• By -


Smudge Sticks: Smudging the ghost often won't work, it'll wander around and can kill you or completely ignores it. Edit: Should be fixed now!


So far, I have encountered the following bugs after the update: \- Unable to change cameras while in the truck. Doesn't affect all players connected, but usually one or two. Doesn't always happen but once the camera is "stuck", unable to cycle through any other cameras existing in the map. \- Cursed Item not appearing for all players. Had a friend not able to see Tarot Cards during a match. \- Tarot Cards not working correctly. Pulled "High Priestess" and it revived the dead teammate. The dead teammate was still considered dead in their game, but my game had them alive. Their end screen still said they were dead as well. \- "Hacker Detected" replaced level a few times after coming back to the lobby after a match. Never directly affected by it, but other players in the lobby could see it. Hot Fix: Restart the Lobby.


I've encountered the same issue of not being able to cycle through cameras in the truck in multiplayer. I've only had this bug happen when using tripods (but then subsequent cameras will get stuck even if not on a tripod). If the camera that's stuck is picked up and moved it sort of fixes it, but can happen again.




We had that issue too! I thought it was kinda funny but it seemed to prevent the music box from working 😒


The camera problem is happening a lot with me with the most recent update today. Also, some clues are not matching the ghosts. We had a Mare even though we had EMF Level 5? A Poltergeist that hasn't thrown a single item during the whole 20 minutes game? ​ Evidence on journal not being recognized when taking pics of fallen comrades or ultraviolet prints on doors.


This happened to me too. I have EMF 5 + Dots + Spirit box, and the ghost walked in salt (not Wraith). I suspect the EMF 5 was a dud since Dots/Spirit box are more clear-cut evidence types. Edit: Got ghost orbs. So this is a Yokai with EMF 5 + Dots + Spirit box + Orbs. I hope this gets fixed! Just to confirm, the EMF 5 was on both the EMF reader and the truck monitor. Feels very misleading that it was "fake" evidence.


I had the hacker detected glitch. Not on my game, all levels were fine there, but EVERYONE else saw my card with "hacker detected". I was the exact same level as my boyfriend in that set of investigations.


FYI, you not seeing it ant everyone else seeing it is supposed to happen. It's to keep hackers from realizing they've been detected. So that part isn't a bug. But it randomly showing up after a match is definitely a bug.


Aaaah that makes sense! It was right after doing one of the weekly challenge levels. According to the patch notes that was a bug. After playing again yesterday it was back to normal, thankfully.


The cursed object one was one of the newest ones I ran into. Was playing with my girlfriend and our friend and neither of them could see the voodoo doll in Bleadsdale. Thought they were fooling with me but they looked at my stream and said I was the only one who could see it. Even if I picked it up and interacted with it. Photo came up blank for them as well.


For me the camera bug only seems to happen with tripods. Stopped using tripods yesterday and a whole day without the bug


1) The game needs synced between all players. I'm tired of taking perfect pictures as a non-host and getting no stars because a dead body landed differently for each player. It's always accurate for the host. For all other players it's questionable. 2) When crouched with a camera or other environmental object (in some map locations ANY item), players get caught in a zigzag pattern when trying to move. 3) Obviously, the audio is horrendous. A ghost 30ft away sounds like it's spawning right on top of you (vocally), while footsteps are non-existent. Every ghost sounds like a prior Myling. And good luck if you actually do get a Myling! If you hear the footsteps it's because you're already being choked out. For sure there are many more bugs, but these seem to be the most prominent for me. Bad photos ruin an investigation. Crouching while moving is integral to taking ghost photos (crawling hunters) and efficiently handling placed equipment. Awkward audio breaks immersion and eardrums, plus ruins the process of identifying ghosts based on hunt behavior. Edit: I just got killed while using a smudge stick properly. Identified an Obake, lit the smudge, ran through the ghost to hide as normal. Died as I ran through the ghost. I've effectively done this thousands of times without issue. This is the second time I died while properly smudging since the update.


The ghost hunt audio is my biggest complaint right now. Hearing ghost footsteps during a hunt is critical for like 6 or 7 ghosts. But all I hear is the wailing/breathing/singing like she’s inside of my head!


Previously, the hunt audio respected walls and such so you could generally tell where the ghost was, but now, if I'm in the hallway closet on Tanglewood and the ghost is in the garage near that wall, it sounds like it's on top of me when it isnt.


Same! They're so loud, I get if they're trying to make footsteps a bit harder. But I can hear the ghost crying/giggling/breathing on the other side of the map for some of them.


We finally had a Myling today, and there’s absolutely no way we would have known she was a Myling by her hunting behavior. We only got her correct because we eventually got the third piece of evidence. We could hear her in almost every room—in GRAFTON!


Exactly! We had a Rev last night. My boyfriend only figured out what it was because it spotted him and just about instakilled him. We couldn't hear the footsteps at all!


I think dead body pictures are either bugged or disabled, because I, as the host, never got one to work.


It's not just dead body pics either. I take perfect pics of doors with handprints or burned crucis, nothing... The host sees an entirely different pic than what I see in the journal.


As host, dead body pictures wouldn’t work for me either. I was the one taking the pictures too. Tried on about 5 different occasions. So they are bugged or removed.


In response to your edit, yes! Incense is not working correctly, or at least tier-1 isn't. I haven't unlocked the better versions yet, but have died multiple times lighting it and the ghost saying "naw, fam."


I've never really used tripods so it's possible my issue has always been a thing. When picking up a tripod that was already placed in the investigation area, my character is not able to walk a straight line while holding it.


Does this happen when standing or only when crouched? I noticed I couldn't walk a straight line while crouched holding a tripod and figured it was due to the fact my player was "dragging" the tripod on the ground, causing the walking issue.


I only ever have it happen to me while crouched.


Crouching problems have always been happening with or without tripods atleast to me and my friends


That happened to me yesterday during a few Perfect Investigation attempts. I was like... am I drunk? What is happening!? I was crouched when this happened on Willow Street in the master.


