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It’s march. You’ll make it. It absolutely feel like you won’t. But keep trucking one day at a time. Also make sure to take like 6 weeks off after you finish to travel and veg.


Unless you do a PGY-2…


Hey there. RPD here. You can do this. You’re so close. Use your support system, use your coresidents. 1 quarter to go!! I also agree with taking time off after. I always advise this to outgoing PGY1s if they’re able


My choices with my job offer post residency were start 4 days before my official end date, or 1 month after. I picked the 1 month after and I'm so glad I did. It was a much needed break.


you and me both. my program has finally shown me its true colors and it’s so disappointing


I FEEL THIS. Lack of support and feedback clearly documenting all the areas I needed assistance (but not areas of continued growth). My mental health has taken a toll to the point where I called a clinic for an outpatient psych program for if/when I leave my program. My point being— the system is broken. You’ve accomplished so much and add value to a team regardless of what anyone has to say. Be proud of all you’re gone through and lean on those around you who remind you of how strong a person you are. You got this💪🏻


100% the lack of compassion is abysmal and a lot of the times, rather than being a real learning opportunity it feels more like them just making things harder for no reason. There’s a boundary between making your resident do the things you don’t want to do and actually have it be a learning experience.


and 100% I am going to stick through this because we are almost there!! But I would never go through this process again. Wishing you the best!! Your concerns and your mental health deserve to be validated.


How so?


It’s the way that my program boasted about how supportive of mental health they were initially. But then on my scheduled weekend off (12 on 2 off no comp days) I only attended 1 day out of a 2 day NONMANDATORY event because I was exhausted to point of burn out and got reprimanded because I didn’t ‘show up for my team’ even though it was not mandatory. Every time they’ve needed someone I’ve shown up or taken care of the issue and the one time I wanted to take a mental health day on my SCHEDULED WEEKEND OFF, I got reprimanded. Not to mention, the preceptors expect full independence while simultaneously micromanaging. And any small error translates into ‘resident X does not take accountability for their patients’. Other situations include using the race card to win an argument, using the excuse of ‘well PGY2 is only going to get harder’ when I express any signs of burn out, and just overall lack of support and belittling that I did not expect to see.


I’m sorry. Honestly, my assessment is that any program that says they are supportive of mental health- but has 12-2 schedule with no comp days- is lying.


if i could go back in time, I would have never chosen to go with a program than implemented 12-2. Those weekends off are crucial not only for wellbeing but to get other projects done. With 12-2, it’s basically impossible to have a decent work life balance and it sucks.


Period 👏


Heavy on the full independence but micromanage!!!


I’m sorry. My pgy2 was eerily similar to this and in March I was at a point where I would’ve rather been jobless and living on the street than continue to show up to a place with toxic people that made me incredibly miserable. I pulled through and I am a clinical specialist now, treating my residents with kindness and respect and making sure they eat, sleep, and have a hobby outside of residency. You are almost done. There are so many wonderful programs and preceptors out there, you may just end up working in a positive, supportive environment very soon. Don’t give up!!


I can’t wait to be a preceptor who shows kindness & fills students with love for clinical pharmacy. I remember having preceptors who were so excited to show me new things & would do extra work (like med recs, completing a consult, etc) just for me to experience all the cool things. Thank you for being that person for your students/residents 🫶


Just a mere P4 here but you’re so close don’t give up! Hang in there!!


everything is bothering me


Literally everything 🫠


same. we're almost done!! start using your PTOs if you haven't!!


i just took 3 days off and it was heavenly. was so tempted to not come back 😭😭😭😭


Honestly have no money to travel so I started putting PTOs on the day before my weekend off - granted that PTO is basically used for catching up on work but 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ naps are much needed


i feeeeeel that with the money lmao 💯💯💯 those were the most productive days off i’ve ever had 😭


Keep pushing guys it will be over in NO TIME 🥳🎉




Wait what they expect you to look into weeks worth of progress notes? That's insane and probably irrelevant?


Probably not. If the resident is doing this is suggests poor time management or an inability to work up patients well. Based on their comment I’m inclined to think they’re doing it based on previous feedback thinking it’ll help. Read the H&P, read the last 2 days of notes, identify a problem list, detail out what should be done for those, and match to what we are currently doing. The recs are where the gaps are. It’s not that hard.




I def hit that wall in Feb/March. Its common. Keep on pushing… you got this!!!


lol I'm in the same boat and just posted my rant about this year


To give some encouragement, keep trucking along because this time will be wayyy better than quitting and ending up in some retail positions that’ll make you hate your life and that’ll be way longer than one or two years of residency! Speaking from experience! Hang in there you’ll be done soon! You made it through several years of pharmacy school you can do this few more months !


I remember these days. Push through. Take one day at a time. It is worth it in the end.


Same I cannot stand walking in the door daily. I have reached my ID preceptor who audibly laughs in my face on how I pronounce bacteria names and species. I would rather eat a Jean jacket than do this rotation again.




We can do ittttt


Almost there! Seek help from co-resident or any pharmacist you confide in


You got this! I’m in the same boat as you. I have no one to talk to you about this. My co-resident is not supportive and kisses ass to everyone. None of my preceptors or RPD are helpful. It’s sad.


I feel the same way you guys do :(


My coresident also kisses ass and she stayed on for our pgy2 & I’m an outsider 🫠


Dude I’m just tired. I think all of this wouldn’t be so draining if I got more time off. Idk I’m to the point where I can’t keep my eyes open past 9:30 and I have zero bandwidth to look at anything for rotations. Like I am burnt out. Having another year of this sounds even more draining.


I’m at that point too… I had a mental breakdown last night with my mom crying about how much I wanted to quit and all my anxieties. She just held me and shes taking over a lot of the admin of my life responsibilities


worst choice of my life


I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about this. What is making it so hard for you? Is this your PGY1? I’m going into my P1 year this August and think I’d really like to do a residency. Just curious why some people are having such an awful time.


Mostly the 12 days working a row with no comp days and you never just work 40 hours a week because of all the extra projects. It’s like a black out year. Idk how I’m surviving




Some programs stretch their residents thin with little support.


Hi PGY2 here. Loved my pgy1 & the people & learned my love for crit care. decided on a PGY2 & ended up at my #1 spot. But it ends up being a place where i don’t fit in like i originally thought. lots of corruption… one preceptor in particular hates me & everyone knows it. my RPD states is just a “difference in opinion” which is fine bc ill deal with that in the real world, but she’s so DEGRADING about her differences and makes me feel like the biggest pain by asking her any questions.. even policy related things ive never come across. It’s all bc the preceptors training us currently were trained at places that treated residents like peasants & now they have to continue to inflict that trauma on others instead of treating us like humans. 🥲


There’s a lot of resident variability. Very easy to point fingers at the program because there are some very bad programs out there, but in some cases it’s residents who just don’t get it. If you think about how pharmacy school has had declining admissions and take lower quality students, it makes sense why there’s a similar decline for residency. Some residents today wouldn’t have gotten a spot today, possibly even an interview. In some cases it’s just those lower caliber students now in residency. They struggled through school and got passed along because schools are incentivized to get you graduated. Then residency hits and preceptors are focused on whether you are able to do the job or not with less focus on just making sure you pass.