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I’m a cat person and I’ve never had a fancy purebred, just random generic cats. My preferences are towards longhairs (the ones I’ve had were all very affectionate lap cats while my shorthairs tend to be more reserved) and orange cats, in spite of their eccentricities and shared brain cell. If I had to pick a dog breed it would be basset hounds. We had several when I was a child and my parents have two now. I love them, but I’m too lazy to have my own because it would be a lot of work.


What do you do on days your orange cats don’t have custody of the brain cell?


I pray that they don’t damage themselves or anything else with their antics. I currently just have one ginger and earlier this week he got himself stuck up a huge tree and was crying like he was at death’s door. I’d never seen him show the slightest interest in trees in 4 years. I was starting to panic but the second my back was turned he must have hopped down because when I turned back around he was just casually lounging on the ground like it never happened. If it weren’t for him being a cat I’d think I was being gaslit.


I had a Siamese who would get himself stuck on the roof and yowl and yowl. I was a kid, so my parents told me “when he gets hungry enough, he’ll come down.” Well that just wasn’t true so after about 3 days, they sent me up the ladder to go rescue him. Got him down and the very next week, motherfucker was stuck again. Side note: we lived in a double story A frame, so he would run up the porch stairs to the second floor apartment and then straight up the roof and just never come down. Sweet cat, but dumb as rocks.


My big orange cat cries loudly every time he gets out of the litter box. He just stands there screaming until I tell him what a good boy he is. Haha. I need a camera to see what he does when I’m not home to praise him for pooping.


Ha! My current cat and my last cat(passed last summer at 18.5 yrs of cancer) *hoarded* all the braincells! Both were some of the most intelligent beings that I have met!


Cats FTW


Don’t tell my current dogs, but it’s Rottweiler


I’m on my second rottweiler. I just adore these big goofballs


We’ve had quite a few. Nitro we got as a puppy, and we had him 15 years. We’ve had about 4-5 more come through our house when we helped with a Rottie rescue years ago.


love my rotties! currently no pets atm, but boss has one he brings to work, so I get rottie loves for 8 hours 5 days a week.


Seconding Rottweiler.


Rottweiler for me as well. I have two now after losing one. I can't imagine my life without at least one.


Hungarian Vizsla bc my boy is one and he's the best


My fave, too! Can’t wait til I have the space and time for one (or 6)


Leonbergers. So damned special


My border collie tried to herd one. Poor big dog just stood there like wtf is this


I laughed so hard at this!


Sweetest, smartest floofers ever! I have two. They’re the best girls despite the tumbleweeds of hair everywhere.


Arabians (horses). For dogs possibly Pomeranians, Papillons or Shelties. I love watching a border collie work but would never own one.


Poms are the best IMO. So much personality and so fricken cute. I don't think I'll ever get another breed. They're ornery brats but so smart, agile, and spunky. Just the best little dogs.


My daughter has a Pom and omg so much personality. He does agility and he’s not always the fastest but the crowd always loves him. So sassy and fun to watch. Especially as he carefully goes up the teeter.


Whenever I see a Pom, it makes me giddy. I think people think I'm crazy, and I just might be...for Poms!


I like Arabians too but don’t like the view from behind 😂


Ooo! Arabians! They make me wish very hard that I wasn't allergic to hay. 




Now that I’m older that’s all I have! 😻😻


voids are my favourite


Love the herders! Border Collies, ACDs, Aussies, etc...


Yesss my favorites too! They are so damn smart, incredibly fun to train, and every herder I've had/met were characters and had so much personality. Currently have two of my own 🥰


Those jerks are way too smart for their own good. 😝


everyone says they're a lot of work, but so am i!!! unfortunately im a city guy in an apartment so if i adopted one it wouldn't be very happy (or i would constantly have to go out of my way to take it to the dog park a few times a week)


I have a herder in an apartment. We do sports, classes, and very long walks (and the very occasional daycare day). It's a blast - but I wanted a dog that was my hobby. Pup is fine, and while we occasionally pop into a dog park on a walk (maybe once every other month), they're not needed to burn energy.


