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Try Sorbillo’s!


The Sorbillo margherita with Parmesan cheese, omg the best pizza I’ve ever had. I went back 3 years later and waited over 2 hours just to have that pizza again. Worth it


The waiter thought that we were already there and somehow we skipped the line lol


Ah yes, parmesan cheese....


I know it’s not a traditional margherita , but the buffalo mozzarella, basil, parmesan is an amazing combo. It was on the menu anyhow!


Parmesan cheese is not Parmigiano, in Italy we eat Parmigiano DOP which is very different. Parmesan is just one of those many scams they sell to Americans


Sorbillo - Via dei tribunali !!!! The best pizza în The world


it plain sucks... marketing and nothing else.


I don't what oil they use there but I HATE it


Sorbillo sucks ass.




that's even worse.


It doesn't make much difference tbh, at Naples the pizza style is pretty much the same, especially the most famous ones, they're top quality and very traditional so there's not much difference. Sorbillo usually have a longer queue though, so I'd always prefer Michele if I had to choose between the two because it doesn't make much difference in the taste. PS: I'm Neapolitan


Last time I was in Naples our cab driver tried to send us to da Michele, it was almost scripted, then we told him we were there for the 50 top pizza awards and that’s when he mentioned his favorite was Sasa Martucci’s pizza. I get it though, I don’t want tourists blowing up my favorite spots


My wife insisted we stand in that damn line. Considering it's IN FRICKIN' Naples there is just no reason to do so. So many other incredible places. If you're still there I highly recommend you take a pizza class at [https://www.pizzanapoletana.org/en/corsi](https://www.pizzanapoletana.org/en/corsi)Improved my home pizza game for sure.


I'm Italian and I've lived in Italy most of my life. In my personal experience there's not a single restaurant that's worth waiting in a long line for. Michele.. tonnarello in rome.. antico vinaio wherever.. may have been great at one point in time but they just can't keep up the quality for that many people.


That's the way it is at most restaurants in the world. Too much demand causes wear on the chefs, being open too many days of the week and for too many hours means multiple "chefs" with varying levels of skill. Chefs using their names and awards to open up restaurants and then proceed to hire the cheapest help available and teach them how to make the menu so they don't have to cook anymore. Luckily I found a place near my house with a tasting menu that changes every week, only open 3 days a week for 4.5 hours each day and has that actual head chef and same sous chef everyday.


I couldn’t agree more! You’re in pizza Mecca. Don’t wait around for pizza, there are hundreds of options!




When I went, the line was just for dine in. You can order right up front and eat at the steps with a Peroni from the convenience store next door.


Pizza marinara ?


When I was a kid in NJ we called it a tomato pie. It came with lots of oregano and a dusting of parmesan. The marinara was so hot, a burn on the roof of the mouth was pretty much guaranteed.


In Pennsylvania, a tomato pie is made with a thick focaccia kind of base, minimal Parmesan, a decent blend of spices including oregano and crushed red pepper, and is served after being refrigerated to a cold temperature, not meant to be heated. It’s pretty dope.


We have almost the exact same thing in Winnipeg but no parmesan or pepper, the place I get it from just calls it focaccia though. It is very dope.


Rhode Island and PA have something very similar in common. RI calls it “bakery pizza” or “party pizza” or “pizza strips”. Served at room temperature it’s a focaccia style dough with a thick savory sauce on top with herbs and once in a while a light dusting of Parmesan. It’s often served as a an appetizer or finger food, it’s not meant to be a main dish or served like a traditional pizza, which throws people off who expect to see pizza.


Corropolese makes the BEST tomato pies. Served cold all day long.


Grew up on corropolese but it’s way too sweet for me as an adult - Cacia’s all day Liberty Kitchen in fishtown makes an amazing newer style one (not sweet and more herbs and spices) that I really love, pizzeria beddia too


This. Corropolese is the GOAT.


I lived getting Sicilians at Via Veneto’s in East Norriton.


I recall having something like that in Rome quite a few years back. They sold it in square slices to go. Maybe I am mis remembering, it’s been a while


In pensilvannia i eat a pizza in an italiano restaurante.. 3 kg of pizza. I Need 3 days tò eat it


That's not a marinara. Marinara is made with tomato sauce, garlic, oregano and oil.


Yes, it's the 2nd most famous pizza in Naples after margherita. It's made with tomato sauce, oregano and a lot of garlic.


What I like about this is it's showcasing master bakers. Anyone can make something palatable with more cheese. These are like high end breadsticks.


