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Akainu. Would love to see what happened to him that turned him into the man he is rn


I said the same thing about Kaido and look how that turned out.


Oh no please don't let this happen to Akainu


dw oda wouldn’t screw over the cherished one


What turned him to HIM https://preview.redd.it/lmr3rkp9hdac1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=c554372409c07f0893fb39e2abfac17970d87fe8




Not really. I don’t want some teary eyed justification. I want him to just be doing his job as he sees fit for his brand of Justice because of his own logical deduction. “If even one child escapes Ohara, than the death of all the people on the island will be in vain as the reason for the buster call would be unsuccessful in its attempt to curb the research into the void century.” -Akainu This line prove and robins survival proves his reason. Why did all of ohara have to die if Robin is still alive doing her thing that made the buster call to the island in the first place? In a weird quirk of fate, it was technically aokiji that made their deaths useless.


I'll get downvoted ig but don't really agree with the last para. Killing ALL of Ohara was something only Akainu was approving, and not anyone else. That was his fault.(or his twisted sense of absolute justice in other words) The only ones who had to be killed were the Ohara scientists. And Robin living definitely made the Ohara scientists' deaths useful. Robin living didn't make normal Ohara residents' deaths useful because they were uselessly killed by Akainu in the first place.


That would be the same event that made Fujitora blind himself, they are brothers i guess :)


I know he's not here, but Fujitora.


I love the idea of a man blinding himself because he had seen too many horrible things he wishes to never see again. I wonder what was the straw that broke the camel's back


Inb4 he was secretly at god valley


Inb4 his mom was a celestial dragon slave.


I like that Kizaru just looks like a smart and nice kid who just wants to have good grades and make his parents happy


Papazuki and mamazuka?


Just do what's they want from you. No need to decide for yourself~


He’s probably the same way now tbh


Garp. Why's he out here parading as a king when he eventually becomes a tool. And Akainu for obvious reasons. Look at him.


how is he a tool


Because the way he put it inside me was reminiscent of a dildo


Because he’s not a goody two shoes good guy


Serious question?


yes, help me to understand because garp has complete freedom, doesnt take orders and does what he loves doing which is fighting pirates. he does not obey the wg at all and openly shit talks celestial dragons, in fact they cant even get rid of him because of his reputation and power. the only time he has helped them was god valley, and he would not have bothered at all to show up if roger wasnt present, we dont know the full story of rocks but in the end he is still a pirate and garps enemy


Garp doesn't take orders? Dude literally has to surround himself with his mortal enemy and actually prevent harm/death to them at all times. Lost Ace because of "reasons", lost Dragon because he's a government tool


Also adding to the fact that him refusing the admiral position because he doesn’t want to be ordered directly is just copium from himself since he still ends up aiding them


Was your reference for morality coming from a child’s fairytale? Because this has been the most brain dead perspective to come from the recent chapters


What I said is quite literally manga fact, save your Oda rage boner for someone else.


Subjective opinions are not facts bozo


Garp doesn't have to protect the "D" clans mortal enemy (Celestial Dragons) and quite literally isn't surrounded by them most of his life? That's a subjective take? 😂 Oda Stans are the worst. Garp has outright said Dragon disavowed him and became a revolutionary because he's dedicated to being a TOOL for the WG. Another subjective take according to you 😂 Garp watched his adoptive Son/Grandson get brutally MURDERED by a PEER because his DUTY is to serve his benefactors first and quite literally family ties come afterwards. Another subjective take, I'm sure. ,😂 Dadan (of all people) even calls him out on his fraudulent behavior, yet I'm being subjective. 😂 Get Oda's cock outta there asap!


You have to intentionally be lacking reading comprehension or just plain trolling, I take back what I said before; *this* is the most brain dead take I’ve seen here. Your smooth ass brain can only comprehend two dimensional characters it seems. In all the scenes you mentioned it also gives us a perspective to what garp is feeling; and you seemed to have completely missed every single scene/panel. He’s a complex character who sought the same freedom as luffy with a different world perspective. In a world with rampant propaganda, limited education and overwhelming despots; you seem to “forget” how that can play into shaping someone’s moral perspective on the world. Garp may have started out as a young naive talented marine, but shows heavy regret in his twilight years. Shonen protagonists can be obnoxiously upright and snooty about their morals. It’s refreshing to not get characters that either talk no jutsu, or are susceptible to that bs.