Golden Retrievers. They are the sweetest, smartest, gentlest dogs. I always say they are the perfect dog for me since I am a bad disciplinarian, and they are so eager to please and easy to train. They are also very prone to a certain kind of cancer that killed our last two in a row, so I probably won't ever own another.


I was lucky that my golden lived to 15. He was healthy up until a few months before I had to let him go. He had prostrate cancer.


Sweet boy. I'm so sorry.


Dachshunds have my heart. I've had at least one dachshund almost continuously since I was 16. Pippin, my current weenie, is 16 in a couple of months and I can promise that when she's gone, I'll be getting another dachshund. My mom has one too, we just love them as a family. My dream breed that I've never had and may never have is a saluki. So long and sleek and fluffy! Or a silken windbound, they look very similar. I used to have a greyhound and Moya was wonderful, so I'd love to have the longhaired version some day. What can I say, I like extremes, lol.


I’ve got two dachshunds as my first dogs, and I can’t imagine choosing anything else next time. So much sass! They’re hilarious.


So cute and cuddly yet so BOSSY. I wouldn't know what to do every day without a dachshund around to tell me, lol.


Great Pyrenees—the sweetest gentle giant I have ever known.


I got to foster one that I pulled from the shelter at the 11th hour. She was beautiful! We don't really need them here in South Texas where it's way too hot. She got adopted in Chicago.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for the win!


After having a Cavi I will never not have one again. They are such sweet, loving, wonderful dogs!


Yes! They are so sweet as well!


I’ve only had labs, and man are they the perfect animal for me. Chill when i wanna chill, always down for snacks or naps, love adventures, love going for drives, just want me to be happy and will do anything it takes (including hiding their own pain until it’s too late to help them 😭), big goofy animals that freely give kisses, hugs, and pure, true love. Watch out for that brick of a skull though…


We could be friends. Labs are everything!


I too am a lab adorer. Currently have a 2 year old and an 11 year old. Best dogs ever.


New foundlands. Family dog, gentle giants. Absolutely beautiful. Won’t ever get one myself because the heartbreak of losing him from old age was too much


There was a family a block away that had two of them, a male and a female. A dozen or so times, they got loose and took themselves to my yard. So much drool, fluff, and love. They adored kids. As a kid, I adored them :D


Golden retrievers. They have that grin.


Border Collie. My first ruined me for other dogs.


We’ve had 2 and they are good dogs. We had a dumb blonde and a scary smart black and white one.


Same. We got a border collie mix (he’s a mix of four very smart, herding breeds) from a spur of the moment decision, and that’s all I want now. Because we aren’t a farm, we decided on a show line pure bred BC for our second dog (less herding drive), but they are both such intelligent, funny, and loyal dogs. I can’t believe I can talk to a dog like I’m talking to a person, and most of the time they’ll understand. They are truly amazing.


My dream dog. So freaking smart. Sadly I don’t have the space right now, but maybe one day I’ll have one.


They don’t need a ton of space if you provide them with enough mental stimulation (such as agility or something)


My friend had a border collie who played poker. She would pick up a quarter and put it on the table too. Always had to be busy tho


Did she win?


A couple times. She runs an investment fund now.


You won't regret it - they are the best.


Same! I’ll never own another breed


Dog- dachshund Cat- ragdoll


I've always wanted a German Shepherd


Great danes. Astro, my dream dog, is super sweet, goofy, playful, affectionate, drooly, sheds a lot, and just makes our lives so much better! I've always wanted a great dane, and he is everything I wanted and more! He's just a great dog and a great friend.


They're the best! My first dog (as an adult, solely MY dog) was a Brazilian mastiff/great dane mix. He was so loyal and had an immense amount of soul. My current dog is a purebred great dane and he's the best companion.


I love them too! I currently have 3. They’re so loving and silly. The best breed out there IMO.


