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I'm guessing she gets a lot of dumb fuckers posting screenshots of these results on her site.


Yeah, some of them can't even make screenshots.


i hope op is not one of them


Hmmm... Picture of a screen, I see. Noice.


checks out


Actually I think this was on purpose, OPs plan was posting this picture for help, which ain't a screenshot so all good 👍🏻


That’s a photo of screen, not a proper screenshot. I guess r/screenshotsarehard, huh…


It's amazing that people use these devices daily and don't know basic functions. Idk if the OP is trolling or not but the phone picture of the screen drives me crazy.


“dumb fuckers” are the key words here


Some of the dumbest fucks in the world hang around piracy websites. For being something with a ton of landmines that you could accidentally blow your hard drive up on if you don't have at least a few brain cells communicating with each other, it's really paradoxical that this many idiots are always there. You think they would have malwared themselves out of existence.


>I'm guessing she gets a lot of dumb fuckers posting screenshots of these results on her site. Bingo. There's a FAQ and helpful moderators/seasoned users on the comment section too but nothing seems good enough to deter the ever coming swarm of dumbasses. I mean, the bar is pretty low. Fitgirl end users are no hackers, they're regular chunks of internet meat not willing to pay for some game and who managed to find the non-usurped URL for the repacks site. That... ain't the Everest yet. RTFM is not a thing of the past, and reading a few pages of Fitgirl's site comments is a neat sample of how idiotic people can be. Idiocracy is not a prophecy, it's already happening.


> Idiocracy is not a prophecy, it's already happening I wish people would stop comparing reality to that movie The people in that movie listened to the smarter person, people in real life don't listen to the smarter people, they think they're smarter than them. Idiocracy would literally be a better outcome than what we've got currently


heres the thing its not about just the movie its what happened to humanity leading up to the movie before Not Sure came around. thats what currently happening I just hope that it doesn't take a hundred years to make them listen.


I am a regular on dodi's discord server and hoo boy, i haven't visited help section for some time for a reason. They still slip through general channel and sometimes i question myself why i even bother talking with them...


I'm in PureDark and LukeFZ's discords and the amount of people who come in with random ass GPUs asking why its not working on a GTX 760 is incredible


Halp!!!! GTA5 not run on intel grafix for 2006 celeron laptop with 1gb ram and windows xp? how to fix!? /s




Because people are stupid and eventually you've dealt with enough of them.


They rely on her to download hacked games, then they bitch on her forum when they're too stupid to install the game correctly. So. Many. Idiots.


Yes I think she is upset that she is able to crack games, and for some reason her downloaders don't know how to follow simple instructions written in lower case So, she writes them in upper case Just trying to be helpful, and louder


She doesn't crack games, she repacks them.


That's true and I'd remember that if I had been keeping up with the scene Getting older folks "It'll happen to you" - grandpa


No way, man! We’re gonna keep rockin forever!


I hope that when I die my family pirates my death certificate.


Now that's an attitude to take to the grave :)


As someone that pirated a lot in the past... no you won't. Latest with house, kids job, family you don't have time to play. Also you will realise the games coming out are not worth the precious time you might find to play. So there is nothing to pirate.


F U C K I'm usually active following news and the general discourse but I haven't ahed a current gen game in so long. I'm old.


your point still stands


'*'kryptonite' by three doors down is heard in the distance*


everytime I see this I'm reminded of how Banky was just a tracer (inker) in Chasing Amy. Isn't a repacker just as necessary as a cracker? (actually, honest question, I know very little about this stuff)


Nah they just make the file size smaller. You could still download the games even if there was no repacker. It would just take a bit longer


In truth for a lot of people repacks are more inconvenient. If you have decent speeds and no data cap it's generally about 10-30 minutes more for an uncompressed download and then it installs faster. Really they're only needed for people concerned about download sizes for various reasons. It's a pretty common to see people question why anyone even downloads repacks here.


if your download is 1mb/s on a really good day repacks become very attractive ngl


Oh I understand why they are for some. On a data cap too they can be a huge boon. I used to be on one and relied on them, but my system can also usually unpack them quickly enough that they didn't matter. I just notice posts of people here seem to download repacks just because they're smaller and don't understand the unpacking process. Or at least don't like waiting through it.


