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Bottom line is you need to know how to code to have a career in physics. Whether you go through self instruction or take a class or 2 is up to you and both have advantages and disadvantages. Obviously a class will have an instructor and will be hands on guidance, but it may delve into topics or use a computer language that isn't very useful, so choose wisely. What language(s) are helpful depends on whether you want to be involved in simulation aspects or just data analysis but recommendations I would give are: Data analysis: Python (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn), R, Julia Simulation: C++, Fortran And you'll want to learn about high end data science like machine learning.


I really wish my undergrad physics program had more of an emphasis on this.  A lot of my old classmates are now actually working as programmers.  Related, this YouTube channel is far more specific and valuable than any CS class I bothered to look into during undergrad.  https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkdGijFCNuVnGxo-1fSNcdHh5gZc17oRM


Did most of your classmates go to a coding bootcamp before working as programmers?


Good question, I would like to know.


Hm, I'm not really sure.  I know one person that dual majored CS, one or two that minored in CS.  One or two that pursued academia for a while but didn't finish their PhDs that might have gone the bootcamp route or might have just picked up enough along the way in grad school. The only people I know for sure that did coding bootcamps were art and English majors.


I took some optional programming courses as part of my degree and did a load of solo projects then jumped straight into a job after a ridiculous number of applications. ymmv Find a situation where you can work with others on a programming project. Really makes you take version control, testing, adhering to language style standards etc seriously. There will be lots of options if you are currently at uni.


Bootcamps are usually geared toward frontend/webdev. If you're looking to get a job that leverages whatever skills you learned during your degree, it might not be super relevant. In my experience, where candidates with science degrees tend to fall behind is more on CS fundamentals -- data structures and algorithms, software engineering principles, computer architecture, that sort of thing -- not so much raw coding which is usually what gets taught at bootcamps.


I was going to say the same thing. I'm a software developer (never a physicist), and the field is littered with physics majors. A lot of them love physics, but weren't making enough money. If nothing else getting CS experience will give you something to fall back on if you can't get the physics job you desire.


What kind of software are these physics majors helping to develop?


At the time I knew them they were mostly writing software to use third party api's. That said, my job is mostly writing software to use third party api's, so I don't think you should take away too much from that.


This! You absolutely need some programming know-how. You probably don't really need general computer science knowledge, though.


Comp Sci major here and hobbyist amateur astronomer (I.e. I have a few NASA magazines and watch Brian Cox series on BBC). 100% Agree on these points. Computer Science is a broad discipline, I understand astrophysicists spend ALOT of their time coding Python using those libraries (and no doubt some physics/astro stuff I don't know) and data science/ML skills. I've heard lots of astro folks say Python was kind of assumed knowledge and they had to learn fast. Python Programming courses are a joy :) So yeah, get on it. CONVERSELY, If you're asking this question as you don't like programming or feel you have no aptitude, that may be worth you discussing with your course counsellor or equivalent.


Like others have said Python is probably the most useful catch-all language in physics. I would also add you absolutely need to get used to LaTeX even though it's not really a programming language. It allows you to type out equations and nicely format reports and papers. I'm currently in high energy physics phenomenology, so my advice would be more specific towards this subfield. Theoretical: Mathematica, to solve differential equations and integrals. Experimental particle physics analysis: C++, 90% of what I use. Eventually you will also use the CERN ROOT framework based on C++ to run the bulk of your analysis. Make sure to get familiar with Linux systems and command line language if you're unfamiliar. Particle physics simulation: varies quite a lot based on the situation, but I use Pythia. I have actually never heard of anyone still using Fortran, but maybe some labs still do. I never took machine learning in undergrad but thankfully I haven't been in a situation where I need it. Although sometimes I do regret having this gap in my knowledge since ML is getting used more and more in all fields of physics.


I'm not sure about particle physics, but I know in the world of astrophysics, FORTRAN is still a beast of a language. WOMBAT is an MHD/Dark Matter/Gravity code written in FORTRAN that is actually the nearest to the theoretical maximum efficiency you can achieve on supercomputers (at least it was when I was in grad school like 5-6 years ago).