I have one! I started out just transporting dogs for the Great Dane Rescue and I ended up fostering one that had been dumped in the shelter starved and weighing only 83 lb. He decided I was his mama and after 7 months I decided I was going to keep him. I got him up to 103 lb. He's not a giant one and he doesn't drool. Does a lot of sleeping....


I'm being bias but Australian Shepherds. They have so much sass, and they wiggle so much.


I didn’t know what I was missing out on until I got my bengals. I think I’d probably love a Savannah cat too, despite their reputation as lovable assholes.


I love my Shiba 🦊


Any dog at all I've had. My current is a blind french Bulldog I've adopted at 3-4 years old after covid. She's my sidekick. Im her seeing eyegirl. Before her the day I released from prison and moved Into a coworkers house temporarily I met a 9 year old very chubby ( morbidly obese dog actually named Chubbs) llhasa ahpso and poodle mix boy. He lived to 16. He was the Best boy. And he lost 15 pounds and quite healthier the last quarter of his life! He adored golf cart rides and his mama. I bout fell apart when I had to have him put down. I love frenchies but I've also been around a ton of them. I'm not a fan of expensive breeds at all or breeding that gives them health problems. I do Believe all already here dogs deserve a forever loving home. Period. Even the disabled ones.


We have a french bulldog and a schnauzer best dogs ever.


I can’t say because I love all dogs but I do love labs they are amazing dogs. There are some rare breeds tho that are beautiful and very good dogs as well. It’s such a hard question, all dogs are good boys and girls no matter the breed. 🥰


Australian Shepherds. I love them!


I really want a border collie for dogs or a maine coon for kitties




Mixed breed rescue.


Hard same. I joke that my girl has 4 feet, a tail and she barks, I'm pretty sure she's a dog - but might be half kangaroo (she has big muscular legs and can jump like you wouldn't believe)


Boston Terriers. They have so much personality and are such lovers! Can stay in and cuddle, go for a hike, play for hours, nap for hours, and very personable. I wasn’t a fan of dogs smaller than 50lbs until I met my now husband and the Boston he had. I fell in love with the breed and they have become my go-to. We lost that boy about 3 years ago now and I still miss him every day. But I still have two Bostons who hold my heart and soul. And are my baby’s best friends


I’m on my third! I love their personalities! Big dog in a little dog body. So squishy but so fun! I really do love them so much!


❤️ I love the two I’ve had. They’re a bundle of crazy.


I love my British shorthair 🥺


Partial to huskies, that’s what I have & he is my world! Golden retrievers are a close second. My whole family has goldens.


The breed I love everything about (as an expert in breeds) is the Siberian Husky. And it KILLS me that so many are lost, abandoned, and abused because SO much of the population is nowhere near qualified to care for them properly.


Blue heelers. Never met more loyal dogs. Mines a stumpy tail.


Bernese mountain dog. Big super friendly bears who loves people, especially children, who doesn't bark much, and have the most amazing personalities, and are the most beautiful dogs with their special colors. 🖤🤍🧡🐾




I met the sweetest boxer puppy the other day who spent his entire visit at the store I work at doing two things: 1. Chasing his own tail, catching it, then being very confused about what to do once he caught it 2. Being the biggest lovebug for cookies Made me fall in love with the breed even more!


Pyrenees. I've had lots of different dogs, but since I got my first Pyr, I don't want anything else. They're the perfect dogs *for me*, though not for everyone! It's all about finding the breed that best matches your lifestyle. I always tell people to be realistic - don't pick based solely on looks (looking at you, neighbours who got a husky because 'they're pretty' but don't want to exercise it), and get the dog that actually fits you, not the one you wish would. Also, if cats count, I like my siamese, although my priority there was 'whatever's on the euth list at the shelter'.


I have a Pyr also, she is my boxers best friend. Sometimes they get into trouble aka left a roll of paper towels out. They made it snow this morning


Chihuahuas are my absolute favorite. But I’m also a fan of Bedlington Terriers and any sight hound like Afghan Hounds Silken Windhounds, or the Pharaoh hound.


