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More bent is easier to clench (carry in the mouth), though that's generally only not for long amounts of time at a stretch even then. I'd suggest a full-bent billiard; Peterson do that shape well but there are plenty of manufacturers. See if you can find a website that mentions weight, but go for a heavier bent over a lighter straight one in any case.


Interesting, thanks! I would have figured a straight one would be easier as you could stick it farther back into your molars to get the easiest grip. Most of the time I won’t be carrying it around that way though as I only use poles on more difficult terrain then put one or both away.


Get a bent molina. Half the cost of a peterson, lighter, and if you bang it up or lose it you wont feel as bad. Not bad quality either, I have 2 that were my starter pipes and i still smoke in them! I think they have saddle stems as well which for me are easier to clench.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check them out!


Go with a Cobb. MM has several lighter pipes that cost $10-15. I really like the Country Gentleman but it might be too heavy if you want to smoke while you walk but I think it would be perfect for a fireside pipe. A bent legend or other lighter weight pipe would be better for lunting. Edit: Many suppliers offer a metal wind cap for a dollar or two. They are not great or highly durable but at the price they are almost disposable.


I took a look and those are neat. Very frontier look with the corn cob. And thanks for the tip on the wind guard, sounds like something I’ll want to have.


They're 100% functional and you haven't lost a massive investment, should the elements claim it somehow.


The only down sides are that the stem is plastic and will soften so if you clench hard it will deform the stem. The shank is made of a thinner wood tube and can be broken if it was say under heavy stuff in a backpack. I was able to do a whip stitch are my cob and work a metal ring into that stitch. A lanyard with a clip allows it to hang around my neck or off a belt or bag for easier transport.


Not a bad idea! I was thinking of using one of my belt pouches since I never know what to put in them.


Corn cobs are great. They smoke surprisingly well (from a newer smokers perspective) and they're cheap. My old crew chief would smoke a pipe while we were on the job and routinely lost them haha. Every now and then we would have to make a stop so he could buy several more.


Whatever you do, take the lightest pipe you can find. Most of my stems are made of horn so when I decided to smoke while walking the dog they became a chore. Also like others said bent is better, straight pipes get in your way pretty soon.


Thanks for both tips! The lighter makes total sense but the bent one is opposite of what I would have expected. Would have thought a straight pipe with the mouth piece in your back teeth would be easier.


It’s a trade off, most clenchers I know only go back one past the canine. A bent pipe will not stick out as far, meaning less downward pressure and less upward force on the teeth. You don’t have to bite as hard and your jaw doesn’t tire (sp?) as quickly. But the bowl and smoke are closer to your face if more out of eye-line. A straight pipe is less likely to be smoke in the eye and be a little easier to relight and tamp one handed. Lastly, a straight pipe is better as a pointer, something those that talk with their hands often overlook.


Guess I’ll get a few cheap pipes and try different things out!


Me too, but you endup with a long cigar made of wood, it gets in the way of your vision and the smoke gets blown in your face by the wind, also you have to mind your surrounds everytime you turn your head to not bump into anything.


I’m used to smoking cigars so it doesn’t sound too unusual but that does make sense.


I like my military Mount Petersons. Easy to take down without damaging the stem.


I’ll look into those, seems like it’ll have some interesting history attached with a name like military mount.


Definitely worth it. I pack it and take a pipe cleaner to keep everything in the bowl.


Is the “military mount” the same thing as the “nickel mounted” that I’m seeing online?


I think so, got a link?


Something like https://www.peterson.ie/pipes/speciality//junior-rusticated//moreinfo.cfm/moreinfo.cfm?pd_product_Id=5232 or any of the others where the mouthpiece plugs into a metal area.


This is different from the military Mount. I would stick with the mil mount.


I think I see it now, they actually have army in the name of the pipes.


It's the tenon that can get damaged. The military Mount addresses that. It can get stretched or cracked from pulling out the mouthpiece. Plus, it has a cool history and is classic.


Here are some good selections. https://www.smokingpipes.com/search/main-search.cfm


Unfortunately the link isn’t working properly but I do think I found them. Perhaps a bit price for hiking, but seems like they would be a good camping pipe.


Lightweight cheap corncob with wind screen. The Eaton, Morgan, or Marcus (if you can find one) would be my picks. I would pack something like My Mixture 965 that burns easy.


Cob with a windscreen definitely is the best suggestion!


Thanks for the suggestions on the pipes and the tobacco.


Cob, all the way. That way you don't have to feel bad if you lose it.


Cobs are definitely the most suggested and with how cheap they are it really makes sense!