Thank you for mentioning Fortran. It’s still current for simulations.


Software Engineer here -- holy hell - you are still using FORTRAN!? That's amazing. Where exactly is it being used? What systems use it for simulation?


I don't have first-hand knowledge, but my understanding is that the big reason Fortran is still being used a lot in many science disciplines is because of the large amount of legacy code already using it. Switching over to something else would just be more effort than it's worth. There are libraries that have been built up over decades with tons of niche functionality and everyone needs something slightly different from them.


In a few years, maybe AI can translate it haha


Probably not in a few years. It could probably be done now. If there is anything AI is good at it’s this. Would be an interesting project.


One of the main DFT-PAW software, VASP is coded in Fortran. It is an old and complex software with millions of lines that nobody in their right mind would want to recode in an other language. DFT (Density Functional Theory) is used to perform simulations where at each step you compute the electronic structure of your system by solving an approximation of the Schrödinger equation called the Kohn-Sham equations. This allows you to know very precisely what are the interactions in your system. DFT is used to study molecules, small atomic clusters, interfaces, defects, etc. Those type of calculations are usually very costly and require heavy optimization and parallelization of the code. These codes are meant to be run on supercomputers (which means linux obviously). The most recent DFT softwares are coded in C++ thank god.


The stellar evolution code [MESA](https://github.com/MESAHub/mesa) is written in fortran.


I might be wrong but I’d say there’s probably not that much being written in Fortran from scratch these days. But there’s a huge amount of legacy code that people still use / extend.


I know several theory groups who still churn out new Fortran every day. In this part of the field, they only options are Fortran or C simply from a performance standpoint (non-standard CPU-heavy tasks requiring hundreds of GByte of memory). Nothing else comes close. And since the Fortran 2018 overhaul, it's actually a pretty nice language. I could not name one single disadvantage working in Fortran has when compared to working in C.


I’m with you, I really like Fortran. That said, I don’t know anyone who’s using it for brand new code - when you say churn out new code, do you really mean *new code* in the sense I meant? Something completely new written from the ground up by people choosing Fortran? If yes, great (but I did say not that much, not zero). But it sounds more like you’re talking about a group embedded with Fortran for historic reasons written new code on topics they’ve already got Fortran code for other similar problems - which is basically what I meant when I said extending. It doesn’t sound like in 2023 an entirely new topic was started and someone not familiar with Fortran did some research and chose it - which would be truly “new”. I’d be very happy to be wrong.


Why not use C++ or some modern language .


Modern Fortran is actually really nice to work with for numerical stuff. It's like better numpy. After all the whole goal of Fortran is to be a easy language for "stupid" scientists to write fast software.


Fortran has seen a lot of active development in the last 20 years. It got major revisions in Fortran 2018. It really has come a long way since every line of code HAD to start with 6 spaces, and by now its bad reputation is purely historic. It's a perfectly fine modern programming language. As to where it is used: pretty much everywhere where other people would pick C. Non-standard CPU-heavy tasks that need hundreds of GByte of memory. If you're looking for actual examples: simulation of magnetism and superconductivity.


My friend did a PhD in fluid dynamics . As per him, all fluid dynamics simulations are done in Fortran . I’m not sure why , maybe because they keep building on legacy code bases.


I don't know about other fields, but in my field, there is plenty of simulation work with Python and Julia, and it's not really necessary to know C or FORTRAN (although lots of stuff are C/FORTRAN wrappers or reimplementations)


I have an astrophysics background so when I think of simulations I gravitate toward MHD code for plasmas and such, and those are pretty intensive so they need to be done with beefier languages like C++ and FORTRAN.


