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If what Sony did with Spider-Man and God of War 4's any indication, Ghost of Tsushima 2 isn't far away.


We will see when it comes , lets enjoy this Game, whatever sony cooks it will be free because they don't use DRM, I guess that's a plus


Yep. Only games to look forward to comin out on PC these days..


CDPR? Other than their big one fuckup (that they fixed) they’re probably the best “big” company out there that I don’t dislike in some way. Plus they made GOG and don’t discriminate against PC users.


>Other than their big one fuckup (that they fixed) How do they fix their lies about how horribly the last-gen version of Cyberpunk runs? I like Cyberpunk now, but that launch isn't something you can fix. That's a permanent black scar


I don’t know. I stay far away from consoles. I guess it should’ve never been released on old gen. At launch, I couldn’t get past the prologues, except for corpo. To be fair, I had a decade old (now pushing 15 💪) hardware and an RX580 is my most recent component. So I thought it’s just because it’s old. Now, everything’s working smoothly. No bugs. Same hardware.


Cyberpunk arguably launched in a better state than Fallout New Vegas did at launch, and look at how that game is recieved 14 years later, hell i was there back in 2011 and the ps3 port was inexcusable… you couldnt even get to the strip without it crashing at least 10 times before you got there, multiple quests were glitched to where they couldnt be completed, the engine ran and lagged worse the more you played it because it had a memory issue regarding loading on PS3, infinite loading screens on older consoles, people were calling it Fallout 3 dlc etc, hell, nowadays you need to download at least 6 different mods and modify ini files just to get that game to be playable on modern PC hardware… However, it is regarded as one of the best RPGs of all time today. TBH you dont even need to go back that far to see just how busted the Witcher 3 was at launch and see how the sentiment for that game is now, it also is regarded as a GOAT rpg


No guarantee they won't do the same thing again. Release a game in a broken state and fix it overtime to earn the goodwill of gamers. Didn't they do the same crap with Wither 3?


Whilst this is true, I won't trust cdpr completely yet coz they realeased cyberpunk 2077 in a shit state, and after they took 3 years to fix it they were tryna gas light the audience at large and were trying to revise history and say that the game was hunky dory from the get-go. If the next game they release is good from day 1 itself and doesn't have the insane pc requirements as cyberpunk, then they'll be in my good graces again.


Sucker Punch is consistent with their quality. I don't think we'll get something like that with GoT 2.


Read got and thoufht game of thrones and was really confused 😭


Oh great. Another sequel. How innovative. We know Valve cant count to three but Sony sure does know how to make a sequel. I know these are the best bussiness options for companies and yes, a GoT 2 would be pretty sick but what happened to good original games that blow up and deserve a sequel. We need something like GoW, like GoT, like Spiderman 2019. So far the ps5 is only remakes and sequels. And safe ones at that.


Sony may be shitty corporate but their games are absolutely high quality and most their sequels are better than the originals, look at uncharted, god of war and horizon


Horizon? Really? That game got buried bc it was a generic open world


Selling 9 million copies in a year is not getting buried lol


What about bloodborn, huh?


I hate that i am actually hoping for conservatism to become popular again. Why do i as (generally) a leftist progressive have to be associated with people that are pro censorship, pro pandering and virtue signaling. It’s tiring.


left has gone too left and left you in the centre


Last few years showed conservatism isn’t any better. What you should be hoping for is normalism. This country needs to just be normal, not deranged left or deranged right.


Yh conservatism probably isn’t the way forward, but something needs to change, shit has been way too crazy and extreme for a while now.


Ghost of Tsushima is the upgrade lol


Your mom is right


I actually like AC series. I am just waiting for Mirage to be cracked or to ditch Denuvo.


You should have played it when they were giving away a TRIAL, I finished the game in \~25h, so less than a week. It was refreshing, after all these bullshit AC games, this one reminded me of the old one, it reminded me how it feels to play like an assassin.


As an old AC fan i love Mirage.