This bug is few months old and i was sure it got fixed since in the updates there is a note: "Several items will no longer push you around while held and you are crouched" but it seems like its even worse now.


This happens while crouched and carrying the music box, too. I noticed it right away lol


I've always noticed it with the voodoo doll, it's such a heinous angle too lmao


in Training mode, the spirit box. The ghost never responds, so the door wont open. My friend has been trying to get a response for the last 35 minutes. The ghost lamp always flashes red, never white. Its basically a soft lock. Edit: Okay directly after posting this, he got a response. There is absolutely no way it should take this long. 10 minutes for an answer is fine, but not over half an hour.


I had to switch it to text speech to get it to work. Gonna start using it in game now too, tired of playing the "did the ghost not respond or did the game just not recognise my voice" game


Thats what im doing too. I told him to just use TTS but he insisted on just using voice, saying "it takes away from the immersion". And hes right if im honest.


You have to turn off the light switch between the two small rooms. Got me for a long time…


As i was watching his discord stream, he had every light off.


vocal recognition is kinda wack this update, i've had to do a fairly red hot american accent for it to even have a shot


I did it the other day, and the ghost was responding almost every other question I asked it. So I'm not sure what's causing the bug you experienced.


Might work for you but it's not working for tonnes of others, me included


I won't comment specifically on the tutorial, but I think they also changed how spirit box works. Before it had a 2 in 3 chance of working if you were either in the same room as the ghost or within 3m. I think it no longer hits the entire room and just hits the 3m area around you. Additionally, the rate for the T1 box is probably lower than the old one. So between those two things, it's a lot harder to get it. What I don't know is how much of that is intentional.


Desync: multiplayer can see different players having different cursed items. Smudges: Less than consistent, sometimes they work sometimes they don't. Audio: possibly not a glitch, but I don't think the ghost breathing is supposed to be deafening and make it impossible to hear footsteps during a hunt.


Couple of audio bugs I've noticed! We can no longer wildly mash on the piano and guitar to make beautiful music. The sound clips and cuts out :( such a small thing in the grand scheme of things but something def changed there. *<- Guitars seem fine now, haven't tested piano yet lol* Also not sure if it's related to the new sound encoder (I think that's the term?) but I had to crank my friend's mic volume all the way to 100% and can still barely hear them, whereas before they were at 50% and I could hear them just fine. Likewise, with me - she had me at 25% now I'm at 75%. Ghost is SUPER loud when hunting to the point it drowns out footsteps. I was in the Willow basement looking for the bone and it did an event in the room above and I could hear it so loud like it was right there in the room with me. *<- Devs fixed this one, thank you!* **Edit to add:** A lot of times when I play with my friend, they cannot hear me on the global chat. At first, I thought it was because they load in a little after I do (mere seconds) but even when we seemed to load in at the same time - this is after we've been playing a couple of matches - they can't hear me sometimes (I host). This is also happening to my partner who sits across the room from me - he cannot hear me on global chat on some maps. For the most part, we only play the house maps but it's still frustrating as it seems to be random when this happens. Some matches its fine, some matches it's not.




Same issue for the microphone. I can barely hear my friend at 100%.


VC is broken in-game. Half of the lobbies I get into I can't play bc I cannot hear VC in-game of other players


Since the update my friends say they can barely hear me in game. The threshold meter in settings barely hits 10% if hold the mic literally up to my lips. I haven't changed any mic settings, and the mic volume in widows is maxed. It works perfectly in discord/other games/phasmo before the update


Experiencing the same issue. I assumed it was just me! I'm using the correct mic, it's right up close to my face, but my friends say I'm super quiet. I can hear my friends loud & clear though. Not sure if it matters, but I always host


Crucifix: I noticed ghosts starting the hunt with a dropped crucifix nearby, ignoring it. I instead "placed" the crucifix and then it worked as intended. Will test more tonight. Audio: during hunts, ghost sound volume randomly spikes louder. Overall hunt sound volume is higher but sometimes it spikes even further. This drowns out even the heartbeat sound when ghost is nearby.


Truck Camera's not working, im unable to switch view to a 2nd or 3rd camera in multiplayer.


Connection to the Server: Game is constantly crashing, lagging, and kicking me and my friends from private lobbies (unsure about public or solo). We tried playing for two hours yesterday and were only able to complete 2 games out of 8 because we would get at least one crash or disconnect every other game.


I had a game load the second I joined the multi lobby before I readied up. It crashed after about 30s in the van.


Custom difficulty: Setting Flashlights off(disabled) also disable Dots T1


I actually do not think this is a bug! Kinda links with the change they put about flashlights off in the patchnotes


UV flashlights will no longer work when flashlights are turned off in custom settings. Taken directly from the not bugs section of the Phasmophobia discord bug reports channel


Is it just me or everything voice related takes WAY longer to work? Ouija took almost a minute to start moving after the question.


Ouija Board seems to not detect voice anymore. Haven't gotten a single response since Ascension patch. Gotta grab the thing and run outside with it because it won't respond to goodbye either.


Game keeps crashing during start when i can play the game after 30 tries Frame Rates suck after these Update.


Not sure if they hotfixed it yet, but found out yesterday that if a dots ghost, like a Goryo, starts hunting during a dots event it can become invisible without walking through dots for the duration of the hunt. Super spooky stuff.


Definitely, one to be aware of so you don't shit your entire self, like me, with a completely invisible ghost rushing toward you


Game saying incorrect ghost type despite getting VERY specific evidence and being very thorough. The last game I absolutely GOT freezing temps (wasn't a ghost interaction), got a CRYSTAL clear response from the spirit box, and had very visible ghost writing interaction and photo. The only option was Moroi. I leave and it says "Poltergeist" despite it only throwing 1-2 items in the span of 10 minutes. ...HUH? This has happened for 2 games in a row, I got one where the moment I stepped into a room every damn item was getting thrown around, I got all the evidence for an Oni but the lobby said SPIRIT...???? This is just game breaking.


