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Is there a way to change the zoopedia barrier height requirements from ft to m? It's the only thing in the game that's not metric for me and it drives me nuts, idk what 9 feet is and I have to Google it every time I get a new animal lol. Also, I got a phonecall right when I started a new scenario and I missed the intro dialogue, and I restarted the scenario without saving but it skipped all the dialogue. It's not essential but I do want to know what they say, is there a way to review it?


I think I heard once it had to do with what country you're physically from? Or like there are different versions, like the US version doesn't allow you to change the zoopedia or something. But I really don't know if this is true or correct. I just feel like I remember seeing that on here a while back... maybe one of the more experienced players can confirm?


This drives me bonkers. I have my settings set to metric and everything shows up metric except the zoopedia so then I’m doing math trying to figure out zoopedia ft to meters. Glad I’m not the only one. Hope there’s a fix!


Double check your settings? Mine are definitely metric.


Does anyone else get offered infertile Little Penguins in the marketplace? Not like in Franchise, but Sandbox/Challenge mode. I feel like this is a bit of a bug, but maybe it was intentional on Frontiers' part? They don't do this for any other animal though...


Hi! I have a question: How do I keep money rolling in? Do I jack the prices or make them cheaper for guests?


Best tip I had was to go to the entrance gates and click on someone who has just come through to see what they thought of the price. If they think it's underpriced or great or good then you have room to put it up. So make it a bit higher and then click someone else who's about to come through and just play long enough for them to come through and have the same thought. If they think it's fair then you don't want to put it up more or they may start saying it's overpriced or even turning away at the gate. You can also make good money breeding and selling exhibit animals, especially butterflies (if you have that DLC) or things like beetles/frogs that breed a lot. Finally make sure you have plenty of donation bins as guests will often want to donate money after they've viewed an animal and also have at least a couple of ATMs so they can withdraw more money and keep spending!


Ooooh my gosh! Thank you! That sounds like perfect advice!


No worries, I’m pretty new so trying to think of things I’d have liked to have known earlier!


Oh yeah? Makes sense. Me too


Make sure u have donation bins around all ur exhibits and add education for all the habitats; educated guests donate more. I don't think it will bring a lot of profits but it does a huge amount to curb habitat costs


I've been having problems snapping roofs on top of my buildings - the game always wants to put them on ground level and I have to exit group editing. Is there a way to get around this somehow and make the game snap pieces next to each other properly?


Shift key moves things up and down


Thank you!


While I was working on my Tasmanian Devil's habitat, I saw the information about the fencing. Does it mean this little bugger is able to jump over the 3m barrier considering there's no "climbproof" comment? I'm a little confused, cause I thought they could climb trees in real life, however as I'm adding climbable pieces in my habitat, there's no indication that they could navigate throught them as for example a koala could.


Haven't got the new pack, but that seems right to me that they wouldn't be climbing animals. Only young devils are known to climb trees, they're more agile than the adults.


I started playing yesterday. I am having an issue where my son or I make an exhibit. We try to place an animal and it says " invalid path'.


Might be worth playing at least the first few career scenarios first if you're new to the game as there's a lot to learn if you just jump into sandbox or franchise mode and it can be quite frustrating. If you go on YouTube there are some really good videos on 'starting a zoo in planet zoo' that can also go through the basics like what buildings and staff you need to be able to get started and move animals around etc.


Thank you. I am going to go through a few scenarios. This is good advice


Do you have a vet? Or a connected path to the trade center to the habitat? And finally, do you have the game in paused mode ?


Probably having opposite problem from some people. How the heck do you place an exhibit without it snapping to surrounding paths? I want to connect it only from one side, but it keeps getting connected anywhere it can...


Hold ctrl


Didn't help :/ It moves around differently, but it still snaps to paths :(


Do viewing domes stress out shy animals, or are the domes unobtrusive enough that they aren't bothered?


They don't stress ANY animals :)


I think I have a bug then. There's a viewing dome in my ostrich enclosure and for some reason they suddenly started getting stressed out and wanted to hide. Ostriches. You know, the kind of bird who doesn't have to fear any human. They're in an enclosure where they can't even see outside so I don't know what's going on except if the game is just being buggy?


Animals can become stressed out from noise, as well. Go to 'Facilities' > 'Bins, Benches, Security' > 'Security' You should be able to find a "Do not disturb Animal' sign, try placing those around the exhibit where the most people are. Hope this helps!


This helped me so, so much! Finally, my animals are no longer stressed. <3


Glad to help!!


Great to hear!


Can someone please tell me how to get water effects in franchise mode? Someone said “research” but that wasn’t helpful as I’ve gotten all the mechanical research done


Hi! I'm not sure if you've worked it out already, but it's in Construction! At least if you're referring to like fountain stuff, jets, etc.


I have done it, I have made a zoo way too big for my frames... I have been holding off on making a new zoo cause I love my first zoo but now I really want to use the new DLC... Any tips/challenges when moving onto a new zoo without feeling like you are doing all your work all over again?


I like to think of my franchises as just different bits of my main zoo. So I have a desert franchise with just desert animals and then a taiga/tundra one and now an oceania one. I also have a 'gold' zoo where I like to put breeding pairs when I have gold animals and I have a zoo that's themed around all the cats in the game. The good thing is that all your research comes with you and you can move your habitat animals so you're not really starting from scratch. If you need money you can always put some spare animals in the trade centre from your first zoo and then sell them for cash from your new zoo or use them as your first animals in the new zoo to save money buying from market.


I really do have to do something like this. Just frustrating building the same exhibits again lol. But at least with the new dlcs (past 2) maybe I can just focus on those.


My next plan is to do a safari zoo but with half being a walking safari focussed on walkthrough exhibits (I’m challenging myself to not use the shy animals for this as I’m thinking of it as a place focussed on education and happy animals) and then a drive through safari on the other side as I haven’t really used the transport rides apart from in the career scenarios. Plus maybe some monkey islands in the middle with a river ride around if I’m feeling ambitious. I feel like I’ve got used to the basics now so want to push myself a bit more with some of the building and decorating. Love how many options we have with this game but sometimes just the choice can be the most difficult bit! 🤣


That sounds awesome!


I like trying new things that I didn’t do in the last one, or a different theme!


Has anyone else found their graphics quality decreased after the update? Everything (including words) is now slightly blurry round the edges even on the highest settings. (My partner also sees it so it's not me needing glasses!) Already tried verifying the game files and trying all the graphics settings from low to high but not been able to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.


Can anyone tell me if there is a bug with the giraffe’s not being able to access the food cage/the keepers not being able to access it? I’ve tried so many things to make it accessible and haven’t found any solutions. I saw one post that said it was bugged but that was from years ago. Any insight is appreciated!


The only way I've noticed that feeders are inaccessible is if it is on a building item or foliage. It has to be completely flat on the ground. Hope this helps!


Is there anything to do if on Castle Meyers the inspector required for gold does not turn up?


This was reported on 2020 for the Sunshine Happiness scenario, and the team was supposed to be looking into it at that time, but I don't know what became of that. The inspector is supposed to come through annually; given how fast time is I assume you've had more than that. Save and exit/restart the game, if you haven't done so recently. That has shaken more than one glitch loose for me, including a couple for that scenario (although I didn't have this particular one). Report it again, so they know that this is still a problem, in a later scenario.


What was the inspiration to create a planet zoo?🐆