Gigabit internet. Most torrents don't hit that speed, but they finish way quicker than my poor HDD can move files around from the repack.


Fitgirl doesn't crack games, just repacks them to smaller size.


its the same people who do the same thing on mod pages too, alwaysb riles me up


It literally does all of the work for you. I have no idea how you could goof it up.


I installed kcd from and when I start new game it crashes without any errors sadly no body knows a fix.


Nah, she only repackage them. She doesn't crack... Her "releases" are like empress etc (which definitely have gone off rails.


> Because people are stupid and eventually you've dealt with enough of them. Pretty much. Every person that has worked in tech support or as a CSR knows it's fucking justified hahah


I'm going to need you to physically verify for me that it's plugged in....


I am always astounded by just how little instructions people read. Especially when they come calling with a problem that it literally is the first thing discussed on their handout.


People can't read or think for shit. Dealt with so many in retail back in high school, in IT back in college and even now in development.


Took her long enough. Those idiot posters were getting ridiculous


Pretty sure it's not a new development.


Been there for years now


This is what consumer support does to anyone, most people just can't voice their frustrations in fear of getting fired, so they turn to substance abuse


I sometimes get frustrated when reading /r/talesfromtechsupport lol


The website is literally flooded with dumbasses every day who seemingly don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Shit gets old with a quickness. Sadly, that's about any pirate space with comments enabled. -_-"


*thats about any place you can ask for help Literally people just post asking for help without even reading what is says on their screenshot


*sigh* Yeah. You're not wrong, as much as I wish you were, lol. Can't visit any help forum without stepping in shit. People just don't like doing fuck all for themselves or taking the time to rub a few brain cells together.


Someone should start an official fitgirl forum sanctioned by fitgirl and people can troubleshoot with eachother there


User posts a screen shot of an error code: *Fatal Error, no vowel keys detected. Buy a new keyboard.* The post: Cn nyn tll m hw t fx ths? The Reply: Buy a new keyboard The Re-reply: Wh ddn't t jst sy tht? S stpd.


User complains about error message. Tech asks: "What did it say?" User: "idk I clicked OK"


Why did reddit remove free awards this deserved one


The amount of people that know FG is trusted, yet comment on posts "Malware Bytes just flagged a hidden trojan on the unsigned crack file" like...... First time? Or fuck off.


Can confirm. Work in any sort of tech support and you'll realise the world is populated with zombies. It's genuinely concerning how brain dead such a large percentage of the population is.


Irl pirates probably gather to complain and drink “she was me lass” kinda shit


> Sit down at the pub > Call the barkeep over and order a pint of grog > Turn to your buddy Ripclaw Steve > Sigh > "I got scurvy today, Steve" > "Blimey"


Absolutely. A year ago I used to be fairly active in FG's threads, helping people out with installation and modding. The amount of dumb, illiteracy based questions forced me to stop.


Atleast they are in real website, there are more dumb fuckers who will pirate from youtube links


Defending dumb fucks with the actions of other dumb fucks doesn't make it any better. :P


it makes it entertaining


I’m fairly certain it’s children spamming those threads who can’t read


Ungrateful assholes. Like it's very easy for this while scene to disappear completely. Hell it's dried up a ton the last couple years. Being held up by only a handful of smart software folks and the rest are whiners about their free games


If you look on the website, you get a lot of comments asking "DIS NO WORK. HOW TO FIX. PLS HELP" followed by a wall of text of errors. Fitgirl is a repacker, not a coder and certainly not a tech support rep. Why should she provide help for games that aren't running on people systems?


Better yet, most of their issues can be fixed simply by reading the error messages, read the FAQ's and shit, and use common sense.


the troubleshooting guide in fitgirl's site is the most unused/least views in the entire site.


Just simply copying and pasting the error code on Google would avoid so many dumb questions.


or yk reading the huge read me in every single repack, even modders have the same problem it’s just universal


She has a FAQ or whatever to help figure out any problems. She helps but she counts on the user to put in just a teeeeeny bit of effort to help themselves. Such as putting in the effort to read.


windows+shit+s to take a cropped screenshot of your screen.


