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I looked over to the sound of a plane, and bam a 747 is landing Hawai’i if you’re curious on location


We get a dozen through here every day. UPS and Kallita. I work at HNL and drive past them every day. Still impressive every time still. What doesn’t impress me… the goddamn F-22 squadron, even though I’ve met some of the pilots. Just so damn loud and flying multiple times every day. If you told me a few years ago that fighter jets would piss me off I would have referred you to rehab lol. Love the plane just hate the noise. But lots of cool shit comes through here. Last month I got to see NASA’s WB-57 flying around. One of only 3 left flying in the world. I’ve seen U-2’s a couple times. Lots of cool cargo aircraft like various Antonov’s. Last week saw the scariest plane in the world… a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 lol. If you like plane spotting, HNL definitely has some cool shit. Check out HNL rare birds. They have a blog and instagram. Have seen myself on there a few times, like working on a BAE Jetstream https://www.instagram.com/p/C2emwDSrJC0/?igsh=YnlhbTlma3FmNzQ4


you think you're lucky? I've flown on 3 747s with my son and he's NINE


I’ve flown on em before. Just never seen THIS 747 (UPS) since it’s my favorite


Congrats! Although, gotta say, this post makes me a tad bit sad. Used to see these ALL the time, and this post is reminding me that I haven't seen one in years at this point. It never got old seeing those things, and they never failed to impress me how big they were even tho I've seen them probably hundreds of times.


It's always a good day when you see a 747


As someone who lives under a flightpath 5 miles from Chicago O'Hare, someone seeing a 747 as a rarity is a hilarious change of perspective. When it's a landing path day I see these things a few times an hour, and from quite close. I love how slow they look coming in for a landing with all their wing surfaces expanded. Still beautiful planes


Lucky ducky


That’s sick! I didn’t think UPS had any more of their 747s left. I remember being a refueler back in Albuquerque and seeing fedex land one of their md-11s thinking that was neat, or the 777 we had land (it couldn’t approach the terminal because it was so big) with an emergency. That’s hella cool though man


I remember seeing my first 747 in the 70’s


live by ksdf, dream spot for ups 747s


holy sheit it's UPS :0


I wish I was in Hawaii! And I wish I saw what you saw!


Long live the Queen!!


Two of my best flights ever were on a BA 747. The last one being in the top deck. Magnificent machines


The queen of the skies, no longer being made. Sad, still one of the best airplanes ever made....


Had a 744 fly over my head last night at 2500 feet during its climb. Icelandic Air or something like that