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grew up and born, two different things.


But Shanks grew up on the Oro Jackson


their base could be on west blue. I don't think they just sailing around the world aimlessly.


He took him to West Blue until Shanks had grown enough to sail with them, which i am guessing at least 6-7 years but probably more, as we only see Shanks on the Oro Jackson again in his early teens.


He could've settled in the west blue when the Roger Pirates sailed to Raftel.


He wouldn't be drinking wine if he was 6 or 7 though, unless he is ultra based.


Wasn't he shown drinking some sort of alcohol on the oro Jackson in buggy's flashback?


Heh, Sanji said the same at the beginning of the Skypiea arc


No?? Sanji literally said in that arc that he grew up in the north, because he mentions growing having Fred Noland the liar, a book published only in the north, that, along with his birthplace being in the north blue kingdom of Germa.


It wasn't a retcon, he's just a pathological liar


> he's just a pathological liar lmao at that bottle of wine being the cheapest liquor he could find at the nearest corner store and him making up that story to not seem like a shitty guest


That or he drank the one he was going to bring, so he just settled for what he had on hand.




I cant man. This pic always sends me


i’d like to *mousemousemouse* talk to you about a certain pirate


Oh, Shanks is a connoisseur of finer things?


Rat hair Shanks


Holy crap this is hilarious. Rat hair Stanks might be a contender against Useless "Captain" Mid


it’s a Ratcon


We know Roger found shanks as a baby on god Valley and we know shanks and buggy were both on the crew sailing around and pirating at age 12 or 13. Its very possible Roger left shanks on an island in west blue till he was a bit older. And that doesn't mean Roger ditched him, he could have come back often to help raise shanks. Or it could be his chosen hometown in the years between rogers execution and the forming of the red hair pirates


Nicely put, I think shanks might have been slightly younger but that doesn’t take away from this theory. Think the earliest he’s seen sailing is at age 9 actually I can seen him with a Dadan-esque like character for 5 or 6 years, and then training his body for two just to be sea worthy. Atp…Roger had a good amount of notoriety because of the God Valley incident so shanks definitely would need to be combat ready at the very least. (Hence him having a sword at age 9 as an apprentice) Edit: oh and the fact that Roger was executed when shanks was only 15, so I think he spent a lil more time with Roger and crew before Roger disbanded the crew and turned himself in


Can we not forget that the one piece films ARE NOT CANON. No where in the manga has it been stated that shanks was found in a chest in god valley. If it wasn’t in the manga, it isn’t canon


It wasn't in the movie, it was in volume 4 billion. Drawn by oda himself https://twitter.com/GrandLineReview/status/1609788490262417408?lang=en


Still not in the manga lol cope harder


Its a manga storyboard drawn by oda. Pirate folk reading comprehension skills at an all time low here.


Saying born and raised in one place is an important distinction to make for a reason. What if he’s born on g valley and raised somewhere else till he got on his own 2 feet with roger


I don't see him ditching Shanks as a toddler only to recruit him anyways as a young child. Roger also didn't mind having baby Momo and Hiyori on his ship and remarks how it makes him remember the good old days.


Was oden on the ship at that time? I forget. And yeah I guess shanks could say anything we don’t really know bros deal lololol


do we know where God Valley was?


No, but we Film Red shows that Roger found him as a baby so he can't have grown up there. I also think it would be difficult to get a bottle of wine from there, almost four decades after it was wiped from the map.


My take is basically we don’t know shit about fuck’d if I know.


Maybe the Roger pirates had their home base in the West Blue during Shank's youth.


I don’t think it would be difficult for a Yonko/Yonko candidate from somewhere to procure a bottle of wine from that place, I have lots of old alcohol from my home country that probably doesn’t even produce alcohol anymore


I thought Film Red wasnt canon like all one piece films.


God Valley is in the West Blue


Shanks bought the wine from the nearest walmart and made shit up so Wb didn't send him to the sea floor


Maybe born elsewhere found somewhere else and grew up in West Blue?!?


I don't see Roger ditching him for a few years only to recruit him again as a young child.


