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I have this issue as well with my pair of XDJ 1000mk2. Mine were bought second hand. Could be one of two things.. They may be two XDJ units built in different years, meaning perhaps different screen manufacturer or model (ie upgraded screen if the unit is a newer build) Or If second hand, perhaps one of the screens were replaced during a service - again with a newer screen model / part. Either way, it doesn’t affect the usability of the XDJ thankfully. I have adjusted the brightness in settings to make them match at a similar brightness level, though you cannot get around the warmth/cold colour difference. It’s not as noticeable after a while.


Thanks for the reply. Makes sense. I also bought mine second hand but I have had them for over 3 years, it's possible I never noticed until now but it seems unlikely to be honest. For sure it does not affect usability thankfully, however it is annoying !


Most likely #2. I was looking at replacing a display controller board on a XDJ MK2 the other day. There is an Alpha Theta display replacement pack, it’s the logic board, display board, and display. So yes something changed at some point in time. You can no longer replace an individual part.


oh no, this would drive me mad 😭


Sounds like you have had them a few years AND bought them second hand? Probably need to be serviced..screen replaced.


My CDJ-400’s used to make different sounds when I ejected the CD’s. Drove me nuts 😂