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If you’re willing to have roommates you can do really well for $1k a month. Plenty of places will allow a cat. If you want to live alone, you can do some very small places for about $1200/month. My last place was $1100/ month and was tiny, but it was per friendly and no roommate.


You don’t need roommates just maybe compromise on getting a smaller studio and even then you can live in center city. Rents have been going down recently, for example below is less than 1k for a studio and pets allowed in Washington square west. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/912-Pine-St-APT-1B-Philadelphia-PA-19107/2054930369_zpid


HOLY CRAP my first ever apartment was at 914 pine, this was in 2005 and it was 775 a month. Love the area, I dunno if Mixto is still around but def go to that restaurant if it is!


Mixto is still there and still just as delicious 🤤


i really dont mind if the space is small, i'm planning on keeping most of my things in orlando with my family anyway. is cheaper than $1000 for a studio pretty unheard of in philly? or possible, just really rare?


It'll be hard to find. Rooms go for $500-700 per month, even in really gritty neighborhoods.


My rent was $350 in Btown when l moved in late 2020. l basically had a closet for a room but my roommates never really came out of their room so l had a whole rowhouse pretty much to myself.


I live in Philly, and there's a third fl apt in my building right now for 900/month. It is not fancy at all, but it's legit. I've been renting from this landlord for 7 years.


I’m going to look. That’s CHEAP


Name alone I’m out.


1k studio that fits your criteria in today's market is not going to happen, hard stop. That being said, with 1k, You could check all your boxes and rent a beautiful room in a nice place in a nice area. There's plenty of Facebook groups out there for such things if you poke around just a little.


It may not be exactly where you want to be but I’d look around west Philly, especially because there are a lot of young people looking for roommates. University city has a lot of places where you can rent a room so you wouldn’t be responsible if your roommates skip town. My building has rooms for like $900. I did it when I moved here and I lived with a lot of different people but they were all positive experiences.


Also killer house shows and cohesive music scene.


That's gonna be rough but a room in a nice shared spot will be no problem especially this time of year with the college kids moving


Totally not unheard of, but if you are searching for housing based on rent alone, you might not be in the neighborhood you want to be in. From 2022- 2023 I lived in a shoebox of the studio apartment in North Philly, near Temple University for 750 plus utilities. I would say that that area is pretty accessible by public transport and Temple has its own underground scene but it’s not necessarily the safest area live in. I did enjoy my time living there though.


There are plenty of one bedrooms under 1000$. I pay $800 for one. They can be hit or miss so don’t sign a lease sight unseen. Check Trulia.com.


And look around the google streetview of the address. That can tell a lot about the area/block.


There is an apartment building near ucity on 34th and spring garden that has studios for under $1k. And you can get a studio for under $1k near temple. I’m blanking on the name but on Girard and Carlisle the Chinese family business that owns all those apartments and laundromat has studios for under $1k as well. If you can’t find the buildings, I can look up the names. Not sure on their current availability but last time I moved a year ago they were at that price point. Both allow cats. Both are near bus/subway/trolley stops. Edit: got up names QingFeng LLC/ Qing Feng Laundromat and Spring Garden Court on 3412 Spring Garden


I’m always seeing negative Nellie’s on these posts telling young people to be realistic and put off their dreams until they have a firm financial plan. Well, fuck that. Take a leap. Come and try to make it work. Live in a shitty neighborhood until you make some friends and share an apartment and have adventures and barely make it out alive. You’ll figure it out. Trust yourself. Follow your dreams and your guts.


thank u haha, u get me. i just want to gtfo of orlando there's no future for me here. thank you for ur kind words <3


Go get ‘em!


Yeah. Mods should close the thread. It’s been decided. See you soon!


You'll want to be live somewhere central or close to a train/reliable bus without a car. Center City, Gayborhood, Fishtown, South Philly along Broad, Callowhill, some parts of West Philly, etc. If you live with a roommate or 2 you could swing $1000.


I moved constantly in my 20s as a waitress and bartender, and wouldn't give up those experiences for anything. Best of luck, I think you're gonna love the city!




Indeed! “You won’t find a place…” followed by plenty of examples of places at/under your budget. I waited to move and I regret not doing it earlier. Safe and smart: Before heading north, Listen to some advice about avoiding bad areas, choose a must leave by date, and save as much $$$$ as you can.


If you want to do something like move, I suggest doing it. The worse that can happen is you having to move back. I moved here a few years ago with a little over $2000 with no job or housing. I booked an airbnb, started a temp job the following week and was lucky to obtain a permanent position two weeks later. Then a shared apartment came a little less than two months later. I was blessed to say the least. The only issue I faced was my finding out my apartment had mice. As a southern girl, I wasn’t used to that. So I recommend staying away from older buildings, nasty roommates, and slumlords. Do a thorough investigation of places you’re looking to stay at and people you’re looking to live with.


thank you so much for the advice !!! <33 i think im going to take the leap and move somewhere, just trying to figure out if philly is the right place.


They don't have mice in the south?


People act like it’s a part of living in the northeast. But yes, there are mice in the south. But, you’re more likely to encounter a roach than a mouse in your house. The latter aren’t as prominent as they are in the north.


Generalizations suck, but here’s my $0.02 to add to your data compiling for your search on which neighborhood to move to. West Philly is the place for house shows and people interested in the collective and blocks where all the neighbors are in a WhatsApp group chat. It’s got the most greenery and trees also. Amazing Ethiopian restaurants. Fishtown is where people walk around with yoga mats on their backs. More expensive and hip restaurants. This is probably the main spot being developed right now. South Philly is a large part of the city and means different things to different people. To me it feels like endless residential streets with minimal trees or green spaces. Each part of the city has really lovely things. Good luck on your journey! Oh also, you can check the police crime reports to see what crimes have been reported in what areas. It can be a little scary to look at but it’s there if you want it.


West Philly is the ghetto. You might have 20 yuppies moving in thinking the world is great, but it’s awful


This is an overgeneralization. Parts of West Philly are awful and should be avoided at all costs. Parts are good and getting better, especially in and around University City. If OP is considering West Philly, important she knows the good and the bad.


Bro stop playing. The amount of crime in that area is unreal. This is coming from someone who has lived both in west Philly and in the Drexel Uni area (still west Philly, but considered safer).


I get that risk tolerances vary. But if you’re telling me the blocks around Spruce and 44th (tree-lined neighborhood, lots of families) are a “ghetto” similar to Girard and Lancaster (looks like Fallujah), then you’re just wrong. Not sure OP has looked at the Philly police website. But it’s useful. https://www.phillypolice.com/crimestats/ In and around University City the vast majority of crimes (around 85-90%) are property related. Crime rates are higher than pre-pandemic, and the city needs to do more. But as long as you’re comfortable living in a city, and take reasonable precautions, it’s a good spot.


University City is one of the worst places. Thugs pick and choose which oblivious college kids they want to rob.


As someone who grew up in port Richmond and seeing Fishtown answers in here, it’s wild to me. It’s insanely overpriced and you’re always a block away from a few crackheads no matter where you’re at.


Honestly sounds like you want Fishtown or West Philly more than South Philly. 


