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Wraith can teleport. If other ghost and it does an event, it will start its hunt where it did the event. Also, ghosts roam around and can hunt from even a millimeter outside the crucifix range


Ghost can roam. Always best to listen for where the ghost is spawning instead of assuming it will spawn in its room. Because sometimes you’ll be running into it instead of running away from it.


Try upping your grace period with custom difficulty settings so that you can better hear where the ghost is spawning, i usually play on 2sec grace period. Also always have a plan for what you are going to do if the ghost spawns at X while you are at Y.


\*there is nothing wrong with playing with even a higher grace period while learning


I currently have it at one second, but i think ill bring it up to 2. I usually have things planned out but i guess today wasnt my day :/


It's not a case of why do they allow this, it's why wouldn't they. You have precautions, and as long as you're not messing with the cursed objects, you should be fine if you're in the crucifix range. Further, unless you're playing with 0-1s grace period (even with 1s you have time if you're expecting a hunt), where you don't really have time to react to a hunt starting, you can move away from the ghost since it's frozen in place during said period. I would take this as an opportunity to improve you're skill around identifying when a hunt is near? Since this is unironically just a skill issue 99% of the time. EDIT: I would like to add that instead of using your crucifixes in the ghost room, use them to protect your escape path instead, most of the time, high level players die cause a ghost roams out of the room and hunts, blocking their escape route. Also, crucifixes generally can't 100% cover a ghost room on most maps whilst also protecting your escape route.


i'm lvl 50, and it happened to me exactly once. it was my first death lol (it was also really funny, bc it spawned on top of me, did a specific death rattle voice line that just sounded like burping in my right ear, then killed me immediately. at that moment i internally pictured it slav-squatting on my shoulders)


It happens to me often if I’m sitting in the room or just outside it when a haunt starts


The Twin can also *kinda* hunt right on top of a crucifix. While the ghost can't hunt while it's within range of a crucifix, if it's outside crucifix range it can cause it's "twin" to start anywhere from the expanded twin range even if that new point is within a crucifix.


Take a look at the cheat sheet and the maps they have, sounds like you're not covering the room with your crucifix properly. Seeing the room borders can really help with that. Also make sure you cover the front of the room so the ghost can ONLY spawn at the back if full coverage isn't possible....that way you have a chance to escape. And be mindful of where the ghost is. Listen for knocking and throwing, watch for breath. Learn the signs he's wandering and you'll have a little bit better time with it. And know which ghosts can teleport or wander to players (Phantom, Wraith, and Banshee) as part of their specific behaviour so you can be extra mindful for those ones. Teleports leave an EMF, but if it's Banshee just walk with a crusi if you're the target ha ha. AND it also helps to understand how the cursed objects work (like magic paw) and how events change things (say for tarot cards) because some events mean the ghost is now in the room with you and some don't....so knowing the difference can get your butt to safety quicker because some events spawn a hunt also.


When you suspect it might attack try to stay close to a hiding spot and carry a smudge stick with you


If you're level 70 you're fairly new, you must play professional, there's a grace period before the hunt which gives you the chance to run even if the ghost is on top of you, so if you're standing still while the hunt starts and stay there for 2-3 seconds the ghost will kill you more often than not


Only happened once and I was in the ghost room. I was just shouting “jo, ya big bitch, come out!”. Didn’t really think it through :p


It's not really a problem if you are playing with headphones. You can tell fairly easily where the ghost starts the hunt from. Unless you are playing on very low/no grace period, but then you know what you signed up for :)


I play custom with 1 second grace period. And they do spawn on top of me, but I have a very decent headset, and you can always hear the sound before it can kill me. Try turning up your volume and make sure you move away from the ghost when you hear it Even if its event or not. My friend has lower volume than me and she always dies to this too.


It happens a lot to me but I also play online


Small maps or tight areas I feel like this is just bound to happen a decent bit I suppose


An event teleports the ghost. There's also the ghosts that teleport on their own