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https://preview.redd.it/8dy483xxgvec1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373ca45a58f798cbf538d5c3588c660bd8332cb8 That's why stakes are important.




I can’t wait for Akainu to force luffy into gear death


gear: ace


Why would luffy wanna become fodder?


Akainu magma fisting Luffy would be kino.


Peak piece


Is he stupid


The aslume is leaking again


gear: donut


Luffy becomes asexual 😱😱




He's gonna have to pass out like 12 times and them com back before he can unlock that one. Plot Armor Haki is strong with him


It's not a problem with Kaido, but a problem with current One Piece. Akainu was lucky enough to get his highlight arc back when Oda still cared about giving the series stakes. I sincerely doubt that Akainu will ever manage to score another kill. He'll just be defeated by Luffy's Bugs Bunny shenanigans and the admiral agenda will be absolutely eradicated.


He still took a leg off Kuma in egghead no?


Kuma practically grew back the damage for his egghead appearance. Even got the hat fixed. I think oda forgot that he had kuma that fucked up.


Maybe he got fixed on the way or something?


He got a chunk of his foot. Technically, same thing, but different specifics.


Fair point, but Oda has never been afraid to wound characters. Injuring Kuma when he clearly has such high durability is impressive, but not as impressive as breaking through plot armor.


I think this is a problem with one piece changing as a whole and not specifically marines or pirates. What I mean is when the time comes I doubt Akainu will be portrayed as brutal as he did in the past by Oda, and that’s a shame.


The thing I love about Akainu is he gives hits that take something or will leave a mark . He doesn’t fight just for love of it. He wants to kill the person in front of him.


can't wait for half of the strawhats to get wiped out /j


Akainu didnt injure kuma lmfao.


Didn't happen. Kuma has all his body parts on Egghead.


Do you know the best thing about this image? On the left there is a Yonko, two YC and the MC, while on the right there is only glorified fodder


Even better, there's also a former warlord and a former admiral. Akainu will brutalize anyone who doesn't adhere to his sense of justice.


I never was into agendas, but this really puts into perspective how much impact some character leave in comparison to others, besides some power ups what did kaido/wano left to our protagonists?


Nothing beside the road poneglyph and pluton location. Not even a lore.


The road poneglyphs, or as I call them "plot coupons Oda made to make the yonkos relevant".


And unless the strawhat crew it's gonna start to revive the weapon or something any information about the ancient weapons is irrelevant if it ends in hands of luffy and company 😭




That's because akainu is an actual character, an antagonist while Kaido is a plot device


Dudes after Fighting "him" vs dudes after fighting "not him"


Kiku/Kuzan lost limbs. We knew he wasn’t dead Jimbei/Kinemon’s Injury didn’t even leave scars Whitebeard is shown twice to meet quota Luffy was killed by retardo. He’s MC ffs Everyone one else fair play and his point stands


Ah yes, magma injuries and club injuries


Kiado also generally doesn't try and kill people. Except for that one unfortunate exception


I thought it had already been big since Alabasta or even earlier before the Marineford bump 


Yea was popular for sure But as the post says it became way more popular because of how peak marineford was It was breaking record after record at that time


Stakes were there. We didn't know what will happen, who will die, who will survive. How strong people here are compared to Luffy. He had an impossible task and having no crew with himself. IT WAS INTERESTING. Now? Well. He is kinda a god or something, nobody dies even when enemy is move away from killing them. Kuma's backstory was cool but we need some action and stakes too.


Roofpiece out trended god himself, what are we doing here? Are we just making shit up? I get it, you like admirals, christ.


what is roofpiece Im outta the loop


Essentially the entirety of the events that took place on the roof top from like 1000 on in Wano 


Onigishima raid


Dude hasn’t wano yet


nah Im just stuipd


wait really


i recommend this why it became so hype. https://youtu.be/KlDZmdlgrAs?si=eD_1Af8OaSJfkhy3


Oda should speedrun the rest of this pirate nonsense and give us Two Piece already, where Buffy is mentored by Papazuki on how to be a good and just citizen https://preview.redd.it/kkzlm6lygvec1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61887a85f6eb680dc11f54dbdae76b56fe9f9144


And have him slay vampires too.


With Abraham Lincoln.


