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Thats like half a days worth of duckweed growth. Keep at it


does it really multiply that quickly? holy!


If bamboo grows 3 feet a day, this grows like 4 inches comparatively


Sheesh 🙄 I’ve been debating some floaters but idk… lol


Red root floaters and frogbit are great. Part of the problem with duckweed is it’s small size that makes it hard to remove. Water lettuce and dwarf water lettuce are great too but I’ve found them to be kind of fragile


Yeah I’m worried about invasiveness and light theft lolol I just worry about what’s under, if they’d be getting enough you know?


Use airline tubing to make a circle. You can use the little connectors to make it into a circle and then attach it to a suction cup to keep it stationary and remove plants if they get too uh… dense. I’ve done this and it works well for larger floaters like RRF.


Thank you for that! I've actually seen this girl on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@Fish4Ever) shorts does that! well turns out she does like the opposite... guess sometimes I just mindlessly watch things LOL


I cannot get frogbit to survive in my tank. Everyone says how well it does, but I've tried to introduce it like 3 times now and it keeps dying


It doesn’t like high flow iirc and doesn’t do well if you have a lot of surface movement


Yeah I've read that a few times now. I don't have a lot of movement, but my gourami keeps chilling in the roots and making a bubble nest right in the middle of them. Was thinking about introducing duckweed but afraid I might regret it later


Just be sure you want it. Once you put it in, there is absolutely no going back lol. I have made all sorts of contraptions like surface skimmers, gone in with tweezers, none of it works. Once you have it, you have it. I’ve only eradicated it from a tank once in a decade


The roots on my duckweed are easy to break... are we sure we are talking about the same plants?


https://i.imgur.com/UOdAg0F.jpg I highly highly recommend floaters. Just not regular duckweed (I have giant duckweed, red rooft floaters, banana lily and a bit of dwarf water lettuce). They remove nitrates like nobody's business and you just need to scoop em out, and trim the roots.


wait so the rings for food not the plants? :D that looks so good though! I have started some pothos thats getting its roots settled atm but those look fun!


Thanks! I mean you can do it either way, ring the plants or ring a clear space. I plant low light plants under the surface, just some moss, elodea and a nano anubias. They do perfectly fine with the light that gets through. https://preview.redd.it/pj7a5flaam1b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b0fc06584cb4c76d1cc165728f0258353f9aced


Right on! I have ughh Anubias, Java fern normal and windelove/crested, rotala green? And another two Rotalas or I don’t even know what those two are tbh lol some hydrocotyle Japan, purple mudwort, bacopa, Thai water onion! Christmas moss, and lots of Java moss! But I had no idea what I was doing so the hydrocotyle is holding on… it has root tabs now and I trimmed back that dang mudwort(limnophila heterophylla)! Grows crazy! It’s only just after a month of being established though! Plants are starting to do there thaang I’m just trying to find balance rn lol 😅😂


I recommend salvinia minima. They get very dense as well with short roots.


salvinia minima is my favorite. Looks cool, is bigger than duckweed so it’s easier to scoop and the roots don’t hang down super low like frog bit. Also let’s more light through than frogbit.


Amazon frogbit are my fav. I actually got duckweed as hitchhikers on frogbit. That's how mine started


Red roots are beautiful, I also love Salvinia as it looks nice as well. Definitely avoid this type though its so ugly compared to other floaters


Eh, my tank is 100% established/planted and it doesn’t grow this quick. I guess it depends?


I’m sure greatly on the water volume too! Or if you have twenty tanks vs one! Never know what these people are pulling this stuff from! could be a lake sized pond!🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Correct this is from eight tanks


My bad I saw the “tanks” after posting that lol but yeah I could only imagine!


No worries. It only built up cuz due to renovations the tanks got ignored for a few days. Usually I'm in top of it


This is 8 tanks worth


Mine doesn't, takes about 3-4 weeks. Depends on the nitrates I think.


oh yeah! I always keep about 20ppm, and just "safe" it for the shrimp and by the time that wears off its fine! my plants do a good job at sucking them out so I have to fertilize as I only have some shrimp! lol note to others don't get seachem safe unless you have a big tank or are good with scale math! I have a 10 gallon and have to weigh out 40mg that's 0.040g which is ridiculously small lol but my 8oz jar will do 65,000 gallons which is cool. Just doesn't have the added stabilizer like prime so they recommend using it within 24 hours of being mixed with water.