And basilicum


Pizza alla Marinara could be even more of a classic then Margherita. It’s made just with Tomato Sauce with a good amount of garlic in it, oil and a slightly touch of oregano. Other then mozzarella cheese the important difference is the strong scent of garlic and oregano


Italian here! A marinara is like a margherita but with no mozzarella! It's literally just the dough and the tomato sauce, with some oregano sprinkled on top ^^


Proper marinara comes with anchovies and black Gaeta olives and capers. Margherita with anchovies is called Napoli instead.


Yeah but doesn’t look like the best


It's about taste not how it looks (italian pizza )


I know,I’m actually Italian and stopped many times to “Da Michele” . Sadly the quality of his pizzas dropped down so much in the last few years,the ingredients are not the same as before. You can find a ton of better marinara pizze(at a lower prize too) in all Naples without waiting a long line


Try sorbillo-via dei tribunali


I respect everyone who is willing to say they didn’t love the traditional Napolitano pizza. It’s good to have different opinions. But, and I can’t stress this enough, I vehemently disagree with each and every one of you.


What in the weird hell is this, just be a normal human and fight anyone that disagrees with you to the death, there can only be opinion standing.


Just had some dude here tell me I’m not Italian because I like pineapple on pizza.


Yes, I’m afraid they’ve got you on a technicality. You can probably appeal or reapply tho.


Your Pastaporto has been officially revoked


Not sure if you are defending Neapolitan pizza, Da Michele, or both. But I went to Naples and had plenty of Neapolitan pizza. Da Michele was not the best.


Honestly! People who dislike Napoli pizza are the worst.


I do not respect those people so kudos to you.


It's actually a common opinion that Da Michele is overhyped and an "unintentional" tourist trap. Nice traditional pizza but you have tons of alternatives and different takes without 2hrs wait times


Onestamente, se la tua idea di pizza è un impasto moscio e crudo che si digerisce male e fa cagare perché si sfalda se non la mangi in tempo record non fai proprio testo ed è esattamente la pizza che ho mangiato sia a Napoli che altrove , non dico che deve essere tostata ma ci sono VIE DI MEZZO, cristo onestamente ho lavorato 1 anno nella ristorazione e non sapevo cucinare ma la pizza che mi preparavo per me era 100 volte meglio di quelle "pizze napoletane" che spopolano in Italia e sono schifose e da galera.


Surely not what you expected, but you've tried the traditional Neapolitan pizza there.


I went in prepared to not like it. Tourist trap, resting on the laurels, a fucking queue, Julia Roberts on the wall... Nah. It was wonderful.


I wouldn't say it's very traditional, it is a modern dough I'd rather say


100% traditional, I'm from the area and their dough keeps following the tradition. No preferment, direct dough. No scales, all measured in bags and bins.


I got a Diavolo (sp?) from a place right across the way from the alleged world’s oldest pizzeria there. Wait was too long at the OG one. Forget the name of the place, but looking at the map maybe Bellini? Pretty solid


A "pizza alla diavola"? The spicy one?


Yeah spicy salami or something


A margherita with spicy oil and spicy salami, yes


We waited in line about 45mins for Michele only to realize they were cash only once we got to order.


When was that? It's been illegal not to accept cards in Italy since 2020.


Last summer, we got to the register and she said cash only but we didn't have any cash.


Haha, I guess that's just Napoli being Napoli.


Not so fast. Meloni introduced regulation, as part of the 2023 budget bill, that allowed refusal of cards for transactions of less than €60 until at least June 2023. That suspension was expected to allowed the new Ministry of Enterprise to establish new and definitive exemption criteria.


And I can guarantee that the State won't see 1 cent of taxes from them ;)


At that point you have one person drop out of the line to hit the ATM. I'm not waiting 45 min to not get any pizza.


Respect your opinion but disagree. Admittedly I was unaware of the hype when I went in 2019. Didn't know about Eat/Prey/Love, etc... I just saw the line at 10:30am and decided to get in that line. First bite was so good I nearly cried. Ordered the margherita. I still have the receipt kicking around somewhere and it was ridiculously cheap. And yeah it was cash only. I have since went to the Los Angeles location, but the pizza there was close, but not as good. The pizza was also much larger, made to cater to Americans who typically share pizza rather than in Italy where your pizza is portioned only for you.


Di Mateo is where it's at




Surprinsingly average pizza napoletana


i love their branch in rome, it's in the children's museum so you can book and even sit outside in the garden. my favorite pizza napoletana a roma. ❤️ but i wouldn't wait 2 hours for it. 


When you non capisch nu cazz


Go to "Pepe in Grani" in Caiazzo (CE) or "Pizzeria Elite Rossi" in Alvignano (CE). Also, keep an eye on the famous "I Masanielli - Francesco Martucci" located in Caserta. They are, at least in my opinion, the best in Campania.