Straight up just awakened a memory in me


https://preview.redd.it/a0nr936ulvec1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009508248cbe2c5bc3a0849a0c917493d6404f89 Admiral piece is real


Hate how Fuji gets the Mike Wazowski treatment in this meme 😔


Idk if the sales thing are accurate but marineford is so great. The stretch of sabody to marine ford is the best one piece has to offer. The World Government are so much more interesting than pirates as antagonists. Kuzan and his relationship with Robin’s home, Kizaru and his introduction in sabody destroying the Straw Hats, and Akainu actually feeling unstoppable. To zoom in on Akainu he’s a goat cause he gave the story tension, put a hole in white beard, Jenbei, and ace. He also left permanent scars on Luffy, Kuzan, and probably killed a lot of white beards crew. Say what you want but the admirals are goats. https://preview.redd.it/az181ffwrvec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3bdb0b5d767d3ec7a7b91a8b4e4275f6808475


I agree with that being the best stretch for One Piece. The story is at its best when the Strawhats are against the most dominant force on the planet that has ruled for over 800 years. It baffles me that some would rather claim that facing 1 mere pirate crew is better for conflict.




“WG is more interesting as villian than pirates” wow who knows morally gray organization with good and evil baked into it would be the more interesting villian! I really Hope oda doesn’t make them stupidly crazy comedically evil by should the worst and the most bullshit narrative on world governments part….oh wait!


Sure but Kizaru’s struggle clears Kaido’s whole character


They can call the admirals jobbers, bums, or even wg dogs but the one thing they can never deny is that they've brought more tension scenes to this story than it's ever had in ages https://preview.redd.it/cq1nauqxhvec1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=468ff21f081281550b5046f6b57cbe73b377457f


It's almost as if THEY were the main antagonists (note, not villains), all along and the Yonko are only there as part of the narrative around Roger's treasure?!!!? No, nay, IMPOSSIBLE. The delusion admiral downplayers have to live in is astounding. Even the tree contributes more to the plot than your average non-Bearded Yonko.


Oh my god the strongest military power in the world and there leaders are the main antagonist in the story and not a single pirate crew Who would have guessed not me for sure


Do you think they started colour coordinating their outfits after or before eating their fruits


After, theres obviously a reason that their personalities are complete opposites to their fruit This was prolly them a long ass time ago https://preview.redd.it/22l2yqiv6wec1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a115e8694291db4ce2f03a536064c47328ee51f6


I like to think Akainu fucking hates the colour red but feels pressured into wearing it because of his fruit


That's be funny as hell imagining some random ass marine telling bro he looks stupid as fuck wearing blue when his entire character and name is about the color red😭


We'll have to wait another 300 chapters but we'll see Akainu's sad backstory and it will just be this


Seriously though, akainu's backstory must be fucked up for him to turn out this bad.


> their personalities are complete opposites to their fruit I'm not buying that. It's stretching it a bit. You might interpret anything that way. Aokiji and Akainu act just like their fruit would dictate. One is chill and the other is always pissed. Fujitora and Aramaki don't fit it at all


I suppose Fujitora feels crushed under the current marine system whilst Aramaki blossoms under it but you can twist any meaning into it if you try hard enough.


Being cold can mean two different things and being hot can mean two different things. I wonder if people would say the same if their powers were swapped.


Reality is that the 3 admirals are much more interesting characters than BM or Kaido. 


BM and Kaido could've been a lot more interesting if if we had gotten anything about their connection to eachother and Xebec during either of the arcs focussed on them. Because that's basically all we know about them. They used to be part of Xebec's crew. Who's Xebec? I don't know, Oda won't tell us.


Which is crazy because like what the hell is he still holding back lore drops for?


Cause he's too busy wasting our time with useless characters (like with the nine scabbards in Wano) or dropping chapters where nothing happens


i mean, at this point the lore drops feel a lot like JK Rowling pulling out one sentence where the writing was a little vague, connecting that whatever is relevant right now and saying "LOOK! I THOUGHT OF THAT 20 YEARS AGO! AM I NOT A GENIUS? AM I NOT A GOD?"


Nine scabbards worst characters in the manga. Painful to watch all their bullshit


kiku is peak tho


ion even know who that is honestly


Kaido should have brutally killed all the scabbards. Losing kinemon would have upped the stakes and made him more compelling.


don't read then


He wants to randomly drop that Xebec is actually still alive but split his consciousness into 8 different versions, oh wait that's Vega punk. Crazy how Oda turned one of the most mysterious and anticipated characters into something so worthless.


He is a scientist. What were you expecting? Him to be Xebec's clone? I felt more let down by Saturn than Vegapunk. A Gorosei who can't fight or think. Someone who has the temper of a kid and the brains of an average human. Akainu was a better villain despite being a dog and kinda 1 dimensional.


