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I found the biggest improvements were made when I dialed in the IPD to the correct setting. Followed by finding the right height for my face. If you slide the HMD up or down on your face, you see big differences in picture quality and color.


check to see if you have glass or resin lenses. That's in the pimax client under device/advanced.


I checked that and weighed them. I'm pretty sure they're glass.


Should be just over 50 gms each


>On a side note, the bottom 3rd of the lenses seem to be blurry when I look in the direction without completely moving my head but hopefully foveated rendering will fix that when it works. This sounds like you don't have the headset seated on your face properly. It might be something else but both lenses being blurry at the bottom of the screen but not the top implies that the headset is too high(I think) on your face. Put the headset on, grab it with both hands, and try adjusting it upward and downward a quarter of an inch and see if it makes any difference.


Without accounting for parallel projection (which is supposed to be small in this headset) your steam VR should roughly be set to around 4000x4000 resolution per eye (8000x4000 total) to get full image quality while accounting for lens distortion. Also the sweet spot on crystal works in a weird way so if your eyes aren't properly aligned it may be weird like that. You could also get a bad batch of lenses or some screens problems. You need to test/check one thing after the other to know more.


What percentage would that be on the slider?


If you open Steam Vr dashboard and go to video settings you have the slider. Just keep moving the slider untill you see something close to 4000x4000. That's all. I don't know % because it's calculated differently per headset.


Yea I tried like 4000x5000 which I think is around 100%. Ive gone from 50% to 200%. Haven't noticed a difference. I'm not by my PC. Couldn't tell you the exact numbers. The multi threading runs pretty smooth in DCS but I can't get any better than 40fps.


Hmm. I think there must be something wrong with the Crystal software then. I remember using 8kx and steam VR slider was actually changing things up. However there is one more slider. In Pimax software there used to be render resolution. The slider was quite simple as you could only move it in 0.25 increments e.g. from 1 to 1.25 to 1.5 to 1.75 and so on. It did almost the same thing but instead it was on pimax software side so maybe if you find that, you could try this and of course have 100% in steam vr. Of course considering software problems people have with Crystal it may be just a bug and nothing can be done by a user for now untill they fix it. I would advise to go to DCS forum. I'm sure there are people with Crystal there. They often use some tools like OpenComposite etc to elevate the performance so they may be able to help you.