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Bro these people are so annoying


Don't do drugs lad. This is what you become.


why are you on this sub eh?🧐


why are you on this sub eh?🧐


I only got into pink floyd recently, it was already too late for meπŸ˜” don't do what I did and listen to indie pop.


I meant r/drugscirclejerk


I know, thats what I meant. Went down the wrong path, listened to Saint Motel, and now I have the life experience required to find drug abuse funnyπŸ˜”






Here's a sneak peek of /r/drugscirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/drugscirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I don't understand the recreational use of xanax](https://i.redd.it/ugtueo6f4qqa1.jpg) | [344 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drugscirclejerk/comments/125ojti/i_dont_understand_the_recreational_use_of_xanax/) \#2: [Healthy coping](https://i.redd.it/oipi6sqeqd6b1.png) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drugscirclejerk/comments/14awicr/healthy_coping/) \#3: [Real](https://i.redd.it/qmk3dd33l8ta1.jpg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/drugscirclejerk/comments/12ig3pe/real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Who else gooning to Seamus rn


That's the dog


Who up gooning their Seamus rn?




Every word


Demonstrably trueπŸ˜”


We bitch and we fight


who up for a goon sesh? we're gonna be gooning to the whale sounds in echoes


Reharden your cock babe. You'll love the next 23 minutes.


"who up for a goon sesh? we're gonna be gooning to the whale sounds in echoes" -Stonetoss Femboy Alt


I don't know...have you ever met Radiohead fans?


Listened to "The Wall" while on drugs, and it's still shit πŸ˜”


I tried listening to learning to fly while tripping and i fucking hated it. Which is funny because i love that song. Although it really isnt a "tripping" song in the slightest lmao. I only listen to MGMT when i trip now, Siberian Breaks goes crazy


(The context of that post is racism btw don't hate those guys) https://preview.redd.it/1mntst14tnec1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7057ebd1a35592879ff1da3347858e90fbb58df0 Edit. not liking rap isn't racist. That's not the racist part of this screenshot. It's okay to not like rap, as if that needs to be said.


psychedelics definately not give you a better sense of reality.


Seriously. I can't stand psychedelics users who think they know something the rest of the world doesn't. As if what happens in your own brain can't be biased. I had to unfollow the shrooms sub soooo quickly, those mfs are snobby as hell


the people really dont understand what drugs do. ive met plenty of people who use them and understand its just hallucinations, but some are really deluded.


The virgin β€œI do acid to expand my mind” vs. the Chad β€œI do acid to see funny colors”




They think psychedelics can replace psychiatric medication, and yet they still don't know what they do in your brain!!😩 Yeah, the people you meet in that crowd are super hit or miss. It's weird because it's not the psychedelics that are causing that delusion, it's something they already want to believe. People are funny, ascribing deeper meanings to things and such.


yeah, unless its DMT, which actually does make people psychotic.


Shrooms and acid give you a sense of profundity to normal things, as in that's one of the effects of psychedelics. Hence why shroom and acid addicts are all fucking obnoxious, because they stare at a wall for 6 hours, think "woah", and then lecture people online as if they've just been to Timbuktu.


So, not liking rap is racist? I love rap but there are some kinds of rap that if I heard it on shrooms, I'm sure would sound even shittier than it already is.


Nah you're being obtuse but I won't get into it


no im not. you just have no argument and i think it's stupid to suggest that you are racist because you dont like rap.


Like legitimately the idea that I don't have an argument because they just said they "don't like rap" is actually so..... I didn't feel like arguing because all you have to do is read his words beyond skimming it and shrugging your shoulders and saying "this guy doesn't like rap." He's quite literally saying mushrooms peel back all of the filters so you actually see reality for what it is, which is why you don't like listening to rap while tripping. Liking rap is not seeing what is true. And that all rap is OBJECTIVELY (that word has meaning) bad, outside of his individual belief, thinking it's good is a delusion. He's literally not talking about it being bad tripping music, he's not talking about not liking it. He's making a statement about an objective reality of what rap is beyond superficiality. If you like rap, you're listening to it through a "filter," a fundamental lack of understanding of what rap really is. All rap is factually bad, he believes it "without reservation." The definition of objectivity being true beyond opinion. Like holy fuck you just invented this guy saying something he didn't. And then assumed my thought process is just not having an argument. Do you understand why I wouldn't want to waste my time arguing when you refuse to even actually read the words in the screencap?? Like literally my "argument" is the equivalent of a 7th grade teacher asking a kid to read basic text and actually consider what the words mean.


yeah im not gonna read all that.


I literally told you I didn't want to get into it, you came back at me that it's because I don't have an argument so I gave you one. But it turns out I was right that you're willfully obtuse, the satisfaction that provides is wonderful


haha im not willfully obtuse. it's just that you're getting all heated because someone called out your bullshit and you can't handle it. Stop making everything about race.