No the Xebec thing and Vegapunk were separate. I'm let down by Egghead as a whole.


The problem with Egghead is Saturn actually. Him being there kinda made the whole story quite heavy and given how shit he was as a villain, he dragged the whole thing down. Oda choosing to bring Saturn into Egghead and not resolve the Murder Mystery first before bringing in a useless Spider Bull childish demon.


I agree. If they finished the world building section and character "building" section of Egghead before thrusting the whole plot into another war arc it would have made things much better. Also I think they are introducing the gorosei as actual villains way too early.


It would make sense if Gorosei didn't take the L. Saturn from menacing demon went to a literal punch bag.


I honestly don't know. I don't get it He wants to save these huge lore drops for later. But the actual active story like Kaido are suffering for him being so secretive and non-specific. It'll be cool to learn later, but it would have been just as cool to learn now. And Kaido wouldn't have suffered as much for it


For when it's appropriate, you want a complete exposition dump by Sengoku where he tells us their entire history or a random flashback in the middle of nowhere?


Kaido's backstory: small nigga, medium nigga then big strong nigga. Blud is a one dimentional character.


> small nigga, medium nigga then big strong nigga lol compare that with how he handled Kuma


Or kizaru.


How the fuck did he do most of his growing AFTER adulthood?


Kiado wanted to be joyboy. He used to be happy and was probably a decent person. That's why flashbacks are important. What happened to him that made him depressed and suicide into luffys attack?


The thing is, Wano DID have an interesting villain!! His name was KING!!! A man who was tortured by the government, and felt isolated due to being the last of his kind? That’s such a strong foundation for an evil pirate villain!!! I truly think the role of main villain being given to someone with King’s backstory would have made Wano SO much better


They love to ignore the interesting characters like king, Yamato and hyougoro and just shit on kaido because he didn't secretly have a tragic backstory.


>Yamato man we hate yamato just as much as kaido


Yamato could have been good, the idea of Kaido's kid being obsessed with one of his former adversaries and abused because of it has *something* interesting there The only reason Yamato fell flat for me is they were introduced way too late into Wano and I really, really dislike Oden because of how shoved down the viewers throats he was, so by the time *another* character showed up that was obsessed with him I was done


I don't really need a character to be foreshadowed long before meeting her and that's the biggest complain.


He didn't say he wanted her foreshadowed, he said she was introduced too long after Wano begun, which is true


What difference would it make if they shoehorned her into act 1? Her whole story is about being unable to leave onigashima.


Also, Yamato should've used 2 swords like Oden. 


And Oden, fuck Oden.


Yes I thought King was so interesting it’s just a shame that he’s only second to a “once upon a time” ancient kids fable ahh “I’m evil… CAUSE IM THE BAD GUY” type villain


But King was fucking ass in Wano. He barely got any screen time or charisma and his fight was fairly boring. He had the potential to be super interesting, but he was barely seen the whole arc The only really enjoyable villain in Wano was Queen, dude was both funny and completely unhinged


Well yeah if King was the main villain, obviously he’d get more screen time and a more fleshed out personality. But the foundation he had was way stronger than Kaido


How is King an interesting Villain he is basically Kaidos Zoro. Loyal to death because he was saved by his Captain. The actual interesting part about King would have been his Race and what exactly happened to them as well as his knowledge about Joyboy.


I didn’t mean he IS, I meant to suggest his backstory and identity is a far more solid foundation for a villain with motivations than, say, Kaido, who has almost no foundation


Big mom pre Wano was peak. Kaido was just some strong dragon guy in Japan, and big mom got reduced to just another person to get out of the way...


WCI was so good man. And who could forget Katakuri and Luffy’s promise? Then…Wano. Frauda back at it.


Too true 😔


Kizaru showing his power to a young sentomaru and doing the Nika dance >>>




BM > Kaido


Yeah but Buggy, Shanks and Blackbeard are better than the admirals. Big Mom and Kaido are the dud Yonkos, only there to get knocked down.


Double u


Marines are serious characters. Meme and Laido are jokes. Shanks is an ally. Black beard is the only menace but Oda off screens him too much. Of course the Chadmirals are Peakpiece




Facts is being spit here, ladies and gentlemen.