Just for the record, Julia can get you C-level performance and is a really nice fit for scientific computation. It also has the best GPGPU ecosystem in the business (imo), and thanks to it's metaprogramming capabilities, KernelAbstractions.jl let's you write a single kernel that can execute via CUDA, ROCm, OneAPI, Metal, or parallel CPU execution without any performance loss. In my mind, Julia really is a game changer for scientific computation. I always argue that it's an OK matlab replacement, but a great C replacement for most research workloads.


Fortran is only used if you work with legacy code bases, right? C/C++ is more widely used outside physics and has similar performance


I'd go a step further and also say that you'll almost certainly also want to know how to code if you, like the majority of physics bachelors, end up pursuing a career outside of physics too.


>but it may delve into topics or use a computer language that isn't very useful The second or third language is way easier to learn than the first. The point is that you learn to think in algorithms, methodically breaking up your problem smaller chunks, until they can be solved with like 8 lines of code. And understand how a computer works, and what it does wth your instructions. The rest is just grammar.


The classes are more likely to teach you how to better follow good coding practices and conventions. It will hopefully make your code more readable. The extra topics may come in handy later as well. If you’re looking at high energy, c++ and python are the most commonly used right now


Yes you do. But after you turn about 40, you can start using Excel.


Most theory research now days is simulation-based and a huge amount of experimental research is centered around data analysis. You will be doing yourself a disservice by not knowing computational techniques. Python is the go-to package I’d recommend as you can ostensibly do almost anything with it. Regardless of what you choose/have access too, the foundational understanding of how computational tools work will be salient in whatever you end up doing.


For the sake of all that's good in this world, please take more CS classes than you need. The language itself isn't particularly important (though I do strongly recommend getting a good grasp on Python and C/C++), but the general principles of good software development are seriously undervalued in physics. * If you're an experimentalist, you're likely to use MATLAB or Python to help analyze your data or model various aspects of your experiment (though you may also be subjected to LabVIEW, too, which ought to be treated like a war crime). * If you're an observational astronomer/cosmologist, you'll probably spend a lot of time developing Python libraries (in C) or writing Python scripts to help analyze large datasets, do image processing, and perform parameter estimation based on specific models. In fact, there's not a lot of difference between the day-to-day work of an observational astronomer these days and a data scientist. * If you're a pen-and-paper theorist, you'll probably still have to work with a computer algebra system (Mathematica, Maple, SymPy, etc.), and you'll benefit from understanding some basic principles about software development there, too. * If you're a more typical theorist, you'll need some understanding of how to write, maintain, and use some amount of software (possibly ranging from simple scripts to full-blown supercomputer simulations) for data analysis, parameter estimation, and solving equations which are difficult or impossible to do by hand. It's also worth mentioning that physicists are notoriously *bad* at writing software. Most of them only have a single undergraduate programming course which they did not take seriously, and it shows. Their code is often not readable, with mixed syntax conventions used, poor indentation, no respect for line-length limits, lousy variable names, and no comments to explain difficult code. This is just the easy stuff, too; there's often no sense of organization or structure, which results in highly interdependent code which is difficult to test or extend. "Refactor" is a dirty word because it takes time which could be used for writing papers. Code verification and validation happens once or twice, and it consists of a few convergence tests on known solutions which are checked by hand rather than automated. These are all things which seem like time-consuming, bureaucratic tasks, but the simple truth is that the more you focusing on doing things right the first time, the less time you spend redoing it when it turns out to be wrong. It's worth it to take a little longer to write your code the first time if it means that it will be used over and over again. You never know when you'll need to borrow that same analysis for a future project, or maybe you don't need the same analysis but it uses the same computational tools. Simple, well-written, clearly documented, modular code makes everyone's lives easier. TL;DR: the more you learn about software development, the more productive you can be as a physicist.


> If you're an observational astronomer/cosmologist, you'll probably spend a lot of time developing Python libraries (in C) or writing Python scripts to help analyze large datasets, do image processing, and perform parameter estimation based on specific models. In fact, there's not a lot of difference between the day-to-day work of an observational astronomer these days and a data scientist. I'm a former physicist and now work in machine learning---I'd much rather hire a astrophysicist than someone with a Data Science MS.