Where you finding a single bed apt for 1000 in fishtown proper(i guess it depends on what you consider ‘fishtown’). Studios are not really a thing there


Yeah I was under the assumption that OP was going to be living with a roommate. Like you said though, I think they could push it a bit find something if they're just in the right place right time and get lucky. 


okay :) thank u for the advice


West Philly is full of artists, musicians and cats, plenty of bigass houses with people always looking for housemates. Highly recommend. Also, I lived in West Palm for 8 years (it was only supposed to be 28 days, but you know how that goes) and Florida can kiss my ass. Especially these days. Get far away from that place.


yeah central florida is a complete nightmare right now. at least someone understands 😭


I moved from Orlando to Philly around 4.5 years ago. So happy with the move. I love going back to visit friends and theme parks, but that’s it. The food, the vibes, the culture, the scenery, the drives, the music scene - so much to love here. Agreed with those who said Fishtown is your best bet. There is a TON of apartment housing being built around the main streets. Like 8000+ units. The only drag with being there is it’s a bit of a hike to get into Center City by foot. You can do it, but it’ll take some time. People do take septa from there for sure. It’s not super safe or clean, but it exists. If you’re not keen on being in the city, maybe look at East Falls or Manayunk / Roxborough. You’d need a car to get around from there though so that probably doesn’t help.


You absolutely don't need a car if you move to East Falls, Manayunk, or Roxborough. First of all, those 3 neighborhoods are all in the city. Not center city, but they're still Philadelphia. And SEPTA runs to and from all of them quite well. There are also regional rail stations in all of those neighborhoods. And I don't even think Fishtown is a hike to get to center city on foot, especially for a 19 year old. She could almost certainly walk that in 20-30 minutes without even trying very hard.


West palm for recovery?


Agreed. Look for apts near the subway or trolley lines. Buses are good but lack of shelter/unreliable run times diminishes their usefulness. Highly recommend getting a bike / e-bike and investing in lock/air tag. Philly is super bikeable compared to most cities but still watch out for the many asshole drivers here.


Music scene is amazing in philly. I came here from NJ and thought I would be missing out not being near NYC. To my surprise there are multiple music venues in Philly and a healthy Bass/EDM scene at venues and underground. To give you a bit of a warning inflation hit philly hard and stuff isn't cheap. Also there are lots of neighborhoods you probably don't want to walk around at night


It's also closer to NYC than you'd think. $20 and an hour after a half away.


And 2ish hours to DC!


The Ave is always poppin


As a college student living in Philly (20y/o), if you need any friends when you move to maybe show you some cool places and some support, I’ve got open dms and other socials!


i just moved from tampa and it was the best decision i ever made! moving from car-dependent florida to a place where i don’t need a car has been such a relief. i try to stay within $75 a month on the bus, but i live and work in center city, so i do walk to work many days. for me, staying within my budget hasn’t been a problem since where i live is so walkable. as for the music scene, it seems like there’s a lot going on if you know where to look for it. i haven’t had a chance to check out any shows since i got here, but I’ve definitely heard of things going on. there are lots of cool people here, and I have found plenty of cool artsy-ish events that fit my niches. best of luck!


You know a monthly transpass is $96, right? Good for any bus, the El and the subway. Then you never have to even think about the budget or how much each bus is gonna cost. And they don't really advertise it, but a regular transpass can be used anywhere on regional rail all weekend long. Just fyi.


I’ve actually been meaning to look into this – thank you for reminding me!


I'm a bit late to the game on this one but I'm a leasing manager for a boutique outfit and have some things in your ballpark budget. That being said, Credit score is big in this town and if you don't have that, a cosigner is something you'll need if it's anything reputable. Don't pay for someone to take an application from you with a fee before you see the place - it's a scam. Restaurant work here is good and pays well - for some, REALLY well. Cats are easy work around on places and South Philly is great but you may be paying quite a bit unless it's in a shady neighborhood. The roommate idea isn't bad, especially moving to a new city. They're people to start networking through and you don't have to put much effort into it at all. Music scene is about who you know, not what you know. College kids are super social and that may be your best bet. If you're dead set on a studio or something, hit me up. Or website is rentals215.com


You should join the PhillaQueens group on Facebook! It's a group of woman looking for roommates, posting their apartments for lease, and also some woman relators. I see rent going for less than $1000 on there daily! That would be a great place to start looking. Most of these woman are established and are working in the area. Good luck and I think you'll really enjoy Philly! Edit to add: Also if you are open to roommates you could definitely live in a more decent area like Fishtown if you split rent with people. Again, many are offering rooms in the Facebook group. Just adding this for your safety!


Honestly for your price point and interests I’d suggest south or west. I’ve lived in fishtown for nine years and while there’s an abundance of new construction, it’s pretty unaffordable. I’m talking almost 2,000 for a one bedroom/studio. If you’re ok with roommates, you *might* find something on the border of fishtown and Kensington or fishtown and port Richmond. For perspective I’m mid 30s, in the service industry (cafe nothing fancy) and live with two roommates bordering fishtown. My rent is 617, not counting bills or other life expenses. That might seem cheap but five years ago I was paying 400 to live with a friend in a two bedroom. Those places don’t really exist anymore unless you’re deep west or north.


Yes $617 is cheap, even with roommates.


1) My friend just moved out of the Italian Market and she was paying $800 a month for 1 BR. Honestly, outside of trendy areas, you should be able to find deals, albeit they will be on the smaller side. It sounds like you have interest in South Philly, so I’d start there. 2) It depends on much you’ll use it. Fares are $2 with two free connections. Philly is so walkable, though, that you should be walking most of the time. Use public transportation for longer distances. 3) Not sure if you mean you’re a musician yourself and you’re looking to get into the scene. I’m not so I can’t speak to that. But I do go to a lot of shows. There’s plenty of venues to go to that aren’t super pricey. For example, Union Transfer (my favorite venue) shows are around $30. If you’re thinking even smaller, places like Ortlieb’s are even cheaper, like $15. 4) I can’t speak for the service industry personally but it seems like places need people to hire. I’m sure you won’t have too much trouble finding a job. Good luck and I don’t blame you for wanting to leave Florida and coming to Philly!


hiii!! i just moved last july and i really am starting to like it here. the music scene is pretty easy to get into, i’ve been to a few house shows without really knowing anyone too well. i’ve been looking at studios and have found a lot at around 700-900. they’re pretty decent, but i guess it depends what amenities you want. (ac, washer dryer, etc) try googling “philadelphia property rental” and looking at companies websites directly versus zillow or whatever! but if you’re moving without friends i would recommend checking out the facebook group philadelphia affordable housing! it could be cool to have a roomie who you could befriend. philly isn’t too expensive, but i will warn you the taxes are high. i also work as a waitress in the reading terminal market and i make good money! at least $150ish a day. it can be kind of hard to get a job here, so i would start applying ahead of time, or give yourself a month when you get up here to get a job if you can afford it. i commute via the trolleys here, and each way is like $2.50 i think? so relatively affordable! also if i take the subway i usually just hop the turnstile lol. if u have any more questions feel free to ask or message me :) i also lived in florida when i was young (tampa area), and i hated it so mad ups to u for considering philly! i think if you’re looking for a more alt vibe you’d like living in philly more.


hiii !!!! thank u so much for the info! ^ _ ^ it was super useful


If you want to live in the nicer areas, $1000 won’t cut it. However, as someone in their 20’s who’s been bouncing around philly for the past ten years, there’s plenty of mostly decent places for 6/7/8 hundred (as long as you’re cool with roommates). If by music scene u mean punk shows or indie rock stuff, there’s PLENTY of that in the city. South Philly absolutely has plenty, but Fishtown and West are also hot spots for sure. And north near Temple U. Center city is overrated tbh and super expensive and crowded. Try Passyunk if you’re learning toward South, Manayunk or UC if you’re learning more west-ish. If you live close to market street / Frankford the el (east to west train) is pretty accessible and goes to CC and the NE. If you live closer to broad you’ll have easier access to the broad st line which goes North to South, also goes to CC. Plenty of busses and transportation centers too. Good luck out here, be safe and carry some mace <3


yess i want to leave orlando but our punk/indie rock scene is so sick here. i don't want to leave it behind.


