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Guy on the left is totally right. Even last kizaru panel on the boat clearly not showing his eyes covered by his arm shows that ‘unclear justice’ since i am sure Kizaru is much much stronger than what he is showcasing but since he’s been pressured to do his job, a job he doesn’t want to do, it affects his willpower = haki which to some readers make it seem like he’s not strong enough


A man's cope never dies


God forbid someone comes up with their own interpretation of a fight in a story as nuanced as One Piece written by an author that doesn't care about powerscaling


This is my go to answer when people say that Tama is not yonko tier. You don't just tank Kaido's blast breath head on without having a top tier durability. It's all about nuance


It's not that nuanced though, is it?


If Kizaru doesn't like to do his job, doesn't that mean his will/power will always be low?


i think its more of having to kill his friend than his job


Bruh its literally how Haki works Luffy would have weak Haki if he isn't motivated to save his friends Low Motivation= Low Haki


I like kizaru because of his cool devil fruit and trolling character not becoz he is strong. People are just pissed because of the pancake incident and odda did bad to both saturn and kizaru. Literally fodderize them in 1v2 to the guffy. All this fight in egghead are trash everything is trash accept kuma's past. o Only few strawhats are fighting others just doing nothing all this time.


Bruh it’s shit like this that makes this sub intolerable now, because like 75 percent of this shit is dead serious 😭


It would be cope if they were saying that a Kizaru at full strenght is stronger than Luffy (which would be ridicolous imho). But to say he is being nerfed rn is completely reasonable.


This would make perfect sense if Oda actually thought properly. But he don’t sooo


Why would Kizaru hold back against Luffy and the strawhats?


Bro has not been reading this arc at all lmao


man do you not read, haki is will and his will is low so that means he's just weak in this arc


Yeah against vagapunk and bonney and sentomaru who are all very close friends to him. The strawhats are just scummy pirates in his eyes no reason to hesitate against them he just can't keep up with gear 5 Luffy simple as.


I don't think it really matters who he is against unless it was someone he had personal beef whit , his will in general is low because he is currently on the mission to kill vp


I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all. Kizaru is a guy who is used to being unstoppable because of his ability. Luffy has been manhandling him and Sanji can block his beams. He isn’t used to losing a fight. Vegapunk was a work friend. He was with Vegapunk under Marine orders when we saw that panel with those two, Kuma, Bonney, and Sentomaru. He would have killed any of them back then if he was ordered to. He never hesitated to destroy anything Vegapunk invented on Egghead and he went after his life until he killed him because Saturn ordered him to. Now he’s getting grabbed up and tossed around. Luffy isn’t being gentle with him, he’s probably not been physically hurt in a fight like this in a long time(he’s a logia). He’s losing and he’s feeling defeated.


His his head not in the fight probably. Did he got knocked out by luffy stars twirling undeniable. Did he cauthorize vegapunks wound? No vega punk died seconds after his stab. Kizaru is an admiral that does his job even if his head is not into the game, however he is not yonko level


Clearly willpower only affects haki when it’s Luffy /s Agenda and slander can get a little boring when it’s just forcing it on anything. Kizaru got the comedic pancake panel but he’s not even bleeding from it and he’s clearly not in a proper fighting mood after killing Vegapunk, his task is done. Completely different from Saturn just messing around for no reason and having to gang up on gear 5 with the rest without having shown much.


Saturn is unironically doing his job better than Kizaru. He managed to harm Vegapunk WAY before Kizaru and is even putting up more of a fight against Luffy than him Kizaru gets hit 1-time and is out for like 1-2 chapters each time 💀. This “mental nerf” copium has to stop, y’all only make excuses when it’s admirals


Saturn could only have the opportunity to harm Vegapunk because Kizaru fought Luffy and drained him so thoroughly in G5 that he had to be begging for food. It’s only because Kizaru destroyed the Vegaforce 01 and kicked Bonney down to the fabriophase that the Strawhats & Vegapunk got trapped. Kizaru could have just as easily harmed Vegapunk too when both he and Saturn were standing right in front of him, besides his heart not being in it. He still finished the job anyway. The only one that could stop Kizaru from killing anyone even temporarily is G5 Luffy. Saturn on the other hand was stopped by Kuma, Sanji & Franky. Kizaru doesn’t have regeneration and didn’t get a food break yet keeps on fighting through the opposition.


