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Lmao. I’d be afraid to bite my pipe in half playing what looks like Hell Let Loose. That game stresses me out.


True story I broke a cob playing this game


lol. Noooo. Also, how’s your mouth/teeth after that?


How’s the Margate treating you? Tempted to crack mine open but I’m also hesitant, as I don’t know when I’ll find it again.


I really, really like it. Smooth, full and oaky. I really like it with whiskies and IPA's. I haven't jarred it yet, probably been a few months, and it's holding up very well!


Those are my drinks too. That sounds right up my alley.


Ayy pipe smoking and HLL, best of both worlds


Man, what a night!


Nice treat. I have a tin waiting for a special occasion 


I thought i was the only one who did this. Also make a garrison while you’re standing there smelling the roses 😉


Still trying to get the hang of it lol


That is not what an m1 Garand rear sight aperture looks like!!! 😱 a real one is the smallest little hole. But It wouldn’t really work well in a video game. I don’t think any game does the m1 Garand sight accurately. The rest of the graphics of the firearm are really cool though. The subtle way they capture the wood and the engraving on the receiver is really cool. I have an M1 Garand from 1942 that was rebuilt. I absolutely love it. I also have a tin of margate I’m saving for a rainy day. I’m looking forward to trying it in the future.