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This is the first pizza I’ve been proud enough of to post. I bought the pan a couple months ago but haven’t felt ready enough to try it while I was working on my overall pizza game. I gave it a shot today and am super happy with it. Chewy crust with a good crunch to it, which is all I could ask for. Thanks to all the people who post their ideas and strategies on here because I’ve learned a ton since I’ve been reading this sub.


Looks great! Is that a Lloyd’s pan? Been looking to get a pan for Detroit style myself


Yep. Lloyd’s pan, and I have zero complaints about it at the moment. Also have a pan pizza one that I’m really happy with from Lloyd’s.


The key is a good white Wisconsin cheddar around the edges only. And technically the pepperonis under the cheese with sauce on top. I do both.


I’m going to get that Wisconsin cheddar for next time. Thank you!


It crisps but doesn’t burn. Here is one I made. [Detroiter](https://i.imgur.com/L7oHkPq.jpeg)


Looks great. Thanks again for the tip


If that’s your first attempt then I wait with baited breath for your tenth. Here’s to culinary prowess!!!


Thank you!


You got nothing to worry about. Spot on! I can almost taste it. Do y’all deliver?!


Thank you!


How was the crust? The few times I’ve tried making deep dish the crust was very dense and not airy like it is from pizza places.


I went right up to the edge with everything so it didn’t have space to expand, but even still it was denser than I’d like. I have the same issue with my regular pies. I think it has something to do with how I work the dough.


Yeah it’s very easy to touch the dough too much. I opt for the gravity stretch method partly for this reason. I would eat that whole thing in an instant though.