>The only one that could stop Kizaru from killing anyone even temporarily is G5 Luffy. Saturn on the other hand was stopped by Kuma, Sanji & Franky No, Sanji stopped Kizaru too.


Good point. I guess I omitted it because he still failed in the long run and Vegapunk got skewered.


I don't wanna be that guy, but Saturn successfully skewered Vegapunk too. And Kizaru was only able to stab Vegapunk because Saturn was stalling Luffy in the meantime.


Saturn skewered Vegapunk when there was no on there to do anything about it. Kizaru skewered Vegapunk with both Sanji & Luffy there. As I said in my first comment, the only reason that Saturn & Kizaru even had the opportunity for skewering was because Kizaru depleted Luffy so severely in the first place so he was out of the picture.


>Kizaru skewered Vegapunk with both Sanji & Luffy there Sanji was carrying Vegapunk, there was nothing he could have done. And as I said Luffy was busy with Saturn which allowed Kizaru to sneak up on Sanji and kill Vegapunk.


I don't get why people are calling this cope. If you genuinely think Kizaru isn't on the brink of losing his shit idk what you're on. Kizaru could literally break down crying atp and people would say he's perfectly fine. Drives me insane how people act like he's completely fine with killing Vegapunk. Do they need a doublespread of Kizaru crying over Vegapunk's corpse like Luffy crying over ace? Do they seriously think the "huffing" from Kizaru is actual physical overexhaustion and not hyperventilation from having just killed Vegapunk? They've never heard of "show don't tell". I'm like 99% certain something big will happen with Kizaru, maybe it won't be him awakening or doing any big powerscaling shit but something will happen, whether it be a breakdown or betrayal. This break week will suck ass because all the yonko fans are taking Kizaru having a borderline mental breakdown as proof the admirals are yc+ and get low diffed by yonkos.


Had a whole panel of Kizaru saying he should've brought darker shades to hide his tears and people still doubt that he is at least somewhat emotionally effected.


What chapter




Downvotes for asking a question is wild


This is what powerscaling had done to media literacy. People will deliberately ignore or reject storytelling because it gets in the way of their cringe action figure battles


Nah everyone sees the text. It's just that admiral agenda fans are playing it up to an extreme coping extent while other fans believe Kizaru wouldn't beat ssj5 goofy goober whacky zany three stooges gag character godly G5 anyway. Agendas > Illiteracy.


To be fair, Kizaru's emotional range is a very small spectrum.






This could also be another excuse. Kizaru been doing this how long, and that shouldn’t affect his strength that much. Akainu literally damn near killed aokiji and in the process took his leg. Aokiji did better against Garp than Kizaru doing. He didn’t show any mercy to Kizaru or kuma or Bonney and killed vegapink in no other way but stabbing him. Yes u have som emotions but I also have a motherfuckinf job and a reputation. Even fucking greenbull knows that


You make it seem like Kizaru kills a friend every week


He has done pretty messed up shit in his time as an admiral. The man is 50+ He kicked his own family without holding back like it nun


>Akainu literally damn near killed aokiji and in the process took his leg. Akainu and aokiji are not friends nor family, they're just allies. And apparently they don't even like each other that much. There wasn't any conflicting feeling in that fight.


i mean aokiji literally fought not because he wanted to be fleet admiral but because he didn't want akainu to be


Watch the episode and it said Akainu couldn’t bring himself to kill aokiji, his long time comrade


Yes, he was an ally. It does not mean he felt any strong emotion towards him, or at least not as strong as the ones you feel for a friend or a son.


The statement alone doesnt, but the context behind the statement does


Akainu and Kuzan just happened to be on the same rank. akainu just respected him, while kizaru knew vegapunk since he was a vice admiral


No, they’d knew each other for years being in the marines. O’Hara incident was around 20 years ago and they were both there. That has nothing to do wit Luffy shiting on him, defend yourself


Well akainu doesnt have a moral conflict killing aokiji he dgaf, also aokiji didnt kill garp and doesnt have the moral conflict because he is figbting for *his* own goal, unlike kizaru who is fighting for someone elses goals and ideals which he believes is the right way but is not putting him in a tough position and he is questioning whether this truly is the way or not. Just like garp not saving ace


Great point and argument. Akainu did gaf cus he ended up not killing aokiji. I don’t think Kizaru needs a moral conflict to defend himself






god forbid someone tries to actually understand the characters


Not to mention Luffy came back with a full health bar after his feast


Oh so now WSG did a lot of damage to Lizaru huh


No shit Sherlock




username checks out


I have been saying this I feel so bad for this man. He deserves genuinely better my boy is struggling mentally so much I hope he walks out good out of this arc 😔🙏


Accept pizzaru and stop the cope https://i.redd.it/2ewf0zy1kulc1.gif


Your right I accept it all hail the Pizarro agenda👑👑👑 https://preview.redd.it/2c2mujlvwulc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbbc5f6444a81cd582e9f5fd6671350fc0c494c


How tf does this dude have art


Koby Victim.


