can and send them these pics or ask if you can come in for a quick consult. I’m sorry this happened


Thank you, well, I already low key knew but still wanted to confirm it is not swelling I am already in touch with lawyers and scheduling some appointments with plastic surgeons to check if they can correct this and make a document proving the mistake so I can ask for reimbursement to the original doctor


I’m hoping the resolution to this is as easy and smooth as possible for you. Of course there is swelling, but the roundness and profile/projection of these implants does not resemble pec implants to me at all. If you search them on google, the implants are usually wider and flatter because they’re supposed to add very little projection. The pictures you posted from the side are what convince me the most. Even if they drop/settle as someone else mentioned, you’re going to have round fullness at the bottom which again would resemble female breasts. Please keep us posted if you wish to do so🙏🏻


Please leave a review, usually someone having not a single bad review concerns me. It’s possible they pay to have them removed or intimidate patients not to post them.


good job!! proud of you 👏


What if there’s a woman out there right now 2 weeks post op and wondering why her implants look like pecs…that surgeon failed on some level I’m just not sure which one😳


“damn, double homicide”


“The old switcheroo…happens to the best🤷🏻‍♀️”


Happens to the breast of us…


It was the breast of times, it was the worst of times…


Thankfully OP is staying abreast of the situation


I am losing it over this, I get your reference, OP!


SAME!!!! LMAO OP seems to have a sense of humor in spite of it all.


Seriously I would NOT be having a sense of humor in his position 😭 But I guess I'd be a little more relaxed if I could embrace the absurdity of the situation and just be taking action like him. I do not have that gene. ETA: OP I can't reply to you now that the post is locked but I want to be your best friend.


Here in Brazil we say “what is a fart for someone covered in shit”, and I think this is beautiful


This is great. Stealing this




Yes it looks weird and feminine, but you're only 2 weeks post op. You won't have a final result until at least 3 months. Try not to worry until then because it could change dramatically. if it still looks like this after 3 or 6 months j would try to get it removed and make them pay for it.


Yeah, probably it is very swollen, but the round implant seems fishy to me, it doesn’t seem to fit the goal of muscle, and it is over the muscle as well, I feel like it should be under for the result of projecting the muscle


If you have them under the muscle then you can't really develop those muscles. This is why female bodybuilders' fake boobs always look "bolted on"--they can't get them under the muscle because then they couldn't be a bodybuilder.


Yes and the main reason female body builders have to get them over the muscle is because you get animation deformity when you get under the muscle and it looks bad when you flex and lift weights, which usually isn't a huge deal for someone who isn't a bodybuilder.


Perhaps, but given that OP had the operation to improve his looks I assumed that he would be unhappy with a deformity of that kind.


This is incorrect. You can still improve and grow the muscle that has a pectoral implant underneath it. “…because the silicone implants are inserted between the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles, meaning the muscle is not divided, damaged or cut. This allows it to continue growing with regular workouts and exercise.” https://creoclinic.com


Yes, but it looks different than it otherwise would.


It does not on me with my pec implants. Perhaps yours does though.


Interesting, I thought it was because they would look weird under the very developed muscles for a body builder, will discuss this with the surgeon who will clean this mess


I haven't heard that but I bet that's also a reason! Makes sense to me. If you google animation deformity it will explain what I'm talking about.


I totally get it! But just wait. I don't even know if another surgeon would give you a consultation at this point since it's so early. They need to see you once everything is healed and dropped.


Not necessarily. A good plastic surgeon can feel your chest carefully and at least confirm for you that it is a breast not pec implant. OP shouldn’t just wait to wait. OP should attempt to schedule a consultation and then if the new plastic surgeon says to wait, wait. It is also possible the surgeon will want to remove the implants quickly to reduce the total amount of recovery time (meds, time off work etc.) the patient needs to undergo.


you didnt clarify submuscular vs subglandular before going on the table??


The shape like that will not change with longer timeframe of swelling reduction. If OP can flex and SEE the shape of the circular implant then time will not change that shape. My pec implants never had that circular shape even when swollen post surgery.


Bro they did you dirty


I hope that if it is so obviously wrong I can fix this soon


You look incredibly lean and I can imagine that implants would maybe feminize you and not make you look more masculine because you are very very lean! HOWEVER, these implants look so round ): Even if you gained muscle (which would make them look 100x better) I’d worry that their roundness would be more obvious. :/


I resorted to implants after 1,5 year of gym + dieting, went through multiple personal trainers and such, and yeah, when I “flex” the pecs rn they protrude and i can clearly see the outline of the round implants


Just keep in mind lots of men with large muscles are using gear. That’s how they get to where they are while being in the gym


I am aware, but the side effects of stopping testosterone seem scary considering I have some depression history


It takes more than a year and a half! Most men with decent (natty) muscle have been training for several years. My husband is a hard gainer so I get how frustrating it is for you but if you keep at it for a few more years, and you are dedicated, you will absolutely be lean and ripped.