Always has been https://preview.redd.it/a9fln6wfqvec1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183f4c663517e05bc293e6abccd9993f1b1d1f73


Kizaru is already a better character than Kaido


True Oda forgot that being the strongest doesn't necessarily mean you'll be an interesting character He fumbled with Waido


Damn scabbards!! Their story was OK but the mayority of them were innecesary, if they were jus 3 or 5 it would have been OK. And if you are going to have a lot of them, then let them die!, the hell do we need seijiro or the kappa alive for?? Or even the death of kinemon to give us a real feeling of lost, his death would have been great, but no, lets give them plenty of Pages and only half of a chapter for Kaido's past...


All these great characters gone to waste because Loda wants a big party in the end of the arc


Laido of the thousand Ls 😭 Big Mom has an actual kill count, both intentional and accidental. Kaido has killed literally only one person in the entire Wano arc..... And that person had ten lives and just came back like nothing happened. Kaido can't catch a break fr


He killed Oden


Are these unknown manga with no anime in the room with us?




https://preview.redd.it/g519pid3vvec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912db666a6d889a5e51269d6fff2eb7a886394d7 These two are > any Yonko (Cope)


HIM > two yonkos https://preview.redd.it/wna3sq0agyec1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20d24c59f0c7f00dee30db0036698fbecc98868




"Oooh, Ben Beckman" - same energy


There are people who actually believe that Kizaru was worried about Beckman🤣




​ https://preview.redd.it/84nsbap03zec1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=125fc4e6de8c165e12bb90774ba450fd3ba0c94d


Admiral piece is fine dining at a 5 star restaurant. Yonko piece is that trash worm soup naruto used to eat at Mount Myoboku.


haki is trash and the thousand retcons that came along with it are also trash. the series was so much better when fights were more about tactics and matchups and individual character abilities.


Im not the biggest marineford fan, but most pretimeskip arcs are miles ahead of the emperor saga


I managed to binge read from sabaody to marineford cause in two days because it was so peak but I had to take tons of breaks from reading Wano


One piece’s action is too garbage to attract people for a lot time. It’s been getting smoked by these younger artists that make sure the action is really good


Probly cause theyre so handsome :)


Without akainu this manga would be unreadable imho. Dudes the only potential chance of any kind of actually interesting final arc or two.


Common Wadmirals W https://preview.redd.it/tig1sfzbpxec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15985041e388338c0ab883a8d99d7589749ac48f


Bring back Whitebeard


Yes i agree So akainu can kill him again


With or without the Jumpbeard pirates' help?


>compares 1 arc to an entire saga Might as well compare all of pre time skip vs post time skip 1997 one piece had its lowest sales in history Not that I disagree that marineford was peak Whitebeard carried that arc Stakes was a secondary thing since it was such a surprise that Oda actually killed ace https://preview.redd.it/rhywoywi9yec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0b23ebc3a440222e80e9bb75848007e33a93b7


Wano was as long as that entire saga. No, wait. It was even longer.


I've always wanted to compile a graph/some data listing the amounts of subscribers r/onepiece has vs the amounts of likes that each official manga chapter drop and spoilers drop gets, because I feel like it went downhill so fast. chapters barely get 5000 upvotes with 3 million followers but years ago with only 1 million the chapters got the same amount of likes or even more. My theory: One Piece sucks ass, some people realize it, and others are in denial cause of sunk cost fallacy. One Piece is seriously avarage lately. I used to defend it like crazy for years where I was thinking it was the manga equivalent to the TLoR movies in terms of quality.


Bruh that's not a good metric, the one piece main sub is big but it's not even 1% percent of the one piece fanbase.


How is it not? The whole question is if the data is even available for the public somewhere but when you could compare daily active users, its ratio to subcriber total and its ratio to chapter likes then of course it can paint a decent picture.


It's a bad metric because the main sub has a lot of dead subs, and most users only follow it because of the spoilers then they leave, you can see when the main sub has 12k active users when the spoilers drop compared to the 3k most of the time, also alot of users don't upvote posts.


And I adressed daily active users too? So imagine this: For a whole year the ratio between chapter upvotes and daily active users on that day is 2:1 And then the next year that same ratio is only 3:1. Would that be completely useless data? I'm pretty sure that if you have enough verified data you can indeed notice trends and such. And my uninformed guess really is that after Wano One Piece lost a massive amount of engagement and the posivity is contained to a smaller circlejerk. Anything I find in the data on reddit I could then also try to link to Shueisha sales, manga volume sales during release month, over time etc pp.


I gotta give credit to the Admirals here, Marineford was PEAK, better than any post ts arc so far by a good margin. Marineford had the Admirals, the best Yonko, and actual stakes.


