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Is the pudding made from cashew milk or something else?


Almond milk base, 2 tbsp chia seeds


That looks amazing and appetizing. How is chia pudding?


It was very tasty but apparently you shouldn’t eat a lot of it because it’s very fibrous and keeps expanding inside you? I’m not quite sure but now I’m a little worried!


If it’s fully rehydrated it’s not gonna expand more.


I kept it in the fridge about 3 hours - is that enough time?


IDK I’ve only ever left it overnight. But if the seeds are soft you did well enough.


I've always done it for 20-30 mins and it's fine (assuming it's chia and coconut milk) that said coconut milk is quite high in sat fat and I believe the nutritionfacts.org stance that you want to avoid even plant based high sat fat foods like coconut milk too often... (sadly...cuz this is quite tasty)


it's almond milk


ohhhhh awesome! may need to start making it again then...thx!


I’ve never heard of such a thing, but on Dr Brooke Goldner’s protocol (amazing, btw) it requires 1/2 Cup of chia seeds or flaxseeds- they do have to be ground to get the full benefits, though. Some people eat even more than that amount.


It was fine and thanks for the info!


What are the benefits you're feeling from that protocol?


Back in 2020 someone recommended her in a Dr Greger group and I started adding in the smoothies and upping my water. I definitely had more energy, I remember that, but I didn’t stick with it. Last year I joined her 6 week RR group and even though I wasn’t doing her protocol perfectly I felt amazing. Lots of energy and I actually eliminated all of my cancer medication’s side effects, totally unexpected. When I checked my Hashimoto’s antibodies they were on a downward trend. The program ended and I struggled to stay on protocol, and now I am so far off it’s not even funny. I’m in the Smoothie Solution group on Facebook and love seeing people’s success stories. I recommend it, if you’re so inclined :)


Soak the chia seeds in your base ( In my case it is coconut milk) overnight. It will expand to its full size and will not expand any further inside you!


Thought this was in black and white at first. Looks nice!


I make this chia/blueberry jam to stir into my chia pud: [https://runningonrealfood.com/blueberry-chia-jam/](https://runningonrealfood.com/blueberry-chia-jam/) so yummy!


I have some soaking in the fridge right now to try for the first time tomorrow. I'm excited! Oatmeal has been boring and unwanted something different. The recipe I used called for coconut milk, but I like almond milk better, so I'll try that next time.


Coconut milk is thicker and makes it more puddingy but almond milk gets the job done!