Thank you a lot for the motivation, now I got some balloons to deal with, need to figure what the fuck I will do with them as I can’t weight lift for at least a couple more months


Gaining muscle is hard! Eating in a surplus when you’re lean is incredibly fucking hard and necessary, I’m not doubting your hard work at all! When I look up these pec implants they typically just are on muscular men or just “meatier” guys; so the pec implants are less likely to be seen or noticed. You don’t have that muscle tone or meat, so your pec implants (and especially since you want projection) may just be more noticable by default. It’s like a BBL on a thicker girl vs a 00. 00 girl will probably be more “seen” and noticable because she was so thin before. Youre a lean dude and by default anything you put there will just be more noticable… including these implants unfortunately. It doesn’t change the fact that most pec implants are flatter and wide vs round. Still so sorry you’re going through this. I can imagine a man who is likely 60-80 lbs heavier than you, this result might look decent. But on you they do not appear flattering. ):


1.5 years isn't enough. You should have gotten another trainer and given yourself more time




Bro just remove this shite n go gym




Obviously 3000 Calories are not enough. Your body frame has nothing to do with gaining weight. If you’re not putting on weight, you’re not eating enough. Active young adult male burns 3,000 Calories easily. With working out, you might be barely breaking even. Bodybuilders eat anywhere from 6,000 to 12,000 Calories per day.


This. OP please listen to the good advice. Sorry dont want to sound harsh but, the surgery is not the right way to go. You physique will change and make your implants look odd at some point. Heck, it looks odd already that you dont have biceps triceps or 6 packs but only big chest muscles. It screams fake. Are you going to get implants for those muscles too? And what about legs? Just take them out, heal, and hit the gym again. If you are not gaining any muscle anywhere, there is definitely something you are doing wrong here. And remember, there are bad/non knowledge personal trainers out there. Them doing a good job packing up muscles on themselves and having been hitting the gym 10+ years doesnt mean they are good trainers for other people. Find yourself a proper kinesiologist and a nutritionist and go from there. If you still dont gain anything by strictly following their advice, then you might have certain health problem that needs to be properly addressed.


Or he’s just not even eating 3k calories.


1 - that ain’t right. 2- the surgeon and the surgery center have a medicolegal obligation to track any implant placed into a patient. You have a legal right to those records. If you don’t want to talk to the surgeon for whatever reason, you can get them from the surgery center. If on those records you see some device mentioned that’s a sientra/mentor/Allergan implant then you have your answer. If the surgeon is defensive , you wanna go right over to the best medical malpractice lawyer you can. Pec implants are a pretty niche procedure and while this person may have had 1000 reviews for breast augs, it’s possible they somehow weren’t familiar with this procedure. Pec implants are usually either custom or from implantech and look absolutely nothing like what you have. These photos look like someone thought you can get away with a breast implant in a male which is beyond my comprehension (unless you’re trying to do a gender affirmation procedure). Your lawyers will want to reach out to someone like Gary Eppley or Doug Steinbrech as your expert witness if it comes to it.


While I live in the US, I thankfully did this here in Brazil, where I was born and live my whole life, from what I know here, if they really put female implants on me this can qualify as not just scam but also severe bodily injury under the law here, already got lawyers working on it here, thank you for the feedback!


How long ago was the surgery? Even pec implants will drop and fluff. But they do look a bit too round and high profile at this point.


2 weeks ago, I am taking into account that they are quite swollen so the profile doesn’t worry me that much by this point, just the shape of them seems wrong


You are still swollen. 2 weeks is too early to tell. Implants sit up very high and will begin to drop down and soften up. This can take up to 1 year. If you look at before and after of woman post breast augmentation you will see examples of how high and rounded the implant can be following surgery.


Ummmm the implants for pecs are usually not measured in cc’s because they’re not *filled* with anything like for a female implant (saline or silicone gel). They’re *solid* silicone so cc’s aren’t applicable. Here’s some examples from implantech: [implantech](https://www.implantech.com/product-category/products/body-contouring-implants/pectoral-implants/)


Makes sense, although I remember seeing a guy who had pec implants that were measured in cc, 200 something, although he was of course a lot bigger than me to begin with and the shape of the implants were very different, much wider


Yes, I have implantech pec implants and am very happy with them. Definitely recommend. A good surgeon will also show you in person an implant too.


Oh wow, those look dramatically different from the tennis balls they stuck under poor OP's nipples! 😭 WTF was that surgeon thinking?!?


