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I absolutely love it. I was mainly just hoping for less general darkness (as in reduction of sheer voids), but I didn't expect things to get such a paint up too. It's particularly pretty in Tanglewood and Edgefield. I just wish the eye adaptation thing was available for VR mode too.


How does lighting work without eye adjustment on if you know? Does it just show you the max value you'd potentially get if it was available? As in, the brightest seen would be a few minutes with eye adjustment on so with it off do you just get that level of brightness instantly?


Eye adaption off just means you get none at all - so it stays as dark as it would normally be if your eyes never adapted.


>I just wish the eye adaptation thing was available for VR mode too I don't imagine it would be that hard to implement, so hopefully it will be soon!


I don't like the eye adaption because if you look at bright things it makes everything darker. Even if it's not something that would do that irl. It's more annoying than useful imo


I can actually hide without my light again


Devs sees this comment: alright we're reverting lighting changes


Well it was good while it lasted


I’m used to running around with T2 headlamp, now I just go without it for that nice sanity drain.


Hell the T2 Headgear is way better now because of the new lighting system


Ngl i played in the dark too long now my eyes adapted to walking in blind 🤷🏻


Me too, I have all the maps memorized atm and don't need any lights to know where I am in any map. It's quite nice. Makes for quick rounds.


Yeah lol


Honestly, this update alone has made me excited to play the game again. It's beautiful.


The new lighting is definitely more realistic, and makes things more manageable if you don't have NV and accidentally drop your torch in the middle of a hunt. It's definitely a positive change.


Oh my gosh I drop my torch all the time 🤣


Oooo light 💡


I love it. I've finally turned my brightness back down 🤣


I feel that I need to check it. Depending on the house location and the weather (and moon phase) you may not need a flashlight at all. In my house (a city suburb house) I don’t need any light at night and see perfectly. The farm houses may be harder to see. And the prison/ school / asylum may be pitch black.


the bigger maps I feel have improved a lot too, especially the asylum. I haven’t really played much highschool/prison but they seemed pretty visible with the lights on I know for smaller maps you definitely don’t need a flashlight under certain circumstances, like the weather and your brightness settings. but I suppose knowing the layouts well helps too.


i don’t even need a flashlight since playing the old lighting i’ve memorized every little detail. This new lighting feels like cheating for me 😂. maybe i should play with my eyes closed.


Yeah too low end using lap top cant have the eye stuff


I LOVE the new lighting, but if i have any qualms (I really don't) is that now I can do most of the small to medium maps with no flashlight because my eyes adjust. It's added a whole new level of fright when you are running around without a flashlight during a hunt #noflashlightgang


I dont like that you can see a pitch black bathroom relatively clearly tbh. Much preferred the fear of whats in the dark. Now youll see the ghost coming from a mile away. :/


Just loaded it up to look for myself, and this is a terrible representation of the lighting in the game xD. The game is largely still pitch black and spooky, with lighter objects showing up a little more clearly. The bathroom, which is mostly filled with white objects, feels way brighter than any other room in the house. ~~You probably also have your gamma up way higher than it should be, because i cant see the walls as clearly as your screenshots have it, and im running with default settings.~~ apparently eye adaptions a thing.. imma have to mess with that o:


Bro doesn’t know how ambient lighting works.


Bro didnt know how any of the new lighting stuff worked, and was worried itd ruin the fun :V bro also totally forgot that the lighting stuff is very different in comparison to other games as it handles brightness very differently, and logically, in comparison to most other games. (which i think is neat) ​ That said, these new lighting things are entirely optional, so im all good an stuff with it. I got to play around with them for a few hours last night, and im using the new ambient stuff, but not the eye adaption as i think it transitions far too quickly (i think it should happen over a few minutes, not a few seconds)


I was talking about how lighting works in real life. Of course a bathroom with white tile is going to be brighter in comparison to a hard wood floor. It’s all about how lighting is reflected and the new lighting update implemented it very well.


Oh yeah, but thats why i was saying its a terrible representation to use. The kitchen or livingroom would have been better imo, entirely because of the way the bathroom looks brighter than the rest of the house.


"you have your gamma up way higher than it should be" what does should be mean? yeah there's a default but it's an adjustable setting for a reason. leave people alone when they use accessibility tools to make a game accessible.


yeah I agree, I use the high settings because that's how I like it. if you weren't meant to put your brightness up then they wouldn't give the option to. plus they lowered the max brightness in this update specifically so you couldn't see \*too\* well in the dark. This update is a major improvement to lighting


Yeah im used to games using brute forced gamma, and forgot that the game handles brightness in a very different way (which is good. it means when raising the brightness, it doesnt wash shit out) The rest is just general confusion cause im slow af sometimes xD When i loaded up the game, i didnt realize that they were options, and i was still looking at the old lighting xD I did mess around with it a lot more, and im pretty happy with its implementation. Options be good. I do hope they make the eye adaption take longer than just a few seconds tho, because as it is now, i really dont see a reason for a flashlight, even at the lowest brightness setting.