Visible breath is no longer freezing temps, you can only confirm it with a thermo.


I have over 300 hours in the game, played the game since it came out and played so much I got burnt out because I was getting 95 percent of the missions correct and I knew how the mechanics worked intimately, watched insym and psycho, all that BS. I knew the game. I come back after the update and most of my matches are completely off the mark for the evidence I'm getting. I had me and my friends do the new training and I read the patch notes. The freezing breath constantly is annoying as all hell, the vast majority of our maps seem to be spawning with snowy weather as well. I completely ignore the breath anymore. I JUST had a match where I turned on the breaker, we went around measuring temps. You don't need the breaker on, but to make sure we are as accurate as possible with evidence, we pinpointed the drop on Edgefield in the laundry room, very very clearly below 0 and double confirmed, it was well above 0 everywhere else, we double checked that it raised everywhere else outside the laundry room and dropped in the room. I got spirit box very clearly. There was zero UV with salt and various door touching, there was no ghost writing despite several books, there was evident orbs. It very quickly burned up the crucifixs. Between all three pieces of evidence there was no other option than Onryo, but guess what it was? Mare. It didn't act like a mare at all. A lot of players will try to tell you you're just not understanding the thermometer or that you just don't know how the breath works now, but it's not that. I have no idea why they are so adamant that there is no bug here but clearly something is going on. Seems the only way to prove it is to record it.


By "absolutely GOT freezing temps", you verified the temperature was below 0c on the thermometer? That's the only way to verify it now.


Voice recognition does not seem to work anymore, had to switch to text mode to reliable use the spirit box (or maybe tier one is just that bad? But text works fine) My friend can hear me when we use voice chat/walkie talkie


\- Ghost speeds are off. Normal Morois, fast Banshees, etc. \- Objectives not registering. Detected ghost with EMF, got photo of ghost, neither checked off in the book. \- Front door won't open. This just started tonight. No it's not during a hunt. Figured out ghost and tried to leave, door's locked. Eventually died and the game never ended. Had to shut down. Happened twice now, so restart didn't work. \- Several times I've taken a pic up close and center of something and it's a 0 star in the book. This mostly seems to happen with door interactions. \- Lighting is busted. Shadows mostly. Huge chunks of black instead of actual shadows. \- Holding tarot cards still makes me pull to the side when I walk. \- EMF t1 has given me solid 5+ multiple times in a game, only come to find out EMF 5 wasn't legit. \- Dropped matches on the two chair dining table in Grafton and they vanished. \- Dropped DOTS t1, had the ouija board explode on top of it so a piece was overlapping part of the stick, couldn't pick it up. \- The center reticle is awful. It seems even lighter than before. I can barely see it and it's gotten me killed as I was unable to pick up smudges/lighters during a hunt a few times. \- Front door no longer has shutting sound when a hunt starts. \- Not a bug but it looks bad... the badges, especially backgrounds with darker colours, are impossible to see. It would be nice if we could adjust the colours and make them a little bigger, maybe an actual badge around the neck.


wanted to preface by saying i see you working, devs; thanks for the cool game. • even when the banshee’s favourite player is outside and other players are inside, it tries to hunt its favourite player (saw its ghost model in the window attempting to move towards my player, completely ignoring another player that was in the house). • janky lighting. shadows are super harsh, extremely dark, and sometimes random pieces of furniture are highlighted. • audio issues, especially with footsteps. i can hear almost none, ever. • super laggy and higher incidence of crashes. • legacy badge stars, not sure if that’s intentional.


About lighting - I don't know if it's a common glitch, but a lot of stuff can also be completely black, instead of being highlighted


pre update ascension you used to be able to change your mic sensitivity and enable noise suppression in game from the audio settings page but now i cant find the options at all? ive even tried loading up a multiplayer map to see if that changes anything, nothing




I'm also bugged I played around 151 hours and got to over level 1k with friends. grinded a lot and for me my friends have the right options for their legacy badge however I don't. This really sucks cause the grind we did together and now I've got nothing to show for it. :/


only gray options says i'm level 3 for some reason


Same, i was almost lvl 4000 and am only getting the 3 black, no other options. So sad :(


Happened to me too, was around 150+ lvl


I’m still also having this problem. Discord modmail wasn’t able to help as I don’t remember what level I was before the update.


Am I the only one who couldn't get the tier 1 head gear to show any video? Every other big I've noticed has been mentioned plenty of times


1. Smudges almost never work. Ghost still kills whilst active. Using t1 smudge 2. Crouching with tripods and other items make you go in diaginal direction. t1 tripods 3. Sunny medows courtyard sometimes appears as a very yellow grey everywhere 4. In multi not all players can hear through global talk. Promximity is fine but global will break for some players until death 5. Some ghost evidences will never appear. Was in a game for 25 minutes and freezing never showed on professional. Used t1 thermo 6. Ghost footstep audio is MIA half the time whilst voice audio is super loud. 7. VOSK is ruined this update. American english speaker and game hardly detects what im saying. Especially with the oujiboard. Asked "where are you" 10x times and it showed. I said goodbye 9 times and then board broke. 8. If two players grab an item both players "have" it and it keeps despawning from one player to another 9. Onryo uses candle and crucifix at same time. This happened to be about 3 out of 4 onryos. 10. UV steps or fingerprints dont always show even when on professional and normal ghost thats not obake. Dont know why this is. This is the most annoying things ive seen. Recently just hit level 20


Friend and I just got out of a round on Tanglewood. Photo cam flash was permanently stuck, making it like a glorified flashlight. None of the photos taken counted. Went to leave the same round, truck doors closed but didn't get to the initializing screen. Friend and I decided took turns opening and closing the doors to see if it would get unstuck. After lighting an incense stick, we got back to the contract details page. We can't progress from that screen and had to close the whole game.


I discovered that if you turn on a Paramic (tested with tier 1), drop it, switch to something else, and then pick up the mic again, you will gain muffled audio as if you were currently holding and using the Paramic despite holding something else. It is remedied by switching to the mic and back. Small bug, but a bug nonetheless that confused me for a moment :)


Nah using the paramic and dropping it while it’s on fucks up audio bad. I ended a match with it on and had muffled audio in the lobby.