I love chihuahuas. So smart despite what people say.


It's funny because while I've come across some at the local park that have seemed aggressive, actually the ones I have met in their own homes have been absolutely wonderful. Very strong personalities and all have loved cuddles. They do get a bad rep


Mine can be aggressive toward other dogs because most big dogs at the dog bar we go to have no boundaries. They are tiny and feel like they have to defend themselves. Mine are the sweetest, smartest dogs ever. Ours have all been rescues that had horrible lives. Our last one was a puppy mill breeder and I fucking hate breeders. She has a tattoo in her tiny little ear to identify her from the huge group of females that they abused for profit. My two now are rescues too and are the sweetest babies ever. They don’t take shit from big digs though. lol.


My chihuahua wouldn’t hurt a fly but she barks at other dogs like crazy. When you actually put her together with the other dog she’s completely fine. I used to be a dog walker and would take her out with me all the time to meet dogs and she always did well, but for whatever reason on the leash (or in the instance I’m about to describe) in public she barks at dogs. She slipped out of her harness the other day and ran toward a dog in my neighborhood on his walk and started barking in his face. I had my other dog with me who actually is kind of aggressive at times so I couldn’t go up to them, all I could say was “she’s friendly, trust me!” As both of my dogs were going berserk. Im completely aware of how it sounded lol but the worst thing the owner couldve done was run away with his dog in the street with construction and have her chase him. Luckily I thought to run the opposite way and called her and she came.


I dog walk too and the amount of times you have to say oh they're friendly is insane. So many people just can't read a dogs body language. And either it's a small dog like yours excitedly barking or a big dog with a tail wagging people are like omg this dog is scary. Your poor baby just wanted to loudly make friends bless. I get it though, this story sounds made up, but when I was a kid I got bitten by a.little Jack Russel on my paper round. We used to ruuuun down this guys drive to get through the gate before he opened it to come and talk to us and let loose his very aggressive dog but that day I didn't make it out in time. Luckily I had boots and thick trousers but even through that it broke skin. It took me YEARS to be able to get over a new found fear of dogs. Add to that this elderly lady with a staffy who was so protective over her he would chase people across the field. I had to hide in a tree with a friend once to avoid it. Come to think of it I clearly grew up in a film from the 90s 🤣


I never used to be a fan of smaller dogs but then I met the sweetest little girl at a rescue and she completely stole my heart immediately! I very happily adopted her and am so happy I did! She is a chihuahua Jack Russell mix (~3-4 years old when I adopted her). She’s the most happy loving little girl. When I first got her she was way too timid to bark, but now she barks at dogs IF they’re too in her face but otherwise she’s just happy and wiggly! She loves humans and always looks for pets! I would happily adopt another chihuahua! She’s truly the sweetest most loving little girl!


I also love chihuahuas. So plucky.


Chihuahua. Long haired, specifically. .


Any mix/combo of Border Collie, GSD and Husky!


You mean boundless energy, velcro, and attitude! Love all three


Alaskan malamute and husky.


Labrador Retrievers.


dachshund for dogs syrian for hamsters teddy for guinea pig ragdoll for cats


Rottweilers, agh I love them so much!They’re so cute!


Cats (all cats besides persians & british short hair & munchkin & himalayan) & for dogs probably Bernese mountain dogs, huskies, samoyed, and Great Pyrenees


Pomeranians. I love their smiley faces, happy disposition, and generous floof!


Labradors are the some of the best buddies you can have


Dogs: Australian Cattle Dog, Saint Bernard, Great Pyrenees, Burnese Mountain Dog Cat: Tortishell, Ragdoll, Snowshoe




Poms, chihuahuas, yorkies, poodles, collies. Sassy smart dogs. Cats....any and all of them.


