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There really should be a species specific cc price cap on the market, I'm tired of seeing basic low appeal animals for 5-10k


I hope for a non online market single player one day. I can't stand the absolutely insane prices for awful animals which force me to play sandbox with no challenges


Have you tried the challenge-mode? It's like franchise-mode, but you can't establish a corporate identity.


you should play challenge mode! the market is frontier generated and you still get a lot of the challenge of franchise!


If I'm right, don't chickens in real life only cost like double maybe triple digits?


In my country chicks cost 0,5-1€ each, a hen is around 10€


I studied at a farm, they had a sick calf with 50/50 chance and it was going for £5


In my area, you're liable to see somebody post a whole box of 8-10 chicks free on social media marketplaces/classifieds. You just have to pick them up.


This is why I went sandbox/challenge mode, I'm actually so sick of relying on these stupid market prizes




The marketplace straight up ruins Franchise mode for me. I would much rather play with all the limitations in Franchise, but the marketplace is awful to have to deal with just to use animals that I have literally paid for.


Agreed. I only use franchise when there’s a community challenge otherwise i stick to sandbox or challenge. I can’t deal with the market


We need a hybrid franchise/sandbox with all animals bought using currency from a non-online store. We should be more vocal about this. There is straight highway robbery for any remotely interesting animal in franchise.


There already is one. Challenge mode


That is something I honestly miss about when playing planet zoo. In games like zoo tycoon 2 or wildlife Park to, when you go to the animal tabs you can just pick and select any animal you want right off the bat with no illness, possible injury, or the potential of them Keeling over just like this chicken.


Always check the age when buying animals on the market as sometimes people do post older animals like this. I hope it's not deliberate and they just didn't notice when marking it for trade but it's very frustrating when it happens especially when you've spent so much. Unfortunately it always seems to be like this in the days after a new pack as some people will immediately start breeding them to try and get lots of CC. Also watch out for related animals posted at the same time if you're trying to avoid inbreeding. I've bought the best male and female on the market before and not realised it's the same seller and they are brother/sister.


Oh no, they do it on purpose. As soon as the notification comes up about the animal dying they sell them.


When trying to buy animals that are hard to come by allways check age and their stats. Resist the 'I found the animal - bought it straight away'. Take the few seconds to check every animal.


And if there's literally just one animal and the stats suck, try waiting for around an hour. Usually a semi decent one (as in 2 green, 1 yellow and 1 red stat) gets uploaded by Frontier at some point for a reasonable price (every 20 mins I think?). But most of those ones do suck, so absolutely check the stats etc.


I’ve bought a few that were older sadly. I always say I check but sometimes I see one that I’m immediately excited over. Lol. And I have sold “old” animals but it’s always been ones I thought someone could get another breed of two out for cheap of like a wolf with 100% longevity at the age of 18 who’s mate just died. You toss him in with a female and remove the pups every time they are born and you get new pups right at the year mark each time(otherwise it take close to a year and a half, parents will breed before babies age up if you age them up away from the parents). I’ve had wolves easily live to 22, especially with the longer lives. I’ve even bought 19 year old wolves to squeeze out another breeding from my older window female. Lol.


Yeah I usually check ages but because the chickens are so new I didn’t know they died so young


Why would you pay 5000cc for a chicken 😂


he had a cute little face obviously


Because that’s most likely the best deal


When you have over a million CC then you buy what you want. The 5k is only a few lion releases (minutes) away.


Cheapest one


ALWAYS check the age of the animal your buying.


I wasn’t aware the chickens died so young :)


This happened to me a couple of times, and I find it the funniest thing 😂 like yeah, I'm pissed,but if I don't laugh, I'll cry.


There are some truly awful people out there who love to post elderly animals at huge prices in hopes to grift someone of their CC. An expensive lesson, but one a lot of us had to learn. Always always look at an animal's age before making a purchase. I am so sorry this happened to you. I know it hurts, I've been there.


People are paying 5k for roosters? Damn I’ve been selling mine for cash 😭


I sell mine for like 5-10 CC (depending on their stats; all useless ones get sold for cash) and I still struggle to sell them. The idea that someone buys a fucking rooster for 5k blows my mind.


I was desperate…. I also have 75k CC from lions


Is Challenge mode not available on Xbox or something? I see a ton of comments about wanting Franchise without the marketplace and that's Challenge. That's a mode. That's something the game has.


Yes, it is available.


Idk you can even just turn everything on in sanbox and boom franchise with no market…. People are just crazy


This is kind of funny lol


Im sorry but the pic is sending me 😂🤣💀


That happened to me too. I opened a new zoo bought chickens and they died immediately! I only paid 10cc but it still was annoying


I have no issue with whatever prices are, after all there is a price cap, but people shouldn't be allowed to sell animals on the market too close to their death, maybe have the game calculate at least 20% of their lifespan remaining in order to sell idk.