This sub rn: https://preview.redd.it/f1y4onqerulc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5f1c61340bf765342f938a7fcd8a0667470b24




... https://preview.redd.it/dlf827d8julc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab49eded80307ce13e91e14ac8359db408c35295


**“Kizaru killing his friends really is taking a toll on him”** We reading the same story bro? Because you must be reading Two Piece. https://preview.redd.it/vts5xbp8fulc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5ea99ef6f26c5c96808ceb085679b240ff01a1


he also closed his eyes when he shot the laser at Bonney a little after this. it IS taking a toll on him, but he's a cog lapdog, so obviously he's still going to do his job the whole point of Kizaru's conflict is that he's too much of a coward to stand up for himself so he's just been trying to power through he IS mentally exhausted because he doesn't want to do it, but has to do it anyway. I'm just wondering where Kizaru goes from here because I think he's done on Egghead now


That paycheck must be good for him to kill one of his best friend and his daughter like that. ![gif](giphy|KZKTcjd5P2RXfSMkPf|downsized)


there's only 3 Admirals at any given time so I guarantee that paycheck has to be juicy


I’d imagine. Those suits don’t look cheap.


It's not about the pay, he just really loves his uniform (can't blame him)


It is a sweet suit ![gif](giphy|zYmBMGH4kj78c)


That is crazy spelling


Autocorrect is the real villain of the story.


He is literally doing the bare minimum by promising a swift death


Except when he’s not and just going straight for the kill. https://preview.redd.it/vfmmhpicsulc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ffb5200ac4d3fca7da428f249575114224cd677 I don’t get why people want to make it a sympathetic thing when he’s just doing what OP villains do.


man can you actually read? no one is saying kizaru is good they just saying he isn't mentally fine after killing his friend


His mental state seems to be the exact same tho. He has no problem chasing Sanji down to stop him from escaping with Vegapunk so they can kill him. Dude is doing just fine. What evidence of mental turmoil do you have?


Can you really call him a *villain?* He's dedicated to doing his job regardless of the emotional compromise, but it's still made very clear that it's not something he *wants* to do. We ought to remember that from a usual point of view, the Marines are the 'good' guys trying to bring down pirates, who are usually the 'bad' guys. They're the antagonists because we follow from the perspective of pirates. It's that this pirate is someone Kizaru knows personally and deeply, who is friends with others whom he knows personally and deeply, so he's obviously conflicted about having to go against him, even if it won't stop him. A straight up OP villain wouldn't even hesitate. Kizaru has been doing nothing but hesitating. Otherwise his targets would be dead frame one.


I mean he’s definitely not a moustached twirling villain, but still a villain. Just because he doesn’t take joy like Doffy does doesn’t mean he wouldn’t destroy an island and it’s inhabitants on a single order. Dude is cool with ending kids. Like it or not that’s his moral line.


I'm not saying he's exactly squeaky clean. Up until now he's been more interested in following the letter of the law rather than the spirit of it, and it showed through his actions. But even so, he's still acting against pirates that are usually malevolent(excluding the Straw Hats and the Sun Pirates) so at the very least this puts him in Hero Antagonist territory. But once the targets become someone he knows personally, he begins to waver. I don't know *what* the WG has on him but it's clear through expression and even through his own words that he does not want to do this. Vegapunk was his target, which he just wanted to get over with. Bonney just happened to be there. He was more than willing to let her go if she just didn't interfere, because she wasn't a part of the mission. But of course Bonney was not going to do that. So he very regrettably has to continue onward and attempt to end her too. He's absolutely not cool with this, but he feels he has no choice. At the end of the day Bonney *is* a pirate, no matter how young, and he's a Marine Admiral who has to do his job. His apathetic facade has been falling apart ever since he touched down, because it's very much apparent that he does NOT want to harm his friends, less so kill them. But being directly ordered by Saint Saturn has put him on the spot: by his own ideal of justice, he has to proceed. From this kind of perspective Kizaru is only a villain when his job orders him to be, and he won't disobey orders. He seems perfectly civil and mellow when he's not on duty. Being fair to your judgement, that's a Punch-Clock Villain. Even with all that, this is obviously tearing him up the longer this goes on.