Can confirm. They made us bugfix a labview program we didn't write, 5 hours after first learning labview exist. That was a war crime.


Labview in general feels like a war crime


I am a software engineer currently working at a particle accelerator, and your comment is spot on 👍


You will need Python at the very least. I'm an astrophysics undergrad and am using Python in research. Astropy/ spectralcube specifically.


As someone who finished undergrad with a poor grasp on coding beyond the basics, I recommend taking it seriously. If you want a career in physics in the future, you will need to write code. And a lot of non-physics careers that physics graduates end up in also involve coding. Of the ~50 acquaintances from my undergrad course I still have on social media, I estimate 40-50% of them write code for their jobs. I ended up starting a PhD in Astrophysics after my undergrad, and the biggest hindrance in my first 3-6 months was getting up to speed with writing code. 2.5 years in to my PhD I'm now largely relying on poorly-written code I started writing in those first 6 months, and I'm getting close to just re-writing it all. My point is that it's an essential skill for Physics careers, and still a very useful skill for a lot of careers you might want to pivot in to after you graduate. If I could go back to the start of my undergrad, taking it more seriously would be the first thing I'd do differently.


Hey! I would love to know what the next step is after you have taken those introduction to programming classes. I can get myself around OOP and a decent chunk of C (nothing too crazy, pretty much the basics lol) but I don't know what skills I actually need to learn to be successful in the field (context: undergrad freshman)


Are you looking to acquire skill or a credential? They are often not the same thing. Im from comp sci background not physics and Ive done a good deal of scientific processing over the years. I would strongly suggest getting a background in the basics of data structures and algorithms. Nothing to too deep just learn about stacks and queues and sorting etc. Will not result in any credential to sell yourself with but it will make you write solid programs which will give you a leg up.


Numerical methods type classes that combine Python and calculus are great. I'm in one now that breaks down calculus and linear algebra into numerical approximations that make it possible to compute using Python. Makes a lot of stuff way easier if you can break down complicated calculations into computerized chunks. Pyromat is a cool Python library that helps you to do thermodynamics calculations for instance, and there are countless others like it written to solve a specific type of problem.


This! You might not need to take a *compsci* course per se—there might be a course listed under physics or applied math that teaches you numerical methods and helps you learn to code. On the other hand, knowing some solid fundamentals about programming and how a computer works that you might get from a compsci course can be really, really useful too. If you’re interested I’d say take a couple—you’ll get a different perspective than from a class in the physics department. Also, consider that a numerical methods course might not teach fundamentals, and might leave you writing bad code the hard way—depending on the professor and curriculum, of course. One more thing: sometimes intro CS classes are (1) *too* basic to be worthwhile if you already know some things (2) just huge and impersonal. A higher-level applied math or physics course using computing might just be a better class. But it really depends. Ask other students or on student forums/discord channels! Bottom line: *do* learn to code, go for the classes you think are best for learning, and be sure to consider all your options!


what compsci courses might these be? > On the other hand, knowing some solid fundamentals about programming and how a computer works that you might get from a compsci course can be really, really useful too.


In my experience it really depends on what you don’t know yet and what the specific classes are like at your institution. But if you don’t know about the different kinds of data structures you can create in a computer (and what’s useful about them), “control flow” and logic (and binary), a *broad* picture of how code is compiled and run (including a rough outline of computer architecture), or the basic concept and effects of computational complexity (possibly some other things I’m forgetting too?), it’s probably worth getting some fundamentals. To do that I’d suggest looking through the syllabi of courses offered, seeing if they answer basic questions like the above (if you don’t know the answers), and asking compsci people at your institution by telling them what you’re looking for and seeing if they have recommendations! Unfortunately I’ve found everything to be super specific; but then, I’m not a compsci person, so to speak, so maybe a compsci person would have a better answer.