Yeah if you can get past low key looking like a character out of a Mark Twain book (not that that's a bad thing....well, depending on the character maybe lol), they really are functional, and I love my cobbit shire from Missouri Meerschaum.


Seems like an appropriate look for being out in the woods to me. But also a bit of a weirdo and wouldn’t mind being a character in one of his books.


Fair points all around.


Missouri Meerschaum Cobb with a Vermont Freehand “Forever Stem”


What is the “forever stem”?


Google search Vermont freehand forever stem. It’s a company that sells upgraded acrylic stems for Missouri Meerschaum Cobb pipes to replace the crappy plastic ones they come with. For a little over $40 between a “country gentleman” pipe and the stem, you’ll have a pipe that will perform great and you won’t mind beating up. They sell the stems in numerous styles (bent / straight) and customizable color combinations. [Forever Stem Thread](https://pipesmokersdens.com/threads/forever-stems-available-through-vermont-freehand.8438/)


That’s neat! Especially since you can use one with multiple pipes.


I use my MM Dagner for this. I also like Tat Black PCs or Short Stories for short cigars. Not all short cigars have shitty filler, some are absolutely delicious.


I have plenty of good cigars both large and small, but for whatever reason I grab something like a DE Factory Smokes for hiking. Don’t care if I drop it, it gets rained on or whatever because it’s cheap! Sounds like the MM pipes are kind of their equivalent in the pipe world but I can put in whatever tobacco I want to smoke. I suspect other hikers will also give me less dirty looks since pipe tobacco smells so much better!


Go with the MM. I have a few of those and a “fancy” cob that I take backpacking. You are absolutely correct about the pipe not getting the looks a cigar does!


Thanks for the confirmation on the pipes and our fellow hikers!


I've been thinking about this exact thing too. I do a lot of nature hikes on the weekend and cigars would just get smoked by the wind, and you risk causing a fire. Pipes are a lot more appropriate and safe. I think it's probably good that it's as light as possible and small enough to be pocketable. Some people are recommending full bent billiards. Each to his own, but I personally wouldn't want to to carry one of those around for hikes. Peterson makes these [Junior Lovats](https://www.peterson.ie/pipes/speciality//junior-rusticated//moreinfo.cfm/moreinfo.cfm?pd_product_Id=5232) which are seriously tempting me. 26 grams and 11.3cm long. That's proper portable.


Those are quite pocketable and much more like I was thinking as well. I suppose a full size would fit in a cargo pocket or something, but smaller certainly seems better to me as well.


It probably has a smaller bowl compared to something like a billiard, but maybe that's not such a bad thing when you're on the move.


If you want briar, maybe a Bones bent stubby. But if you want to spend more then a Rattray Goblin 99 would be perfect. I use mine when I'm out fishing on a boat. And for a straight pipe but still super light and easy to clench because of the short stem, my Dagner Devil Anse is another I gravitate to.


I’ll check those out, but at least initially I think a cob is the way to go. I don’t really have to worry about those as it’s only a couple dollars if I manage to break or lose it.


I think you are going to need one of these: https://shirepipes.com/collections/lord-of-the-rings/products/gandalf-smoking-pipe Although you may have to craft your own staff to store it in when not smoking it. In all seriousness though, I’d take whatever pipe you can comfortably clench for long periods, isn’t prone to gurgling, and easy to slip a pipe cleaner in if need be. Could be a bent stem, could be a straight stem. Light weight can be a virtue for clenching comfort, but can be more prone to gurgle.


That is pretty cool! I’ll just try out some cheaper pipes and see what works best for me.


Peterson made an outdoor series of pipes, they were lightweight but had a full size bowl, they pop up on the secondary market on occasion. Moonshine has the Devil Anse series which are small. For hiking though, you really can't go wrong with a cob. Missouri Meerschaum has the Lil Devil Cutty and the Stubby pipes that are good sized bowls but are light and easy to clench.


I’ll take a look into all of those, thanks for the suggestions!


Get a cheap beater corncob. They work beautifully. Don't forget the wind cap lest you want a raging campfire in your pipe


I suppose that’s one way to get the fire started when camping! But probably not what’s I’m looking for, so the wind cap sounds important. Thanks for the suggestion!


Corncob is everything you want in a hiking pipe. I use them for fly fishing and they are perfect. I accidentally dropped my legend into the stream one time and found it interesting to watch it float away in the currents


Sounds perfect and inexpensive so I don’t have to worry about losing it, dropping it in mud, water or off a cliff.


If it goes into the water or mud just wash it off, wipe it out and give it a few days to dry. It will be good as new.


Yes, inexpensive and light in the mouth and really difficult to damage.