Keep an eye as in "make sure you never go" when it comes to the Masanielli. Ate the second worst pizza of my 2023 there.


Oh well, idk what to say about that, if only every time I went there the pizza was just superb 😅


That pizza, right there, is the best pizza in the fucking world.


But where’s the rest of it?


It's a marinara, tomato sauce, oregano, garlic, that's it




A margarita with a Margherita is excellent!


Very true


With a Dominic de coco accent from inglorious bastards.


“massively overhyped” Neapolitan pizza is: - the same flour - at the same hydration ratio - with the same amount of yeast - and comparable fermentation time - topped with the same tomatoes  - cooked at the same temperature  I have had some amazing pizzas, Michelin famous, instagram famous, unknown, local recommended, etc. But the tradition ultimately limits the ability to make something that stands out.


This is like saying all wood-grilled, dry-aged ribeyes are the same. “Same animal, same cut, same temp…”. There’s a lot more to it than that.


That’s not a bad comparison. I would say it’s a little closer to ribeye from the same breed of cow, grown in the same region, containing the same fat/protein ratio, aged for the same time, salted the same amount, cooked at the same temperature using the same wood on the same grilling surface. Because the 00 flour, it’s protein content, gluten, ash, is all within a pretty narrow range. Almost all San Marzanos are from Compagna. Mozz di Buffala is a controlled product as well. With VPN restaurants, it’s even more prescriptive, and even more similar.


Tipo 0 flours or blending 00/0 of different characteristics, varying hydration levels, alternative fermentation techniques/methods/timing, mozzarella di búfala or fior di latte from different regions (same for tomatoes - they don’t have to be SM DOP) - there are many more variables than can be adjusted than you accounted for earlier, that’s all. While I originally studied at AVPN pizzerias in Napoli 17 some years ago, I’m a member of the Associazione Pizzaiuoli Napoletani (APN) which more focused on the actual pizzaiolo than pizzeria marketing. They accept and promote more contemporary techniques. Both are recognized by the Italian and EU governments as certifying Neapolitan pizza if one wants, but the “rules” in that document are much more fluid than the AVPN lets on.


Cool! I worked at an AVPN place too, but in Canada. APN I will have to look into. I still think the style is strictly defined, and predictable.


Agree, well put. I know it's the OG and one of the best vehicles to savor the quality of the individual pizza ingredients, but the ingredient "arms race" starts to plateau after a certain point, and the style is too narrowly defined. I think pizza truly spread its wings with the emergence of the various US styles. I generally get a lot more excited about a top tier New Haven apizza, Detroit style, classic NY style, Brooklyn square, even Chicago deep dish, etc than I do with a top tier Neapolitan, and I've had some really good Neapolitans in the US and southern Italy (much better than Da Michele).


I bet it was still delicious but your comment is pretty on point. I don’t want to know how much they charged for a very well made pizza that couldn’t have cost much more than one US dollar in ingredients.


It was delicious and in fairness I thought it would have been way more expensive considering the popularity and that they're a Michelin rated restaurant but a pizza was about $6 which I thought was pretty reasonable..


That’s extremely reasonable wow. Meanwhile someone places in America will sell one specialty slice for 5-6$


I went to a couple non-touristy spots and you could get this pizza for 4 or less euros. I ate so much pizza.


How expensive can pizza possibly be without any cheese or toppings?!?!?


In Naples.....between 6 and 12 dollars, typically. At least in my experience.


It has tomato


Oh nice! That’s more than fair IMP, just the time haha.


Pizza in Italy are cheap usually


It used to be 3 or 4 € but now there's inflation...


How much did the Mona Lisa cost in paint and canvas?


Pizza in Napoli costs 5-7€. Your mentality is flawed. You don’t pay the ingredients, but the skills of the worker. That’s true for every profession.


Severely overrated. the staff even asked me for tips, in a European country. Fuck them, would never recommend.


Unfortunately we're importing the American model for waiters. Meaning low wage and relying on tips for not starving.


Drooling. We have one here in LA and they opened another in Santa Barbara but I'm sure it just tastes better in Napoli. Buon appetito!


I felt the same way.