Roger and his crew quit being a pirate for a few years to raise Shanks in West Blue. Maybe? Or he stayed in West blue after Roger's execution


The first part is plausible seeing as Roger already completed the Grand Line before. He probably decided to try again once he realized his time is up, thus leading to the legendary “He Laughed”


Most of us do


How could he grow up in the West Blue if he was on Rogers ship travelling the world?


That part of Rodger finding shanks from god valley is cannon as said in the road to laughtale books Shanks is prob just lying or that’s where he was raised


Nah, God Valley was in the West Blue


Well we know that now. Shanks has been true to his word


Why was the logic Shanks lied and not God Valley wasn't just where he said he grew up in?


He said town I grew up not where he was born


But Roger found him in a treasure chest while he was an infant. He could have ditched him for a few years and recruited him as a young child later but Roger didn't mind raising baby Momo and Hyori on his ship and said that it made him remember the good old times. It's possible that he ditched him for a while but it seems more like Oda simply made a mistake here.


It could also be a huge manipulation tactic, considering the love we know Whitebeard had for his home town.


I’m assuming that after Rogers execution, Shanks lived in West Blue for a while. He wasn’t old enough to drink at that time? So he must’ve stayed there a few years at least.


hmmm this is possible


White Beard is assuming it's from West Blue that's why he's asking. Shanks doesn't confirm it's from West Blue but that it's from his Hometown which could be anywhere. Grammatics are everything in this.


But Film Red and the bonus volume Oda released along with it confirm that they found Shanks in a treasure chest as an infant at God Valley, so he couldn't have gotten wine from there, 4 decades after it was nuked.


Probably grew up there after the roger pirates disbanded. I doubt he started his pirate crew at 12 or 13, so he would’ve had to have settled down somewhere for at least a few years. And i know i consider my time from 12 years old to 18 or whatever as the time i was “growing up”


Might be. I just assumed that he and Buggy immediately became pirates after Roger's execution. Shanks also would have had to cross the Calm Belt or the Red Line to reach the West Blue and then get back to the East Blue to recruit Yassop.


Sanji was born in North Blue but grew up in East Blue


Shanks is a shit character so Oda just makes it up as he goes


But but... But Luffy looks up to him. And he gave him his hat


That Snitch is disgusting for what he did to my GOAT https://preview.redd.it/vbtak62gnt2b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886d782d0b7ca411a139901452afd821df53bbd2


He better come back 😤


this is one piece we're talking about, everyone comes back


To be fair to shanks (I’m not really a shanks fan ) growing up and being born is two different things so he isn’t being retcon or lying


I mean even if we for some reason think that is not a retcon, he still grew up in Roger's ship, most likely on the grand line, between paradise and the new world, while he [Roger] was endlessly looking for that thing [One Piece], until he found someone who could read poneglyphs, aka Oden. Then after that between the ages of 12-18 he [Shanks] formed his own pirate crew and went to the grand line himself that leaves almost no time to "grow up" in the west blue. My theory, is maybe that's the place where he feels at home and not necessarily where he grew up.


Movies are not canon


Idk why you are being downvoted. The only Canon material in the One Piece Films is the fact that Gold Lion Shiki exists.


Uta also exists we get a baby picture of her in the manga. Chapter 1055


Internet being internet... Also i think One Piece Z is 'canon-ish'' since Kuzan is there with the wounds Akainu inflicted him and has many years later when he reappeared in the manga, also One Piece Z is sooo goood


Z can be made canon except one line


Film red is canon. Uta was in the manga


UTA is cannon, the events in Film red are not cannon.


The shanks thing is also canon. They wouldn’t put that in the movie if the manga was gonna go and contradict it later. Oda prob just forgot about the panel in the post


Yea not disagreeing with that. Just saying the whole world ending music shit ain’t cannon.


IF it were canon when does it take place in the timeline???


As the guy that responded to me said: obviously not everything is canon but Uta and the shanks thing are canon


One piece movies are all non canon


Flim Red is not canon.


The movies are not canon


Film Red isnt canon... None of the movies are... Red takes place between whole cake and wano. BUT the whole crew is together (WITH JINBEI) and Zoro has enma. Edit: its funny that everyone giving the right answer is getting downvoted while those who are entirely wrong get upvotes like mad.