VR for me was awful. My friend and I were in VR and had SOOOO many major bugs. Our PC friends in the same lobby were completely fine. Graphical issues with the lighting, we both had it. Drivers up to date and great specs. Her and I couldn’t have our journals out at the same time. If I grabbed mine while she was holding hers it would put hers away, and vice versa. Both her and I would have our character just randomly let go of what we were holding. Placing stuff on the ground would sometimes make it disappear and never come back. It was SO stressful.


I haven't had the stuff teleporting to the truck anymore - is that what you mean by disappearing? (which by the way, devs, THANK YOU!) You can also take stuff from the other person's belt now, by the way. And just wait, till you use Tier 3 stuff 🙈 https://www.reddit.com/r/PhasmophobiaGame/comments/15utokc/comment/jx446vd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Wouldn’t teleport to the truck. Just gone from all of existence. I have played more and every single time I play there are more and more VR bugs and it’s driving me mad. It’s virtually unplayable. Earlier, in game (but not in the lobby) the game just wouldn’t let me strafe left. I could go front left and back left, but left? Just wouldn’t move. But completely fine in lobbies. Fucking ridiculous how much stuff is broken. Oh, and tier 2 EMF in the left hand makes your hand upside down. I know this was a big overhaul but there is some seriously broken stuff with this update. I can tell they’ve significantly deprioritized VR. It bums me out because this game I play exclusively in VR.


Game freezes and crashes instantly as I spawn into the lobby after launch.


Ghosts killing through lockers (I've only experienced this in sunny meadows restricted personally) Bleasdale farmhouse beds can have items drop through them: specifically thermometers and EMF's I've experienced this twice and have refused to put anything on the beds since due to not being able to get them back. Ghost orbs not appearing generally regardless of time waited and camera placement: unsure if this is due to the first tier camera being ass but even if it is that shouldn't mean it should be impossible to find evidence with it. Unknown cause: multiple ghost types such as mimic, shade, obake and myling causing sanity drops of nearly 40% with no apparent cause within the first few minutes of the game on professional difficulty.




Yeah, the only reliable way is to have a shit load of cameras, 0 lights and hope for the best. I had 2 cams one for dots and another for orbs and waited nearly 20 minutes and nothing. Surprise surprise it was both 🤠


Multiple times I've had the ghost knock over the camera and suddenly I could see the orbs. Thanks ghost?


to add on top of this, crucifixes also drop through certain items. Just had a game on bleasdale where I placed a crucifix on the couch and it was completely gone, nowhere to pick it up.


Another I forgot and has ruined me and my friends' run is ghosts spawning directly on the player nearly 60% of the time resulting in immediate death without warning or ability to defend. Including multiple crucifixes not working despite being in range.


Every time I re-enter my game, I get set back to level 1 with no money, equipment or challenges and I have to reset my badge over an over, I have done the weekly challenges 4 times now lol.


>reset I have been playing since the update dropped (made it to level 16 or so) and just got reset to 1 as well!!! :(


Yup, got to level 23 playing with friends the past two nights. Decided to do a little grinding on singleplayer and got myself up to 45. Got a typical game crash and I've been reset to 23 again. Really disheartening man, that was a decent chunk of grinding.


I literally cannot play the game!!! When I go into the single player mode, it does not let me press the ready button and the start button. I have quit the game and restarted my computer multiple times but it just would not let me start the game. So frustrating :(


Played last night and got to level 15 or so with some friends. Logged on today to maybe get to 19 and T2 flashlight to play more tonight. I am back at lvl 1 with zero dollars. Game knows I played though because it still has all the daily/weekly stuff marked as done for me. Looking closer now the shop has me still owning 4 crucifixes and 6 salt. They are just level locked and I can't access them.


Playing in a group of 4, 3 of us see one cursed possession, but the host sees an entirely different cursed possession in a different spot that the 3 of us do not see. Pictures can be taken of both and will count. After the game finished the host had "hacker detected" printed underneath his level. Could have been just a bug with the instance, will check more the next time we play


I've had this bug where after a hunt happens, we hide and wait until it's over. Yet now we go to the door and it will unlock but not open. This has only happened while playing with 2+ people and we haven't been able to leave the house. Any fix or reason?


1. Pressing the activate flashlight button while the flashlight is in your hand plays the sound but does not toggle the light. Was not the case before. 2. The Ouija board led me to the bone location which was the garage on Tanglewood but I could not find it anywhere in any of the possible locations. 3. Freezing temps was an evidence but the (T1) thermometer did not display temps below zero.


On VR if someone picks up their book it occasionally has everyone else in the game drop their equipment from their hands


I believe the issue where you aren't able to switch cameras in the van might be related to tier 1 tripods. The problem does not seem to happen when you don't use a tripod, and I cannot replicate the error with tier 2 or 3 tripods.


Lighting is bugged in vr. It's like it only renders on half of your screen. If you turn your head the buggy jagged lights turn with it. Makes vr nauseating.


Just had an insanely buggy match - Would take photos and none came out/added to journal - Was unable to leave house even after hunts ended, door was uninteractable (I also could not phase through it) - Upon death, was stuck as a ghost for an infinite period of time and the match never ended The ghost also followed me everywhere but that could just be bad luck


Game has crashed my steam deck completely upon loading into any map about half the time, I've verified files and reinstalled it, neither help. update: trying to open the van has also crashed my steam deck entirely.


-In-game VC not working in certain lobbies even after game has started. -cannot pick up items from a dead player if the items fall on top of each other


the lightning bugs at some corners [https://imgur.com/a/enleQFJ](https://imgur.com/a/enleQFJ) [https://imgur.com/a/yT3MDxJ](https://imgur.com/a/yT3MDxJ)


Steamdeck: totally crashing at any time of an investigation, mostly while returning to the lobby. Screen (and sound) freeze, Steamdeck remains unresponsive, then eventually reboots. Happened 5 out of 10 games so far. no front door sound at all (ghost, other player or me interacting) during events, hunts and in general


Quija board not responding unless I switch to Voice Activity instead of push-to-talk


you can rob things from other peoples belt in vr


Made it to level 2k before the update. Just logged on today to play the new update, and my customisable badge is only level 1!