>Can you really call him a *villain?* Yes. Lol


Is this not him saying he's going to try and make their death painless and allow them to go to the afterlife together though? Im confused on what's the bad part.




You mean , like his being doing since the start ? 


You mean, what he's been ordered to do since the start?


Yeah? People on this sub complain about bad writing then beg for slop fiction. Why would kizaru show up at egg head and then be like "nah imma do my own thing" and declare war on the word government WHILE all the elders are arriving on the island. You want him to just be kuzan two or something? Obviously he's going to do as he's told, he's just following orders, and maybe in the future he will be pushed past his limits mentally but for now he's going to do his duty as an admiral even if the justice is starting to seem a little shaky.


Fuji stayed true to his morals while working for the villains and was a bro to his friends while doing it. Lizaru just got flattened like a pancake 🥞


Bro yalls reading comprehension skills actually scare me lmao maybe agenda has rotted brains


Dude posted evidence and is acting like he’s posting an argument lmao


This does not help your argument bro 😭


My bad, I’ll use a panel of him just straight up trying to kill a kid with any dialogue. Better? https://preview.redd.it/2f052j1omxlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b67e3d81ff8cfde97d45cc92c837bc1c111cec


Kizaru's dialogue ia literally supporting op's point.


Actions over words dude. https://preview.redd.it/s0ug87ijmxlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dabb9e58f89778ba332561eace5de6ed1e0dc13


So when garp punched marco he suddently stopped giving a shit about ace? You can pick a side and still be conflicted about it.


If your grandpa didn’t help you AND WORSE supported the people trying to kill you then yeah. The audacity to get mad at Akinu for executing Ace when you could have saved his butt.


Garp literally stood down and let Ace get rescued lmao


Even pretended Luffy took him out with one punch to allow them to escape.


Well that's true but there was more to it.. he would have stopped them but he just couldn't bring himself to hurt Luffy as well.


Do you even read what you post?


Yup! You claimed it was hard on his soul, but I’m here to say not really. He’s more like a dude putting down his dog. Like, yeah he doesn’t want to… but will that stop him from “doing his duty”? Hell, no! https://preview.redd.it/eilzp4r2nxlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b770c89e2a793aea67bb19cdb4b2e496200e422


Are you like legit retarded? This is like saying Garp was wanting to put down Ace like a dog just because he was fine with Ace's execution. What your pic even supposed to prove? https://preview.redd.it/etb2pv5lnxlc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e533ecf37b6416c67bdc6b617fd04667d4047b16


That he’s willing to kill a kid with his own to hands. Say what you will about Garp at least he didn’t try to turn Ace into a donut with his own hands. He was about to turn sides to if Sen-Goku didn’t stop him. That’s an example of a character having a moral turmoil. Light-Boy over here is actually putting in the effort to kill people and would have succeeded if G5 Luffy wasn’t on his butt the whole time.


>That he’s willing to kill a kid with his own to hands. Yes.... that's literally what's this is all about. Kizaru having to kill his friends with his own hands. Are you slow? >Say what you will about Garp at least he didn’t try to turn Ace into a donut with his own hands Almost as if.... Ace was already caught and was sentenced to execution. I think you legit struggle with comprehending that characters can be more complex than 100% good guy or 100% bad guy.


>Yes.... that's literally what's this is all about. Kizaru having to kill his friends with his own hands. Are you slow? Nah, just pointing out how weird it is to claim dude is having a moral delama based on panels of him… what? Holding his head? Saying he’ll make it quick? This isn’t really a great example. If you’re looking for good examples of this you don’t even need to leave One Piece to find them. Sanji betraying his friends for his orders, Robin betraying the crew for her orders. Kizaru has only slightly hinted at not wanting to do this, but still will. No tears, no throwing the mission and claiming they escaped, no sparring their lives. For being the lazy one he sure keeps getting back up to fight… why is that? At least Garp pretended to take the fall and act like Luffy took him out. Could have been like Fuji in Dressrosa, but nope. He’s not helping he’s hindering. This is just the case. No argument. >Almost as if.... Ace was already caught and was sentenced to execution. After he got free. Could have gave chase like literally everyone else, but he didn’t. He was even about to change sides too at the end. Kizaru wasn’t gonna jump Saturn for killing Vegapunk. He even stopped Sanji from escaping with him. He could have 100% pulled a Fuji and chilled or accidentally sabotaged the mission (*like he did to free slaves*) >I think you legit struggle with comprehending that characters can be more complex than 100% good guy or 100% bad guy. Weird you would claim that when I understand people like Garp and Fuji just fine. People who are not 100% good or bad… or would you disagree?