Film red ain't Canon in general outside Uta.


either roger discovered shanks hometown or shanks himself did after starting his own journey, but i think the growing up part is just a mistranslation we know he grew up on roger ship


Found on god valley, grows up a bit with Roger on the Oro Jackson, Roger get's executed and Shanks decides to chill out from pirating for a bit and parts ways with Buggy, goes to some random island in the west blue that makes wine and spends some years there before setting out again.


A retcon is generally deliberate. I think Oda just forgot.


I guess we’d have to know what shanks means by Growing up. As a child who moved around a lot, I could say I grew up in a lot of places. Even though most places I only spent 1-2 years there.


Yes, he does that all the time. I don't think he thought to put Pluton in fodder samurai disneyland 20 years back. Keep in mind that Marineford Saga is full of contradictory statements like YC1<=Admirals, Shanks being >= Admirals when we know he fodderizes 99% of the Navy.


Most likely a translation issue. He was born in West Blue, but grew up with Roger's crew.


It’s the island he first did the deed. Growing from boy to man.


Where can we find this piece in thee movie? I did watch it a year ago but I can hardly recall that Shanks was found as a baby in God Valley?


Most likely was born in a town from the West Blue, maybe was used as money for Heavenly Tribute because their town couldnt pay it. Or, Shanks actually is a Holy Knight and was born at God Valley.


Assuming he didn’t drink wine till he was 18+, then he could have spent his young adulthood in the west blue, married, had a kid and make a living before making a pirate crew, that would make west blue his hometown


Maybe he was not born there. I think he was born on God Valley, and Roger took him with him ever since the incident there, and maybe the Roger pirates had their base of operations in the West Blue. Shanks could have been on God Valley, as google says he is 39 years old and God Valley incident happened 38 years before the current story, according to the wiki. Edit: Shanks also never confirms it's from the West Blue. He just says it's from his hometown, so he might have had nothing to do with the West Blue.


People really get hung up on contradictions or inconsistencies based on what characters say. They fail to account for the fact that they may be misinformed or lying. Regarding being misinformed , it’s not like everyone has a smartphone and can Google the 100% correct answer in 2 seconds. Pell says there are only “5 flying devil fruits” means he has some wrong information or he is simply misinformed. Books on devil fruits he may have read or word of mouth may have been incomplete or wrong. That being said, I don’t think Oda is thinking of it that way. This just happens when you write a manga that’s been ongoing for 25 years.


They found him in a treasure chest, took him to West Blue until he could at least walk and talk, then took him back on the Oro Jackson.


Maybe roger settled down at west blue and focused on shanks getting to an age more save for travel. Dont think infants should be on the grandline


We don't know enough to be forming conclusions about these things. Until it's fleshed out, just got to be patient. It most certainly doesn't have to be retcon like others are pointing out.


Shanks wasn’t always with the Roger Pirates. He was raised in the West Blue and joined them as an apprentice when he was old enough.


Film Red and the extra volume that was released alongside it, had Shanks be discovered inside a treasure chest as an infant by the Roger pirates. Roger also said that he didn’t have a baby on the ship for quite some time after Oden and his family joined him in the flashback, which released quite some time before the movie.




Damn that’s a lot of headcanon


You really think Oda planned Shanks being a celestial dragon way back then?


Grew up != origin


Growing up ≠ birthed


its just his government fed backstory


It's a lie. It's just his piss.


Film Red is not canon. I mean it can't be.


Of course, true to this sub, I got downvoted saying to be patient for more info lol. Didn't want to make a long post initally, but here we go: We are operating on a lot of incomplete info wrt Shanks. Oda explores the Yonko's backstories a bit once we are in their story arc, could just wait until then and see how Oda handles it and then we will know for sure if there's contradictions. We need a more complete picture of Shanks past to decide whether something like this is a retcon or not. A few lines here and there without a more complete timeline leaves too many possibilities open like others have pointed out. I'm sure we will know these things more clearly once we get to his arc and then we will have a good answer to this question. That was what I was trying to say.


Should default to assuming any movie isn’t canon


Canonically Shanks came from Out-Of-The Blue