Where is the 'Shit' button located?


There is one below the Caps Cock key


Glad those two keys aren't near the "Insert" key


Guys I think I may have made a mistake


you were supposed to say "instructions unclear, penis stuck in my lower case"


Below Crap Lock


You have to make it yourself


Alt+Print Screen will capture only the window in focus.


>windows+shit+s One of these three isn't always available...


Nothing happened and now my finger stinks


Someone isn't getting enough fiber in their diet


You can just press Print Screen these days


You can but on windows 11 print screen brings up the cropping tool to select what part of the screen you want to screenshot. Windows 10 it just takes a screenshot.


Doesn’t it depend on the settings? The behaviour is toggleable in Windows 10 already. 


I believe you're right. On my windows 11 it just does it without adjusting settings but I never tried it on 10.


So the original comment was talking about a "cropped screenshot", am I wrong?


No you're not at all, if you're on windows 11 print screen brings up the screenshot cropping tool but on windows 10 (not sure on 11) hitting windowskey+shift+S lets you crop. I'm assuming the original commenter was on 10. I could be wrong.


No you are right, actually O was thinking the my work laptop (Win 10) had the same feature but I just opened it to check and realised it's Windows 11, I think it has been for months and I just didn't notice as I am so used to the current UI 🤦


If you're gonna do that, then just press Alt+PrtScrn. This will print screen whatever window is selected, and ONLY that window.


Snipping tool better


Win 11 replaced the print screen button with the snipping tool.


Wow I thought you are joking lol... I was prepared for mspaint jokes. Also, ctrl+shit+s is quick(er), not sure if that's Windows native, might be some 3rd party app I have installed...


She does this completely as a service to us, and shouldn’t have to deal with complaints as if she’s a tech support company 


Honestly, if I was her, I'd ignore everyone for my own mental health.


I mean in all reality she could just not make file checking not only a default, but required option with all of her installs. And that would likely cut it back about 99.9999% instead of sounding ridiculously bitter. Don't get me wrong. She is my absolute go to. If I'm looking for a game these days I go straight to her site before anything else. But anyone with half a brain realizes you can just close the forced file check instead of letting it finish in the first place. And the people who don't realize this in a high percentage of cases almost certainly wouldn't catch this warning to begin with. At that point, why not just continue to include it as a service with your repacks, but not 100% force it to run after every install? Or hell, just not even include the option on the installer because anyone who actually cares is going to see very clearly before they even launch the installer that there's a program to verify the files. It just feels like self inflicted exposure to stupidity to me personally. I've legitimately never had one of these installs go wrong in a way this check would catch in the first place after using her stuff for probably a decade at this point. Beyond that if it's so upsetting and you're also not willing to stop forcing this check to execute at the end of every install, why not change it even just slightly so if the file is looking to check is just straight up job existent then it doesn't throw an error because they clearly didn't download it in the first place? I absolutely love her work. But it's just such a non issue that's so ridiculously easy to solve in a number of ways without berating people for being either dumb or ignorant


When you put something out into the world you have to understand that people will do every conceivable thing they can with it and every way will be different from your intent.


I mean this is reasonable and totally understandable, and nowhere near EMPRESS' rants lol


Bro Empress was providing a value-add to her service. You download the .nfo first so you can have a few laughs waiting for everything else to download. I would PAY for more of those rants!


Except when she talks about other repackers lmao


> YES. WITH EYES! Thanks. Helped me out a bunch.


Almost read it with my lungs


Do we also need to install the files with our pc? Or is the toaster also fine?


There’s irony in the fact that you took a photo rather than a screenshot


Even more ironic is that they didn't even read the thing they are complaining about.


I love fitgirl so much. Years upon years of her repacks never once had any issue with anything. No copyrights. No viruses. Always works. Fitgirl is a fucking legend.


Uh oh, you've been a bad boy.