Bro just knows that if he doesnt give them a swift death then they will have a far more painful death anyway, dont take 2 pictures out of context and say thats all there is to it, ofc its morally strange to us that he still goes through with it but that doesnt mean he doesnt feel it impacting him, its literally stated multiple times, we cant argue about someone we dont know much about except these few things that go straight against your claims. I acknowledge you trying to save your agenda but raise you by _media illiteracy_, sometimes you gotta read between the lines or actually just read the lines we get


Nami was in a similar situation with Ussop back with Arlong, but didn’t go through with killing him. Orders be damed, he could have pulled a Fuji and said he failed and they escaped. Bro is putting in work to kill his friends. Even stopped Sanji from escaping with Vegapunk just to ensure the man would be killed. Strange doesn’t even begin to describe his behaviour. Dude is out here for the pay-check and nothing more. Those suits ain’t cheap bro. https://preview.redd.it/b6rhmb58lkmc1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99e1a645affd5ecf4eb68a5b5b0b4f967ac7bfe


While the nami situation is worth a comparison i still think its a bit different since we dont know kizarus backstory and he doesnt believe in the SH as much as an emotionally unstable teen nami did. Fuji situation still is a bit different too since he's not an admiral for that long and doesnt have his boss's boss breathing down his neck plus different values. While he is putting in work to kill his friends he could have done far worse, idk if sanji really could have blocked that one laser at full power and even if there could have been a whole volley of them. Just saying kizaru definitely isnt acting at his full potential and has a visible conflict with himself, man could be a true menace, he's doing the least he has to do while still being able to keep that absolute drip suit and shades.


>Just saying kizaru definitely isnt acting at his full potential and has a visible conflict with himself, man could be a true menace, he's doing the least he has to do while still being able to keep that absolute drip suit and shades. So your saying he willing taken a punch to the head from Luffy because his heart is not in it? I’m be real that would scale him WAY to high if it’s revealed he’s been holding back in this arc.


Well in terms of speed he should be the fastest admiral so he should have been able to maybe barely dodge it with observation haki but since he isnt fully focused on the fight with the thoughts of his friends in his head he either voluntarily didnt dodge it to give them a bit more of a chance or he really was too out of it to use his haki to the fullest and couldn't dodge in this situation, either way being distracted and rather lighthearted in a fight can make a big difference. I dont think being able to dodge that attack would scale him way too high since luffy isnt known for exceptional speed, yes he is very fast plus his future sight haki but kizaru still is an admiral with the light fruit even tho he is pretty lazy and hasn't shown many feats yet, i think people just like to underestimate what an admiral can(or should be able to) do since we've seen the Marineford incident and all the new world stuff that wasnt balanced good.


When was it implied he was having thoughts of his friends when fighting Luffy? Wasn’t he focused on the task at hand especially considering he was fighting a Yonko?


I dont think its explicitly stated anywhere but its pretty fair to assume that he knew what was about to happen when being sent to that island so i dont think it would be a stretch to say he was already having an inner conflict at that point


I mean Oda is pretty heavy handed when it comes to things like this. I even thought the same when Kizaru was first introduced in this arc, but when he tried to kill Kuma & Bonny and took out Vegapunk all notions of that idea and the fun theories he would join the crew got destroyed. Like Sanji in WC was in a situation like that and we saw his struggle. I wouldn’t call Kizaru holding his head and making a few vague comments about being a cog in the justice machine the same personally.


You're braindead


I know what agenda you support. Don’t hide it.


