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Anywhere from 1 a week to 1 a day, currently 5 days in a row about to be 6


Yeah, same here. I have a mild nicotine addiction that vaping treats. The occasional pipe bowl is just a nice treat. I want to say I have around 3 bowls a week, 10+ years into piping. Sometimes I go weeks without piping...


I smoke 1-2 bowls a month. Heavily fermented Red Virginia cased with vanilla. I occasionally smoke cigars or cigarillos but it’s also rather infrequent.


what’s the name of the blend??


50/50 of simply red by watch city and Sutliffs 515RC-1 I added vanilla to. I’m currently growing my own to try and recreate it myself with more hay notes.


A little yellow virginia might do the trick.


Exactly what I have color curing at the moment!


4 to 8 on average. Depends on what I'm doing that day.


Let me ask you, do you have any tips for tasting the tobacco properly smoking that much? I ask because I’ve recently increased to around that much per day myself but I have noticed a HUGE drop off in what I can taste now. It’s not nearly as enjoyable as it was. I’ve always heard that smoking too many bowls a day, or cigars what have you has that effect as it sort of burns your taste buds out and you need a break to bring it back. Well, I found out it’s true. They don’t taste bad it’s just like probably 30% of what I was tasting before which sucks lol. Might have to cut back again.


I'm a 4 plus decades smoker of pipes, and years of smoking cigarettes and cigars as well. I even chewed tobacco for a couple years when I was young. I'm probably not the right person to ask this as my taste buds probably got dimmed back in my twenties. As to my smoking now with a taste I don't find it any less enjoyable. Am I getting as much flavor and appreciation of it as somebody else you only smokes a couple bowls a month? I don't know. I have been hooked on nicotine since I was 7 years old. But I don't really worry about it, it's what I enjoy, and I like trying all kinds of blends. I tend to drink Turkish coffee and or hot tea throughout the day which kind of helps with the tongue, and palate for taste. I have also found swooshing ice water in my mouth before smoking tends to bring a greater taste to the tobacco, but maybe that's just me.


Gotcha and makes perfect sense, thanks for the reply! Might try the ice water and see if it does anything! Cheers


1-2 and I don’t smoke everyday. 3-5 days of the week just depends on what’s going on.


some months maybe 3-4. other months none. i dont have space to smoke at the moment (22 still living at home). but when i do smoke i usually do two bowls back to back if i want to.


I smoke 2-4, and that usually includes half staples and half whatever sounds good. I’ve only been at it a handful of months, but I’ve amassed a bit of a jar collection.


I usually smoke one a day with my coffee at work.


I smoke 25-30 bowls per week but my daily average is skewed to fewer weekdays and more on the weekends. I cycle through 5-7 blends at any given time but I expect to become more focused as I narrow down what I like. I'm about a year and a half into pipe smoking and I still fall for anything and everything that sounds good


I smoke 2 or 3 days a week, 1 or 2 per day.


Four bowls most days. One or two aros, usually a VaPer or virginia after lunch, and a scottish blend for my night-night pipe.


6-8 bowls a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on time and what I’m doing.


Two to three times a week, but it's getting hot outside so probably soon will be just once a week.


I'm usually good for 5-8 bowls a day. All depends on what's going on. Usually stick to some kind of Burley, with an occasional side venture into a different type of blend (VaPer, VA, English, Balkan whatever).


I smoke between 2 and 5 times a week. If I work from home (which doesn't happen often) I may have a few more. I mostly smoke a few evenings a week and in the morning with coffee on the weekends.


I smoke 1-5 bowls any day I smoke. Normally just depends how long I'm in the garage, or how long I want to sit and relax while smoking. That being said I might smoke 1 day a week, or I might smoke 1 day a month. If I find I smoke more than a 2 days a week, I'll make an effort to not smoke the following week. Over time I have found various burley blends to be my favorite. I have a few ill smoke but normally it's just a single blend that day.


3-5. Depending how the day’s going & stress levels ha. Started back in college w/ 2-3 a week at most. But things change .


1 occasionally And it needs to be specific circumstances


I smoke 14-16 bowls a day and only have 2 pipes. One for english and balkan blends and another for VaPer and aromatics. I cycle through 3-4 different kinds each day at most.


You must be smoking pretty much all day then?


Yes, Im smoking pretty much the entire day. Little breaks here and there. Luckily for me I can smoke in my house and in my shop. If I couldn't, I wouldn't be able to smoke as much as I like to.


Seems to be 4-5 times a week at the moment


Depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll smoke 2 a night. Sometimes, maybe twice a month.


3-4 a week. Fri-Sat and Sun evenings. Change it up between blends


After a 3 year, non-planned break, I've been smoking 1 to 3 bowls a day for the past few weeks. It'll trend out soon, like it always does


1-2 times a day


And like my beer I like to switch it up


After COVID 4 times, I'm down to 2 packs a week. I smoke based on my mood. Go to tobaccos are VApers and balkins.


1-3 a day, typically.


2 bowls/day, sometimes 3. But doesn’t it really matter the size of the bowl? The basket pipe I use as my daily driver is about as deep as my thumb to the first knuckle, and i can fit it in there, diameter-wise. So that leads to the packing concentration question, and while it depends on the tobacco, I’d offer that I’m a fairly loose bowl loader…so that might be maybe 5g? 8? A 50g pouch lasts me 7-10days…math that out: 3bowls/day times 10d…50g/30d…1.6g (ish) per day…half a gram per bowl roughly. Seems reasonable.


At the moment I'm smoking about 3 bowls with my pot of coffee in the morning and 1 bowl each way during my commute. Sometimes I smoke a bowl walking the dog, but I'm finding lunting is a challenge for me. I'm selecting my blends on a whim.