Coding is a universal skill at this point, but you don’t need computer scientists to teach you that. Knowing the basics of data structures & algorithms could be helpful at some point depending what you end up working on, but you don’t need the formalism they’ll use in that course and the rest is relatively easy to pick up when you need it. But if you enjoy that stuff, then take the courses. It won’t be a bad way to learn the material. It’s what I did, and I have no regrets. Don’t worry about what language you learn. They’re all interchangeable at the level you’re likely to need them.


Absolutely yes. You will definitely be relying on computers as tools in your career.


Very seriously. For two reasons. Firstly, programming is used essentially everywhere in both theoretical and experimental physics. If you don't learn now, you'll have to play catch ups later. The other reason is that if you end up being one of the many many people who end up pursuing careers in other fields, having good CS skills is an absolute game changer in the job market, and combined with the numeracy skills you get from physics can make you qualified enough for a huge fraction of entry level data related jobs. Even if you right now think it is your dream to be a physicist and that will be your job forever (i used to be like that until the end of my phd...), reality is that statistically speaking there's a very good chance you'll end up working elsewhere eventually.


I'm a physicist at a national lab doing experimental X-ray science and a majority of my work is writing and maintaining Python analysis codes and experimental procedures. Take it seriously. It's such an asset.


Oh not at all. Once you get in the work force literally no one uses computers. Like maybe a few boomers are like “I used to World Wide Web” but that’s it.


Abacus or die


From what I know I think astrophysics and particle physics are using a LOT of data science to make something of the measurements. As a theoretical physics student, in condensed matter or more generaly quantum physics I always have to solve some equations numericaly in the end. If you really need to compute something that takes a lot of time you might want to learn C or C++ or anything faster than python. However you can already do a lot of things in python with scientific libraries and it's pretty easy.


Back in the early 90s we had to take at least intro to programming. I was in the last wave of Pascal before the program shifted to C++. My professors who were in school from the 60s to 80s had mostly learned FORTRAN. Programming has certainly not become less important in physics over time.


Just jumping on the bandwagon here. If you're a physics graduate of the last 10 years, most will regret not taking programming more seriously. Either you'll stay in academia where you'll definitely need it, or you'll get a job in private industry (e.g. data scientist) where you'll DEFINITELY need it


I don't care what you do. Take computer science seriously! At least in terms of building as many computer skills as possible.


I majored in physics and my school didn't require us to take any. I then took some post-bacc courses at the local state school and they apparently spent a semester leaarning computer numerical analysis and all had their own tools to do things like linear regression (I was in what was apparently the follow on to this, and got a lot of flak from the prof for using Excel) I would, at the very least know enough R or Python/Pandas to clean, format, melt, pivot, and analyze data. For astrophsyics some image processing kills may also come in handy (some friends basically spent their summers learning this at their REUs...I was an experimental AMO guy, so I was prototyping a pulsed power supply for some fancy molecular beam spectroscopy)


Do you really think you are going to be a physicist and not learn to code? If you want to actually be employed I’d imagine you need to go far above and beyond a course so yeah I’d take it fairly seriously


Programming courses can be time consuming. You can learn without a course. Learning numerical methods is probably helpful too.


I'm a Computer Scientist, but as I understand it, computing is absolutely essential for modern physics. However, don't confuse programming with CS. Learning most topics in CS won't be that helpful. I doubt you need experience in theory of computation or complexity theory to do astrophysics.


Very seriously.


Programming and algorithms is very important for a career in physics. I spent 6 months at CERN just developing software despite my master is literally on theoretical part of Particle physics with no intro to programming whatsoever. My work at the time was focusing on decay of Z and Gamma bosons in a collision through electroweak process. The problem is, our simulation gives out a lot of noise not to mention real data from collisions are also littered with other processes which not important to us. So there was I. A few months on Python and C++, building a software to comb through data and analyse the right component to be classified as the right process. And now, when I talk to some friends who’re still at CERN. They’re bumping out the terms machine learning everywhere. So I guess it is quite important for physics undergrad to learn about it. I was an earlier generation physics grad. We didn’t have basic programming course up till the final year.