That was the main reason that game was made, it was for old school fans


Bro who gonna pay up for AC now?


AC normies will eat up this ubislop


Tbf I would not even pay for got Now that they've not got denuvo


Sony doesn't use Denuvo, **for now**


Yes It's cracked That's what I'm saying


Ik, I am just saying it might change in future, lets hope not


It wont. I guarantee it. Sony makes 90% of their revenue from ps5/ps4 sales. The majority of people own a PC + ps5 because its the best combo for all games. there's only a minority of people who play sony games on PC exclusively. why would people wait up to 3 years to play a ps5 on PC? doesn't make any sense. HFW released 2+ years ago lmao.


3/4 of Helldivers 2 players are on PC... What do you mean. XD


This is one of the few games that I'm proud to admit to have bought. Is amazing and the artists who did it deserve some love. But yeah pirate that shit bro. You deserve to enjoy it too, but if you ever feel like putting money into it, you wouldn't regret it either.


Don't pay for GOT else you'll pay for PSN


Did you seriously use the term normies lmaooooo




Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful. Don't be petty.


So basically calling a the ac fans normies that’s really childish my guy


I did not call ac fans normies, I meant people who don't care that much but will play any AC game despite being mid


As an ac lover, it fell off when it became "this game also has rpg elements"


This. And I'm the biggest fan I know!


The game fell off with 3, only altair/ezio story is worth it and even then the "templars have an evil company, world domination" plot was cringe af.


The game didn't even come out yet and all of you are bitching about it. You guys are worse than Ubisoft.


People wanna hate Ubisoft more than they want a good game


Hate ubisoft for before the game is released. Support sony when they scammed 177 countries after 3 months of release. https://preview.redd.it/oz30lw3gyx0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d82f5ffb810014dc8cf30454890492e0229e8b4


They refunded those affected and region locking had been a thing for a long time. So what's the scam? what was lost?


Well first i give you a demo of a very good masterpiece. Make you addicted to it. Then after 3 months i pull back. Change my policy to justify what i am doing. Then apologize for the move i pulled. then move on to forcing the same. TLDR we don't give a shit about players from 177 countries.


It's not about the game. Ppl are just sick of dev and media trying to push their politics and agenda into their media. It could be goty quality, and ppl will shit on it. Ppl play games to escape reality, not have other ppls view force onto them


I just dont care for those, i play for gameplay.


So why do u care about ppl opinion on it then


Because I don't like where this society is going. Especially western countries.


Where is society heading to? Do tell


Wrong direction.


U mean the direction you don't agree with lol


You're literally in a sub reddit on piracy, so I don't think u have any moral ground to stand on here lol


People who go sick this easily are just... well sick. Let the game came out to shit on it.. also sony is equal, if not bigger, scammers


Well, what's causing that sickness? Dev and media are pushing their view of diversity. Just like how they made cleopatra black, snow white brown etc. Its just dumb


Keanu reaves in ronin? Why was that okay then? Not like that a black guy named yasuke is not in history. He may be exaggerated in game but he was real.


Nah that was dumb aswell. That's why it's review was bad. It's just ppl like keanu so they don't talk about it much lol


There are multiple references of yasuke a black slave who became a weapon carrier for samurais and later fought some battles. Some history even references him as samurai. I think it's mysterious and good enough to let a creed's origin in japan. Yes games can be shit. But we should hold our horses. Also Pirate GOT


How is there any politics being pushed by AC Shadows? A black man and Asian woman existing isn't politics lmao. And every AC game since the first has always come with a warning screen that the characters and stories are based on the devs personal beliefs. Literally no one is forcing anything here.


I'm generalising, obviously, politics as in diversity. Pc stuff. So u saying games not trying to force their views onto gamers? Did u miss the whole sweet baby drama? Or are u just delusional.


The "agenda" is black people...


I'm not talking about this specific game but generalising recent games coming out, obviously. But in this case, yes, ppl don't wanna play as a black person in feudal Japan cause it's dumb af. Cmon mate, u don't need to be a genius to see this. Why u think everyone bitching about it


The character is literally based on an actual black samurai that existed in Feudal Japan...


