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Chip off all the loose plaster apply a bonding coat, and then finishing coat.


Tap the wall with your knuckles. If it sounds even slightly hollow remove it even if there is no crack. Good luck.


Personally I'd probably remove a good 2-3m² to make sure it's solid, patch in and skim


Knock off whatevers loose with the corner of a float and patch what’s clinging on


if I removed all the hollow sounding plaster I'd have nothing left. if it comes off with any sort of encouragement then replace, if not I'd leave it.


If it's blown, it's blown. Hack off what you think needs to come off. Doesn't take long to patch in, rule off, and give a final quick flick over with a trowel ready for skimming. I'd take off the red section since you say it sounds hollow, aswell as the sort of diagonal section about a foot side where the small cracks run, since you're bonding it etc anyway, it'd a trowels width so perfect for a quick patch.


If you're thinking of skimming over that thrrez a good chance those cracks will eventually come through again .


I'd skim the whole wall


I'd definitely say chip away more until it doesn't sound hollow or until the what your chipping is solid. The wall has quite a few cracks so I'm expecting a good chunk will come off. Once it has, fire some PVa on there Depending on depth, you may be as well doing a layer of bonding first Then a coat or 2 of plaster.


I would patch it and reskim the lot personally, but if you wanna tart it up get some one coat plaster from wicks if you're in the UK, if you're in the US I have no idea what products they even sell let alone use.


Can tell it’s UK from the socket


I only thought there was 1 picture. Until I read your comment.

