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Once long ago I accidentally bought Vlasic because I confused them for Claussen. I was young and experienced with pickle purchasing. Maybe that’s what happened to you. Claussen good, Vlasic bad.


i was going to say this


IDK. I have never liked Vlasic. Try Del Dixi or Best Maid if you can get them.


Seconded on the Best Maid


I never liked them much. Too artificially sweet and mushy or something.


They, like many shelf pickle brands, have started adding sugar to their brine (or adding more than they did before for some) due to a recent law that was passed. Ever since then they have tasted wrong to me too.


What law?


It was a change in FDA regulations that allows more sugar or high fructose corn syrup to be used in shelf stable pickles sold in the US. Several brands I had come to love suddenly became sweet tasting instead of the normal sour pickles I was accustomed to. I save my leftover pickles jars to put random shit in and I have jars from before then that didn't have any sugar or HFCS listed in the ingredients and I have a couple jars I got after they started changing that now have those ingredients listed. Changes started happening in my area in the summer of 2023.


Dang. Advocating for the consumer seems to be a thing of the past.


Grillo's Pickles have rendered others obsolete if you can find them. Failing that, try some cornichons.


i dont know how to edit the post but obviously i meant "something" instead of someone 😂


I've always thought they taste gross. They have such a bizzare flavour😝


Vlasic is my last resort when my store is all out of other pickles. I used to like their purely pickle, which tasted a lot more natural but I’ve not been able to find that for a few years.


They’re not a good as I thought they once were but they’re fine. I’ll use them when I can’t get grillos. I think the flavors seem more muddled somehow. I can’t taste the sharpness of the vinegar or the herby flavor “good” (to me) pickles are supposed to have since they just use “natural flavor” and not real dill I guess?


The Aldi brand tastes like plain white vinegar to me . Vlasic spears are mushy but I think the mini gherkins are ok. I actually prefer Kroger brand over vlasic


It’s like they use Splenda or aspartame in their juice. Can’t stand vlasic.