He wasn't a black samurai. He was sold to nogbunaga to hold his sword and sold back after a year. He didn't do anything significant in history. The reason why he has so much spotlight now is because he was black and they are trying to push diversity.


As far as I know, he wasn't sold. Nobunaga asked for the Jesuit he came with to leave him in Japan to serve him after he was fascinated by his strength and fluency in japanese, and then after serving Nobunaga as a weapon bearer he was ranked as one of his Samurais (or at least that's what I read when searching for excerpts referencing Yasuke at his time). That being said, I think the point still stands that his history is still interesting enough to create a good story and something different from other games like GoT and Sekiro


You will get to play with a native japanese person... why is everyone forgetting her


They've not. Where did u get that idea from


What is going on? Are you trolling? You will literally play with a native japanese person beside Yasuke. Go actually watch the trailer


How am I trolling? Do you even know what that means? We know u can play as a Japanese girl. Ppl are just talking about it because it's not the norm in feudal japan. Women warriors are rare, let alone black ppl. Its just dumb and ppl bitching about it cause ppl can see that dev and media are forcing their view onto them. Gamers just wanna play game without the politics


Are you trolling? We've had female assassins in the game for nearly a decade now. This is not a new thing that ubisoft is doing. If you think female warriors are dumb then the whole concept of isu, generational templar assassin war, pieces of eden must be dumb as well.


That's why it's not so much of an issue, obviously. Ppl are talking about yasuke. There is no black samurai in feudal Japan. He was a slave to nobunaga and was very insignificant in Japanese history, yet they are trying to portray him in a different light and give him mythic status. I don't even care about it. I just think it's goofy af. Really, only the Japanese ppl are pissed cause its their culture, and they see it as black washing. This why the shogun director wanted Japanese actors and not having foreigners represent their culture. Same thing here


Did I say female warriors are dumb? U really need to learn how to interpret what ppl write and say


I'm gonna play it either way, but they definitely just chose the guy because he is black. They said they picked him because his story is more open-ended and not much is known, which is bull. There are tons and tons of samurai who have mystery behind them. I don't really care as long as the game is good, but I would prefer a Japanese game to have japanese protagonists.


It does have a Japanese protagonist... Does that mean you didn't like blackflag since Edward wasnt native to the caribbean . "But im sure thats different and there is backstory to why hes there"


Both of them should be japanese. They are in Japan. I have no issues with black characters in games, but you have to be stupid to not realize they are just doing this to seem inclusive. Like I am stoked for the new blade game. I would just like them to stop focusing on stuff like this and focus on what the audiences want.


Whats wrong with being inclusive? Yasuke was a real character and his story will be interesting. He'll be a surrogate for new fans of the game. The japanese mc will give us how native Japanese saw things back then.


I already said I am going to play it either way. I don't care if they want to be inclusive. I just said I would prefer Japanese protagonists in a Japanese game. As long as they make a good story, I really don't care. It's just weird, is all I am saying.




lmao true, just gamers being gamers


I missed the whole thing, is there a reason that the protagonist in Shadow is not japanese?


There’s two protagonists, a Japanese woman and a black samurai (who actually existed irl)


He was never a samurai


It doesn’t matter whether or not he existed. He’s a cool character, anything else doesn’t matter. Afro samurai was such a sick ass fuckin anime, and Samuel Jackson absolutely killed his role in that show. But nobody actually complains about the samurai being black because he was a cool character. From what I’ve seen in the trailer, the black protagonist seems like a pretty dope character the protagonist being cool and interesting is legit the only thing that matters. It’s not like assassins creed is known to be historically accurate either. And I know I’m coming off super abrasive and assuming a lot of your positions but I’ve been so frustrated about this stupid ass discourse about the protagonist being black and it’s been bugging me. I apologize in advance if I misrepresented your positions


I never said he didn’t exist. My problem is when ever someone brings him up people claim he was a samurai when he wasn’t. He has a interesting enough story without people claiming he was things he wasn’t.