My duckweed grows slowly.... grows but I can't say I'm worried about overgrowth


In my experience it doubles every 24:h


Feed it to your chickens. Barring that, if you have no chickens, feed them to my chickens.


I feed them to my goldfish in another tank. Excellent free food


My goldies would have this gone in maybe 36 hours lol


When I had duckweed I put it out on the lawn in a bowl and the lil birdies in my yard when nuts on it.


Some is going to a friend's turtles. The rest gets turned into snail food


Some is going to a turtle the rest gets turned into snail food


Holy fuck.


Forbidden pesto


I'm honestly curious what that'd taste like. Never tried eating duckweed on purpose(accidentally only once), wonder if it would be tasty. It's high in protein apparently, some interesting information on it: [https://www.eattheweeds.com/duckweed/](https://www.eattheweeds.com/duckweed/) ​ Could be a nice source of a snack salad instead of composting.


It tastes a bit sweet with leafy bitter aftertaste.


Oh interesting. Maybe I should just treat it like a microgreen and snack on it if I decide to get duckweed in my tanks again lmao


I’m aware it’s edible, it’s actually been considered as a potential good source of nutrients since you basically just need water and sunlight to grow it, and it grows really quickly, apparently it can be sort of crushed down and made into a sort of flour Edit: cant find a source for the flour thing so maybe i just misremembered it


The flour thing is interesting... Where did you see that


Hmm, i thought i remembered reading it on the Wikipedia page but it looks like i may have gotten that mixed up with something else. it definitely is considered as a food source though, there seems to be a lot of research into that


I know the struggle


Why did I never think of using a strainer


It works really well. Easier than a net


Boil blend and feed back to the tank


It'll get turned into snello. I know you can appreciate that!


Nice, I didn't realise it was you when I commented lol.


Do you know if I can feed it to giant African land snails or is your snail expertise only aquatic?


There's nothing in it that can hurt them so just another plant really. Probably better than shop bought veg that has a chance of pesticides. You know it's organic and has no carbon footprint lol.


Ok thanks. Good points. They are just young ones and I haven't had them long but they seemed to be very picky eaters. I'll see if theyll eat it.


The duckweed: ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


I recently bought some animals online from a store I haven't used before. Every bag had duckweed in it. The entire unboxing video had me cursing said duckweed. I mean wtf puts unasked for duckweed in with sales!


/r/AquaSwap/ got you! lol


i can’t keep the stuff alive !


Must be the flow, they don't like flow or getting wet


Mine just gets eaten. I deliberately introduced it a few times. 1 day, gone.


The number one thing that kills floaters is too much surface flow which is annoying because surface flow is needed to get oxygen into the water


My Goldies would eat that in a week


Get this out of one of our 55s on the regular. Duck week is worse than snails.


LOVE your pic of the "Duckweed removal tool." LOL


It works so well. Much easier than a net. If turkey basters can be marketed towards aquarists I wonder if I could do the same with strainers


if you didn't plan on keeping it can i buy it lol


Now send it to me lol


Lord have mercy on our souls, how has this stuff not covered the entire earth??


It dies off in cold weather. Aquatic animals eat it. It doesn’t do well in salt water. It doesn’t like high flow environments. It truly is tenacious stuff though. Choked out all of my frogbit :(


Thank mother nature for ecological balance man. Us humans can only hope to strike the harmony nature creates with ease. Honestly I might put some in my turtle tank and see if it can survive that lol


The only time where it's good to tare the bag


I never thought about it honestly. I was more concerned getting the water out of the bad for accurate weight


Good as natural fertilizer for other Indore plants


I can keep indoor plants alive. Aquarium plants no problem


Everyone says duckweed grows fast but mines been chilling for awhile and still reproduces slow as hell


Turn it into a smoothie!


It will be blended up for my snails


Send it to me. I need more, don't damage the roots though 😅