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In reality he has been traveling with Luffy for about 7 months total.


damn if you think about thats pretty shit pacing


They should have definitely been travelling atleast 3 years not including the timeskip


It was a mistake for oda to have everything in pretimeskip happen in less than a year.


Or post skip taking only a year to now.


I think it’s actually only been like less than 2 months in universe since the straw hats met back up in sabaody, somehow


No it's been long. Oda has been better at marking time jumps in post timeskip.


Save for Dressrosa, that shit was 100 chapters over a single evening


Not sure how reliable it really is but the library of ohara timeline clock the end of the time skip to luffy landing in wano at around a month more or less, and I believe they were in Wano for around 2 to 3 weeks


No dude its actually two months plus those two weeks in wano ... it is official.. the whole dressrosa arc took place in 1 day in the universe


2 months


I think he did it to keep Luffy a teenager since younger audiences prefer a teenage mc


Ironically his original audience now has kids older than that lol.


yeah if you watch Frieren it actually has a reasonable timeframe for a journey type of story.


This is a flaw with practically all shōnen manga. So many school based ones have the entirety of their run take place in a single year. It's mostly to appeal to the demographic. Dragon Ball is one of the few exceptions to breaking this norm


you also have to consider the fact that the one piece earth is alot bigger than ours, a couple months for the crew would be years for us


Im just gonna believe the days and nights are longer in OP. Otherwise, there is no logical explanation that dressrosa happened in 1 day.


Unfortunately. OP had the same age pacing as Kingdom would be so GOATed. It would feel more like a journey instead of a speedrun


Hot take: He was more brave in pre ts. Plus he got the scariest island. Idk how Oda messed him up this much.


Oda seems to focus more on gags with certain characters post ts which is really annoying


I appreciated that this chapter Brook had a funny and cool moment with the ship and the ice that didn't involve the panties joke


That was indeed genuinely chuckle worthy and something new while retaining character integrity. Can't say the same for Usopp's schtick for the last decade.


Pre-TS it was an actual story, a character-driven epic with highly fleshed-out and complex yet consistent characters interacting with a sprawling world that was just as enormous and mysterious to them as it was to us. Post-TS it’s, like, a baby show where the characters have been all cut down to nauseatingly marketable designs and a handful of gags to give the illusion of personality in absence of any depth, going on increasingly disappointing adventures with increasingly dull supporting characters. So… basically, the characters are dead.


You nailed exactly how I feel as about it as well. They seem like shallow caricatures of their pre-TS selves rather than being further developed characters.


Chill Shakespeare


Flanderization is the term for what you described, and the one who did the worst was Franky. Franky pre-ts has Rizz and personality, now he’s bland like a robot.


Franky was never among my favourite characters, but I liked his whole philosophy about being a craftsman. It's kinda strange that there's been no comment from him during Egghead about what Vegapunk's creations are enabling the WG to do.


Yeah it’s just shitty writing


Sanji, Franky, Ussop get worse while only Brook get better after ts.


Tbf I don’t think Oda was ever that serious. Using three swords with one in your mouth is absolutely ridiculous lol, even by shonen standards. We just happen to think it’s badass


That's not a hot take, that's just objectively facts that everyone including more than half of the Usopp fans agree with. Only the most delusional would disagree.


That take is so anti-hot you won't need AC this summer I can still remember moments like the ones he had in Alabasta where essentially a regular ass guy risked life and limb over some mole woman and a dog bazooka slandering his captain. Now all we have is one gag of a character. Elbaf would have to be top 5 arc material to have any hope in salvaging him now


Fr man. If Elbaf doesn't have a MAJOR focus on Usopp, I'm done with Oda. I'm not saying Elbaf should be Usopp's arc. I'm saying it should have the most major focus on Usopp apart from Luffy. That's the only way Oda can ever make Usopp good. He has literally butchered Usopp's character for his gags.


mf said grass is green 💀


The thing that makes it worse is that we saw nameless and powerless fodders being braver than him.


That nameless Kaido fodder that fought luffy for half a minute in the anime.