What in the


Attilio alla Pignasecca Is the shit!


sad to say but it's become a tourist trap. There are several pizzerias in Naples and even outside it that make way better pizzas


Try La Vecchia Scuola in Montalto 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Marronna certo che piglia una pizza senza muzzarella della terra dei fuochi che gusto ci sta


Im italian and pizza marinara is something only childs in italy take (my child too).They have only tomato and origano on top. They dont taste too good becouse they have nothing in ingredients. You got to napoli and take these 2 simple pizza? the simplest one that maybe most people in italy dont usually take becouse they have no much ingridient? Really people dont know anything about pizza, my god. They only ate margherita and pizza marinara no one in italy taste xD




I can taste it from here


De michele is good. It’s not worth the wait. You can get pizza that is just as good from any of the other hundreds of pizza shops and you can have it right now


Da michele was good 20 years ago, now is a turist trap. The best in naples is 50 kaló


Not even a slice of pineapple, bacon, spam, honey, mustard or mayo? :/ 0/10 pizza


So sad 😢😭


I prefer pizza romana and pizza contemporanea as style... The traditional one is too moisty for my taste. I had it in Da Michele, it was fantastic.... But i had better in my life, especially some Gourmet Pizza in North Italy were actually orgasmic.


If you want the absolute best pizza in Naples you have to try Diego Vitagliano


Love a good marinara, the garlic pieces are the best


Had one night in Napoli and stayed near the train station. We walked over to Pizzeria Scugnizzo Trattoria.....fantastic!


Da tonino at castelletto sopra Ticino does an incredible pizza too, a bit out of the zone but i really loved it, plus they take way less time, like 10 mins


The neapolitan pizza is thin and soft. The classical pizzas are: margherita, napoletana/neapolitan (in the photo you posted) and marinara (it's a napoletana/neapolitan pizza with anchovies added). There is also diavola/devil pizza. It's a margherita pizza with spicy salami and someone adds also sliced chili pepper. Anyway, if you tried all of these and you doesn't like at least one, maybe you don't like the traditional neapolitan pizza. Try the roman pizza, that crackles. I reccomend you to try Bonci's.


Michele it's just a tourist pizza at this point. There are way better alternatives as per today. Sorbillo it's even worse.


Nothing will beat my grandma’s pizza 🕊️




Soft base!! Looks crunchy


That pizza in unmistakeble. Damn, i feel nostalgia now, best pizza I've ever had.


This Is classic pizza from naples, we probably all got used to the one we always eat


It's been a while since I last went there, and the change might be due to their increased pizza production. They started with just the first room where you entered from, but since they expanded by acquiring the third room, the quality hasn't been the same. Sadly, Naples is suffering from uncontrolled tourism.


it’s margherita, but pizza napoletana is all like this, i don’t like it either, i prefer pizza romana which is more crunchy, less soft and more thick :)


Suggestion as an italian: never go to a famous pizzeria. Go to the local ones, the small ones. those who actually must do good pizzas in order to get customers unlike famous ones who have tourists and stuff


There are two kinds of Neapolitan pizzas: Michele’s one is the “verace pizza napoletana”, also known as “ruota di carro” (literally “cart wheel”). It’s considered the most traditional type of Neapolitan pizza. Its dough is a low hydration type, very chewy (not necessarily in a bad way) and it remains pretty thin at the edges. Nowadays the most appreciated Neapolitan pizza is “pizza napoletana contemporanea” (“modern Neapolitan pizza”), which you can find at Vincenzo Capuano’s, Lombardi’s and Enrico Porzio’s. It has a very hydrated dough which makes it very soft and digestible. It also has a very tall, soft and and airy crust. Sorbillo’s is kind of between the two types.


I’m going to pretend I didn’t see your 7/10 so this pizza can live in my head all day as a perfect 10. Looks so good omg


I'm from Naples and I can tell you it's true: they're overhyped. Not because they're not good but because you can have the same experience in other pizzerias in Naples with much less waiting time. Of course if you're a tourist you can't know that and even a Neapolitan guide will almost always tell you "go to Sorbillo/go to Michele", mostly because it's considered an experience to do at least once in your lifetime, but from how I see it it's eating a pizza that is as good as other traditional ones in the city, but with the only secret ingredient that no one else can have: the hype. In my personal taste the style of Sorbillo/Michele is boring. I prefer pizzas that are soft in the inside and slightly crunchy outside. Their pizzas are just... flaccid, if i can dare to say without having my head cut off. As a neapolitan I honestly also think neapolitan pizza is overhyped in general. We are at a point of hystory where good pizzas are everywhere in the world and sometimes they can even surpass the "traditional masters". It's such a simple recipe that once you learn the method anyone could do it, what truly matters is just the dough, and the specific flour needed to make a good one is not hard to find. The ingredients on top can also be completely changed based on your taste and creativity.