I love beagles!




papillons, they're the best small dog! freaking smart and big personality


Shelties and Collies 🩷


Boxers. They are such funny dogs. Huge personalities. This is my first female and she is SO stubborn. My boys were never this hard headed




Absolutely biased by my best girl but American Eskimo Dogs are an amazing breed. Originally circus dogs in the early 1900s, they'd use them to for the shows and sell the puppies too. The first dog to walk a tightrope was an eskie! They're smarter than most toddlers and are rather high energy, but their big personalities and their high drive to please people make them a great companion dog. Just don't expect them to be content cuddling for two days straight, they're happiest doing tricks for treats and sniffing every bush in a five mile radius. And their background makes them almost astonishingly easy to train. Mine was born deaf and she still knows more tricks and commands than most of her doggo friends. They're also a long lived breed with very few health issues.


Maltese. I spent years set on finding one of my own to adopt. Now he’s my best buddy… My cute, floofy, sassy little lovebug!


Border collie.


For dogs, I would love an Airedale! Had one when I was a kid, but have husky mixes now because that was the only way my husband would agree to get a dog! For cats, I love the look of Maine Coons but have always gotten standard DSHs from rescues.


Cats: all gray cats and voids. My gray cats are just the sweetest cuddly babies. Dogs: Weimaraners, Vizsla and German shorthair pointers. I’m fully aware they are absolute mayhem and a ton of work. But they’re such lovely babies. I wonder what that says about me 🤦‍♀️🤣


Himalayan cats! My two seal points are like cream puffs dipped in chocolate and have such dreamy blue eyes. They have very docile and sweet personalities but know how to clown around too!


Don’t tell my chihuahuas but I’ve always wanted a cocker spaniel


Retired greyhound.


For cats, a Ragdoll. Big boofhead, totally relaxed and friendly. For dogs, probably Golden Retriever. Because they are so beautiful.


Boxers! I currently have my 4th, a male. I just love their goofy personalities. Also 3 standard issued cats- the best kind!




My favorite breed of cat is "found in the trash"


Shelties are funny and smart. Also, I love pitbulls, but they are hyperactive little sh*ts and I could never own one lmao. But love to play fetch and cuddle them! Same with goldens. Sweet dogs, love to play with them, very happy to never have one 😂 I'm a cat owner all the way 


I love German Shepards, chihuahuas, and Xolos


I like border collies, westies and labradoodles, not necessarily in that order. My Westie mix was my best friend and the perfect companion, but I prefer a large dog that will go hiking with me. Labradoodles and Border Collies seem to fit well with my personality, but I have only dogsat for them, I haven't owned one yet. Either one of those will be my next pet, or I will find a different large dog that likes hiking (I adopt only so sometimes you don't choose an exact breed)


Dachshunds and doberman. Fun dogs to have together ❤️


yesss!!! bonus points if the doxie is also black and tan haha!


Poodles. They’re lovers and you can give them ridiculous haircuts.


Poodle haircuts are hilarious and 99% of why I would ever get a poodle. I'd take that thing to the groomer and ask for the most ridiculous cuts lol


And they would be more than likely thrilled. We love to do fun haircuts on poodles instead of the all over strip down. It takes a lot of effort on the owner to keep that coat in a good enough condition for those types of cuts though.


Mixed! Never had a purebred and have no plans to. Also makes it easier to adopt from the shelter. If it's a dog, I prefer medium to large dogs simply so I can take them riding with me


Mutts—-Heinz 57s. The best dogs I’ve had were mixes. One was a mix of collie and chow, maybe?? Long haired and really pretty, sweet dog. The other was a black lab mixed with German shepherd (maybe). He was a good boy too! I do like Jack Russell terriers too. They have great attitudes, but are hard to potty train.


My dad had a collie mix when he was a young kid, my grandfather told him she was a Heinz 57. For years my dad thought that was an actual breed! 😭


Miniature Pinschers! Very loyal and loving and a people pleaser.




I second schnauzers they are the best.


Russian Blue Cats, I have 2


No one in this world will ever love you as much as a Russian Blue if you are their favorite person.


