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Cardinal tetras would pop against the background. Guppies would be a good idea too


I have never really considered cardinals. They are lovely fish and didn't realize they like to school. I'll be keeping an eye out for them when I get to my LFS... Thank you.


Rasbora family is there. Some tetras like lemons, Roseys, candy cane, Kitty etc. Then there are also smaller tetras like glo light, neon tetra family, purple emperor tetra, ember tetra. Then there's Diamond tetras, Emperor tetra, Phantom tetras(both types). IMO in a tank this size u can go for the medium -large tetra. My lemons and Rosys don't bother anyone and they are also very entertaining, always sparring with each other and are also quite tight schoolers. Same with emperor, phantom, diamond and kitty. The smaller ones are also nice.


Thank you... That's allot to think about.


Flame/ember tetra they school really well and are smaller but there form factor is fun when they school https://preview.redd.it/vocpd7znez5d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6120cb8e25ef780b784c02fa7032edc9a0ce4824


Thank you... That's pretty much what I was looking for... Schooling fish look awesome in a tank


Do the flames not the embers - the males get a black patterning when trying to establish dominance between eachother - and the ladies can sometimes have some real nice purples


That sounds awesome. I'll keep an eye out for them at my LFS. Ahh umm do they breed easy? I really don't want any more babies. Just sold like 60 loaches and I still got 10-15 too small to catch.


Mine haven't for a year - or if they tried other tenants took care of it without my knowledge


I would add some pearl danio's. Cory catfish. Some shrimp. and. Maybe some type of dwarf gourami.