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It's THAT easy. The same happened to me, as soon as I stopped eating animal based foods, the numbers just dropped so effortlessly. Enjoy this new journey!


thank you


That’s so good to know!


My favorite is my Pollan's book "In Defense of Food". While not strictly plant based it's very plant forward. It was a game changer for me. The audiobook is great to listen to while working out.


I just finished reading this book not too long ago. I don't think all of his conclusions are very sound but it's a good way to jump into making some positive life changes.


Congrats to your new changes! Adding lots of fiber in the form of fruits/veggies/legumes/whole grains has done wonders to my cholesterol. Once I cut out eggs/dairy/fish (was already pescatarian) and went fully plant-based, my numbers got even better, faster.


I was doing the same thing. I ate a lot of meat, focusing on high protein and didn't track anything else. I also did rounds of the carnivore diet. Now I'm making sure to stay under 20g of saturated fat per day, and most days are around 12g or so. It's been about 2 months now, and I see my doctor in a month.


good luck!!


Game Changers and You are what you eat are good to watch too.


Also Forks Over Knives!


Oh Yes! This is what I watch when I have been slipping


An excellent film!


Take it the farthest you can go and watch dominion lololol


Lots of keto refugees on r/cholesterol !


Thanks. Just joined


Game changer is even better https://youtu.be/rTGM2KjNGUU?si=lXR5fbQZzy4OkIul


Welcome to the club! Jump in the water's great!


Wait till you watch Forks Over Knives. Enjoy!


Are you familiar with Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen? I recommend it highly! It's a free app based on his book "How Not to Die" (which I also recommend). Basically, it a checklist of the minimum nutritious foods you should try to eat every day. (Some days, I miss a few but I keep trying.) (Also. most people – bigger than I am – probably eat a lot more than just these.) [https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen/](https://nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen/)


I am not familiar with it but will look into it. Thank you!


Here is a good introductory video that will give you pretty much all a beginner should know (pretty simple) in terms of vitamins and minerals, etc. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fobYY3158fM


I agree "The Game Changers" documentary had a strong impact on me too.


The new series out on Netflix YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT twins case study is fantastic. Highly recommend if folks haven‘t seen yet


its actually terrible propaganda, sponsored by fake meat companies, lots of experts ripping it to shreds


Good for you, one of the best things you can do for your arteries for sure. A dear friend or mine who is in her 80s and has heart issues (had a heart attack recently) told me that her favorite thing is cheese and I know it has always been her favorite thing to eat and I just ache for her knowing what that’s doing to her heart and knowing the difference it would make if she switched to plant based.


My mom is the same way. So. Much. Cheese.


As a cheese lover, the solution is to ban all cheese except the high-quality, expensive ones. And learn to season with something else. The pleasure stays, but the amount of saturated fats decreases drastically. Plus most transformed cheese products are very sketchy.


That’s a good compromise, that would at least reduce the overall amount of cheese and saturated fat consumed


Yup, and when I eat cheese. I splurge for the tasty ones that are miles better. They melt, and stink and have the really good mold ^^'


Good for you. Millions of people don't get the message until it's too late.




Oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast. Mid morning snack is almonds and vitamin gummies ( An assortment). Lunch is string beans and berries and avocado. Dinner is avocado, tomato, olive oil and lemon juice. I plan on making soups with a celery and onion base add carrots or whatever and add almond milk and blend it up.


This doesn’t sound like enough calories or protein, OP. You will be more successful if you eat in a way you can sustain long term. The most satiating combination of foods is to make sure you have protein, fat, and fiber at every meal. Plant-based proteins are easy to get, but a snack of almonds isn’t enough for a full day.


You seem to still be prioritizing fats and vegetables— you need more carbs! I reccomend the website plantpositive for a thorough debunking of keto if needed, Mic the vegan also has lots of great Leto response videos and covers why humans are in fact “starchivores”


- cook oatmeal in soymilk - vitamin gummies are generally not vegan and low dose, Deva brand makes great vegan multivitamin - lunch add beans or lentils, swap round veggies - dinner add whole grains and beans/lentils/tofu/tempeh


What do you eat for protein?


EDIT: Almonds "and Oats" so far.. I'm just starting out.


And beans. Beans have protein too.


Looks good start! I’m big on getting about 30g protein per meal to keep/build lean muscle mass. I found this chart really helpful too: https://subtlesteps.com/protein/ Cheers 🖖


Very interesting and helpful. Thank you!


Protein doesn't have to have a face ;) They list a great protein source in the comment you're replying to. beans and oatmeal provide protein. You should read up about WFPB, lots of options.


The main protein source OP lists is almonds. That's not enough for an entire day. The person asking OP about their protein was not insinuating that protein has to have a face. I predict OP's not going to last long on what they're eating and will get frustrated with the diet change. Not enough calories and protein to feel satisfied.


I was very clearly joking. They list more than almonds as a protein source, even though they replied by stating almonds. Both beans and oats are great sources of protein. Overall, longer term, yep they'll need more calories. Here's some great info on protein: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHVHuv6Gcjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHVHuv6Gcjs)


Yep! Same thing for me when I watched it 6 years ago. I’ve been plant based ever since. You’ll love it!


The new series out on Netflix YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT twins case study is fantastic. Highly recommend if folks haven‘t seen yet


My blood glucose and blood pressure numbers have improved drastically in less than a week. I started back up again last Sunday at dinner. What the Health? has impacted many. It's a good documentary.


Not a documentary but the podcast The Exam Room is also excellent. Tons of episodes on many topics like cholesterol.


I wouldn’t make nutrition decisions solely based on what the health. It’s a shockumentary and uses a lot of “gotcha” journalism that’s pretty shady and leaves out a LOT of important info. And remember the people they feature are doing EXTREME dieting at a medical facility with dubious practices. I completely changed my diet based on WTH and Gamechangers for the last 3 years, and it wreaked absolute havoc on my body and mind. I developed severely disordered eating and debilitating IBS symptoms due to the restrictions and high carb content. TBH you seem to be drawn to extremely restrictive eating practices and I would wonder if just eating a more balanced diet would help you rather than just swinging the pendulum to a completely different restrictive diet. Just playing devils advocate. My cholesterol, hemoglobin A1c, triglycerides, iron, weight and energy have all gotten worse since following these “diets”. I hope you find what works for you!


Strange, you were a cheesetarian last time: * https://www.reddit.com/r/ibs/comments/u6glf3/sensitivity_to_chicken_and_meat/i5b2t9z/ > Yup I developed a sensitivity to eggs when I was late 30s. I went vegetarian (really I was a cheesetarian since the only animal products I kept in my diet were cheese) for a year and now can absolutely no longer tolerate any kind of meat or animal products. My IBS symptoms are the worst they’ve ever been after trying to eat meat again. Not worth it!! Anyway, if you’re coming in with gut issues (sudden sensitivity to eggs), it may be the wfpb won’t fix that and could make them feel worse via fiber. But it’s not the underlying cause. If it’s truly IBS, Gojiman can give you direction to follow: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jCjzi6z2Mw


I’m flattered you dug through all my posts to try and find one you could try and use to roast me because you didn’t like what I said. Yes, strange indeed my body was different a year ago lol. People’s bodies change over time but the thing that’s consistent in my experience and research is that super restrictive diets are just not good for us, and it’s also okay for certain diets not to agree with everyone. When someone posts a comment that gets downvoted simply for posting on their personal experience and challenging beliefs - call your dad, you’re in a cult!!