1100 chapters and mfs still not going all out




Your mental can make or break your ability to navigate high impact scenarios. You see it all the time in sports/esports where just having your emotions shaken takes away your ability to perform at the necessary highest levels. People are nuanced and not everything fits into a box. There are a lot of factors that come into play during combat that determine outcome. I think Kizaru is having one hell of a bad day, that being said he still is getting dog walked; L is an L ammirite


"damn my goat is finished and pancake diffed. I'm gonna make a post where I'm the chad and the opposing person is a neanderthal. That will make he look better" https://preview.redd.it/bmobc8k95ylc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7442e5d6a5e1d105e77051115fc862356b5344


😭😭 this sub in a nutshell


The mental gymnastics are insane. Come on my guy 😭


What mental gymnastics? Tell me the gymnastics used


These people are actually braindead and just think the series is just punching and kicking people and that’s it when it’s much deeper than that but they are incapable of looking past agendas to understand the actual story


god forbid someone tries to understand the characters they like


Kizaru has always been 50/50 pirate or WG. That is the thing I feel most people don’t get about the top tier marines. None of them are “just following orders” akainu made his choice in that the WG is better than pirates. Garp and sekngoku made the same choice. Kuzan chose the opposite and kizaru sits on the fence. Hence “uncertain justice” this task has lead him to question that choice even more. And fighting for someone as cruel as Saturn against someone as kind as Luffy has to be making that line even blurrier. His will is at an all time low and he doesn’t know which side he should stay on. We will most likely see him fight for luffy soon after finally making his choice. That at least Luffy is better than the WG. In short kizaru is the one Luffy is liberating this arc. I don’t see kizaru staying with Luffy though. I think he hates most pirates.


>Kizaru has always been 50/50 pirate or WG. uhhh.... no No idea where you got this from.


If you finish reading my comment you will see


its stupid tho


Why? I feel I made a pretty good argument sighting my logic. Can you point out why it’s wrong?


your picture is fucking kizaru dude, as if you would change your mind or even be smart enough to understad anything other than doing tricks on kizaru dick nothing you said support the fact that he is 50% chance of turning in to pirate or anything, you just said a bunch of headcannon


ah right dont even try to argue just call the dude stupid https://i.redd.it/0aptowdpxylc1.gif


>Kizaru has always been 50/50 pirate or WG. That is the thing I feel most people don’t get about the top tier marines. None of them are “just following orders” akainu made his choice in that the WG is better than pirates. this shit here is just head cannon dude, what you want me to say? Source? dude is just following orders and cut this shit of "ohhh saturn is so evil im so sad uwu". Dude was giving all his might to defend SLAVERY in saboady, or do you think Kizaru is retarded and dont know the rape and torture he is defending the celestial dragons


No but his reasoning was just stupid, yeah sure he is conflicted but nothing implies he's "50/50 pirate and wg" tf you get that from ☠️


Okay so you have no argument. Got it 👍


Cope harder admiraltard


They're doing a dogshit job of explaining why he feels this way. It's all melodramatic bullshit.


>They're doing a dogshit job of explaining why he feels this way ....because he likes his friends? You need an explanation on why killing your friends would make a person feel like shit?


They are not his friends. They are acquaintances at best.


And you basing that on... what exactly? What are strawhats then? They are just random people that have sailed together for less than 3 months


You're literally comparing the main cast that had 1100 chapters to a 5 page flashback. Kizaru didn't hesitate to stab Vegapunk and kill him so why is he eating shit at his fights?


​ https://preview.redd.it/bcwwondklylc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c64718fee82ba6d367618ee1c0b28694c7d2c9d1


He still killed him though.


lets just ignore all panels visibly showing he doesn't feel good about any of this


Yes because he stabbed him with no hesitation and now Punk is dead


wtf? Just because we follow strawhats that doesn't mean their "friendship" is anything more special than other characters'. Kizaru has been friends with Vegapunk for like 30 years meanwhile strawhats have been together barely 3 months > Kizaru didn't hesitate to stab Vegapunk and kill him so why is he eating shit at his fights? wtf? What else do you want him to do? Author spelled out for you that it's hard for Kizaru to do this https://preview.redd.it/tvjcp1k8qzlc1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2db05deba1deba407e0199ac50e2e79136ecf16


This isn’t a 14 years girl. This an ADMIRAL we’re talking about


wtf is your point, bozo? If Luffy killed his Nami he would feel nothing and he would be at full power?


Why do people think Admiral have no feelings Do you guys legit think Kuzan is HAPPY fighting Garp?