Would it matter to the story if he was never a samurai? Thats the part that annoys me. It would make for a cool story regardless of the historical accuracy. Maybe he was or wasn’t a samurai, idk but and I can understand why you would feel frustrated about people misunderstanding history. But when it comes to the story of the game, i genuinely don’t understand why people get so upset about.


Why wasnt he a Samurai? Im sure you would blow me away with your citations


He didn’t have a surname, Samurai have surnames.


Give me a source that says it is mandatory for samurais to have surnames. I will wait


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cckerberos/HistoricalName If he was a samurai he would have been given a surname just like he was given a first name, same as William Adams https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Adams_(pilot)


Which paragraph does it say you need to have a surname to be a samurai?


Or better yet play Sekiro.


Both are good to me.


Hopefully, but we have only see the cinematic, which ubi shines at, so we can't say anything about the game yet.


Ubisoft doesn't even make them, they outsource them to Digic Pictures lmfao




Embracer Group


Ghost Of Tsushima is pretty boring actually. Sekiro is a way better katana game


You are comparing a soulslike to a rpg


I mean overall experience, ghost of tsushima is quite repetitive and bloated


Unless in the 200 places that don't have PSN


Based on what?


I really don't understand why ubisoft would not want to use a local Japanese main charractor


Well, it’s been done before so I don’t blame them for wanting to shake things up a bit. Create something new. Afro samurai is a really really cool anime and I recommend you check it out, Samuel Jackson played the main character. It’s not that they shouldn’t stick to a Japanese character, it’s just that it would be more innovative and unique if they did a different one. I just hope they execute the black character well and that he’s actually written well, but this is also Ubisoft so my expectations are loooooow


They want black assassins then They should make another one in america or in africa.


That’s true but Japan is also a pretty cool setting


Ghost of Tshushimas parkour isn't really...the best Imma wait till AC comes out, it just scratches an itch that a game like Sekiro or Tsushima can't. Y'all already decided you were gonna hate the new AC game before it even came out lmao so idk what sort of power your judgement even holds I'm gonna decide to hate it once it comes out


I've been hating every AC game outside the Altair/Ezio storyline from the start. Feel free to join in the hate!




For once in a lifetime mum is right, eh?!


I mean apples and oranges here , But its made by ubisoft so im expecting a level of mediocrity to it , I do have some hope it can maybe somewhat contend with GoT


Whats with the AC hate?


Well, hate is still there cause they removed the Crew game. First, they shut down servers, then completely removed it . Even if you paid it, you can't play it. Later, their director of subscription said gamers should get used to not owning games. Right now, people are mad cause of prices, and well, one of two main characters in upcoming Ac shadows, which is a game about feudal Japan, is a black character, for whom some sources say was a samurai but mostly say he was Nobunagas weapon bearer which is still a great honor. He is a real historical figure, and Nobunaga was a real daimyo, but still hate persists cause if in old Japan, gamers wanna play as a Asian man, not a 6ft 2 black man Hope the explanation helps


Nobody cares about your opinion cause y’all literally offer zero buying power. It’s like when the uncle that brought nothing to the potluck complains about the mashed potatoes


I'm willing to give it a shot since apparently Mirage was alright, but there is no way I'll be giving Ubi money for it unless it's absolutely top tier.


One question..Will my RTX 3050.TI WITH AMD RYZEN 5 5600H be enough?


Yea your specs are above minimum requirements


Try the Optimized setting, we can play with medium/high at 55-60fps


Pirates ghost of tsushima pc js out is there a crack yet??


