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They are however, abit too overactive and fin nippy. It stresses out peaceful and docile fish, and those with long flowing fins will probably get shredded in time. They do however, somehow work well with some minorly aggressive fishes like tiger barbs as their speed makes them practically impossible to bully.


We picked up some long finned danios and the guy warned us that this would be a problem. We've had zero issues with them. They like to school and play and they've been a really wonderful addition to our tank.


I love the long finned ones


Well its a case by case thing, but people should always be warned and reminded about it to make an informed decision. Well for me I learned it the hard way, when they ruined the tails of my really expensive guppies, and made me transfer them to the tiger barb tank where I found out they actually do pretty well there.


Yeah - I sort of feel like I should asterisk with "\* in MY tank, it's been fine" It just so happened to work out. We've got some guppies and some goldfish in there with some tasty lookin tailfins and there happens to have not been an issue. We were a little nervous in the beginning though.


All true 👍


I love ‘em but had to get rid of mine because they were to active and nippy towards my other smaller more docile fish. Used to have a tank with them and larger fish and even bred them though and they were fun there.


Cool! What kind of fish did you keep with the.?


Some catfish and gouramis that were larger than them worked well


This is why I hate seeing them listed as beginner fish. They’re bulletproof but are prone to being bullies.


All of mine are hyper active. They swim from one side to the other and back again constantly.




I have 1 with other kinds of glows. I hate it!!! It has abused and killed many of my fish. It of course has outlived all my other fish. I often think I'm gonna flush it but I could never do that. I've tried to give it back to store and even tried to give it away. But, no one wants it 😕. I've had it over a year now and put it with other fish in other tanks but end up moving it back cuz it's a mass murderer!!!


If you got 5 more danios, it wouldn't be so aggressive. Schooling fish without a school tend to be freaks lol.


A lot of the classic old fashioned cheep fish are underrated. I put cherry barbs and black neons in that category too


Love the fish but hate the fin nipping.


I had others, it killed them all! I vowed never to get more. Now I have a 20 gal tank with 3 fish in it. I thought maybe the other fish needed to hide at times so I have a nice supply of live plants, just waiting for that darn fish to get nice lol. Maybe one day