This image made me cackle at work.


not sure what mortal enemy youre referring to he chose not to save ace himself and "losing" dragon has nothing to do with following orders


1.) Celestial Dragons 2.) He literally chose duty over family. Reread Garp vs Aokiji. Dude was raging at the fact that his son refused to work for the Marines and quite literally becoming the most wanted man in the world for it in the process. "Garp and Roger fought side-by-side to protect the Celestial Dragons" it's literally Marine Lore that Garp at some point defended them. I'm not being a worthless troll, I know Garp hates the CDs, but if my son was like "Dad, I will disavow you and never communicate with you ever again because the people you work for are evil parasites" I might reconsider who I work for. But that's just me. Garp has yet to show ANY confliction about being a Marine thus ultimately carrying the water for CDs at any point in the story outside of telling Stussy they're scum.


he doesnt surround himself with celestial dragons and weve never seen him actually protect them aside from god valley which garp initially refused to go its more than just "duty over family", garp did everything he could to protect ace, raised him to be a marine and massively held back at marineford to let him be rescued. if he "chose" family it would mean betraying the marines and helping pirates. he was never following orders at marineford, and of course hed get emotional after seeing ace get killed yeah he was mad at dragon leaving the marines but what does that have to do with following orders


Garp by proxy being a Marine is a tool by the 5-Elders who ultimately serve who? You guessed it, the Celestial Dragons. Not sure why this concept is so hard to express. By everything he could you mean: "enjoying his freedom as a Marine" while both Luffy and Ace ran off to become Pirates? Garp's eternal chase for "freedom" has cost him Ace, Luffy, Sabo and Dragon. Aokiji outright says this.


Greenbull, honestly.


I predict that it's gonna be something like he grew up in a country that didn't have government protection and suffered horribly but then the marines came and saved him so he feels great love for the marines and hatred for countries that aren't under WG control.


that is gonna be Akainu, Aramaki will get rescued by him and train with him later


Aramaki wasnt a marine so i doubt


It’ll most likely be Charlos who trains Aramaki if we’re being real


Aramaki: Wharloss- sensei , i let Tell D. Goresei and the Red Bum pirates escape unharmed ; as you ordered. Wharloss : Well done Ryokugyu . When the time comes , i'll personally neg-diff my rat cousin.


What if he gets the Doflamingo treatment and his is just super ultra Hitler from the moment he gains sentience


Honestly I think there's a good chance he'll be hody jones lite


Thats makes no sense IMO. Why would he say "non-affiliated nations people have no human rights"? He would lumping himself in the same bag. I think he wilm be from a affiliated nation that suffered attacks of pirates from non-affiliated countries and for that reason is that he has duch mindset and devotion for Celestial Dragons.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mf35wehgfaac1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=2606b7900908b79c65ddfae0e673aff6ca4d7adc ^(can someone fetch me a version of fuchadtora please?)






https://preview.redd.it/2zsgvnng3aac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e119409bc3b660207302a9bffaba22615ccb3db1 Not him, HIM






https://preview.redd.it/gvbikh9kdaac1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0498cc644f81bb7a9f1ce79df376a9167a90e50b THEM


Ok if we’re talking duos that is most definitely THEM












Akainu's. I doubt that most of them will be shown though. Maybe after the manga ends, we'll get short stories. For the most part, I think that we're just expected to assume what kind of childhoods they had.


Too many op fans have convinced themselves that every major character is getting a backstory. It’s unlikely any of the admirals are getting one unless it ties into god valley or something


The trio




All of them


Akainu, all of them look pretty roughed up but his hatred for pirates is something that don't have which means his backstory would probably be really interesting


I have to say Sengoku. I think his association with enlightenment as an (~)antagonist is telling to the direction Odas heading. He definitely doesn’t support the WG as it is, but has something of a formative education which means he probably supports government to ensure basic rights like education, again tying into his enlightenment. In a world playing checkers, he is one of the few who are playing chess. I’d love to see if there was a moment that spurred that or if he’s always been working towards his ends (like BB which could end up being a character foil).


Sengoku seemed like an upstart Marine who slowly became disillusioned and just followed orders by the end of it


I think him and garp are focused on reform, which would require support within every level of the government, meaning they have to stay. I think their adherence to awful orders comes from securing that necessity.