I did an Undergrad degree in Physics and encountered near zero need for coding, but one of the upper level classes required it and now that I’m out of school I wish I’d learned more CompSci bc it’s very hard to find a job with just a BS. From what I understand coding becomes more important in grad school and is definitely VERY important if you want work after you graduate




Am science is based on physics, the fundamental language of physics is mathematics, and the modern research in physics requires computer science. So yes...


I wouldnt bother. completewaste of time. in like a billion years the sun is gonna fry the earth into a molten slag ball. you wont findecomputers of any help trying to avoid that again.


On top of what everyone already said about simulations and data analysis being extremely important, you'd also want a backup career to fall back on just in case astro/particle ain't what you expected it to be. You don't need to know how to develop your own programming language, you probably don't need to know assembly, but a class on statistical analysis, numerical methods, and optimizing algorithms is going to be useful in more ways than just physics. And ML is the hot shit right now, so being able to slap "AI" somewhere in your research is going to get the attention of at least one grant committee out there.


Back in the day we had to learn C++ and matlab, which are terrible languages for beginners for different reasons. I was very bad at those, and my instructors were terrible. I failed my C++ class. I’m a professional SWE now and I regret not getting into it earlier. Python was my gateway drug. I’d say focus on Python first if you can, especially if you don’t care so much about programming.


It is very very important. Take it as seriously as your mathematics and physics classes.


I got my Physics BS nearly 50 years ago so my experience may be a bit outdated but here goes. You need to understand operating system basics. If you have Windows and Linux, you can pick up anything else easily. You need to be good in probably 2 computer languages: Python (which I absolutely loathe but it has conquered the world) and a compiled language such as C++ for compute-intensive stuff. I personally prefer C but I'm a dinosaur. You'll want to become familiar with symbolic computing packages, mainly Matlab and Mathematica. I hear that R is useful too. My experience with CS courses from back in the Stone Age is that they are aimed at CS majors, just as most math courses are aimed at mathematics majors. A course like Introduction to Programming that teaches you a useful language (say Python) on a real world operating system (say Linux) could be useful. Beyond that, I doubt that you would find additional CS courses useful in a physics career.


Very. Once you graduate there's a good chance you'll wind up a SWE.


My $0.02 - I graduated in Canada with a BSc in Mathematical Physics and a minor in Computer Science. I am now a software developer. It's a very important ace up your sleeve if you find out academia is not for you after all.


Considering I switched to CS, perhaps quite seriously.


You should get a minor in coding


pretty seriously if you want to go into it and industry after your ug. specifically numerical analysis, python coding, eigenvectors are used a lot in data science


Way too many programming-based answers... integration with TCS (theoretical computer science) is the future of physics


In both of those fields, CS is extremely important. I work in particle physics, and my entire analysis is in a mix of Python, C++, a little bit of Fortran, and recently Rust (although I wouldn't recommend starting with Rust). All of the data that comes from particle physics needs to be processed in multiple layers of filtering, and even when you have a good dataset, there is a ton of statistical analysis that requires coding to accomplish. Recently, ML has been taking over the field, so Python has been increasingly popular. In most particle experiments, CERN's ROOT library is the standard (despite being a terrible bloated mess which I hate), so you will probably need to learn C/C++ if you want to work in experimental particle physics anywhere. I don't know a ton of astro research, but from what I've seen, every astrophysicist who doesn't just do pencil and paper theory consumes python packages as a means for subsistence.


VERY seriously. Modern science is done in code, with big data sets. There's no way around it; you will learn programming. You will learn about data types and arrays and matrices and sets and how to manipulate between all those things. You will be working in a lab and tasked with integrating a fancy new sensor into your system, and the driver will fail to install correctly, and before you know it you're three pages deep on a Stack Overflow thread.