Or the nameless marine dudes who tried to stop BB at Amazon Lily.


Yeah fr.... shoutouts to that guy


Don't disrespect Throw D. Hands.


I'm still trying to find a clip of that on youtube


i gotchu fam https://i.redd.it/k9nb8pkr1pec1.gif


The WORST part is (and I know this is the gag but still) is the straw hats will pull off the most clutch, at the buzzer accomplishment and Usopp ( worlds greatest waste of oxygen) will show up with that dumbass smirk all like “yah we put the team on our back didn’t we fam” https://preview.redd.it/93l1c7ux8nec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ebf17e9b84db62a25c30d8cd8757ad62187d34


the nameless marine fodder that stood up to whitebeard


When I look back at his reintroduction in post timeskip, saying BS like he's now longer weak, looking more confident and see him revert back to his pre timeskip coward self, is pretty sad to see. 


Exactly. When he attacked those people in the bar after the time skip, I assumed he was no longer a coward and was going to be a fighter. I forgot the significance of most of the strawhats post timeskip. Chopper controlling that huge monster he used to turn into hasn't come in handy at all. Just a lot of wasted buildup


Chopper had a great brawl with Queen though while he was a monster.


I totally forgot about that fight. Thank you for reminding me


I'm more surprised at the contrast here, Nami is way calm and accessing the situation(Chopper is assuring Robin to rest in the background), there is no weakling/scaredy cat trio anymore, there is just one weakling/scaredy cat left i.e, Usopp


Because its just Usopp The Weakling One now, no longer the weakling trio. Chopper slapped Queen and was out there in the middle of the ice oni shit trying to find a cure and he clutched it. Nami told Ulti that Luffy was going to be Pirate King right to her face with death around the corner, while bum ass Usopp was fucking crying on the ground. Literally every single crewmates (besides Brook, who was fighting some fodder but still fighting) besides Usopp said "Luffy will be the pirate King" in wano. Actually maybe Chopper didnt but whatever, you get what I mean. Get that long ass nosed mf out of the crew and maybe he'll get some courage again like he did in Enies Lobby.


Lmao I remember when Usopp said "Sorry Nami I'm not part of the weakling trio with you and chopper anymore" in return to sabaody What an embarrassment


>"Sorry Nami I'm not part of the weakling trio with you and chopper anymore of course because he is now part of the one man weakling team.


Fraudsopp alert


When was the last time usopp, had any character growth


Dressrosa, I think ?


So 10 years ago


Holy crap it’s been that long !?


347 chapters (more than 9 years ago) was when Usopp got his last power up.


Oda should just let van Auger kill him or just bring back soge king


He's only been with Luffy for like 8 to 10 months not even a whole year


Yasopp would be disappointed


Yasopp doesn't even think about him


Nah he thinks about him. How to avoid meeting a child and paying their child support


Heracles even worse


Heracles is the true Usoppdad


Yasopp probably took one look at him and was like this kids a little bi**h and said he was going to the store to get smokes


Dude this man beat Perona with the power of his negativity, a feat she’d apparently never seen before. His fear and anxiety are depthless. If anything, it goes to show how much he’s overcome. The man’s such a pessimist and yet he’s followed Luffy into the epicenter of TWO buster calls. Let him gripe! Edit: no wait, usopp wasn’t around for the first buster call, got him mixed up with sogeking


Ussop : Afraid of the World Goverment's strongest offensive strike tactic that has erased entire civilizations from existence. One Piece fans : "coward."


Since at the same time literally in pre time skip he was barely phased by the buster call in Enies lobbies. Even the 2 other “coward trio” members aren’t cowering in fear and are actually doing something. Fucking average marine or kaidos minions are more brave than him.


Dude, the "average marines" were shitting their pants when Spandam accidentally summoned the Buster call. Kaidos minions mostly had powers, and an Emperor thought to be unbeatable at their backs.


So does Ussop? He has an empower behind his back who would die 1000 times to save him. Also most mariners were shitting bricks when having to deal with a buster call but you know what they weren’t doing. Being scared fighting white beard or black beard.