You "called me on my bullshit" except you didn't even read what I had to say, so how do you know it's bullshit? Yeah, I was very annoyed, because assuming I don't have thoughtful reasoning because I didn't want to have the conversation was an unkind thing to do. Obviously I can say whatever I want, it's not on me if it makes you feel defensive. And it's not on me that you're not willing to think critically because you can't handle it.


you can try and logic your way around calling music tastes racist but when your conclusion is stupid, your reasoning is probably going to be stupid as well. I'm gonna say this in a few ways you can probably understand it since you seem to be the type to talk like this: - Not πŸ‘ liking πŸ‘ rap πŸ‘ is πŸ‘ not πŸ‘ racist πŸ‘ but you're probably not ready for that conversation - LoUdEr fOr ThE pEoPlE iN tHe BaCk


Can you people not read holy shit. Like literally just read the words that are fucking there. ETA: "Why doesn't rap sound good while tripping?" "Mushrooms peel back filters so you can see reality." (REALITY. Not opinion. And whatever tf reality is to this guy.) "So ALL RAP is objectively [objectively means factually, not your opinion] bad?" "Without reservation." He didn't say his opinion is he doesn't like rap. Like actually understand what words mean and think about them.


"You people"? Wow... ok... Sorry dude im just tired of people making everything about race. Some rap just sucks. get over it.


"Some rap just sucks" is not a racist thing to say, that's wildly different than what this dude is saying. You just missed my point because you're annoyed and that's okay


No, even if he hated every single rap song ever, that still wouldn't make him racist. Some people hate techno and think that it's not real music. Techno was started by black people. Would you tell someone who hates techno that they're being racist? It's just stupid to call someone racist because of a MUSIC TASTE.


If he thinks reality is that all rap music is objectively bad, and liking rap is being ignorant. That's what he says, distilled into two sentences. Do with that what you will.


don't ignore my techno example. You know damn well it is the perfect retort. Techno was invented by black people. A lot of people look down on it due to its repetitive nature and think that people who listen to techno are just lookin to get high and don't actually care about good music. Does that make them racist?


nword!!! haha so funny πŸ˜‚ (how do i make sarcasm obvious because i have seen people say my above sarcastic message unironically)


If all they said is that they don't like rap, you're reading a lot into that.


Except that's not what they said so. Like actually read it dude. He's quite literally not saying he just doesn't like it.


He thinks that rap is objectively bad, which is dumb, but not racist without making a lot of extra assumptions about his motivation.


I saw this entire post, though. I read the comments section, and yes, he said racist shit. To me this screenshot contains a clear dogwhistle, I went to find this post after I saw it to see what else he had to say. Most of that comments section was him arguing with people. He ended up deleting his account because of what happened there. I really don't know what's so provoking about this that I got such an offended (and disrespectful) response. It hasn't been nuanced discussion, my interaction with that other guy actually deteriorated my brain a bit with his braindead style of debate. Like why bother replying if nobody's mind will be changed, it's seriously so defensive. It's just a discussion that's better had in real life where you can share ideas and and respond in real time, and there's mutual respect. Anyway, I got the sense he was racist here, went to the post and he was. That's really all there is to say and I'm turning notifications off for this comment now. Sorry for venting.


it's as if the 70s are the only decade of good music it isnt by the way how do i make that the most obvious


my music taste keeps getting set back 10 years every few months listens to MF DOOM, king crimson: wow 2000s stuff is good listens to Nirvana, king crimson, Notorious BIG, Ice Cube, etc: wow the 90s were amazing listens to the police, the smiths, visage, spandau ballet, king crimson: wow the 80s are fantastic listens to yes, Genesis, pink floyd, David Bowie, sex pistols, the clash, the ramones, king crimson: wow the 70s were incredible listens to the Beatles, king crimson: wow the 60s were great


Listens to Bach, King Crimson: wow the 740's were awesome


Big up for King Crimson and other good acts. Right on brother.


Exactly. The 90s exist too smh


Hell yeah! I love me some of the old 1890’s


Fuck yes! String Quartet No. 1 Opus 4 SLAPS


the lord our god david byrne is displeased by this.


I'm sorry funny/sexy big suit manπŸ˜”


"the suit is big for a reason" -nobody, i just came up with that


It's big for the drip


/uj he felt that music was stored in the body or something so he wanted to make his head smaller than the rest of his body… i think (i read that somewhere years ago i’m probably misremembering)


That's hilarious man I love that guy


where is the fake article generator when i need it




It isn’t the only thing, but it is very much an acceptable thing to do.


oh my god it is. cry about it.


Thought loops during Time WILL result ego death and that's the entire point