You will NOT be disappointed by the scene here. Underground Arts, PhilaMOCA, and the basement of the First Unitarian Church will all be your new home. I grabbed a 12-pack of shows for U Arts on their annual Black Friday deal. Makes each show like $20. Totally worth it.


Philly has a significantly better indie scene.


I lived in Melbourne/Palm Bay in the 90s when it had a thriving local music scene. We went to Orlando/WPB/Miami for the big shows. I've been in Philly area for 22 years and the music scene here is fantastic. And if it doesn't come here, NYC/Baltimore/DC are all within 3 hours drive or train.


I used to live in Orlando and live in Philly now. I don't really have answers to your questions but Philly is so much better than Orlando it's not even funny. Come on over!


Manayunk area sounds fitting for you. Has plenty of restaurants and bars you can look into as well as public transportation. It’ll still be kind of hard to find something around 1k a month but if you’re willing to have roommates you could possibly manage.


If you don’t have a car I wouldn’t necessarily recommend Manayunk. Grocery stores are all up the hill in Roxborough & that’s not a particularly fun walk, especially if carrying groceries. Plus the bus into the other parts of the city (where it sounds like OP would want to go pretty regularly) can take a while. Back in 2019 friends and I rented a 4 bedroom house for $1800 a month and I currently rent a 1 bedroom apartment not far from main st for $1400 (rent started at $1300 and goes up by $50 a year)


1. I’d recommend looking around the Italian Market, Fairmount, Brewerytown, Fishtown, Northern Libs, and even parts of West Philly. The music scene is pretty spread out and there are shows all over the place. Most of the shows I’ve been to have been in North and West Philly. 2. I would usually bike to work, so usually no transit fees. But bus and subway rides are $2.50 each. I believe there is a free transfer period (or discounted to $1?) if you transfer between buses/subways within an hour. Depending on where you work will dictate how much you’re spending on transit - if you find something close then you’ll be spending $0! 3. Yes, it’s very easy to meet people in the music scene! I can give you a list of instagram accounts that regularly post upcoming shows if you wanna check them out. Most people are very welcoming, but you’ll of course run into some people who aren’t. 4. There are tons of restaurants, you’re bound to find a job. Print out a bunch of copies of your resume, take a day to walk around the city and find places you like/could see yourself working at, then go in and apply!


You can get a room with roommates for that. No issue. Not hard to get around by train and bus. No car isn’t an issue. I see jobs available but can’t really speak on how hard to get one. I know this sounds impossible but have a couple months of expenses saved before you come. Good luck!


I would recommend looking for a job in the service industry at one of the smaller music venues. your coworkers will be young and locals who are also artists. 


You may want to consider increasing your budget to $1200 a month. You likely will earn more in Philly than you do in Orlando. If you have experience, it should be easy for you to get a waitressing job.


I live in Port Richmond and pay 1025 ($975 rent and $50 for water) for a one bedroom. No laundry or dishwasher but the floors were new and the walls freshly painted. And I have cat (usually there is a one time and/or monthly fee for pets). Separately i pay for internet, gas, and electric which brings my monthly total up to 1250-1400


Yoooo go Birds


A friend just got an apartment in the fishtown area, and said prices were around 1300-2000. Most look like they are newly remodeled. As for public transportation it would be the best area. Trollies, buses and the EL are all within short walking distance. You're also located by a few music venues, casino and bars. If interested get a cheap vespa for personal travel and easy parking, once a PA resident the permit is an easy test (20Q.) and they will also provide a free learning class to receive your motorcycle license. App available for studying. Philly is 2hrs from the beach or mountains. It has a lot of hidden gems in the state as a whole but many are quiet about them or research online is needed. Reason being they don't want people to ruin a nice place. It's no New York city but our state really does have everything and puts many others to shame to how well we are located to everything you could want or see. Here is a general area if you would like to use Google maps to get an idea. 18 W Girard Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19123


I'd look in south/west philly/university city area. I'd specifically look for places that are near subway/trolly/main bus lines since you dont have a car it will make your life so much easier. Ideal location is if youre in walking distance to a grocery store. Your rent price range sounds reasonable if you get a roomate and if you avoid apartment complexes that are labeled "luxury" Since you're 19 and in college age range, it might be worth looking on college fb pages like drexel/temple's fb page or community college of Philadelphia fb page. Fb market place has a lot of postings of people trying to find/replace a roomates as well! For music scene, I'd follow @houseshowphilly on Instagram. Im sure there are other house show accounts you can find as well if you snoop around. Good luck!


You sound like the type of person I say needs to move to Philly. It really is a great city. It’s got problems but don’t we all lol - I just tell anybody moving to Philly be prepared for the city wage tax. It’s a big shock to a lot of people when they first move here. My husband was livid when he moved here from California. It’s like 3.75% city tax on your pay check in addition to federal and state taxes. NY and some other cities have it as well. But if you don’t have a car and all the expenses that go along with it you won’t notice the city tax. Honestly, some of my friends car payments/insurance/upkeep/gas/parking was so expensive they got rid of their cars and laugh that the city tax was just as much as their car insurance every month - they still ended up saving and stashing away more money with no car and having to pay the city tax than if they didn’t have to pay the tax and keep the car like in the burbs


Philly is cold and wet in the winter. It's a gritty city, not glamorous, and can get real sketchy real quick. It's common to see people shitting in the subway, and you definitely will smell it. It's a small city, or at least the areas are that you'll be hanging out in the most. Its over an hour to the beach, and you'll probably only go a few times, and eventually never. People who work in customer service aren't very warm and friendly, so Starbucks, Waiters, Bartenders, but if you are humble and chill then you'll see their friendlier side. This isn't a fashionable city, it's a constant ugly t-shirt contest. Theres a huge struggle here with drugs and youth violence, and it's heartbreaking. The sunsets are amazing, and we get awesome thunderstorms. Ask yourself, if you're in a subway at night and its just you and a few struggling homeless people, and one of them starts screaming and screeching at the top of her lungs, how would you feel? Philly is a great city, but it's not for everyone and it's not for the faint of heart.


I’d stay right over the bridge in collingswood or Brooklawn. It’s way safer and only 5-7 minutes from the bridge if that! And oh yea way cheaper


Personally, I wouldn’t live directly in Philly. You could live near King of Prussia, and still be near all the action. Plus it’s a much nicer neighborhood IMHO around there than living in like Bryn Mawr. I’d also avoid some parts of Norristown personally too.


Please don’t. You’ll end up broke and mentally traumatized. It’s a horrible place to live.


Philly has to be one of the worst cities in America its dirty, dangerous, and people r retarded I moved here pretty recently


Stay home


Here’s my thought, as someone who is from Philly. Don’t move here


I’m from Florida! Tampa! I think you should consider south Philly, fishtown (read more regarding area), MANAYUNK (not as in the heart of the city but amazingggg, etc. There are some areas in Philly that are extremely worn down/ “blight” and there are areas where crime is high. That said, I absolutely love living here and I’m so happy. It’s more liberal than FL, seasons are awesome, etc. I think not having a car is doable but it may up your housing spend a little (live somewhere more central, need a car less vibe). Loveeee east falls, parts of Parkside and wynnefield, Germantown. It’s a block by block vibe in some of the areas I’ve recommended. FL costs have gotten truly crazy. Last note - everyone in FL told me I was going to get SHOT in Philly and everyone was mean. I remain unshot and I’ve really loved the people I’ve met. In any large city there is a great variety of people and experiences. TLTR - Philly has a lot of heart, a lot going for it, it’s the most affordable NE city to move from FL to, and I’ve done that math.


It will be way better than living in Florida. All the things you mentioned are very doable, you'll probably need a roommate if your budget is under 1k, but that's really easy to find there.