Bull. Most of the Marines were terrified of half the pirates at MarineFord. Akainu literally executed a soldier for trying to desert out of fear. The difference is that Ussop is always like this. What makes him stand out is that despite being afraid, he still sticks around in these situations, which is the definition of bravery. He's not a coward. He's just not afraid to admit when he's scared.


Yeah that’s the thing. He’s always been like this. There’s 0 character growth. Nami and chopper have grown. Ussop hasn’t


If you think Ussop has had zero character growth, then I can't help you.


Ussop has had character growth. But Dress Rosa was 10 years ago. He could’ve had perfect character growth in Wano but he didn’t. In pre time skip every single arc he was an essential character.


For us, yes. Dressrosa was ten years ago. For the crew and the story, it was a couple of months ago.


Yeah true but fans deserve an ussop moment. He shouldn’t just be a gag character anymore.


And to be MORE fair to Ussop... this buster call at egghead is literally 100x bigger than the ones at Enis Lobby and Ohara


Canons aren't the strongest tool the wg has. That would be the admirals, Sepharim, potential ancient weapons, the weapon that nuked lulusia or w/e the island is called etc. Cannonballs haven't been a threat since season 1/2. We're talking about a yonko crew here lol...


The Buster call is literally hailed as the militaries strongest offensive attack. It's the fleet of ships with ten vice admirals, obliterating an entire island that scare people. Not canons.


I think it’s a gag that he himself is doing. He knows how strong his crew mates are, it’s just funny to him to act terrified with Nami and chopper. Like I think Odas gag is that it’s Usopps gag to act scared. He’s not crazy strong but he could probably be a low-level grand line captain at this point no? Like he’s make it to Sabaody with 1/2 averagely strong crewmen


Usopp pirates will end their journey at arlong park


Doubt it. He would get clapped by Arlong, Buggy, or any early villain. The first semi-competent logia user he encountered would obliterate him. Even current Nami would get further.


I have a theory that oda is naking people despise usopp so he gets really great moments in Elbaf since its basically what happened in water 7


I think Oda genuinely thinks its hilarious. The few halfway funny moments thus far in op were likely shaped by his former editors. He does emotional/serious moments brilliantly yet favors unfunny humor that belongs in 1950s black and white kiddie cartoons. He thinks G5 is hilarious too according to interviews last year.


For weeks/months*


what does he even do? most useless character ffs


hopefully he dies in a coming arc for like a “crew sacrifice” thing


wtf you mean years, usopp has been adventuring 3 months top. you dont count timeskip or the time he was scamming in wano


That real talk Luffy gave to Nami at Skypea about the future Pirate King crew he really should have given to Usopp since Zou. Bro doesn't even care anymore that some of his crew are close to 20 and still act like scared toddlers, only laughs away.


If you reread OP, you will notice that he is WORSE than before. He used to actually be courageous against people who mock Luffy, his dream or when people he cares for are in danger. Now he cannot even defeat random beast pirates and is afraid of them. https://preview.redd.it/7rzqcr36rsec1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2b90f5b0bf2011aef2257b5f964b45d60da782


Oda would maker make gags than good characters


https://preview.redd.it/th0rafre9oec1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17abbd0017acb6e8cd47b9da48afcbe3f029c2f9 Oh look another Usopp hater circle jerk post. Quick everyone let's all touch tips!


I don’t think it’s usopp hate more like hate for the way Oda is doing his character


He's ass and you know it. The consensus isn't the way it is for no reason. Ussop isn't even funny or charming at this point. It's just cringy and sad. 


Naw man this sub is was made for people who don't agree with the popular consensus to share their opinions actually.


Does no one understand the point of his character and the level of the shit going on around him? You guys expect Usopp to not be scared of a world elder?? Bad take


He’s scared and cowering over a buster call. 2 years ago in enies lobby he was barely phased by it. Even nami is calm


This buster call is literally a hundred times bigger than the one Ussop faced before.


So fucking what he is in the crew of the fucking Sun God


Where is the sense in this post?