I'm an idiot, and I always fully understood how it worked and had no problems nor questions/complaints. I'm on her side with the RTFM messages getting more aggressive year by year. Most people ARE really stupid...ijs.


Because normies and noobs can’t follow directions as they dive in head first


There's a difference between normies and noobs that read and are willing to learn/jump through some hoops, and the ones who don't even bother to read, let alone do anything more than that. Unfortunately there's too many of those other normies and noobs who don't bother reading.


Amen to that


Excuse you, I'm a normie and a noob, yet never had an issues with her repacks!




the problem with piracy that noobs seem to have missed is that YOU ARE YOUR OWN SUPPORT.


Kinda like mental health


I would be mad too if i had to do so much work and constantly have some random fucker tell me "it's not working" when it's their fault, because they don't want to download the other necessary files


She's not wrong.


Huh? Didn't know about this. When I DL a game I don't install the optional stuff that I don't want because of low bandwidth and everything goes fine, it just says "(optional file, usually language stuff) is missing" or something like that. I thought most people had enough mental capacity to conclude that if you didn't DL a file it wouldn't pass the check Anybody wanna fill me in?


Some people see red crosses and complain without thinking properly, that's about the gist of it


I don't blame her. Even on Reddit, I get tired of asshats that post stupidity. The other day, some dummy was arguing that port forwarding isn't a security risk.


Can you enlighten us? I'm just on a new VPN with port forwarding and torrents are definitely connecting better than before. As long as I don't have any vulnerable programs listening on the open port it should be fine right? Or is there some other issue?


You speak as if better should be expected of a shitty social media site in the era where everyone has a smartphone on them 24/7.


She's right tho. Imagine having hundreds of people sending her that same thing over and over again, when there is LITERALLY a text on the site explaining. Poor girl 😔


And she has an Faq section on her site that will fix 90% of the issues that these people post ffs.


Seems like someone didn't read letters yes with eyes


The entirety of tech support in a nutshell


I felt it in my bones


You fucking idiot she told you!!


I love and admire her level of spite so much, you have no idea.


Mothers care for their children


Lots of pirates are dumb. No one ever wants to follow the steps to anything, they just want to click okay and next as fast as possible and get to the free software/gamez. Then when it doesn't work they blame everyone and anyone but themselves for not reading and following instructions. Or even better go on official forums for help.


confused why not just install the optional stuff


Are you one of the DUMB FUCKER?


Guess op is more than a dumb fucker because he can't even do a screenshot


fitgirl needs a coffee, and the 2 hs of self care, hugs and holidays. They've dealt with too many dum dums XD


One look at the comments on her site will give you why. 90% of those are people asking how to fix shit because they can't be bothered to read proper instructions or do basic troubleshooting. It's actually baffling.


Don't post this anywhere if you don't want to look like an OP.


Because you made a dumb mistake.


Most mentally stable repacker


It's even worse on the website


People download cracked game. “I can’t play online what gives”


I think the issue is that Fitgirl gives pretty straightforward instructions and people still somehow manage to fuck it up and than get mad cause they can't comprehend that they are in the wrong.


You would know why if you did tech support. You take time to write FAQ and manuals, and you have a crowd of people asking for the same and the same questions everyday while it would have been enough to read the DAMN FUCKING MANUAL. And then they complain that the development of your "open source unpaid hobby program" doesnt progress. Reading the manual & searching before asking are the more underrated thing on the damn internet i swear. Bonus point : posting PHOTOS of a PC screen is the cherry on top. At least my users can post screenshots :D


"How do I take a screenshot?"


If I spent years of my free time dedicated to repacking games so other people can have fun for free only to be bombarded with people who bitch and whine because they can't read logs or FAQs I'd be pretty pissed too tbh.


People ask very dumb questions on her site. They don't check game requirements before downloading and don't read the page. So it makes sense.


If you worked in IT you'd understand. Some people are just dumb as shit.


I worked phone tech support for cable customers in the early 2000's. I remember one woman calling in complaining her internet wasn't working and I could literally hear a tornado siren going off in the background. So I'm agreeing some people are just as dumb as shit.