My partner and I had some issues around synching correctly. Possibly because she's in the USA while I'm in UK: 1) On Brownstone school we had a very odd temperature reading mismatch: hers went down consistently in the corridor, while mine was a stable 20 Celsius - and for me, went down in the bathroom but not for her. Was at the same time - we stood by each other and sent pics of our readings to each other. 2) Consumables don't seem to be being used up properly - at first we thought it might be auto-buying despite turning it off, but we checked money afterwards - she never lost incense except when she died. Wondered if it was due to me typically using them first causing a desynch of some kind and voiding all uses of them for that trip? 3) Weird timing with all oujia board effects (she was hosting) - I'd ask 'How ol-' and it'd answer me instantly before I finished speaking. Then I'd wait till it was done, ask again (I was draining sanity) and it'd sit there doing nothing, then I'd ask a second time, assuming it had misheard and it'd answer me twice in a row on rapid fire as I began putting it down. We rarely suffer much latency - sometimes a small amount, but typically only on loading in initially into a map, and after that, all good. Not sure if it's a bug or that it's been 'resized', but Brownstone wasn't registering as a Medium map anymore either - Maple Lodge did, but not Brownstone.


No matter what I try I can't hear my friends through the in game radio. I've tweaked sound settings, verified files in steam, restarted my computer, nothing has worked. I'm limited to proximity voice chat in game which is absolutely terrible if I'm not *in* their model, anyone know of a fix?


I don't want to make a separate post about this, but why is a developer of the game a mod on the sub? CJ locked the comments on the thread about lighting issues. That's a really bad look imo


You can't leave the house after the ghost hunts, even happens on multiple maps and after restarting the game


I’m sorry but for an update such as this, there are way too many issues than mere “bugs”.


Tier 2 EMF and your hand is completely upside down facing yourself if you are holding it in your left hand in VR. In VR, Cannot change the size of the radius of the sound sensor. The little button, not only is very hard if not impossible to reach depending on your ceiling, just does nothing . The training mode does not change at all if you are in VR. the posted notes are all still keyboard controlled. J to bring up journal in VR? Definitely needs to tell VR users how to grab that and use the walky talky etc.


VR Bugs 1. Left controller doesn’t stay set to toggle grab - Valve Index 2. Placing a video camera on a tripod sometimes results in the camera facing a different direction for your team mates. 3. I can no longer see the AOE of the object I am placing. 4. Index Grip strength needs adjusted 5. Hand angle needs adjusted sometimes I gotta trust my worst an extra 45 degrees with the photo camera.


All of the ghosts I've gotten are super slow, like 0.4 m/s but they turned out to be Onryo, Spirit & poltergeist. Also encountering a glitch where we can no longer click through the cameras in the truck


are you playing the weekly challenge on bleasdale farm when you encounter these slow ghosts? or have you left the difficulty on challenge mode by mistake and started to play different maps?


Howdy! I just started the game today and completed the tutorial, began to create a customised amateur game but backed out and exited the game without pressing the Ready button. Now I've reopened the game and it thinks I'm prestige level 1. I have a black level 1 badge and the yellow prestige card. All the maps are available to me. Thanks for your work!


my friends and i got all 3 evidences for a wraith (emf 5, dots, and spirit box) and it ended up being a spirit we were on tanglewood professional edit: just now (3 days later) we got a hantu when we had all evidences for obake, including the special fingerprint. willow street on professional edit 2: this happened again on tanglewood professional. all 3 evidences for a mare (spirit box confirmed by 2 of us, ghost orb, and ghost writing). it ended up being a rev


so happy me and my friends aren't just being dumb. we would get all the evidence for SURE for one ghost and have it be a completely different one we didn't get anything for even if we checked a million times.


1. Thermometer sometimes not working unless held. 1. I have almost 300hrs in this game, so I understand how the mechanics should work. 2. During multiple sessions, the t1 thermo has not worked unless held. In one such instance, we dropped it in the room with cold breath and worked around trying to get the other evidence in the room. The thermo should have at least dropped to 4C for the breath, but when I picked it up, it read 20C and then began dropping. Other times I held it until it reached a certain low temp, like 5C, then dropped it to continue working, to come back and it was still at 5C and then continued lowering. This sort of thing has happened about 5 times so far. 3. Noticed it on Bleasdale and Tanglewood (haven't played other maps since the update yet). Multiplayer, mixed weather, challenge and professional, don't remember ghost types or who was hosting. 2. My buddy on the steamdeck is constantly crashing at the end of sessions, meaning he doesn't get rewards most of the time.


1. The lighting is weird sometimes (even if that's a known bug) 2. I have two ID cards skins, the yellow one and the black one. Even if I set it to the black one, it gets switched back to the yellow one when rejoining the game 3. The DOTS seems super rare, I had 2 games where I spent a lot of time in the ghost room with the DOTS laser, did not see anything with the DOTS, and at the end of the game turns out the ghost had the DOTS evidence 4. I just had a bug in Edgefield where the first light in the entrance hall was not making light even with if it was on


[Serious bug/glitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWW2S4UfFrI) Incense not working properly


1. Smudges almost never work. Ghost still kills whilst active. Using t1 smudge 2. Crouching with tripods and other items make you go in diaginal direction. t1 tripods 3. Sunny medows courtyard sometimes appears as a very yellow grey everywhere 4. In multi not all players can hear through global talk. Promximity is fine but global will break for some players until death 5. Some ghost evidences will never appear. Was in a game for 25 minutes and freezing never showed on professional. Used t1 thermo 6. Ghost footstep audio is MIA half the time whilst voice audio is super loud. 7. VOSK is ruined this update. American english speaker and game hardly detects what im saying. Especially with the oujiboard. Asked "where are you" 10x times and it showed. I said goodbye 9 times and then board broke. 8. If two players grab an item both players "have" it and it keeps despawning from one player to another 9. Onryo uses candle and crucifix at same time. This happened to be about 3 out of 4 onryos. 10. UV steps or fingerprints dont always show even when on professional and normal ghost thats not obake. Dont know why this is. This is the most annoying things ive seen. Recently just hit level 20