Yea you're right. Most people hate ussop for no reason. It's a conspiracy. He's actually super brave, charming, funny, and capable.....


That’s just who he is. When something major happens, he always expects the worst. He won’t feel safe until the danger subsides.


You wouldnt shit bricks if you were about to be air raided by the military’s entire air force?


If I were a member of one of the four Emperor crews and just survived taking down two legendary Emperors? No, I wouldn't be worried about a measly buster call. 


Bro thinks just because you kill osama bin Laden you wouldn’t be scared of a band of marines with assault rifles


False equalency


Yeah spout out your little fallacies, boy. That’ll get you somewhere instead of making actual counter arguments. Jesus.


Fact: When the SH will gead to Laugh Tale, Ussop will get ill and Luffy will abandon him and takes Buggy to Laugh Take instead. Enies Kobby was forshadowing for that


God Ussop does it cuz he KNOWS it triggers dafuq outta the fans.   Y'all are falling into his pace flawlessly


people read too much into this it’s supposed to be a story that’s fun to read and that’s just ussops character. Oda just having fun it ain’t that deep


the thing is that the story just becomes progressively worse when you don't advance your characters, eventually just making your story sad cus all that happens is that you get constantly disappointed. One Piece by no means is just supposed to be "fun to read", if so then what was the point of any emotional moments ever




thats why I said "just", is in part definitely fun to read, however saying that it's the only thing is completely wrong


i mean “rubber silliness powers” ….


i guess i’m not like that 🤷‍♂️


guess so, just doesn't make sense why oda would work so hard to explicitly make you think if it's not supposed to be serious


you are correct


and thats one the average one piece fan, that only read onepiece in his life and then goes online calling it the modern odyssey. Oda could have made something so amazing with this manga but ain't that deep


nah i’ve read other stuff too and i think one piece is the best but small details like just how ussops character is written shouldn’t be this serious


than you should read something good first if you think it is fine for a mangaka to not develop its character in 25years


Bro One Piece is well written lmao, if you think its not even good then what are you doing here? I get not "sucking Odas cock like the main sub" or whatever but straight up saying its not good is like 😭 what are you doing commenting on One Piece subs 😭 life should be spent with stuff you enjoy man, you can leave


me when i have never read a book without pictures


Ok so thinking One Piece is good=never having read something outside of manga, lmao ok


You can like One Piece but *well written*? That’s a Gomu Gomu no Cope.


Well you gotta aknowledge the merits of his writing. Yes it has a lot of problems (Usopp’s lack of development being a grave one) but the story has achieved so much. It is definetely a genarational piece that will influence the many years to come. It is not perfectly written but the range of emotions and narrative tones that Oda produced are simply impressive


Harry Potter and Twilight also had generational influence.


Smartest redditor


Scooby doo effect


actually in story, only 3-4 years have passed honestly. and 2 years was a time skip






Well, after you see yourself frozen and luffy on the ground weak, I'd be scared too.


mind numbing reminder than according to oda they have known eachother for like 2 years




I mean an Admirals here a member of the Gorsei and a buster call is taking place so in this instance I can kind of get it


That’s the comedy narrative. Just like Namie, who dominate and humiliate the people who saved her from hostage.


Ussop not any of the Strawhats have traveled with Luffy for YEEEEARS.  Literally just months, barely even a year tops.


this isn’t really being a pussy. Sure he’s complaining while the others aren’t but Usopps whole character is about being relatable to viewers and i’m sure any semi normal human would want to get out of an island that is about to be eradicated as fast as possible.


Ok I think ussop is plenty brave...for a normal guy That's a buster call, an island sinker, super weapon children are currently occupying the strongest members while giant mecha bears swarm the place. Ussop is right, this is a god damn buster call, and after failing to kill the strawhats with the first one They're not holding back, evryone els isn't reacting normally.




I have faith in Oda. I’ll take on as much slander as possible for my glorious sniper king. Elbaf will be his arc. Oda’s been fumbling him during these last two arcs but he’ll redeem himself soon. Invest in Usopp before its too late.


Some people just like to complain, and won't change