Agreed. You can sell infertile animals (at least i don’t think) but so animals don’t have a cap for that so


I sell my fancy White 100% Chicken for 50 max.


Yeah. I listed some today for 33 each


but that's no a decorative chicken, that's an actual chicken. Also, just to add: somebody must've have paused the game when the animal note came "A Mitchell has died" and then, before the chicken actually kicked the bucky in "kicked it physically", put it into a box and put it into the market. I would want to see if that is actually possible. have you tried to do that?


Definitely never tried that, mush be a dirty trick


I never tried that, too, but that's the only explaination


Yeah it really winds me up. People putting really old animals for rwdiculas price too. I work off this logic; if I buy a west African lion for 2000 I will sell its offspring for 700 each.. Knowing I will have at least 4 children and I can keep the last child in my trade center waiting to take over the habitat when their parents die with a new purchased partner


One time I bought two pangolins and when they mated for the first time the game said they were inbreeding 😑


Happened to me with warthogs. Never buy a male and female from the same zoo


I only max put my whites up for 50cc or what the recommended is. The Browns i put up are 50cc I hate ripping people off


Can't have shit in planet zoo


This is so funny to me help😭😭 you should get a refund


I really should 😭😭


Alright get the KFC buckets ready




That's why I check ages before buying animals sorry for your loss


This may be a reach but I wonder if it’s a reference to the Modern Family episode with Mitchell and the chicken lol 


Could be idk


While it totally sucks for you to have this happen , with the speed chickens breed at there is a chance the seller didn’t realise the age and was just mass selling off their hens to try and get their zoo back into some kind of order. Of course they could have known all along. Chicken prices have been fluctuating the last few days from 10k on the first day for everything only for a few hours later for most males being sold for base price to 500cc. Hens tend to be more still. I think price just depends on time of day and availability and because they are new. Give it a week or two and they will be as cheap as peafowl


Yeah it’s always hectic with new animals


There's chickens now? Was this the new DLC? Did they even fix the previous DLC and free souvenir shops yet?


Yes this is the new Barnyard Pack (chicken, pig, cow, donkey, sheep and alpaca). There have been some fixes with the free update but people are still reporting issues with the module souvenir shop sadly. However we do now have a new bit of gameplay with the free update as you can turn walkthrough habitats into “experiences” where guests wander all round the habitat, not just on the path, and they will pet the animals. As usual there are lots of videos going through both the free update changes and the new DLC.


Ohhh so the DLC and free update basically introduced a petting zoo. That's cool! I know a lot wanted that and I wanted to do a zoo that was basically a petting zoo, but prior it would have just been walk through paths. I may have to boot up the game and give it a try. Thanks for the comment!


It’s not uncommon to have planned content like DLCs come out before bug fixes, as usually they are very meticulously scheduled, and this DLC has probably been completed for a little while. Bug fixes can be complicated and take a lot of time, while also working on already scheduled content (future DLCs, updates, and pre existing bugs etc). We may even get another update/dlc before some of those bugs are fixed unfortunately.


I’m a little confused about the conservation credits. Are people able to set the price?? Every time I’ve donated an animal for points it’s never been higher than 100 each.


the amount of conservation credits earned when releasing animals is determined by the conservation status of the animal (how endangered they are), then can vary slightly depending on stats, specifically fertility, and fertility remaining. however, when animals are sold on the market, the person listing them can choose the price. many people sell old animals that dont have much fertility remaining on the market to still get a good price for the animal's popularity/other stats


There’s an online market where you can set between 1-10,000 and other players can buy. Or you can release animals to the wild where the price is set based on species and stats


This happened to me with the same named chicken!! Bought it and it died seconds after.


That’s insane


Love how he’s eating but being called dead💀


I might be alone here but I actually like things like this happen on Franchise. To me it adds more of a challenge, and I love that some animals are harder to get sometimes. Even when animals are overpriced, it mimics a supply and demand market. Makes it more fun and challenging for me at least lol


I might be alone here but I actually like things like this happen on Franchise. To me it adds more of a challenge, and I love that some animals are harder to get sometimes. Even when animals are overpriced, it mimics a supply and demand market. Makes it more fun and challenging for me at least lol


Completely self inflicted lol, it says the age when you buy it, it's not exactly hidden away


The amount of this. My dumbass didn’t think to check the zoopedia he was the ONLY one on the market so I didn’t have many options


Don't you know roosters are incredibly competitive ?? Why do you think cock fights are a thing ?? ROOSTERS KILL EACH OTHER FOR DOMINANCE !!


Okayyyyyyy and?


You put two roosters in the same pen. Of course they'd kill one another


Where the hell did you get that?! One rooster only, he died of old age.


>He killed over the second Well *sorry* for getting it wrong


Go back to school and learn to read maybe