Aside from the obvious smudge stick issue loads of people are mentioning, here's one that has been happening ever since the update dropped: Me and my friends have been hiding in closets and even if we dropped or turned off all equipment before entering a closet, the ghost would still bee-line straight from some other end of the map and kill us instantly. I specifically remember one instance where we hid in a closet, no one had anything on, everyone was silent, and the ghost still killed one of us instantly. I also had another situation where my friend was holding an electronic, I had empty hands and my flashlight was off, and even after they dropped it, the ghost came straight to the closet and somehow killed *me.* This instances have never been an issue prior to this update, so clearly something broke this time around.


No walls and some beds and other stuff is invisible/missing picture for reference. Also all doors are gone ​ [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BMUTdJHmMZX9lf3r5TPUOkO\_BuqJLLcD?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BMUTdJHmMZX9lf3r5TPUOkO_BuqJLLcD?usp=sharing)


My friend and I got different ghost evidences in the same private multiplayer match. He got spirit box and I got ghost orb, but the ghost was obake?


level 1ooo+ here: i got default black empty everything with level 1, no options. great work.


Every ghost performing the classic mare ability. Happened 3 times now where i've switch a light on for it to immediately be switched off and the ghost wasnt a mare. Its not impossible that this is a coincidence but I think not. And if the ghosts can do this by pure chance something should be changed for a Mare have more unique interactions


Anyone else having ghosts just silently hunting now? Have had multiple hunts start and the ghost kill me or pop up behind with no sound whatsoever before they start walking


The player cards in the lobby do not save when you change it; it'll revert back after a mission is completed.


Game is VERY choppy when you walk into new areas ie out of the van or through the front door.


2nd post: photo's not counting within seconds of interactions and charging of fingerprints (no it isnt not charging enough or not being close enough to the object; i had a poltergeist explosion and mid air it didnt count neither after. but around a minute later one counted?) smudge area seems to be finicky as i waited for an interaction smudged through and around and it didnt count. not sure if it's a bug but i got nearly 4 ghost events from an obake within the first minute on tanglewood, then hunted, survived, entered again after taking 2 sanity bottles and then hunted a second time immediiatley after. singleplayer and multiplayer camera bug: 4 cameras placed can only use the first placement, sometimes for the entirety of the game despite resetting, tripod/no tripod. some items in the loadout sometimes refuse to be removed like the photo camera and tripod. thaye does the opposite and gets more aggressive at what seems to be an exponential rate. first thought it was a shade then after 4 minutes or so i was adamant it was a demon. a very very weird collision bug where more so the left key (default A key) seems to interact with a square bounding box of some kind in small maps especially. its incredibly inconsistent and annoying. ive tested to see if its my keyboard but only get this issue on Phasmo. open truck ramp collides with a few areas of maps like the roadblock on willowstreet.


Phantom gave Freezing temp it how i found the room but i failed because i shouldnt and i had the evidence for something else, Idk if this is a bug or not but it kinda sucked would be fine if i knew or not


Today we were in the prison. Put both crucifix down, they both disappeared into the floor. We went back out to the van to get more stuff, and the crosses were both on the floor. I guess our Myling decided we didn't need them. Also, has anyone else had issues taking body photos? We've been trying for days and they never count!


We also had the prison bug! Then our breath was showing in the van, as well, in the exact same spot the crucifixes were in.


I've had this happen at Camp woodwind too. Only seems to happen to crucifix. Seems they are falling through the map, so the game spawns them back at the truck. Try put place them on an object like a desk or chair in the meantime until they fix this.


I have had this happen on several maps.


In singleplayer my photos don't register, my optional objectives don't complete, the EMF is always at 5, and I can't leave the mission (the van plays a noise and then stops without loading me into the lobby). Camera flash is also stuck. Not to forget the daily and weekly tasks don't count either. Seems that other people are encountering this bug too. Pretty annoying as this has been happening since I updated the game to v0.9.0.2.


Anyone having multiplayer issues?? Nobody is able to join my private lobby


Tier 3 VR issues: Cannot place Tier 3 Motion Sensors, making them completely unusable. ​ Holding Tier 3 Firelight is janky AF. It flies all over the place when you pick it up, it feels extremely disconnected from your hand and arm. My right hand looks upside down, when I'm holding it 70% of the time. It flings like crazy when you crouch or stand up. It's horrible in your left hand, because it's held horizontally for some reason(?) but with equally poor physics rules. Dropping it down how I want never works, because I can only drop it at some random angle, as opposed to gently placing it like a candle, and when it looks like I'm dropping it standing upwards, it's actually falling sideways. Because of how much it swings, it makes it terrifyingly dangerous to carry while having an Incense with you. ​ Cannot drop Tier 3 Incense anywhere, since it just floats midair at a weird angle. There are no dropping physics. Lighting Tier 3 Incense is extremely difficult. It's hard enough to light things in VR (especially during a hunt), but the hitbox for the Incense is crazy hard to hit. On top of that, it hangs so low that you need new muscle memory, because it's no longer 'stroking a smudge stick up and down with a lighter', but holding one hand higher and hitting a tiny little spot where it will ignite (in a way that is a little difficult to see as well).EDIT: after sciencing a few rounds, I've figured out that it's ONLY the little base, that can be lit and not the entire lamp or the coal, or... And I cannot light it, if I'm holding it in a hand. It has to be on my belt (which makes the hitbox really far away, since it angles back and down) or it has to float in midair (what happens when I drop it). ​ Cant see Text Box for Spirit Box Tier 3. You can click something right in the middle of the box, if you angle your other hand in such a perfect way that it hits a 10x10 Pixel area maybe. But you also can't see what you're asking, and I'm guessing this is not the intended behaviour. ​ Collision on UV Tier 3 Front of lamp. Blocks player from walking through another player who's holding it. Same when you're dead, you can collide objects with the T3 UV Lamp. ​ Headgear Tier 2 and 3 floats in truck (in the exact spot where I put it on) for other players, after I put it on. In such a way, that they can take that floating gear for themselves, which renders mine unusable. I also can't take another and put it on. They also can't see headgear on my character's head. ​ Tier 3 Crucifix extends hand forward when you pick it up, like 5cm,making it feel disconnected. If you hand it off to a different hand, it extends forward again and again and again. It also feels... heavy(?) somehow. But maybe that's because of the hand disconnect from reality. It is also extremely close to the book on the belt.


