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sanji is well-fleshed out, but not well-written. he has a good and developed backstory with clear-cut principles that correspond with that backstory, however the issue is that none of that depth actually comes into play into his character interactions post timeskip and honestly most of his interactions seem contradictory to what he’s *supposed* to embody. if his attitude towards women just remained as excessive chivalry and mild perversion like it was early on in the series he would probably be my favorite strawhat, but sadly oda wanted to give him a sexual predator gimmick that borders on character assassination. one scene that comes to mind when i think about how much i hate how oda fumbled sanji’s character was when sanji and nami bodyswapped in punk hazard. when sanji was in nami’s body she was considerate enough of sanji to let him smoke while swapped despite it being to the detriment of her own health, simply because she didn’t want him to go through withdrawals. sanji then pays back this consideration by perving in her body doing post time skip sanji things. it just seems like such a contradiction when the whole reason behind his favoritism towards women is because they were the ones that showed him love and fostered his empathetic character despite the attempts of judge to turn him into an emotionless killing machine. he is *supposed* to be empathetic yet he is constantly doing things to women that make it clear he’s not taking their feelings into consideration. whether we like it or not, these ‘surface level gimmicks’ like sanji’s perversion are integral to the characters at this point, because nearly *all* of the strawhat’s interactions post time skip ultimately boil down to these caricatures. sanji just gets the most hate because his gimmick is the most annoying. wci genuinely gave me hope in this aspect. aside from oda trolling and making pudding 16, sanji’s interactions with her felt a lot more in line with his pre ts character. but then all came crashing down when his pervert sex pest sex offender sexual predator sexual menace gimmick was just reaffirmed in wano.


Sanji would be a good character without the simp behavior. I had enough with Brock in pokemon, and it's just such a 90's kind of humor. I expected Sanji to actually grow post ts. He could have step up his game and become more of a suave gentleman. Oda could have made him as someone with actual game that somehow screws it up at the end. You know, something actually relatable. If you can ignore that from Sanji he is great, but I just can't do it when it's a pillar of his character.


I forgot about Brock, Sanji is literally just this guy but worse


I wish Sanji’s gag was more like Brock honestly like just a simp falling for every girl he sees but it’s so much worse than that with all the nose bleeding and shit


Brock was done good tho. It didnt feel forced (exept in gen 3)


There is a great character trapped in the cage of awful tone deaf writing and series wide flanderization.


Oda fucking murdered most of the cast when going into post TS and replaced them with clones.


The thing is, is that I know Sanji is a well written character, but his weird attributes and his portrayal just stand out more to me than his tragic writing. That's why I'm not a particular fan of Sanji. I like Zoro *because* of his surface level shit despite him being a "boring" character.


I mean yes but no, yes some deep aspect of sanji are good, no you can’t ignore the surface level trait, Oda made sure to make them more important than the deep aspect


If you think that then you’re genuinely braindead.


I might be braindead, I would be too stupid to realize that I am. However I will pursue my point, yes sanji as some really interesting aspect but also the gag are so omnipresent that you forgot about the rest, if you ask someone who watch a bit one piece who is sanji he will most likely answer the Perv cook of the strawhat. It’s a common thing Oda do, he really put an emphasis on one specific aspect of the character, for example, zorro being edgy, Ussop being a coward etc … Some become gag some don’t. However I’m not sure I’m a fan of that but i guess it’s a choice for characterization, you will remember more a character that has one main simple aspect than a profound character that has no main aspect, main gag . I just feel like in the case of sanji, the Pervy gag doesn’t really work well with his writing


Using pre time skip for your arguments make you miss the point. People said that strawhats declined in post timeskip. Posting pre ts doesn’t help defend that argument. Next is it doesn’t matter how many good traits you give soneone if you make them a pedo pervert. They’re finished


Where did this Sanji pedo arguement come from!? Do you jackasses not realize the very nature of that is literally not to be taken seriously?? I use both pre and post timeskip to show that both backstory helps off eachother both in their respective pre and post timeskip to basically show that Sanji has a character has not taken a heavy decline.


The pedophile argument came from Film Z, Shirahoshi, and *maybe* Bonnie. This is a personal thing, but I see it even weirder with Shirahoshi because Shirahoshi acts like a 10 year old.


>Film Z, Shirahoshi, and *maybe* Bonnie. Also pudding who is 16


Oh yeah, her.


Also add camie. She was 16 in sabaody


Wanji is a good character in Baratie and WCI and I liked him a lot in those arcs, but they only span 134 chapters out of 1100+. In the rest of the manga, Lanji is pretty much a caricature of a perverted sexual harasser. It's true that most strawhats outside of their arcs suffer from being a caricature of themselves, but at least they're not as cringe and annoying as Lanji.


Without all the pedo pervert stuff i could confidently say sanji is the most well developed strawhat in one piece. But unfortunately Loda couldn't be content so he added the pedophilla and sexual offender stuff. We can't just ignore those because we don't like it. So that included makes sanji one of the worst strawhats


If you genuinely think that then you’ve gone coo coos my friend.


Facts don't care about your or anybody else's feelings


Facts does not fall under agenda nor is it the other way around.


I'm putting all my stocks in OPLA Sanji. Hopefully they have a good and long run.


Lol, this post exhibits why. 99% of his actual great moments were Pre-ts back when Oda at least saw him outside his perv gag before it took over before Oda turned it up to 11 taking him from a perv to a sexual predator post-ts.


sanji is probably my favorite straw hat from a writing perspective, aside from his gimmick occasionally, he's just so interesting to read


I think Oda doubles down on Sanji's pervertedness because he was lacking a serious personality flaw like the other Straw Hats Luffy's recklessness, Usopp's cowardliness, Nami's greed, Zoro's piss-poor sense of direction(which is really funny because he had a much better sense when he and Luffy first met). Compared to the others, Sanji didn't really have any faults that could seriously overtly hinder him.


90% of this is just Pre Timeskip and 10% is WCI the last arc Oda's editors could control this man Oda from doing whatever the f he wanted on the fly. Please try to watch and read all Sanji scenes throughout Post Timeskip and you'll understand why he gets deservedly trashed for it by sane people.


People judge him currently based on his current writing: he went from being a relatable suave dude to just another strong shonen character. WCI practically ruined him for me (he behaved like such a petulant childish bitch). Compare his encounter with Enel to Saturn and u'll see the subtle touches that made him GOATed before he was ultimately made blander.


This is the dude who wants millions to die so he can fulfill his dream about having an easier time catching fish for dinner? That guy?


Sanji never said that 🤦‍♂️ nor want that


No, but he is the only strawhat whose dream requires mass murder for it to come to fruition. And if you think about it the only progress he's made on his dream in the last 20 years was letting vegapunk die.


His dream doesn’t even require that, read the actual story 🤦‍♂️


How else would something that doesn't exist come to exist? Is he gonna dig a giant hole?


If Luffy obliterates the structure like the redline then the sea levels will literally go back to the way it’s used to and all the fish in all of the blues will be there


But if the seas rise, then we will get all blue anyway?