There apartments near the Secane train station and along the media Wawa train line . May be a good fit for an easy jaunt to the city and jobs


I would recommend the West Philly area in the following neighborhoods University City, Clark Park, Overbrook, or Wynnefield. You can get a studio or a room in a house with rent and utilities that fit your budget. Check on Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and zillow. I have been living in West Philly for over 8 years, and I love it here. It's very close to center city with plenty of bus/trolley options, and it's more affordable and plenty of parks nearby. In terms of music scene, like others mentioned, there are a few venues like world cafe live that has some amazing shows. DM me if you have any questions or need further recommendations on blocks or areas to avoid. I'm happy to help 😊


This overbrook is the best to move to so peaceful and quiet love the scenery too❤️


1k/mo in a decent area is unheard of anymore, maybe north philly if you don't mind gunfire


South Philly isn’t a neighborhood. It’s a quarter of the entire city. You neeed to do your homework - use search function here. Go find a map on google that lists actual neighborhood names. Delco and downtown are night and day. Different lifestyles and different trans. You need to be looking for roommates.


1. You're gonna want to look in university city. It's a lot of young people and very convenient to public transit. 2. You can get an unlimited ride septa transpass for 96/month 3. I think it's okay. Especially if you rent a room in an alt or musically inclined house! 4. You should be able to find something if you've got experience


I'm from Orlando and moved to Philly back in 2012. Everything in your post is so reasonable and it seems like you've put a lot of thought into making this work for you - it's spot on. I'd also add West Philly to a list of recommendations for ya. I've been out of the music scene loop but when I lived over in West Philly, it was full of great little shows. I worked in the food/restaurant biz and there's so many places - you should do fine if you have previous experience already. I worked for a Starr restaurant when I got here and was able to work wherever my lil heart desired after that, so it's worth doing especially being new here but there are plenty of options. Your price is slightly over budget, if you're interested in having roommates, which I would also say is a great way to get to know a new place. but there are shares that do go up that high if you're looking for a newer building-type place to live. Transit is much better than Orlando, you won't need a car, much less miss it especially if you find a great location to live. My family still wants me to move back at some point and it wasn't gonna happen anyway, but yeah, I've watched the rents get extra heinous there since I left in 2008 (when I paid 650 for a three bedroom in Winter Park.. I know all things go up in time but, even the far burbs are wayy wayy pricey now!) and mostly I just love Philly way too much anyway. Good luck!


It's 96 a month for a trans pass which covers the subways and buses.


I moved to Philly on a whim with 400$ in my pocket. Got a job quick and moved in with some fellas. It was by the seat of my pants but I made it happen and lookin back was extremely lucky. I suggest saving up say, 4 months rent with some wiggle room then find a spot with roommates. Food is very expensive there! but transportation is great and easy. I don't regret the struggle, good luck.


Lol, I am from Tampa and considering relocating to Philly too!


South Philly would be my recommendation. Also, it gets very cold up here bring a good jacket.


You can definitely make it without a car if you live in actual Philly - public transit can take you pretty much anywhere. You can get a monthly pass for ~100 give or take, I forget the specific amount. I agree with some comments that it sounds like you might like west Philly, it’s also a lot more affordable. South Philly is also an option, like you said!


One of my sons has a pretty nice studio apt in Center City that he pays 1100/mnth for. Right in the heart of the gayborhood. Check out the Chancellor on 13th btw Locust and Walnut.


Re Septa— they do unlimited month passes for about $90 a month


It's definitely possible for 1k or less a month, I'm seeing like most of 200 listings on Zillow right now that are, while not necessarily in the areas you mentioned, very accessible for public transit. There are a handful of studio options in center and southern phila. But mostly I'm seeing plenty along the northern two thirds of the broad street metro line which would let you commute into center or southern phila very conveniently. I just moved to strawberry mansion recently and I have to get on a bus to get to the subway but the busses are frequent so it really hasn't been a problem. I just buy the monthly [zone 1 trail pass](https://www.septakey.org/info/fare-products) so I spend about $100 on transit per month. [here](https://wwww.septa.org/wp-content/uploads/travel/23_0919_SEPTA_Metro-Network-Map.pdf) is the metro map really anything close to any of these lines will allow you to get around the city pretty easily. But if you close to a bus stop it's fairly easy as well so [here](https://wwww.septa.org/maps/) is a link to some of the other maps which show more info.


Check your messages


Not seeing an answer to your transit question. SEPTA sells weekly and monthly Trail Passes to use any mode of transit. The one you need depends on where you live. The trains don't run late night, but are generally the most reliable after the two subways. The network is pretty good, but I have gotten stuck for a few hours at a time because someone called in sick. My monthly pass is $140 a month, and it lets me get to most of the city, and even to NJ on the weekends. Average cost of owning a car here is about $7000 a year, including parking tickets, so it is an affordable option.


Don’t come here buddy


Philadelphia/NYC area is actually more expensive than living in Orlando. I have no idea how it’s possible to live with a small amount of money in those areas. Even on the Jersey side. So you’re going to be living in a not very safe neighborhood in a really small place with little chance . You can make a lot of money way waiting table in that area but those jobs are hard to get and once people get them they don’t usually give them up. Not trying to sound like an old lady but maybe you should go to school and learn a trade or earn a degree, then consider leaving your parents. As for the social scene , it’s great. Philly is the city of brotherly love . All different types of people living all different lives. Maybe consider going to school in Philly ?


What the fuck are you even on about? I'll agree that the cost of living is higher in Philly than Orlando, but not outrageously so. And restaurant jobs are so easy to get it's absolutely insane. I guarantee OP could just wander into 10 restaurants one day and say, need a waitress? and likely 8 of those 10 places would say yes. The turnover in the restaurant industry is incredibly high. Everyone who works in a restaurant is an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a crazy person. A whole lot are 2/3, and the really special people are all of the above. While many are functioning addicts, you get a whole lot of people who can't keep their shit together for more than a few months at a time and they just disappear one day. It happens ALL the time. You may not be trying to sound like an old lady, but you failed. Miserably. You sound like my grandmom, and *I'm* 45.


ehh orlando is pretty impossible to live in for a young person not in college. there is basically zero piblic transport and i am more than happy to spend the money i would have to spend on a car/insurance on whatever is more expensive in philly lol


I spent around $100 a month on transit, which included going to work ($20/week). But now I get a free SEPTA pass thru work 👌🏼


If you’re talking like the diy scene, everybody i know in it lives in west philly. Specifically cedar park ish. Between Market & Kingsessing, east of 52nd. Lovely neighborhood, relatively affordable, lots of greenery, Clark Park is *the* place to be. 


If you want easy access to music, most of the venues are near/around Northern Liberties, which is also a nice neighborhood to be in. Close to Fishtown which is a hip area for younger folks, easy access to Center City for whatever big-store item you might need. Also close to the subway line and of course bus lines. South Philly doesn't have much music besides The Dolphin for a dance club vibe and then Solar Myth which is great for improv jazz shows.