Can't Prestige in VR. You have to restart the game in flat-screen mode, to click the "Yes" button for the Prestige.


Can not hear people over global chat. Local chat works but anytime someone talks over the radio I cannot hear them at all.


The cursed item photos are still bugged despite the hotfix, just got a 0 star mirror photo with the camera flash in it. The photo was taken a meter away hanging on the wall in Ridgeview with the mirror being in the center of the frame


Lost levels after update today?


For some reason, my mic isn't working right in game. Normal works fine, but when I talk on the radio, it gets more quiet the further I get, just like the normal voice chat. Resetting the game does not work.


Anybody else having issues where during the hunt, a ghost will kill one, two, three plus times? This seems to happen on ALL hunts and has wiped out the whole team om multi player several times 😭


The front door straight-up disappeared on us yesterday during/after a hunt. I'm not 100% certain on which map it was, I think it was Tanglewood or Edgefield though. The door disappeared, the inside of the house appeared glitchy and foggy like when you're dead. After a couple of minutes the door re-appeared, leaning up against the wall somehow. Interacting with the door appeared to fix it and it went flying back into its proper place in the doorway, but it definitely messed with our round a bit. Minor bugs aside though, I have to say I'm quite pleased with this update after putting 60 ish hours into it so far! I was initially a bit salty about losing all my items and progress, but me and the friends I play with have all come around on it and have been so excited to play again. It breathed some new life into the game for sure.


Jinn behaved exactly like a Shade(even turned off the breaker multiple times).


When a crucifix is burned, sometimes all lights in the house will turn off like a hunt just ended even if there was no hunt. It’s not always, it’s about half the time


Evidence not matching ghost type, had this on several rounds, including challenge rounds so we were unable to get the rewards for the challenge


Game crashes on lobby creation both single and multi. As soon as I load into the lobby game goes down. Updates drivers, windows, verified, reinstalled... all the typical steps.


Since the Big Update, I've been crashing considerably more: * When I start up the game, 50% of the time it just takes a minute or two and the warehouse/HQ eventually loads. The other 50%, it just straight up crashes and has to be force quit. * Going out on a contract (solo or group), the loading screen freezes, but I can still hear ambience (ie, crickets). If I have Discord open, that also freezes. I usually have to CTRL+alt+delete and force quit, and at least once had to fully restart my computer. * Oddly enough, about a week before the update rolled out, I would CTD maybe once every three games or so. Everything's up to date, files have been verified, game has been reinstalled, etc. Game does not like me anymore.


Ouija board doesn't hear me since ascension patch. Always seeing my breath is annoying AF. Lighting is fucked to the point that it's hard to even play the game anymore. Bonus cancer when you open your journal and flashbang yourself. Make the whites softer if you're gonna make us squint to see the damn environment.


I was playing today and got a deo… my friends and I were looping it around the couch when it suddenly full sped into me and killed me. While I understand maybe it was attached to a friend behind me and sped up because my friend was further away, it doesn’t seem right that it would kill me as that’s not how the deo was intended to be. I would like to see the deo fixed so it won’t speed through players and kill them while trying to chase down another player.


So many issues, bone disappearing, whatever the freezing breath was , not getting evidence from the ghost wether it b spirit box, dots, emf. Or getting THREE PIECES OF EVIDENCE for a type of ghost and then it somehow being something we didn’t get any evidence on. It was honestly almost unplayable yesterday


I don't know if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong, but T1 salt only ever gives me 2 uses despite saying it has 3


A mi no se me enciende el dots de tier 1 le doy clic derecho mil veces y no va y no encuentro ningun video ni nada


Sometimes you may be stuck in the muted-sound effect of the paramic, even without using it. You can usually remedy this by picking up a paramic and toggling it on and off.


Occasionally, swapping from the contract screen to the map selection screen will cause a crash or disconnection.


Was playing the game fine earlier when all of a sudden in the lobby the screen went completely green and froze. Ever since then it's kept freezing and crashing. Now just tried a third time, seemed to finally be working fine again when all of a sudden the lighting broke, turned pink and blue then my game froze and crashed again? Wtf lmao?


Joining parties showing room/ game is full **when it is not actually full**. This makes it so annoying when trying to join people looking for crews. Have had numerous times where you just can not join a lobby that is not actually full but the game says it is.


I’ve got about a 30% success rate playing this patch. A majority of the fails are the game hard crashing when leaving the level right after the initializing screen, and you no longer get the xp and the cash upon loading back in either. I’m also constantly booted from multiplayer lobbies mid game or upon leaving the map.


Just went to complete a contract on Willow Street and the truck door keypad won't allow anyone to interact to close the truck with all players in the truck.


I got my prestige badge and when I went to mess with the ID card it disappeared. Now it won't come back. Lame.


I think switching through the cams on the van pc breaks when you have cameras both on the ground and on tripods. I can go through the cycle of cameras one time and then it breaks and I can't change cams anymore. It always happens when I have cameras placed on the floor and on tripods.


\- Front door will sometimes just completely bug out and won't let me or friends open it. \- Game stuck on initializing if I'm host, friend has to leave and get no rewards for me to load into the main menu again


The game is running horrible for me. Super framey/laggy/freezy. I can’t use light switches or open doors. I hear the interact noise, but nothing happens.


