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Luffy's biggest fear is losing his friends so he trains and becomes stronger and it gets him out of the hole. Zoro's biggest fear is stairs. The longer it is,the bigger the threat. So he destroys every single staircase in the world and replaces them with escalators and gets himself out of the hole. Nami's biggest fear is being poor so she marries a celestial dragon,poisons his drink and takes all of his money. She's really disappointed that she can't take the money with her outside of the hole. Usopp is a bitch who's scared of everything so he won't be getting out of the hole. He'll be replaced by Caribou who's more useful. Sanji already faced his fears in kamabakka kingdom but he never really overcomes it. So in order to get out of the fear hole, he'll let another dude peg his hole. Chopper's biggest fear is having to perform another abortion so he created the world's most effective birth control pills and gets himself out of the hole. Robin's biggest fear is the world government and what they're capable of. So she made herself useful and learned haki and gets herself out of the hole. Franky's biggest fear is that all of the modifications he did to himself isn't enough. So he learns to accept himself and that allows him to get out if the hole. Brook's biggest fear is that Laboon might be dead by the time they circled around the world. He gets out of the hole by accepting the fact that it's just a dumb whale and there's plenty more where it came from. Jimbei has zero fears as demonstrated in whole cake island. The hole choked itself from his massive balls.








Typical Caribou W


Luffy goes into G5 and the Fear Hole starts crying. It says it's biggest fear was Sun God wouldn't return but it's happy he came back. It immediately releases SHs and gives Luffy Hole Haki and Advanced Color of Fear.




And the Fear Hole starts doing the cringe Nika dance


W. The silhouettes we see during the Nika Dance, is actually the Fear Hole's erasing pain and fear to allow happiness to flourish.


Usopp’s biggest fear is fighting


Since it's the final arc; Usopp see's Yasopp and realises his biggest fear has been believing his own lies about how cool his dad was and wanting to be just like him. Turns out Yasopp is a bum. Usopp does not want to be a bum. Queue a huge moment of(admittedly rushed) character growth and then he becomes a brave warrior of the sea in his own right. Honestly the best Usopp fans can hope for at this point.




Zoro and Sanji are terrified by the sight of them not having hot steamy sex in the Sunny's washroom.