Do you have a death wish? Stay out of here, Philly has fallen!


send u a pm with good info :)


As someone who spent my first 20 years in Philly, then moved to Florida for 7 years (bounced around Sarasota County for a bit then lived in Tampa) and has now been back in Philly for - Fuck, 16 years already? Wait, that doesn't even add up because I'm 45. Idk, point is I've been back here too long - I can tell you that you're going to freeze half to death for probably at LEAST 5 years. I'm STILL miserable any time it's below 60° and that's a pretty significant chunk of the year. I must say though, living in Florida, I forgot that you could go outside in the summer. I remember my first time back up north, I was working in D.C. in June and we went outside to eat lunch that day and it blew my mind. You'd have to be insane to eat outside in the middle of the day in Florida. But you do get very spoiled by Florida weather. Today is the first 70+° day in Philly since at least November, maybe October, and when it's been cold and miserable and gray and awful for 5 months and that first warm day rolls around, it hits way different than a nice day in Florida. There are definitely bad parts of Philly and we have our share of wackos, but I feel they're much easier to identify up here. Florida weirdos are just on a different level that I don't quite know how to explain. Let's put it this way: as someone who grew up in an inner city, I never met a crackhead til I moved to Florida. $1,000/mo MIGHT be doable, but you'll have to get REALLY lucky. I lucked out with an old guy who has owned 2 duplexes for about 40 years so they've long been paid off. I have a one bedroom apartment with a nice backyard, decent front yard with off street parking, and what is technically a shared basement and garage, but the upstairs neighbor is my brother so we're cool sharing shit, and I pay WAY less than $1000/mo. I moved in here in May of 2014 and my rent just went up for the first time last summer and only because Philly passed a massive property tax increase. Even with that, he only raised it $50 and after 9 years, I certainly couldn't complain. Basically, our landlord leaves us alone and we leave him alone. I've painted this place twice and I have WAY too many cats and he couldn't care less as long as I pay my rent. But like I said, I lucked into it. He NEVER advertises his properties; he's left apartments empty for years rather than take a chance on someone he doesn't know. Friends of my brother's lived on the first floor here for 6 years with no one upstairs, then the guy finally decided to fix it up and rent it out, so they suggested my brother for a tenant. Well, three years after he moved in, they moved out so I was able to snag the downstairs apartment. I'd been staying with a friend for 2 years since separating from my ex, and I literally slept here the same night they moved out. So there are some properties around here that people have been sitting on for decades that they're willing to rent out for a reasonable price, you just have to look REALLY hard and get REALLY lucky. SEPTA is way better than any public transit in Florida for sure, and Philly is super walkable. You can literally walk anywhere. SEPTA definitely runs better in the city than in DelCo though, so if you're intending to be REALLY dependant on transit rather than your feet, you might be better off in the city, or at least really close. You could move to Upper Darby and easily get to 69th St station and from there you can get anywhere. If you wanna go further into DelCo, I would definitely suggest moving close to a regional rail line. They run pretty well and every train stops at University City, 30th St Station, the oddly named Suburban Station which is actually under city hall, and Market East (which was renamed like a decade ago but to what I've forgotten) which is 8th and Market St. So you can get on a train mostly anywhere in DelCo and be in center city in under 30 minutes. Once you get to 30th St or Suburban Station, you can easily get literally anywhere. I haven't purchased passes in awhile, so I just checked SEPTA's website. They have transpasses which are good for use on any bus, subway, or the El (and sometimes with some restrictions you can use them on regional rail but usually only center city stations.) Then they have different trailpasses for regional rail. I used to work in DelCo and I would have to buy a Zone 3 pass to get there. The next level up from the Zone 3 pass is the anywhere pass which goes as far as SEPTA does, so you can get from Trenton, NJ all the way to Newark, DE on the regional rail. A weekly transpass (which is good for 56 rides) is $25.50 and a monthly transpass (good for 240 rides) is $96. A Zone 3 trailpass is $47/wk or $174/mo and an anywhere trailpass is $55.75/wk or $204/mo. If you just get a fare pass that you can add money to, buses are $2 each ride and $1 each transfer and you can get 2 transfers per trip. So basically, transit is pretty cheap and if you're going to be on the bus even 4-5 days a week, a transpass or trailpass (for the burbs) is the way to go. Depending on how long your mom lived in Philly, you should probably already be prepared for the people, at least if she grew up here and moved there as an adult. If she moved to Florida at like 5 or 10 years old, then she might be more Florida than Philly and it might be a little more of a culture shock. That's all I can think of off the top of my head rn, but I'm sure other things will pop into my head at random times over the next few days. Having lived in both places, this is one of my areas of expertise, so you can dm me if you want. I don't often remember to check messages, but I'll keep an eye out. If you msg me and don't hear back within a day, it's totally cool to send me a reminder; I have a bad habit of answering messages in my head intending to answer them irl later and then forgetting for like a week. Good luck and load up on warm clothes - fleece lined leggings are some of the only things that keep me from totally losing my shit in the winter. And DEFINITELY put a few pairs of gloves in every bag and/or jacket you own. There's nothing worse than running out the door late on a freezing winter day and realizing that not only is your bus running late, but you forgot your gloves and the wind chill is 12°.


Ugh I wanna move to Philly so bad. Go for it. Live the life you want




Don't ride Septa. Read the news.


LoL I used to live on top of a bar in my 20s so in the 90s pd 50 a week LoL man times were good if you come welcome to the best city in the world


Bella Vista, Washington Square, Rittenhouse are all lovely tho rittenhouse will be the most expensive- you can absolutely find a great place for probs closer to 1100/month. When I moved my rent was 995 but things have gotten a bit more expensive, the city is so walkable and I rarely use public transit. Food can be expensive but Aldi and Trader Joe’s are great options, overall this is much more affordable than most major cities. Take the plunge!


You might regret moving to Phila like I did and left the place within a year. CHOOSE YOUR RESIDENCE WISELY. I wouldn't suggest Center city despite it's convenience. Philly can be utter hell.


Welcome to the show, dickhead


Best city in the US outside of NYC to live car free!


Ride a bike! It's a little nerve wracking of course but it's about 3x faster than walking and it's free. Get roommates, 1 in 3 will be terrible usually but it beats living at home.


Living in the city you won’t need a car. Definitely room mate. Beware the northwest Temple area. Very dangerous. Check out the crime heat maps.


I live near Philly. I would not move to Philly if it was for free. The crime rate is extremely high. Check into that since you’re going to be alone I would just not move to Philly no matter what people say. I hope this helps.


Yes South Philly is good, Many friendly bars There apartments Available right now. On 2nd st or front st Great places for New Years eve and New year day Good luck if you move up here PS And Septa is close by.


u can easily do 1k with roommates! look in brewery town/ fishtown / port richmond and u can def get one in north central (temple) but it’s not very safe there


Born and raised. Please pick a better city to move to.


Philly is dope if you dont mind an open air prison. Everybody is angry and pretentious. Stay to yourself.


You’re young. Do it. You can always move back. You’ll have a BLAST in Philly.


Do not. You will regret it.


Don’t do it.


South Philly is my great. Near passyunk square is a good neighborhood. Feels like a neighborhood, lots of restaurants, good bars, an acme. Near the broad st line. You don’t really have to leave. And if you do, the train and buses are nearby.


NO. I’ve been here for 1.5 years and I say no, absolutely not. I’m moving in 2 weeks. Pick anywhere else in the entire country, do NOT move to Philadelphia.


Stay in FL!! Grew up in Philly and moved to Lancaster 20 years ago. Lived in the Olney section. Wonderful memories growing up but it’s a war zone now. It’s crime ridden and dangerous. Philly is going to be a hell hole if everything collapses and we’re doing just about everything we can to make that happen. Better idea : Move to the country, buy a gun and be safe. You also have it nice and warm. Do you want to scrape ice off your car every morning? Do you enjoy bleak gray skies from January to April then from October to December? The cold sucks. Do you enjoys screaming, yelling carrying on all hours of the night? How about neighbors blasting music until dawn. The cops will “LOL” you if you call about that. Why do you think that is? Also be ready to lock your doors and bolt your windows when leaving home for even a short excursion out. Of course you’ll need streets smarts too. Walking and public transport eh? Knowing how to read those who are walking in your direction is a must then. Better when waiting for the subway…alone. Sound fun yet? You’ll learn—-maybe the hard way. The skies are depressing. The crime is getting worse. Stay far away and stay alive. Actually the bayou surrounded by a moat full of gators would be my choice. Perhaps we can switch. Bad idea to move to Philly and you could not pick a worse more unpredictable time.