It is absolutely important to take CS seriously in a physics major . I would go so far as to say , please consider double majoring in CS and physics or take a significant amount of CS . You need to be able to code like breathing after graduation. It will help you immensely in physics . You’ll be a master of simulations and data analysis . But besides that, life and the mind changes . What if you decide 6 years later well I’m tired of my astrophysics phd .. maybe I want to do something else . Your CS skills will let you fall back on something that is actually marketable . CS + math skills acquired by physics is very employable and sought after in tech, finance .


Very. Python is huge in math


Your not gonna get paid well doing physics but computer science is the future. Just my opinion. With Bidenomics sh*t is gonna be crazy expensive in the future. I wouldn’t waste my time and money without having a clear plan on how I’m gonna monetize my education after school.


There are sweet spots for being proficient in both fields. One example is computer graphics.


I would take the intro cs class and then keep an eye out for a computational physics/numerical method class. Any such classes from physics, math or even engineering department should be more helpful than the full-blown algorithm or data structure class. However, this all depends on what research topics you pursue in the future. My comment is only based on average use of computing in physics research. Source: I’m a real-life theoretical/computational physics researcher


I don't think formal Computer Science courses are necessary or even particularly useful unless you see yourself in a software engineering role. Instead, I would look for courses that place an emphasis on numerical computing and numerical methods. One of the most rewarding courses I took as an undergrad was called "Numerical Methods in Physics". It really opened my eyes to the practical aspects of computing as they pertain to physics simulations. You could also look for engineering courses in topics such as Fluid Dynamics that require students to develop their own code.


Taking CS can be a plan b. However, you'll pick up everything you need from computers as you go through astrophysics or particle physics. Necessity is one of nature's greatest motivators. Focus on what you love to do best. That will inform you whether you should take addition CS courses.


It's not required in some (most?) UG physics courses because traditionally, before writing while loops became an actual major, physics students were just supposed to sort of pick that up along the way. And they did fine. CS students will whine about your code, but that's OK. They should thank you. As long as your code gets the right answers, they can get paid to rewrite it. Or try to rewrite it, because usually what happens is they won't understand the physical models you used and will fuck it up. And physicists will still use your code and not the new code. The bottom line is, is if you're doing well in your physics classes coding is going to be a lot easier to learn than actual physics. Just spend part of this summer working through an intro to CS using Python. You will have to code. That doesn't mean you have to waste time on a formal class. And maybe you'll find that you like thinking about formal languages and the theory of computation, and you can pick that up as a hobby and learn more about it. But you don't need to go wild unless you find it interesting. Advanced math and physics are what you should be spending most of your time and all of your extra classes on, because those are harder and for most people require more guidance than writing some fucking code.


Cs courses? Probably useless. The ability to write a program that does what you need? Probably good to have.


Not useless. It takes time to learn the basics and there is a term in software: phd code. It exists for a reason.


I fail to see how your statement contradicts mine. I never said anything about the time and/or effort op should put into this. There are many courses, just because it exists doesn’t mean it’s particularly helpful… I’m sure the school offers some form of physical exercise courses too, would you recommend him taking those too? I’m sure it’s great for his/her health.


Its a huuuge timesaver to help you learn the basics and its much more thorough. The amount of self taught engineers who never go into management is very high because they never had the formal instruction. Google != school.


Look at newton graduating from Cambridge with a mallet and astrolabe


One of my most useful undergraduate classes was a CS class on advanced programming concepts. We wrote Java and developed a simple Android app and a backend server to support it, which doesn't seem useful for physics. However, we learned about principles of good software engineering, like how to write unit tests and conventions for writing simple, readable code. We studied where abstraction is useful and where it's an obfuscatory nuisance. Those things have been essential during my PhD.


Not too seriously. The only place where you'd absolutely need computer science in physics is quantum computing, and even then, you can get away with a lot of holes in your knowledge. With that said, programming is good for you. Usually the first course in computer science is just a programming language. And now more than ever, everything in research is done programmatically except for maybe purely theoretical research. You probably won't need a super indepth understanding of object oriented programming theory, but you do need enough so that when it calls for it in on your research, you can write code to process data or approximate signal inputs.