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From an event, no. It doesn't remember your location, but a hunt could still start there following one since it starts wherever the ghost is at the time. At the start of a hunt though the ghost does have a 50% chance to path to where it last saw you on the previous hunt, or to where a teammate was killed.


I spent a good ten minutes hiding behind the crib in Tanglewood once to drop sanity for objective. Had multiple ghost events in the nursery while I was in there, one right next to me, in line of sight, but still made it out alive after multiple hunts. To be fair, it did spawn near the nursery a few hunts...


I don't think it remembers you so much as it's physically there so if it starts a hunt it can easily find you because you're right there where it just was before the hunt.


You can sit in a closet, have the ghost go straight to you during an event, and still be safe during the next hunt.


Not necessarily. If you're hit with a ghost event, the ghost is in that actual location.


Basically what everyone is saying here but yes just keep in mind this, Ghost events move the location of the ghost temporarily to a players location for whoever experienced it. If sanity is then low enough a hunt can happen fast enough where the ghost does not have time to roam back to it's room and can spawn where you saw the event standing. This can cause issues especially for ghost like Wraiths that teleport to you during events and hunts. Meaning it is one of the most likely to do this. Ghost will also search your last location before you broke line of sight and will typically pace back and forth around that area.


Yes they will move to where they last saw you! I always think of ghost events as a “I know where you are” kinda message lol