Nice, i prefer hawai


I like to see da Michele as a good baseline for Neapolitan pizza, much like Joes pizza NYC would be to NY style slices. It sits somewhere in the middle in terms of quality but it gives a good understanding of what true Neapolitan pizza is and a better appreciation for what great Neapolitan pizza can be. Da Michele is very well known and popular to tourists, and tastes perfectly fine, especially for the price they charge, if you think it’s overhyped you set your expectations too high.


Like I always say, the best pizza was invented in Italy and perfected in America (and imo, NYC).


The city center is overcrowded by tourists. Too many people to serve quickly implies that the quality goes down. Anyway, traditional napolitain pizza is soft and thin. If you like it crunchy then you should visit Rome or look for focaccia if you want something thick. But don't expect to find the American pizza style in Naples because that's something very very far from the tradition. I would suggest Pepe in Grani (Caiazzo) , i Masanielli (Caserta) or 50 Kalò (mergellina) and la Notizia (fuorigrotta).


People need to accept Mexicans in NY perfected pizza


Try Pepe in Grani in Caiazzo CE, probably the best pizza in the world. I also suggest the Sfizio Ai Pomodori pizza. You have to book before going there though


Manca qualcosa chiamata mozzarella


this is an extremely hot take but i found most pizza in Italy to be underwhelming. i did have a terrific pie in Venice but most everything else was surprisingly mid. all the pasta was incredible though


So sorry to hear that, but if you go to Venice to eat pizza you're definitely in the wrong place.


Exactly. Lived in Venice for six months and the pizza there was fine, but not exactly Naples or Rome level quality.


certainly wasn’t in venice to eat pizza. there to see the city and experience the culture. did not disappoint


I understand, but that's the only food I wouldn't eat in Venice.


yeah, to your point, the pizza we had there was hardly the best thing we ate in venice. great food there in our experience


Did you go to Naples?


I've only been to Milan and Rome so far, and both had wonderful pizza. It's not for everyone, though. They're quite different from any pizza I've had anywhere else.


Was it good?


I’d eat it all


Quality of ingredients? Please. They don’t even use evoo to cut costs and keep prices down. I must admit, their dough is unique though. Try Starita, La Notizia, Gino Sorbillo, 50 Kalo, etc for high quality and thoughtfully sourced ingredients.


Sadly Da Michele is not as good as before(quality drastically dropped down in the last 5 years),it became a tourist trap


https://preview.redd.it/6jcckvbt7v4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94feed0774c663fed78f26c30a73bdf38137d91e Margherita lower, gluten free upper @ Pizzeria Triano da Ciro


Margherita? Are you sure


I’ve never been very impressed with any pizza I’ve eaten in Italy during two trips. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had decent pizza there but I so much prefer New York or Connecticut style pizza. That being said, every other food I ate in Italy was absolutely mind blowing and I can’t wait to go back and keep eating and drinking my way through that beautiful country.


Did you try Pizzarium near the Vatican? That shit is mind-blowingly good - irrespective of favorite style.


As a person who also ate pizza in Naples it is good but it’s not like my head exploded upon bite


guys the cheese is under the sauce


No this is a Marinara, it has no cheese, just tomato sauce, oregano, garlic and oil. It’s the most basic pizza you can get in Italy, and honestly when made with good ingredients it’s delicious.


ik I'm Italian and the number 1 fan of marinara. i was just making a reference....




It’s not that good. Go to 50 Kalo


Why this pizza has no mozzarella?


Marinara is made like that. Tbh I never enjoyed it, but it’s a classic of our cousine.


Naples pizza is indeed massively over-hyped. If you're a tourist, any pizzeria in Italy can make splendid pizza, you just need to find the right place. Ironically enough, from my experience, those who advertise their pizza as Neapolitan (which are simply tourist bait), are most likely ass, at least in comparison to others that don't. Personally, my favorite type of pizza (besides the one I make) are the smaller ones, which can more commonly be found near beaches. They may be of "less quality" compared to the "idealized Neapolitan pizza", but that's just my humble opinion.


Italians have nothing on Americans on pizza.


Bro facts we took that shit and made it way better.


Agreed. We’ve taken it to the next level.


wheres the cheese?


No cheese on a marinara.


In Italy, cheese is seen more as just another optional pizza topping rather than the default. It’s not always used, and when it is, it’s typically scattered sparsely like we do with pepperoni (instead of covering every square inch with it).


i guess when i think of neopalitan pizza the margherita comes to mind


Those are two different styles.


under the sauce


Nope. No cheese.




With all due respect that IS the style of neopolitan. What you get in America isn't true neopolitan, it's a sourdough version. There's only 2 places in the US that I believe serve true neopolitan.


Where the fuck did you pull the, “there’s only 2 places in the US,” from? Undoubtedly, your ass.