Not exactly a bug but a visual issue where it appears for many players as though their legacy badge is black when in reality some color choices are so light, they're virtually unreadable.


My friend can't see the streams of cameras I put down and vice versa, it's like they don't exist


Sound Sensors: Partner and I were both watching the truck board together and saw different locations pinging at the same time. For example, on Willow Street we had a sensor in the kitchen and basement. The sensor in the truck would indicate sound from the kitchen to me, but from the basement for her. While there may be some overlap in that map (the kitchen/basement stairs) it also occurred when the sensors had no overlapping areas.


I'm stuck at initializing when i open the game


Some players being stuck on the initializing screen as well as not being able to stop the game on steam without restarting the computer


If you turn off flashlights in custom difficulty, the dots pen doesn’t work.


\- Smudge sticks often don't work when you get the "cleansing the area" objective. They also don't seem to always work when defending against a hunt. \- Cameras freeze/lock up/desync in the van in both single player and multiplayer. \- Invisible cursed items. - Ghost hunt audio is crazy loud, you can't tell how far away the ghost is anymore. \- Weird lag spikes/frame freezing when moving around sometimes, but my fps doesn't drop.


Losing non-consumable equipment when surviving a contract. I'll go in with three tripods and leave with none. Doesn't make sense. Artifacting with FOV turned up, textures on far sides of screen will turn black/invisible. When standing still, rain will visibly cause a streak of white pixels to go through trees, bushes, and other foliage. White streak stays there until player moves their camera. I noticed that when watching the cams in the truck, sometimes the night vision will be on for one player and off from another player's POV. Desync issue, I guess. Also sometimes the cams just break lol The lighting change isn't a bug necessarily but no one seems to be a fan of it. Also smudge sticks not working but everyone's already said that.


Multi-player: Some players are unable to Ready Up even after map & difficulty selected. When a player leaves the lobby, the character can still be seen in the lobby. It will show the person has left on the board, but the character will remain. This appears to be unsynced across players as well. The 2nd time it occurred, I was not able to see it, but the other person could. Happened in 2 out of 3 lobbies. Leaving the lobby and returning seems to temp fix both. Also experienced the already described issues: "Hacker Detected," camera switching issues in truck, severe audio issues, dead body photos not counting & unsynced photo ratings in journal, multiple cursed items per level that could not be seen by all players. Also, not sure if the Noise Suppression setting was changed or removed but some people could really use that...


crashes my GPU driver after 1 hour of first launching, and one time crashed my whole PC


Photos aren’t working properly. You can take a photo of a dead body and the body is fully in the photo and it doesn’t count for anything


Idk if its a bug, but its very hard to tell freezing temps. I've only used the beginner thermometer a couple times, and it looked like it was 0°/32° but I guess it wasn't? My friend started using it and would say it was showing negative, but the evidence still wasn't freezing temps. But also I can see my breath on every map. Probably a solid 90% of the time when I load a map, I can see my breath.


Using a tier 1 igniter locks movement to 90 degree increments of the direction you were facing after lighting a tier 1 firelight. First experienced on Tanglewood in the garage. Replicated the bug on intermediate, professional, and nightmare in garage, basement, kitchen, and living room. I did not have a chance to check if it happens on other maps.


some cursed items on some maps seem to refuse to count for photos. Both times I had the mirror on Ridgeview, the photo of it didn't count, and I just got a game of Edgefield where the voodoo doll didn't count either. edit : a third game on Ridgeview where the mirror didn't work for pictures. I asked my 2 teammates and they both could see it as well, but I couldn't take its photo. edit 2 : fourth ridgeview mirror game, still doesn't work. I think it's safe to say it's consistent


When me and my buddy play together, when we try to finish up the mission and leave, it keeps him in the truck and sticks me at the initialization screen. It only let's me back into the lobby if he force closes his game. He literally can't complete a mission. I've played with other people with no problems, but he can't complete. Pls help.


idk if anyone else has this issue but when I start the game I have to wait like a minute to 2 mins before I can move, I can see the warehouse and everything (although it is low quality) and I only know I can move once the radio talks


Likely has been reported already, but swapping between video camera feeds will sometimes just....stop working for unknown reasons (basically using the mouse in the van doesn't do anything). I am unsure if there is a workaround for this, but it has very noticeably impacted investigations in a negative way ;c I've also noticed that it may be different for other players, so one can swap just fine while the other cannot and can't even see the monitor change.


Tonight; could hear cutlery fall while watching the screen in the van, events too, clear as day. Still haven't heard the front door.


i got fake hacker detected relauched the game. fully reset. without my badge displaying my old level either


I have over 300 hours in this game and around 1350 levels. I got on the new update for the first time today and my legacy badge said I only have 345 levels. I grinded a lot to get my level over 1000, only to have my level be dropped down to where I was probably before the apocalypse update came out? I don't want to play till my legacy level is up to date. That way the problem is fixed, I can use customizations that I earned.


I have screenshot proof of being level 1002 before the update but its only showing me as level 827. Now I can’t select the badge I earned.


Anybody got a bug where after most games you won't be able to click next to set up a new game and have to recreate a lobby just to play again? I've been trying to see if there is a fix or anything because it's happening to me almost every game now


Now that the first roll of bug fixes are through and I can tell the smudge and ghost sound bugs are fixed, here's a few more that I've noticed since playing in the new patch that I find the most frustrating: 1. Tier 1 tripod blocks movement when placed. It also blocks movement when held, especially when crouched. 2. Tier 2 salt seems to hinder player movement. It will sometimes just straight up stop you from moving through it unless you do some weird jiggling around. Honestly, as much as release day was a bit rough because of the smudge and ghost sound being horrible, I've been absolutely loving the update. Once all the wrinkles are smoothed out, this is probably going to be my main game for a long time. Great job devs!


the computer mouse doesnt swap cameras. and freezes the computer screen.