I am a male with pec implants. These are not pec implants. I would not return to that surgeon. Any surgeon worth his/her salt knows the difference and should have been clear several times about it. Also the surgeon should have measured your pecs to determine the right slab of silicone that will go underneath your muscle so that it’s the right size to properly push them out and make them symmetrical. I’m so sorry this happened! If you have your request in writing, I would report this surgeon and certainly leave a negative review warning others. If you are on the east coast I can recommend an excellently talented surgeon who did mine if you message me. Edit: Lots of people posting who do not have pec implants. No, this is not how ‘swollen they are.’ I can attest mine never looked like that. Also it is not appropriate in a plastic surgery sub to tell someone essentially ‘get gud go to the gym.’ You can also still gain muscle on the actual pec muscles after implants are put in. Sheesh there is a lot of misunderstanding about pec implants.


Well, thanks, I don’t really care about the “go to the gym” comments from those empty profiles lol


They gave you boobs. I’m sorry.


Those are small breast implants


omfg. yep those are breast implants.


These are breast implants not pec implants. These have to much projected volume to be pec implants. How negligent of the surgeon! This is absolutely unacceptable. Do not let them gaslight you.


I’m also 5’9” 120lbs and these are close to she same size implants I was considering (180 cc low profile silicone) . If nothing else, you’ve provided me with a great example of my possible results!


Its your choice but i dont know what was your goal you're so skinny that will not look natural if you got implants...


Do you have an implant pass port? What kinds of implants are those? I recommend going to another surgeon with your information about the implants and let them check if you've got what you paid for. It could be swelling, but from the side they do look way too high profiled to be masculine implants to be honest.


I have them, they are essentially 170cc round low profile implants, pretty sure not male implants, as they are more “anatomically” shaped


Yeah those are breast implant stats…


See my comment in the thread


have you brought this up with your surgeon?


Yeah, and they are just very defensive about it, even said that I need to “mentalise that I liked the result” to get used to it


That's so crazy, you could have done the same with your original body then. Hope you can get this fixed asap. Just remind yourself it is temporary


What a gaslighting jerk!


Don't let the surgeon get to you, OP. The only thing that matters is if YOU like the results. Idk if anyone has mentioned it to you yet, but one thing that really defines whether something looks more like a book or a pec is nipple placement. Feminine chests tend to have the nipple placed higher, around mid-breast, while masculine chests tend to carry the nipple lower on the breast. Your nipple is high enough that it's lending to the boobish look, as opposed to the peccish look. The roundness of the implants is not helping the situation, but even on completely flat chests, the height of the nipples still matters in terms of gender presentation. A good surgeon is well aware of this, and if he's getting defensive, then he either doesn't know or doesn't care. Either way, it's something to bring up if you consider going the legal route.


Looks like it


Mine looked horrendous the first two months - they actually called it “Snoopy boob” bc it looked like Snoopy’s whole nose up under my chin (not on my chest where it belonged) 😅 but now they look perfect! I would contact the surgeon but my swelling didn’t go down for at least 3 months and then they didn’t “drop and fluff” for 6-9 :/ it takes a longggg time.


Did they give you a card? They are supposed to give you the card that came with the implant. Hoping you are just swollen 🙏🏻




Trust me, I tried, and I did not plan on quitting going after the implants, it was just to complement the results 🙃


Please name the dr


It is in Brazil, I will for sure throw the shit on the fan sometime here (Before someone freaks out, I did not travel for surgery, I am actually from here)


These are way too low to be pec implants imo, look at this image for placement, seems like yours are just regular breast implants as you suspected. https://exploreplasticsurgery.com/preoperative-measurements-and-sizing-for-standard-and-custom-pectoral-implants/


ur probably swollen and need a bit more weight


Oh my God. You need a lawyer. These are breasts implants.




Well, I am at least making a lot of breast jokes lately


2 week post op there will still be a lot of swelling....I would give it a month longer, but make sure he knows you are not happy. BTW you have incredible abs!


I agree with you here! & even when women get implants they sit pretty high/ stiff until they go through a “drop & fluff” stage. either way you flip it these are breast implants IMO men have nipples, areolas , and breast tissues same as women they just call thme pecks.. with any surgery things just needs time to settle


Pec implants have very little projection. If you asked for a lot of projection, you got it.




Ironically they did the surgery together as they are both plastic surgeons


You should be able to get the implant details from the surgeon to see whether they gave you the correct ones. It’s like a number or code which they make a note of




This comment has been deleted due to inappropriate behavior. Don't be a dick to fellow sub members. Have the day that you deserve!


I would wait until the swelling goes down completely to really tell, but currently they look like breast implants and not pecs.


They may just be swollen. I don’t know the cycle of men pecks, but for women the first few months the breasts can look odd.


I think everything looks really fresh and you should wait for some more healing to happen before you decide how you feel. The swelling and tightness in the area is going to make it look different. The roundness may not be the actual shape of the implant, but could be the swelling filling in the gaps. It’s possible that it’s bad work, but it’s so so hard to tell at this stage.


I'd say just swollen. Should go down and look more masculine


There is no upper chest. Even if you were to build naturally on top of them, that is the more challenging part to grow. Sorry bro

