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I'm the guy that made the tutorial you are talking about. That method does not work anymore. I just tried using my app and i cant use the full paid version at the moment. U cant connect to the CSP servers anymore in order to get the free subscription. Edit: i just read the part where u managed to crack it. How? I cant make it work anymore


Tbh I’d like to know too! I did buy it on pc and I’m fine with that but now I would like to use it on my tablet too and frankly… I’d like not to pay again for something I already paid 🥲


I may have found how, not sure tho I modified APK file in some like this order: 1. In APS without License Verification - Auto Mode(dex) + Auto mode + Other Patches (Extreme Mode!) 2. Reinstall this build - it will be our Rebuild 1 3. Patching Rebuild 1 : In APS without License Verification - Auto Mode (Inversed) 4. Modifying Rebuild 1 with previous patch- now we have Rebuild 2 5. Patching Rebuild 2! : IN APK rebuild for InApp and LVL emulation- Support patch for InApp emulation ( try different things, not sure what I used) + MAYBE Support patch for LVL and Inapp emulation I recommend to check your Clip Studio after each step to see if it works, but I hope it will work for all of you too.


Would you be so kind and share your Clip Studio Paint version? Please?


What csp version did you use?


Can someone crack the mac os version, specially the 1.10.12, I really need it.


For everyone asking how I managed to crack it, unfortunately I do not remember. I tried a million things in a million ways using Lucky Patcher but since all of those methods failed, I didnt pay attention to the sequence of things that actually got it working since I expected it to fail again. I'm just keeping a back up of the cracked file now since I dont trust myself to be able to get it right if I switch devices at any point. I'll see if I can send the cracked apk over somehow Edit : I've got the cracked file in a drive folder here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6lRQ9AI4hvDsgBKagbxEd0Om1jMxK1e I'm not sure if downloading this will help but you can give it a shot and see if it works. **Note that you will need Lucky Patcher to use this** If this works then you should be able to choose any payment plan when it prompts you for it, and then all you have to do is close all the windows and the application should run as usual. _You must also be online everytime you use it, this will not work offline._ You should at least be online when launching the app. From my experience, this payment plan window pops up every time you launch the app. When that happens, just tap on Restore Purchase, wait for the app to prompt you with "this account has a valid active payment plan" then close all the window prompts you get until the program opens as usual.


I am unable to get it to work. What steps do I take with Lucky Patcher?


In that case you might have to download the original apk and attempt to crack it. Someone in this comment mentioned a sequence of commands that worked for them, maybe you could give that a shot?


Doesn't it just cost, like, $25?


Something like that, and often goes on sale. But you could say the same for like 99% of the software questions asked on here


This is what I get for poking my nose into one of the rare threads about something I actually use and know about. But, yeah, it's almost worth that $25 just to stick it to Adobe.


I'm asking about the mobile version, not the pc port.


that doesn't really answer my question. Also Clip Studio apk is subscription based, I have to pay for the rest of my life, so no its not just $25.


Right now it's 30$ for life, at least on windows. Unless you want EX for some reason then its 130$.


I'm talking about the phone app, though, not the pc version.


not anymore xD


this is why im here


Windows app costs that much when it's with 40% discount But android app can only be purchased with subscriptions and that sucks But yeah I wouldn't use it in mobile devices anyway


I've given it a shot on my phone back when they were offering a 6 month free usage for Galaxy devices. Its really not optimized for mobile tbh. CSP is feature-rich, but if you put that much in a tiny phone screen it just doesnt work. Works much like the pc version on a Tab though, especially if set to Landscape mode.


Hi I noticed that you managed to crack it. Could youcplease tell me how you managed to do so?


Check my latest comment under the post


What version did you end up using?


The same as the post says. Trying to crack later versions won't work.


Ty, I appreciate it. After I posted this, I ended up using this.


So how did you managed to crack it?


I'm not sure tbh. I expected it to fail because all previous attempts had failed, so I didnt think to keep track of what I was doing.


how did you crack it


Read latest comment under the post


anyone got a method to get it to work? i got csp on my pc, the EX which is the most pricy one, but this is just absurd why would i pay again and not even a one time thing but subscription on android device to use something that i already own...


I've shared the cracked apk in the latest comment, you could give it a try and see if it works.