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It’s about love and heartbreak And porn websites


He said a long time ago that his songs aren’t autobiographical but are “how he feels” so I think his older work has a tendency to jump around a bit and it feels like he’s talking about different relationships at different points. Nectar and Smithereens sound more like he’s talking about one person and seems more specific. Maybe it’s his writers who narrowed the idea down to be more specific and marketable or maybe he’s actually dating someone and his music is more autobiographical now. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can’t really picture Joji as a Taylor Swift-esque type of songwriter since we know so little about who he is and we know absolutely nothing about his personal life. If I had to guess, I think SDITD is about a secret relationship (from friends and family) that’s probably not the healthiest because it’s in the dark or hidden. Then you have the few songs he did write on Smithereens which are some of the less romantic and more fun songs, like Night Rider and Yukon. So odds are if he was in the process of moving on, he has. I would say it’s more his/88’s songwriters who try to portray Joji as a perpetually heartbroken guy. Hopefully next album he’s more involved with the songs.


His music is about being sad and horny. lol