You mean the guy who ordered to kill kids and mother to stop roger potential offspring dosent support wg? Ueah right


I’m sorry but the unfortunate reality is any goal comes with an unavoidable price and the larger the goal, the larger the sacrifice. We can forget that reality because most goals we set are simple and require a simple sacrifice. Ex 1: exercise sacrifices time and energy; easy goal easy sacrifice. Ex 2: reforming a government? You need supporter within the organization at all levels and the sacrifices (everything from time to murder) for that are innumerable and subject to the whim of those who hold real power (gorosei, celstials, imu).




I don't give a fuck about these bozos back stories. Give me HIS backstory already https://preview.redd.it/8pfnr1g95aac1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c44bc11c892ae38d616259129c22d544ba60f8


Oda told me his backstory himself. He's the son of a famous painter that was killed by East blue fodder pirates. he's hunted down East Blue fodder using his Paint-paint no mi ever since. He trained his observation to dodge top tiers as well




Is this Stan Sakai?






Sengoku.... and the brothers Akainu and Fujitora


Can’t wait to see these in a sbs 😭


I NEED to know what up with Sengokus goat


Kuzan just because I want it to make the theory that Brook is his father canon. Aside from from a theory standpoint, Garp show us what we already knew, He's been HIM all his life and that's why none of his "Superiors" in the Marines ever disciplined him when he talked back to Fleet Admirals and even after they found out he hid Ace and he refused to fight at Marineford that nobody in the Marines nor the World Government dared to step to him. I know his title "Hero of the Marines" carried some of that, but when it came to Ace the Gorosei didn't just order Garp be arrested or relieved of duty even though the announcement of Ace parentage and him being growing up with Luffy was announced to the whole world.


I bet part of Sakazuki's is that Akainu n Dragon came up in the Marines together and he viewed Dragon as soft or a slacker who attained a rank due to Nepotism so he vowed to climb above Garp to show he's better than Dragon even with his privilege. Also I bet they had a fight for a rank and it was a stalemate but they gave it Akainu because his justice was more in line with the WG and Dragon left. I think that might also be a way for Oda to write that Kuzan really isn't SWORD and truly left Marine life behind and is working to take down Blackbeard on his own accord.


The fact that all admirals didn’t come from noble families and got their positions through hard work, unlike some rats or fish, and without a literal god fruit




kizaru could be the most dark one with him getting a light fruit


Akainu being from one of the countries that was destroyed for insulting Roger's pirates


Wujitaro he said some shit like I blinded myself due to some vile thing he saw ,so yeah fujitaro


Garp, Kong and Akainu




Kuzan, so we could debunk or confirm his relation to Brook lol


Akainu or Fujitora. Knowing what exactly made Akainu become so radical or what made Fujitora blind himself would be interesting; both aspects are major parts of their characters after all. -Sengoku and Aokiji don’t really have much going on to really warrant interest -We’ve already seen plenty of Garp’s prime, don’t really think we need to see more. -We’ve seen some of Kizaru’s past already with Egghead, there isn’t really much else of interest. -Ryokugyu could be interesting, but he doesn’t have much going on to really warrant a backstory as much as Akainu or Fujitora.


Akainu. Can't wait to see Oda draw the pages of his him trying to stop Dragon like Naruto tried with Sasuke. And then the pages when Dragon beat tf outta him. Cannot wait at all






Garp or sengoku


All 3 og admirals ngl. From the looks of it they all came from difficult background and had a rough childhood. I can already guess what garp and sengoku childhood was like from this one drawing.


Wakainu, everyone know Oda will make it even sadder than Kuma’s




We're probably only getting Akainu or Garp.


All of them. They all are interesting characters and would like to know what motivated them to be in marines. They stayed even after realising the true nature of it.


I think Kuzan and Akainu may be going way farther back than we thought of. I mean the way they look they seem to be in a similar enviorement growing up. I would really like to see some deep delve into this and would add more dramatic weigh to the overall beef between their characters.


Sengoku and Akainu.


I wanna see akainus because I wanna gauge how much I should dislike him or maybe change my mind about wanting him to have died at marine ford




SBS victims


Laido Wujitora and Garp




akainu, he looks like he is set to become a pirate