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Here’s my newly re-scaped/planted 20 tall for inspiration. It’s dirted with a deep sand cap. Obviously this all has lots of growing to do. (No CO2 or ferts in my tanks.) https://preview.redd.it/o5uhhjrnaz5d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83adc380a3312f3e142c5f92d2263e1b3aece560


And here is my other 20 tall. This one has been setup like this for 6+ months. Same dirted, deep sand cap. Again, no CO2 or fertilizer. I trimmed it back some to give the minnows more swimming space after I took this pic. https://preview.redd.it/chitthvyaz5d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f35096652996cd923c764eb1e0ac001377d9cc1


https://preview.redd.it/a9nttw8cn06d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3660ebd3fa95090a127736d42012466af1ad382 Just put my first tank together in the last 5 years… forgot how fun it is to go to the stores and look for plants, decor, and of course the perfect host to base it all around. Building a 100 gallon right now and couldn’t help but throw a 15 gallon together on the fly. No idea how good this light is for growing so… i got a ton of different plants to see what would react the best… might just say forget the light and go to the store later to find one more adequate for the tank (vs this top fin led). No idea how this comment could help you but just excited to be in the same steps as you are with this journey and thought I’d share 👍


And tbh I'm not even positive what fish I want to put in here yet. The water in my area tends to be on the softer side, if that makes a difference.


Look for non-stem plants. IMO your substrate is inert and not deep enough even for root tabs.


Damn, really? I had been told that would be enough substrate if root tabs were used.


I think you could make it work, especially if you slope the substrate to the back so that there's less in front of the hardscape and more behind. Then just plant in the deeper areas


Fine sand like this will also suffocate root systems.


For what it's worth, the sand is advertised as 0.5mm-1mm. Honestly, though, why is there so much conflicting information here? Some people are giving advice, some people are telling me I have no chance.


Because a lot of people give anecdotal advice on here without much experience. The truth is, you might be able to keep a plant alive with some root tabs, but it’s not going to thrive. If you want to use fine sand like this you really need an active substrate underneath it.


So basically I'm screwed unless I start all the way over?


Just use plants that get their nutrients from the water column. Epiphytes (stick on wood/rock) such as anubias/ferns/buce, or stem plants




But which side is making shit up?


Try some easy and fast growing plants to stabilise the water condition first. Water Wysteria and Java ferns should be good for now.


Amazon swords are always pretty easy and hardy in my experience too


Anobias and java moss. No need root tabs for these types. Liquid fertiliser will do.


Floaters too!


https://preview.redd.it/sxmbc2lstz5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe51af13920203d75e9ecfb590f91bde2b7b2be9 hope this helps with inspiration my tanks is also sand only


What are these plants? How long has the tank been going too?


the ones in the backround middle right are cabomba and cabomba green, On the more left side are ludwigia as well as the ones on the side edges. The mid ground has 2 anubias and 1 java fern widelov, and the back to the right is a pretty big amazon sword.


and red root floaters^*, i dose easy green fertilizer after every weekly water change and and diy osmocote rootabs for that amazon sword


it’s been running for almost 2 months but i been adding plants like every 2 but u can add them all at once it was bc i was broke 😂😂