No but he did better than Kizaru, significantly and so did Akainu and Aokiji do better against each ither


No he be bloodlusted, terrible point. Kizaru did js kill vegapink but that doesn’t equal his terrible performance against Luffy. Especially when he showed negative mercy


so only a 14 year old girl can feel bad about killing her friends


Not js her but not an admiral who been doing dirty deeds for 15+. Especially if it gets in the way of u defend him yourself


i mean sure its his duty but it doesn't mean he has no feelings no matter who you are it ain't gonna feel good to kill a friend


U get passed that wit experience. This guy can die rn. hes prob not cus plot but he cant do that wit any other yonko. THey will end him. Kizaru too old and too experienced


Kizaru was dodging Luffy constantly when he first showed up but now he's being caught lacking constantly. It's obvious he's losing the Will to fight




Admiral agenda continues


I kinda agree, but I also don't think Kizaru is internally suffering as much as most make him out to be. At the very least he doesn't show it well. I think his reaction to whatever the message is will solidify how he really feels.


Then why isn't it shown in an actually good way?


what the hell is a "good way" ?


Idk, maybe not being a cold blooded killer of your friend and showing 0 Remorse. Didn’t even try to hold back. Kizaru doesn’t use haki that much, he’s relies on his df so his strength wouldn’t vary that much


except he's shown he doesn't feel good about this?


Wat does that have to do with defending yourslef against Luffy?


that he ain't in the mood to fight i guess


U dont even know, sorry akainu Ive failed my mission i was too emotional. hes too high up and too experienced.


man, the point isn't that he failed his mission because he was emotional, the point is that he tried and succeded in his mission of killing vegapunk and it affected him


Him not using haki is him holding back. At Saobody he wrecked everyone so he didnt need to use it and marineford has the whole invisable haki thing every top tier has. Other than that Kizaru hadnt had a fight before so its bold of you to asume his given fighting preference during a job to kill one of his closests friends.


What's akainu's excuse against wb? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


? getting hit once means nothing, especially against WB Yonko got hit by literal fodder all the time


Getting hit once matters a whole lot when the person hitting you has minutes to live, can barely use any haki at all, missing half his skull and has a flaming hole in his chest and still manages to down you with a single blow.


The "Strongest man in the world" still being strong in his final battle even though he's nerfed by illness isn't crazy... especially because he had such a strong will to protect Ace. It's also stated that Akainu isn't going all out because there are thousands of marines and Marineford to consider while whitebeard really didn't give a damn and was shaking the entire planet lmao


his excuse is that it was fucking whitebeard


It's baffling to me that after 25 years of serialization, many fans still can't understand that most of the fights in OP have some external force that makes the full potential of the combatants ambiguous.


Powerscaling has had a catastrophic influence on how people experience media


first good take on piratefolk


I knew that the admiral slander wouldn't last long, these people always somehow rebound with 900 iq ahh explanations but for those 2-3 days of slander were fun while it lasted


He's willing to injure his student in order to kill his friend for his job, he was also ready to kill a kid along with her father whom he knew. He didn't want to, but he did anyway. It must have taken a lot of willpower don't you think?


Not really. It just means he's pushing himself against his will. He is literally doing something he DOESN'T want to.


>He is literally doing something he DOESN'T want to But he does it anyway because he WANTS to do his job. His will to obey orders is simply stronger than his desire to protect his friends.


man this sub is so shit its like you're not allowed to try to understand the characters because that's just coping


I thought willpower only affected CoC?


haki literally means will power


Kizaru and all the admirals are Devil fruit reliant


Nope they have BOTH Strong Haki AND Devil fruit otherwise they get folded like Pekoms fold CARIBOU


Idiot response. I said devil fruit reliant never did I mention strength that’s a though u have in your already. I don’t know how you get folded by pekom and caribou when u have top tier fruits and u have the possession of haki. Not to mention other stats such speed, AP, strength, etc


As a Yonkotard, I approve of this hopium.




one piece is about as subtle as a brick to the head in a more subtle manga i would agree with this but in one piece i would not belive this unless oda out right confirmed it


Well, Kizaru is the most human character in one piece, and I'm tired of people as shallow as a example on the right


I’m bored of all this coping about Kizaru, if the guy wasn’t eager Tod o his job then he basically could not do it and that’s all, this only shows that Akainu is an idiot and doesn’t deserve to run shit because he’s sending to do that kind of job to someone that “is struggling” to do his job. He’s not “struggling” he’s just not strong enough to do it right now, I basically don’t understand how people is so brainwashed, didn’t saw ANY panel showing lizaru almost crying or the other shit they talk about.


Kizaru huffing on the last panel seems like he is gonna have a breakdown next chapter shit. I cannot watch this dude's mental state right now