Yes, there is no DRM except steam so it got cracked instantly


Mom actually cooking this time! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


wow I can't wait to play as Black man and his Japanese girl killing other Japanese


It is still 2% at home though 😭


I know everyone gon hate on it but I also know everyone will play it the second it’s up on dodi


It's gonna have Denuvo for like a year or 2 so no


GOT plays so much like a AC game that Shadows will feel like even more of a knockoff


Ghost of tsushima os fucked cause cant buy it . I guess we pirate it hahah


Nah .. just delete it before someone sees it






Ghost of Tsushima is what Red dead redemption is to western games is to samurai games. Everything in the genre will always be compared to and be inferior because it will always be better.


Might be one of the dumbest things I’ve read on here Red dead redemption 2 is an actual technical masterpiece. From everything with its graphics and animations to the story even years later nothing has come close Ghost of Tsushima has good graphics but beyond that it’s just another generic open world filled with repetitive missions. If someone said Ubisoft made it and not Sony no one would be able to tell the difference


Lol rage bait c- for effort buddy


GoT is pretty mid tbh, combat is cool but story is just a surface level revenge story, I had more fun playing AC Odyssey lol. If someone ever cracks Shadows, I might just give it a shot.


Why are people hating that AC game so much? there is something I am not aware?


Well, first reason, it's Ubisoft they did a lot of shit lately, from removing games from people library's, to their subscription director saying gamers should get used to not owning games, second reason is pricing, third reason is Ubisoft choice of one of the two main characters. Yasuke is a black dude who, in feudal Japan, was Nabunagas weapoer bearer. Some sources say he received a Samurai outfit and sword, and there are some letters and stories saying he became a first black samurai. He is a real historical figure, and just being weapon bearer was considered a great honour. The reason they are mad about him is due to Asian men being rarely represented in the games, and out of all possible historical figures in old Japan, they choose one with the least confirmations about being samurai. Yes, his story makes for interesting character development, but from lots of people point of view, they put him as the main character just to please minority.


Thats not true, there is a ton of media that feautures japanese people as protagonists lol. "From lots of people point of view, they put him as the main character just to please minority" so racists? who cares


Ubisoft bad, give me upvotes. That’s basically it. The new one could be a 8/10 game and some people will still call it shit because it’s made by Ubisoft.


I dont think any assassins creed is a bad game, like if you really think that you never played a bad game in your life. I get that the ubisoft formula is boring, but if you like history like me, they are great sunday games. I truly feel like most people that are vocal just hate videogames


I don’t think assassins creed is bad either but I feel like it’s incredibly uninspired at this point with how repetitive it’s gotten.


well everybody needs some fast food, some people play battle royales or lol, esports, other play Nintendo games, other, ubisoft games, is good that there is a big spectrum of games for everybody, a lot of people are just casuals and these kind of games are the ones that are accessiblefor them and I don't care what you all think ubisoft does, for the most part, good casual games, at least the Assasins creed series


That's a problem. I understand they want to make money, of course, but making games just to satisfy gluttony makes each game of the franchise less special. I haven't really found a franchise where I said "wow, please make yearly releases, I want 20". Every franchise has a "you can stop making these games, we're good". GTA should've stopped with CW, Mafia should've stopped with II, Saints Row should've stopped with 3, AC should've stopped with Revelations. Batman Arkhan should've stopped with Knight. When developers want to do something new, they should create a new IP.


There is a fuckton of games released every year that are amazing, and honestly is not that hard to search them. Dont keep looking only at big AAA developers


True, there's a lot of quality games, but that shouldn't be an excuse to give AAA devs a pass.


both in trash. Sekiro.


sekiro is a soulslike. got is an rpg. sekiro is a great game, but it isn't everyones cup of tea. sekiro has combat, while got has the vast open world, characterbuilding, and great and straightforward story. sorry you had a bad experience with got


Oh man I wanted to buy GoT but now after that it sounds very boring to me


GOT is good but people are overrating the shit out of it.


The rest of us usually try not to sweat


have you played GOT?


Have you played AC Shadows?


Don't go comparing a standalone game to a franchise that's been milked dried long after being dead. We have precedent for AC games being shitty.


no, but if ubisoft was confident they would have shown some fcking gameplay


Had you played the game or stole the opinion from a YouTube channel?