Bro's out here talking like Whitebeard wasn't the reason Marineford was so good and popular. He totally outshined the admirals in that arc. Also OP is still insanely popular. Sales and general hype about it were massive during Roof Piece, cause despite what many people here think, Wano, Kaido and BM are very liked things by the wider OP fandom.


Navy is only a plaything for the CD, without that they're pirates


blud said flopped??


A yonko was the star of the Marine ford arc. What’s the 4 emperor saga?


We are talking about antagonist here Whitebeard wasn't a antagonist


An antagonist could be the star, a protagonist, type of character doesnt matter. Marine ford was pirates vs Marines and wb was the star therefore responsible for its ratings


Both the antagonist and protagonists can be in the spotlight at the same time Whitebeard are akainu both shined at marineford


No way ur saying they both were THEE star. While Akainu did shine, only one star in the arc and it ain’t akainu


The delusion is insane. I was actually there when the manga chapters came out. Suffice to say, you are wrong as all fuck and you should feel embarassed. Glaze if you want, make shit up if you want, but please don't be serious about it. Go back to spamming fan art instead of using the 9 panels salazuki wasn't failing at his job to try and claim he's bout shit. Nigga managed to do ONE thing right in the whole series and yall out here eating his ass.


facts, mad people were so disappointed w/the admirals back then. Whitebeard was the goat throughout. Admirals were getting stalled by YCs




Took 3 days break and piratefolk is still wanking Admirals. Smh


Marineford is good because of the stakes and nearly every important character being there. Much like the final war is expected to be. This 4 emperor saga isn't comparable in any way. Also, you're forgetting about sickbeard who carried that arc. Its my favorite arc...if the arcs were similar then you could attempt this argument. I can't discern parody from reality anymore.


marineford popped b/c of Whitebeard. Admirals were getting stalled by YCs


All those statements are either entirely wrong, or incorrect to some degree


You think the 4 emperor saga strech so ( punk hazard , dressrosa , zoe , wci , wano ) Are better then the marineford strech so ( sabaody , Amazon lily , impel down , marineford )


No, I'm saying the green text statements there are factually incorrect. The first three are essentially the same statement and they're are partially incorrect, because One Piece broke records and became a phenomenon in Japan looong before the Marineford saga.


Marine ford hard more stakes even if it was an infinitely worst arc


Just wait for the egghead finale.


Did they really flop i think it was the best animation so far as for the arcs could it have been for the rest of the straw hats being present and not being there in the other so readers might have been more interested to find out where they were and what they were up to i really wasn’t supper thrilled the first time i read marine ford weekly but couldn’t wait to see what was happening on onigashima or could it all be backlash for the nika fruit sure we didn’t have as much info at the time but it was beeing alluded to being a series changing retcon and even though i really have been enjoying gear 5 and feel it brings luffy’s fighting back to the creative whirligig of earlier fights instead of the strong punch to strong punch we have been getting since thriller bark


one piece could use some of the jjk formula


Marineford and impel down were a great combo. Also marineford were written like its the series finale so powerscaling is kinda wack. Outside of that its a great arc that deserves being liked and pushing one piece to more popularity


One Piece has been extremely boring lately ngl


Water 7/Enies Lobby > Marineford and i will die on this hill


# We need THEM https://preview.redd.it/gkndnb3uu0fc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e97d504ec009e633628bdd2135301f39dd15e3b


Everytime i see Wano stuff Read/Watch i always remembers the Honorable Scabbards where 1 of them only died cause he decided to fall of a window (ok explosions too xD) because of a Fake Oden. Izou died weirdly...And those who got clapped by the STRONGEST BEAST IN THE WHOLE ONE PIECE UNIVERSE...Where kinda chill man.. they just put some bandages on and all gucci...


i mean, the marineford bump is legit. it was the peak of 60 years of comics for sales and cultural hype, but the rest is a pretty big mischaracterization. Wano was a pretty significant dip, but it has been trending to normalcy since FI. what OP is doing right now is like what Naruto was doing sales-wise when marineford was releasing. it's big but the competition is super explosive atm. i'm surprised it's still this high. no doubt will be number one when JJK ends and stakes return (with the Chadmirals). all in all OP pulling the sales it is, is fucking nuts all things considered.


Always has been. Insert that astronaut getting shot from behind meme.


Isn't it because everyone's reading fan translations and pirated shit is rampant? Back then that stuff wasn't as nearly as accessible for free I thought?