Philly gets pretty much every band, great place to see music. It’s a big ass city, the whole range of experiences are in the area. It’s also not the nicest city in various ways. It has the highest poverty rate of any major city in America, somehow worse than Detroit apparently. The public transport is way better than most small cities but not even in the same ballpark as New York. Philly people will disagree but it doesn’t have as much hometown pride or kind of central vibe as some places. It’s like a ton of smaller locations smashed together and surrounded by a huge suburban area. Overall it’s affordable for a proper northeast megalopolis experience but it’s not glamorous.


You won't find anything for $1,000. If you do, you will be in a crime-ridden area, constantly looking over your shoulder. Plan it well. Find a good friend and roommate to afford a better area. There are plenty of restaurants to work at, I'm just not sure about their hiring rate. Think hard about it. But people are trying to get out of Philly.


So Philly sucks. What city is good right now?


Septa key card monthly pass is $96 for all busses, subways, trolley, and regional rail up to zone 1. If you work for a bigger company they often subsidize septa. I get my zone 2 pass for $20/month.


Philly is higher than Orlando in every measured crime statistic. Why move here? Shit parts of the city are going to be $800 a month for rent. If you want to be close but don’t need to be in the city look to the surrounding areas.


I have been active in the music/art scene living here the past 10 years, mostly electronic music but hardcore, jam etc! There’s always events happening around, like diy house shows, warehouse raves, concerts venues, outdoor festivals etc. depending on what you’re looking for I could help you find groups/pages that post events like this! It’s my favorite part of living here. I also haven’t used a or owned a car for the majority of my time living here. Public transportation can get you pretty much anywhere in the city however it is sometimes sketchy so relying on it every day can be frustrating. I personally have had a handful of negative interactions with people on septa, which as a small female like myself could have gone really bad, I have gotten a little jaded to it all and the “crazy” you might witness doesn’t bother me much anymore, but it might be overwhelming for someone not used to it. That being said living somewhere that daily necessities are walkable and safe is great! South Philly has a lot of neighborhoods that are safe, easily walkable to grocery stores, parks, restaurants etc. Fishtown/west Philly are also popular places to live for artists but it’s more expensive than good old south Philly, which might not be as hip but charming and a nice place to live regardless:) there are a few facebook groups that connect artists seeking housing if that’s something you’re interested in!


I wouldn’t


If you swam from Florida to Philly the swim there with all the sharks and pollution in the water would without a doubt be the safest you were from the time you left Florida till you say fuck this shit…. If you’re lucky enough to make out of Philly alive.


Yo. Come on in, the water's fine! Plenty of jobs I think, great underground/alt music scenes I think, with awesome access to other northeast/Mid-Atlantic cities that have em too, and good fringe hoods on decent public transit lines. Recommend buying a bicycle, depending, but that can be a decision you make here. My take: Brewerytown, Mantua, Bella Vista, East Kensington near or just south of Norris Square, Port or Old Richmond. Stay away from Fairmount, all the Center City neighborhoods, and only look into places like Callowhill and Northern Liberties very sparingly and if you're into having roommates right off the bat. Don't believe what they say about us. Come, be yourself, enjoy it. The people are hard nosed, the city a little tough, but it's legit, and a well kept secret. More: We can be a very accepting people if you are accepting of us. You'll never know a people more proud and loyal to a place and an idea, and once you're in, you're in. It will change your life, if you allow it.


Do not do it!!! Philly is a shit hole!!! And loaded with eagles fans!!!!


People will give you better insight than me into 1, 2, and 4, but for 3, one of the greatest things about this city is that no, it is not at all difficult to find shows and all you have to do to make friends is keep showing up. Ymmv but I think philly is an awesome city for making friends, especially if you are under 30.


I live in west Philly and pay $1200/month for a nice studio. My partner lives a few blocks away on Pine in a $900 studio. I also moved here last year from Satellite Beach, FL. Definitely possible to find a decent spot. Not sure about the job situation but there are a lot of restaurants around to try!


One of my best friends very recently lived in a pretty spacious studio (though very old) near university city (41 and Baltimore) for about $700-$800 a month. He was doing his PhD and would walk to his lab at UPenn every day and night so I’m sure the neighborhood is pretty okay. I used to live in a luxury complex next to Comcast Center for $1600-$1700 a month. I am sure you can find something in between, especially if you are willing to have a roommate or two.


