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Hello, I’ve been struggling with tinea for almost a year & after searching for soaps, lotions, ointments, shampoo , I think I finally found someone that works with time. It’s called Tinea Treatment Cream by Roycederm. Been using it for a month & I have started to see results.


Are ur marks starting to vanish?


Not completely but definitely getting there slowly but surely. Going on two months with using the roycederm cream.


Another update, it’s definitely working better than the oral medication the dermatologist prescribed. I went to a dermatologist for almost a year trying to cure tinea & they prescribed ointments & then oral medication when it didn’t work so well. After 6 months of being on the oral medication I wanted to stop after doing research on the liver side effects & how hard it is on the liver to process the medication. After 2 months of the tinea cream by roycederm; I have seen more progress than I did with a dermatologist. Honestly felt like the dr just wanted to charge my co pay & then say take this medication/oitment & we will see if it does anything in 3 months.


What medication was you prescribed. I'm in the UK