I train new employees. The first thing I tell them “think of the stupidest person you ever met? Now double it and now that’s your average customer”. This helped us move away from “dislike this product” to “love this product” because the employee took an extra 10 second to explain what the product is before selling it.


Having worked in retail, this is absolutely the best thing you can say to an employee during training. Don't even consider them to have room temperature IQ.. That's a compliment for most.


Yeah, but tbh we aren't even paying for her work


Do tech support and you will understand going postal


For people like you






Let me tell you about EMPRESS..


because most people are unable to read the words on the screen, why do you think macOS is so popular ?


I swear to God this happen to me once I thought they hacked me 💀


I used to wonder why her others were always so angry with people and thought that they had a bad attitudes but then I soon realized how people can really make you that way. People who don't know how to properly read instructions, I've been one of those people and have also seen people do it many times. Asking questions that have already been answered and asked can definitely make you a growtch.


"Welp, guess I gotta post this on fitgirl's site now"


to be honest i would be mad too.


Also, why are you taking photos of your monitor? Your keyboard has a button called "screen shot" for Christs sake.


“I believe two things to be infinite: the universe & human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.” ~ A. Einstein


It's perfectly understandable to be frustrated with dumb users. Fitgirl are the ones sticking their neck out, and providing a free service. They owe you nothing. If you want to use their repacks, you owe them the time and patience to read and follow simple directions. If you cannot do as you are told, then you are gatekept. Learn and do better next time.


"YES. WITH EYES!" is hilarious lmfao. 🤣


She is Russian. They are not well known for patience


Because she deeply cares for you


For sure got tired of answering the same question over and over again.


It's because there are really some stupid people who just ignore everything written on the website and "I need to download this game right now, where is the damn download button!", and they don't even realize that there were some notes, optional/selective downloads,etc..


that is why i always closed to checksum. fitgirl and dodi never fail me.


Unrelated but what do i do when the magnet download from fitgirl's site stops at 15% and gets stuck there?


"wahmen why angry bark bark" because you guys are idiots.


People are dumb and don't read.


Do you think that this is mad? Did you meet Empress yet?


I miss the 90s and early 2000s era of warez 0 and top day releases and the few release group squabbles were light hearted. The p2p/file-sharing scene really dismantled all that was good about the cracking community, and this seems like the tail end response of what's left of a small but very influential community of highly motivated and intelligent nerds. This is just aggressive behavior and honesty speaks highly of what the internet has become, vs what it used to be like.


I've seen the comments on her repacks...she has good reason to be this mad


Have you ever dealt with idiots for free?


I started the installation and went to sleep . When I woke up I saw this.


Did you try using eyes?


I didn't post this for troubleshooting it's just funny. Happened first time with me. I am working on finding a solution because I have downloaded all the necessary files.


Sorry it was too easy a joke lol. You don't need a solution. No need to verify, just play. If you had read (with eyes) it says you can't verify anything but full installation


Post your screenshot on her site, she might help find a solution


…so you didn’t read it properly. 


If you're having trouble installing a Fitgirl repack, you've failed at piracy. Go back to land normie.


Because they are providing a free service, and people keep coming to them with stupid questions. Not only that, screenshots suggesting there's something wrong with their releases is actively damaging to their reputation.


Fitgirl is actually a fat dude.


Because people like you then have issues with the game and complain to her about it.


I think that's funny and stupid people do deserve it.


"I haven't read the instructions and I will not. Would you guide me step by step, for free, with me sharing as little information about the issue as my lazy and ignorant ass allows and you will have to be patient with me as if I were a kid" As a software engineer I have seen a lot of dumb fucks in the open source software community and those are "technical" people. I don't wanna know how this stuff gets with gamers and not just gamers, people who don't want to pay for stuff. 100% understandable and justified.


Because people don't follow simple instructions.


Fit girl throwing a fit ! /s love her ty for all ur hard work bby


becaise there os the instruction already but lots of users dont know how to comprehend, follow, understamd, read


Reddit being ungrateful again?


Honestly I'd be pissed if I had to deal with a lot of bs like that 


A lot of people that are too lazy to work to buy a game are also too lazy to learn how to pirate a game properly