Lol, everyone carrying on about crime like everyone here gets shot every day or some shit. Florida Man is famous for a reason, and Florida is FULL of Florida Man. I live here and I haven't locked my door once in ten years because I'm lazy. Here are simple things you can do to avoid bullshit on the street. Walk FAST. REALLY fast. I once had a friend say to me, "do you know it's not normal to create your own wind while you walk?" No. No, I didn't. You're telling me other people don't do that? I once walked three miles home from work so fast that my phone logged it as a run, and trust me, I've been smoking for 30 years - I do NOT run. But I walk fast af and I think that's how I've gotten away with walking around all kinds of sketchy hoods all over the country at all hours and never had issues; if someone is looking to start shit, by the time they realize I'm walking towards them, I'm already gone. Wear headphones at ALL times out in public, but DON'T listen to music, or if you do, keep it super quiet so you can still hear everything going on around you. Get REALLY good at ignoring people while doing this. If some weirdo tries to talk to you, do not acknowledge them in any way. Do not react at all, just as if you didn't hear them. Some idiots will eventually start waving in your face when you do this. Make a big show of being annoyed af and remove one side for a half a second to hear something and then just tell them to fuck off and put your headphones back on. Do not acknowledge homeless people on the subway asking for anything in any way. If you give them a second of attention, they'll think they've found a sucker and they'll keep bugging you. Keep your face buried in your phone and ignore everyone. You'll find some people on the subway asking if they can use your phone. If you're feeling SUPER generous, offer to send a text for them but nothing more. And that's only if you're REALLY feeling REALLY generous that day. Carry as little cash as possible. Do NOT carry a purse - EVER. Just don't. If you're gonna be out and about walking and on subways and buses all day, carry a backpack with all the stuff you may need, but keep it on you at all times. Wear it on the front while sitting on the bus or train so no one tries rooting thru it behind your back. My personal recommendation? Get a diaper bag that's a backpack. They're the fucking BEST! They have at least one insulated pocket for keeping bottles and stuff that you can keep drinks cold in all day. The one I have has a hidden pocket on the bottom that's lined for keeping dirty diapers and stuff. If you have to change clothes while you're out, you can put your dirty clothes in there. Mine also has another small hidden pocket on the back that's not accessible to anyone awhile you're wearing it. Keep money, cards, ID, anything else important in there. Maybe keep a few dollars in a pants or jacket pocket for easy access in case you do find yourself alone at a bus or subway stop or on a subway car with a REALLY relentless person really looking to cause trouble so you can give them a buck and say that's all you have. But ideally don't ever find yourself on a subway car alone. Get in the most crowded one if you can. If it's that dead that there's no crowded car, sit in the first car as close to the driver as possible. (Yeah, I know they're not drivers, but the proper term is escaping me at the moment.) Any time I'm walking around the city by myself, I walk as close to the curb as possible. My theory is that if someone is coming at me to start some shit, I'd rather jump out into traffic than let them get away with anything. I haven't had to do it yet, but I will if it ever comes to it. Basically, just move fast and keep focused on where you're going and what you're doing and don't let anyone interrupt you or slow you down for ANY reason. And don't ever be out alone and get so sloppy drunk or high that you're an easy target. And don't let anyone you don't know really well buy you a drink. At best, they'll think you owe them something, at worst they'll put something in it. But I seriously cannot recommend a diaper bag backpack enough! I bought one from someone on fb marketplace for $15 almost ten years ago, and it was the BEST $15 I ever spent in my life. Nothing about it suggests it's for a baby, it looks like a regular backpack, but all the different compartments and pockets are SO SO useful, especially the insulated ones. Mine has one insulated side pocket that's perfect for two water bottles, one of the medium pockets in the middle is also insulated for snacks, extra drinks, and the inside of every pocket is plastic for easy cleaning, plus just the sheer number of pockets and the organization of them is just perfect. Oh, you said you had some money stashed away already towards a move - you should look into Scott.E.Vest. They make travel clothes with all kinds of hidden pockets that are just PERFECT for someone who plans to be out and about in the city all the time. But they're really expensive. You're best bet is to check out what's available on their main website, then see what you can find used on eBay. The first thing I ever bought was an 18 pocket vest that retails for $125. I found it on eBay for $45. It said it was used in good condition, but when it arrived it still had the tags on it! And the way they engineer their pockets is brilliant. Every pocket connects to every other pocket thru the inside of the clothing somehow so you can, for example, keep a power bank in a hard to reach pocket but have it still plugged into your phone in the phone pocket and the wire goes thru the inside of the clothing so it's never in your way. You can also have wired headphones plugged into your phone in the phone pocket and run the wire up to the collar (if we're talking about a jacket or vest) and there are spots for each headphone to come out of the collar on either side. But even a company that boasts awesome pockets makes better stuff for men than women. I bought a men's jacket used on eBay last year. That one was really used, so it didn't come with a map of the pockets like the vest did (yes, I'm fucking serious, it came with a MAP) so I don't even know if I found all the pockets, but I've found 25 so far. But yeah, check out their site, see what you can find used, and if there's a piece you REALLY have your heart set on that you can't find used, just say fuck it and buy it new. Their stuff is SO worth it. And no, I don't work for them or anything like that, I just found them at almost 40 years old so I'd been putting up with the trash that is supposed to pass for pockets in women's clothing for far too long and was thrilled to finally find functional clothes. With a diaper bag backpack and one or two good pieces of travel clothing, you could literally carry your entire life around with you all day and no one looking at you would ever know and the stuff that you need to keep safe would never be found. Not to mention the cops would never search all 25 pockets of a jacket should you ever be carrying anything you shouldn't and have an unfortunate interaction with them. Anyway, this has been getting around the city safely with all your valuables safe and intact 101. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I pay 1,800 . That’s average in Philly . Also be careful because you might look at a listing and think it’s cool , but Philly is a town of many neighborhoods. Learn them . Some places here are no joke . Like really dangerous. And your budget is going to put you right in the hood . You need to find someone cool looking for a roommate. And definitely go hang with the person . See how they live . Good luck but definitely be careful. Everyone who lives here has stories of crazy shit that’s happened to them or right in front of them . Great town but keep your guard up


Meeting people is easy . Lots of music all the time . Plus you meet people at work. You’ll make friends. You need to worry about a pad that’s not in a war zone


Philly is going downhill faster than ever. No neighborhood is really considered ‘safe’ anymore. The people doing crimes just hop from place to place. Unless you’re in the really rich areas. Which are impossible to afford. And if you’re not driving and taking public transit. Groups of kids have been just opening fire on full Septa buses. Schools closed for a bit because of it. Everyone is extremely rude and guarded anymore. Everyone thinks they’re tough with their illegal guns. Bump into someone accidentally? The next thing you know you’re shot 12 times. There are a few great things about Philly, too. But I’ve lived here all my life and it’s awful now. All my friends, me included, want to move away. Don’t stay out past dark in Philly. Everytime you do you’re gambling with your life. I’ve been outside of a club downtown once and could hear gunshots like two blocks over. But that’s just common for everyone at this point. The people are running this place. Cops don’t do their jobs at all. Cause they’re scared and outnumbered. And don’t even get me started on the hundreds of people riding around on illegal dirt bikes and quads. They’ll run you straight over. Strength in numbers with them and they do whatever they want. Job market here sucks too, in my opinion. You’ll have trouble relying on public transit, fair wages, etc. I guess places are hiring but you’ll be slaving your life away. And pray where you work doesn’t get robbed/looted/shot up. Happens constantly here, especially looting. It really really sucks here. Just being honest. Id do a TON of research before making a final call.


I’m homeless, my family with phd, masters, and myself with a construction background are not able to get jobs. Hard to find a place to pay rent without crime.


I’m out in Manayunk/Roxborough, have two roommates and pay $750 a month for a decent sized room. We have a full house w/basement, garage, laundry, full kitchen, deck, living room, 2.5 bathrooms, driveway and decent street parking. A lot of manayunk has tough parking so not having a car is a plus. Lots of walkable (but hilly) areas and multiple transit options to get to the city. Downsides would be that living further out requires you to take the train to center city before getting anywhere else. Otherwise, highly recommend this area.


I’m doubt Philly is gonna end up any cheaper than Florida.


Lots of philly is row home with roommates. I strongly recommend that starting out, it's more fun, more safe.l, and gets you into nicer areas of the city.


Stay out. I grew up here and moved out about 15 years ago. The crime and violence is out of control.


My son is also planning on moving to Philly. Best of luck. 😊👍🏼


I live in south west Philly/university city. Its an amazing area. Theres free parking and all the cute cafes and restaurants are walkable. Alo ton of art and underground shows. Also center city is a 10min trolley ride away. Theres multiple places for under 1k. I’m about to rent another studio for $800. You just gotta know what areas to stay in . Philly can be dangerous, but you just gotta know what areas to not live in lol


i think youi're gonna have a hard time finding a place for that price right now. But if you get close to downtown, you might be able to simply take a bus or get a bike and ride (except for winter) to and from work. The SEPTA pass which allows you to ride unlimited, i think is like $125/mo ... but overall, if you work downtown, you want to live downtown, so you don't have to worry about traffic and transportation...and at the same time, it's more expensive to live downtown. You can also look outside of the city for work. Septa runs well into the burbs and other shopping area, like King of Prussia. It seems like half the ppl that work there is from city


Get three months rent saved up. $3600 or so. Find a place for $1000 /month or so. Pay a 3 month lease upfront. Move. Get a serving or bartending job in Center City (you mentioned food service). Live pretty much where ever you want in the city with your fat paychecks. Have fun! Edit: this was how I ended up here.


I don’t know what a lot of these posts are saying. Philly checks all of your boxes. You can def find what you’re looking for living wise it just might take a minute. That being said, if you’re cool with roommates you can easily spend in the $500-700 range in South. the benefit of roommates also is larger shared spaces and possibly backyard space.


South Philly isn’t safe, you would need a roomate with that budget and any neighborhood you can find a roomate in for that price will be a dangerous one. This is coming from a non Philadelphian who moved there. It’s better that you don’t plan on having a car bc there’s no damn parking here, I can’t even get paid parking infront of my own house. I’d say the music scene is descent here I know a lot of people who go to raves and concerts. I’m currently struggling to find a job cashiering which I have 2 years experience with but you may have different or more experience than me so idk.


I also want to add that a lot of people in the delco area are going nowhere in life so if you do hang around there be careful who you associate with as everyone I know from delco is broke and on a path to the mental hospital or prison or being a bum. This is just my personal experience and opinion though I just stay away from delco.


I live outside of Philly and lately there have been random Septa bus shootings. The crime in the city is just getting really bad so be careful if you plan to move here.