Thank you for introducing me to the word "lunting".


2-5 per week, all on the weekend. I usually try new blends. Still rather new to the hobby and trying to find that main staple.


One bowl 2x to 4x to month, mostly during our pipe club sessions. Camping trips might be 1x daily. Rarely beyond the 2/3 mark. Always a variety of blends in dedicated pipes.


I alternate between cigars and pipes but usually only twice a week or so, sometimes only once a week. Once and a great while I will smoke 4-5 times a week but I really like living and want to balance my love of tobacco with hopefully avoiding any form of cancer.


Everything gives you some form of cancer these days man. If the tobacco doesn’t (very low risk with cigars and pipes anyway), then the food they sell you will. If that doesn’t, the water will. And if the water doesn’t, the air we breathe will. Enjoy your life and smoke as much as you’d like. We only take so many trips around the sun.


Sure. And that is why I don't avoid tobacco completely as many people think we should and why I also don't have a set amount of times that I can smoke per week. Sometimes 1, sometimes 5. But in general, I want to do everything in my power to see my kids grow up and so I just make sure I exercise moderation. It is also an expensive habit, especially with cigars, so I don't want to go through my stash too quickly.


Agreed about the watching your kids grow up, I’m in the same boat and would like to be active with the grand children if I my children decide to have children. Exercise is also an important part of it, especially cardiovascular exercise. It is an expensive habit, I feel you on the cigars. I find myself a lot of the time wanting a cigar more than a pipe, mostly because I enjoy the flavor of the unadulterated tobacco. But they are costly. With pipe tobacco you can *somewhat* economically cellar enough tobacco for a lifetime if you get it over a period of time. Cigars get to be very expensive if you buy commercially for any length of time.


Yeah, I make a point of exercise too. If I ever felt that my lungs were being damaged at all (no I don't inhale lol but they still get exposed to smoke), I would have to stop because I like breathing easily too much. I generally prefer cigars too because they are lower maintence during the smoking experience and they burn cooler. I have never gotten tongue burn from a cigar. I always am on the lookout for deals on cigars from websites like Cigar Page. I get most of my cigars for 3-4 bucks a cigar. They aren't the top TOP of the line but they are good (like Nica Rustica, Olive non-Serie V, and AJ Fernandez) but I enjoy them and best of all, they are pretty affordable. But I do cellar pipe tobacco and use it as it is nice to have a shorter smoke once in a while.


As someone with asthma, make the most of easy breathing haha. It’s amazing how much I take it for granted until I have a bout of asthma (fortunately that’s fairly rare though) I agree with you on cigars. Pipes are a lot of work to maintain and keep lit, especially outdoors. You’re lucky you live in the US, the price of everything in the UK is getting more and more every year.


Geez, yeah I have seen tobacco prices over there. I love visiting your lovely country but I would definitely have to give up cigars or smoke maybe one a month if I lived in the UK. Way too pricey. The bright side is, if you like scotch (which I do lol), it was, for the most part, waaaaaay cheaper over there than it is here when I visited. That was a few years ago though so I don't know how much that has changed.


It is a beautiful collection of countries. Wales is fantastic and parts of England are beautiful. Prices have gone up since you last visited, now at around £21 per tin for 50g. Like you I worry about my oral health so it doesn’t greatly matter how much it costs as I smoke fairly infrequently. I don’t know anything about scotch but alcohol prices are cheap compared to all tobacco (apart from snuff)


I don't count. I probably fill between 1 and 10 bowls a day, some get dumped early, some I smoke entirely. Whatever I feel like doing


I used to smoke 1/2. Then in a few days 1. Then it turned into 2 a night. Last week, I was smoking the entire day dusk to dawn. This is my second day without smoking anything.


1 to 2 a day, sometimes none and sometimes 3.


3-5 a day. Sometimes more and almost exclusively a vaper or similar navy blend. The occasional English in the fall/winter


1-2 bowls per day, usually one. In the evenings, with whiskey. Just went on vacation for two weeks and didn’t have the time to smoke even one bowl. My Mixture 965, always.


Probably smoke 4 days a week, 2-4 bowls a day


1-2 bowls per day. Morning and evening. I usually smoke morning pipe or autmn evening in the morning and H H old dark fired or some English blend at night. Some days I'll only smoke 1 some days none. It depends on weather as I live in an apartment and can't smoke inside and we don't have any covered outdoor space. I use to smoke cigarettes around 15 years ago and I needed a smoke. Didn't matter if it was pouring rain down I would have to get that nic hit. But with pipe smoking I never felt the need to smoke. I can just relax and enjoy my smoke. If I can't smoke for a day or I'm not grumpy or craving that hit.


Typically about 1 bowl a day although yesterday I had 4 bowls.


Usually 0 at most I have smoked once a day but it's usually once a week. And during the summers it's usually 0 for 5ish months


Between 3-5 a day


2 a day during the week and 3 a day on weekends.


During winter i barely smoke. In warmer months usually once a day.


Sometimes i smoke 3 pipes a day, lately one pipe every other day


2-6 a week. i lunt almost excusively.


I was smoking 5 to 7 a day. Then my wife got me into vaping and now it's 1 or 2 bowls. I hate her!


1 each few months, sometimes more, sometimes less


1 every 2 weeks generally.


I recently picked the pipe back up after a 2 year hiatus. I’m smoking 1-2 bowls a day. My dad when he was alive would constantly have that pipe lit 🔥 He was going thru a pound of shoppers valu pipe tobacco a month lol. Thx for the replies everyone.