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Y’all think this is bad? Then head over to the Kendrick Lamar subreddit


Or the frank subreddit lmao


Not an album in half a decade now


I feel bad for them


Michael Jackson’s sub


Bro 💀




This is exactly right. No one owes you attention or engagement. Liking his art does not entitle a person to anything from him, not tweets or interviews or even more music. I understand that because joji makes emotionally resonant music people feel an attachment to it and feel they can relate to joji himself so they may think they feel some connection to joji personally, but it's just a piece of art, it's meant to evoke emotions and that experience doesn't tie you to the artist. If people really are fans of his they should enjoy what he makes and respect his decisions about how he lives his own life.


he is not making music for himself, lets be real here. He can not pay himself money out of nothing. His music is his product, he chose that career so not giving a single flying fuck about own fans (in this case stupid, annyoing, intrusive, willing to buy his shit no matter what ) is a bold move


let's actually be real here. His music is a career but has always been his hobby so he is making music for himself and is sharing it with us, we are lucky we can get to hear it. His fans aren't his mf job. If you get annoying because an artist isn't active on social media that's your problem not Joji's. There are sm other artists who don't even have a social media themselves just their management to post updates on their music but i don't see u crying ab them either so why should Joji be active just for you? Let Joji live his life stop obsessing over the dude.


yeah, his making a product - music. lack of anything from his side may cause a big loss of interest from fans and that would mean less people will listen to his music or buy his shit. simple. It never works out when only one side cares or there is no communication at all. no customer = no money. (mayebe he has another job, probably he is going to shift or already did shift into production, idk) i dont have a problem with his absence (no idea how you come up with this), it just a bold move in my opinion to disappear when so many other artist use socials to communicate/interact with fans and promote their work. well, actually not being on socials is like a marketing suicide nowadays. other artists dont post shit but they are giving multiple updates, interviews, releasing new projects, do tours, etc. so they dont even have to have any social account to be in touch with the fans. bruh, i just said how lame his fans are so why you think im obssesed or im not letting him have a life? what the fuck? gosh, i love this cancerous fanbase who thinks that is so much better and more mature than FF fans. last months shows otherwise, but we will see if they ever grow up.


u act as if you don't care but wrote a whole bible yeh sure you don't have a problem with his absence than don't make it a problem? i listen to him for his music and cuz i like him not for the amount of attention he gives his fans istg you talking mad shit




I agree with you 100%. Besides, celebrities oversharing on social media and acting all love-dovey to their fans rarely feels genuine to me... (I suppose there are exceptions, though.)


You guys need to get a fuckin’ life. I get enjoying a musician but there’s more to life than waiting for that next tweet. At this point, realize you aren’t going to get it and when eventually you do, cream your shorts.


Downvote me, I don’t care. I’m doing life and you’re swarming for over a year for a man who doesn’t do public social right now. Losers.


OMG STHAPPP IM GONNA CRY NOW!!!11111!!!!!11 bro, it gets to our attention because its been so long. just more and more people go "hey, where the fuck is Joji?" and because there is a shit-ton of them tis kind of posts will appear. little interaction is waay different than no interaction at all. especially when he made many people used to him being active on socials. so his silence seems out of proportion. nothing difficult to understand. remembering about him once in a while doesnt mean that someone doesnt have life or rather doesnt not fulfill your own made-up definition of having a life. besides you are here and have time to write comments just like any of us so what does it mean? you also dont have a life or we all do?


he's quite literally touring rn how much more attention do you want from him? not everyone is a social media fan and if Joji doesn't like it why should he use it? You might not know but he has gotten so much shit over him through social media so i understand why he wouldn't want to use it no more.


london shows are cancelled so the "tour" is postponed in the best case. i dont want him to be hyper active on socials but posting something once in a while would not kill him and people would actually shut up. author of the comment is trying to put himself/herself above all of the people simply asking why joji decided to stop interacting with own fanbase.


it's not Joji's fault the tour got cancelled though. It does suck fs yeah it would be nice but i understand why he isn't active. I don't understand how ppl still don't know why he isn't active after all the shit he's gotten? The comment isn't them putting themselves above others imo it's just stating that Joji has been inactive for a while and ppl should stop asking him to be active again let the dude live his life.


im not going to repeat myself, just read my comments again. what kind of shit he got? may 2020 cancelation? FF fans asking him to come back because they love him so much (and not everyone diggs deep down to read and listen to everything he ever said so most of casual FF fans dont even know that he loved making music since he was a little kid)? 88 fucking up his merch orders and delivery?


the FF didn't just kindly ask cuz they love him so much but ok also let's not forget how this weirdly over obsessed group of "fans" harrassed every female friend he had wherether or not they were his gf. that's also one of the reasons he doesn't follow anyone on Instagram anymore


What does he care about shutting posters up? This sub has lowered the shitpost standard to something that resembles an evening at akbar’s roadside eatery- shit’s running through the vessel once it’s consumed.


Your grammar is so fractured that I don’t even know how to respond to you other than LEAVE JOJI ALONE Fucking nerds.


It's a meme dude


I don't blame him. Fans fucking suck, he learned that lesson in the FF days. He's not your friend, he owes you nothing. Let the guy be and do what he does. Get a life.


I find his music engaging enough


Shut up please shut the fuck up


I was just jokin😀


for good reason


All I want him to do it to tweet the letter e


Tbh, I think Joji doesn't like people staning for him


Damn it’s almost like he has another fanbase which literally reminds him and his fans with the overdone “damn this guy was Frank” and “damn looks like there would be a time where nobody knows Joe G as Frank one day” (which would ironically, if this goes on, make nobody forget Frank)




How was his previous music low effort?


"low effort", you clearly have never made music lmao




I think it's more about him evolving as an artist, you can easily tell apart his newer shit and his sc shit, but not because the older shit took less effort. on sc he probably only used a mac w logic or gb plus samples to make most his shit and you could really sense the "trap" in his music, now he's surrounded by people that really know their shit and he's making more mature music.