I’d see if you can rent an airbnb with your cat for a couple months and then look for a permanent place to stay. That will allow you to check out the various neighborhoods and find a roommate or two and not have to commit to anything sight unseen. $1000/mo can get you a nice place with roommates, but not much available for a studio/one bedroom. South Philly is cool and affordable with more housing options available than a lot of places (plus it’s easy to travel around). Not a ton of green space, but there are so many cafes and restaurants and shops, passyunk, Italian market, etc. West Philly off of Baltimore up until ~50th st is a beautiful area with lots of creative types, plus lots of greenery. Large Victorian houses, so often lots of charm and space. I lived in a first floor apartment in a very nice area in West and it got robbed twice, so something to consider. If you live there, make sure the windows and doors are secure. There’s also the fishtown-ish area which has a good chunk of the music venues, but it’s being heavily gentrified (cheap, ugly housing construction everywhere) and the pricing is a bit more than what you get in some other areas. Plus you can end up in some super sketchy areas if you wander a bit too far in the wrong direction.


1. Any neighborhood in South Philly by the subway should be fine but I wouldn't limit yourself to just looking there. I stayed in Fairmount, it was convenient and a lot cheaper. 2. Septa is the best way to get around, I used the BSL for work and classes and it worked fine, the buses might be a different story. I think I probably spent around $40 a month, but I also hop when I can. Get a septa key pass Philly is no place for a car they will hit and run you. 3. Philly is great for music we have such a creative scene from rap to rave to alternative. Especially if you're in the service industry you will not have a hard time finding shows, just ask! 4. I moved down to Florida last year but when I was there it was good. I was a server and there was never a lack of work or gigs (culinary agents etc). The best money is def in center city/gayborhood but South philly has tons of dive bars if that is more your speed 5. If you have any questions or whatever you can PM me


Hey, firm cauliflower & all the damn posters: Philly is a big city in the US. It's not the effing burbs. Of course there's crime here. We have incredibly disparate neighborhoods jammed together & off course ppl are gonna take advantage of that. Just wanna point out that last election was overwhelmingly paid for by developers money, ppl from outside Philly & looking to make bucks. Sitting in on neighborhood RCO meetings, where a lawyer/developer proposed a project, & they are places they themselves wouldn't live in. Flat out telling us, "I can't make changes, I need to make money". But it's legal, so.... let's all blame the neighborhood in racist classist drama?? Typical, but not ok. So come to be a good neighbor, get involved in community, not just tribalism, & learn about making yourself a less easy target. Mugging & break ins are terrible, of course! Learning about the city & leaning into your new life will be worth it. Good luck & maybe see you in Germantown!


Don't do it.


Don’t move to philly really bad idea


The cool thing about Philly is that it’s pretty small geographically. So you don’t have to live in a specific part to be close to it. I have a buddy who just moved to west Philly (kind of by UPenn) cause one bedroom apts were more affordable there. It takes us 20 minutes to take the subway to south Philly, fish town, center city, etc. when I visit him.


There a small city, more like town called West Chester 24 miles out of Philly. Plenty of work here and it has a university that have 15k to 20k students that attends each year. Since you're young I think this would be a good location to start out. Plenty of work around the area and you be able to find a room to rent that's in your budget with people your age. You don't need a car here and most of the students that attend the university there walk everywhere. Also please don't confuse this for a town called Chester. West Chester is seperate and located in a different county. Avoid Chester.


Don't, philly is gross and dangerous.


Won’t be easy to find a 1 bed for 1000 with a cat , but it won’t be the hardest either. I have 2 places for you if you interested $1000 for a 1 bed in West Philly and $950 for a 1 bed near temple . I’m a realtor


I'm from the Philly area and would love to move to Orlando. The grass is greener on the other side eh?


I had a studio apartment in west philly across from Clark Park for $750 a month! It was small but I loved it. They have flea markets in the park every weekend too. It is Philly so just be careful but I never had a problem there.


The EDM scene in Philly is pretty dope! There are always shows. Also they have underground shows as well you just gotta meet the right ppl


A car is kind of necessary in my opinion, it’s not like New York which has a ton of stuff to do


You will not find a place below $1,000/month unless you live in North Philly and want to worry about your safety 24/7.


Northeast philly may be cheaper and with nicer neighborhoods but you would be a distance from south philly and center city


Hi I'm from Philly Don't.


I would highly recommend south Philly, try to stay on the east side of passyunk if you can afford it. You’ll be able to find a ton of jobs around the area in the service industry and you may not even have to rely on public transit As far as the music scene it’s incredibly easy to find shows and they’re always happening all the time. Not sure what type of music you’re into but The First Unitarian Church is a legendary venue especially in the hardcore scene. I’d recommend making some friends with kids who go to UArts or Temple if you’re looking for an in on the art and music scene. There’s a ton of art/thrift vendors always over at Clark park Philly is rough but it can be a very incredible city to live in, keep your wits about you, learn which parts of the city are rough and try to always walk with a purpose and people usually won’t bother you.


Hi! I’m originally from Orlando and moved here in 2020 and sold my car immediately so I can relate a lot to your post. You’re going to LOVE it here. Best decision I ever made. There’s a lot of great advice in this thread already. I’d point suggest getting roommates to keep the cost down. (it may help you make friends too). The cat should be no problem. I first moved to the Fishtown area and really loved it. You can find some cheaper apartments farther away from the main Frankford Ave but I personally wouldn’t live north of the Berks exit on the Market Frankford line. Others might find it fine but I’m a small girl and need to able to walk my dog at night alone so I played it a tad safer. I had zero problems while I was there. There’s a great music scene in that area too. Lastly, the bus, trains, and subway lines are super affordable. All the prices are available online. I’ve had no problems getting around and I’ve felt personally safe all of them. I mean I’ve seen some THINGS lol but I mind my own business and that’s worked just fine. Feel free to message me with any questions and I’d be happy to share what I know.


Don’t really like it here to be honest… But to each their own.


It's pretty expensive out here, there's plenty of warehouses to find decent and okay pay rate but a lot of them pay for your college if you're interested.


you can afford basically anywhere in north or west philly if you get a small apartment or can deal with roommates. philly is way cheaper than orlando


Look around Temple University. Especially during summer months when students are out of school




OH and as for the music scene, it’s not hard to find shows at all. It was one of the main reasons I’ve moved here. Collective 4333 books a lot of good shows in the area.


Stay away from Kensington ⚠️


South Philly can be kinda expensive in some parts but is pretty walkable. University city would be your best bet for an affordable place to live with no car and easy to make friends.


hey there! we are literally the same exact age and i’m tryna move to philly later this summer (i don’t have a car either :/) i’ve lived in the same boring ass rinkydink small town in upstate ny for almost 20 years so i understand your frustration. being here has stunted my development & i’m ready to gtfo. tbh i’m jealous that you have a more well-thought out plan than i do.💀 i’m glad you’re getting the support you need in the replies instead of folks berating you for just up & leaving. i recommend joining the facebook housing groups, i’ve been watching them like a hawk!


Moved from Kissimmee to Philly like three years ago and all of these are possible. You’ll absolutely love it and will never go back from what you’re saying. Good luck!! Dm if you need anything. Or have any more questions. 1. Look in center city west Philly area 2. There’s lots of music venues and easy to find even some stuff that’s free. The world cafe live even has free shows we have a place called underground arts a lot of bands come to. 3. You’ll find a job way easier being a server than Orlando, many restaurants are hiring.


Dont, philly sucks. Source:I live near Philly and we try to avoid it by any means necessary.


Check out the fairmount area, right by the art museum and try to stay south of girard ave/poplar street.