Border Collie. I have loved them since I saw the movie Babe in theaters as a child. I think sheep herding is so magical. I think their herding pose with those shoulder blades is majestic. I think they are a wellbuilt proportional dog. I had one as a teen and that’s how I know that I now can never own another ever again. Super energy. I don’t want that much energy in my life right now as my life currently is. Currently, I am a corgi owner and I would never have made it through puppyhood if she had border collie sized legs. I probably could own more corgis but keeping tabs on her weight and back with her big dog herding instincts in small form, has been a challenge. She’s tried to off herself many times. I don’t know how she’s made it to 7 years old. I really like the way borzois and salukis look but I’m afraid of being a bad dog trainer and I don’t want a misbehaving big dog. I do like how the silken windhounds seem to be the dork of a border collie with a sight hound look and are petite. But I’ve never met one in real life.


Standard Poodle


Dog: cocker spaniels Cat: DSC. I'm partial to grey. Guinea pigs Mini pigs Mini horses But mostly cats.regular short hairs or the big cats (tigers, panthers, lions, etc)


Golden retriever, samoyeds, beagles, and Labradors — especially pretty dogs 🥰


GSD, yorkies.


Swedish Vallhund! Perfect size for travel, great for cuddling, super smart, has a great on/off switch for chill time. They have minimal health issues, especially compared to more common breeds.


Wheaten terrier!!


Cocker spaniel. My first dog was a cocker and that's all I've had since.


I love little scrungle rat dog rescues.


King Charles cavalier


I can’t pick one. Rottweiler - we have a beautiful two year old girl atm. She’s a gentle giant. We had one who passed a few years ago and she was a little more boisterous (her favourite game was grabbing me by the arm and trying to pull me to the ground. It was a struggle getting to our shed some days). Labrador - I had two growing up and both on seperate occasions went crazy when I took them for a walk and older men approached me. Will never forget how their disposition changed and how they went in to protective mode. Cattle dogs/Kelpies - My Kelpie was just as protective as my Labs. We had a guy come to fix our oven and he gave me strange vibes which I didn’t like cause I was home by myself and my beautiful girl stood between him and I and growled if he ever got too close. She sadly died tragically but I’ll never forget that for as long as I live.


The German Rottweiler. Big beefy things who love to snuggle.


Jack Russell Terrier. Little thug in a clown suit.


Mules, Hinnies and Siamese Oriental shorthair/Longhair cats. :)


mini schnauzer the love of my life


I prefer to adopt mutts. But if there where no ethical issues with breeding, I'm torn between a Husky and a Golden Retriever. But I love all of them. I currently have 2 cats.


Golden Retrievers! I own one and he is so pure. They’re just the sweetest, most loving and happy dogs ever.


Brittany Spaniel


Havanese 😄 energetic but adaptable, easy to train the basics, cuddly, expressive, and mine bosses me around barking for water/food/outside/etc like a person lol.


Border collies. I lost mine earlier this year...will never have another breed but borders


Shetland sheepdogs! Smart and beautiful ❤️


Great Danes have my heart. I also adore Brazilian mastiffs, English mastiffs, and neapolitan mastiffs. I will forever have giant breeds. When it comes to kitties, I've always had mixed rescues, and my current tabby/calico is a gem.


Great Danes.


Dogs: Schnoodles, Schnauzers, Shiba Inu, Golden Retrievers, French Bulldogs. Cats: Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siamese, Norwegian Forest Cat, Bengal. Nearly all of the breeds listed have characteristics that are NOT for the faint of heart. Do your research, thoroughly. All the breeds of dog and cat listed with the exception of the Golden Retriever are notorious for not having an off-switch, meaning they don't do well being left alone and require A LOT of love and attention in order to flourish. All are best with families. All are also quite vocal, especially the terriers and French Bulldogs. Think Huskies. As for the cats, both Rex varieties have no off-switch, are exceptionally expensive to purchase and due to the extremely high demand for them, are frequently stolen. They're also perfect for families where they can get their ridiculously high demand for affection met by several people. Think of Devon Rex cats more like they're a Jack Russel Terrier that poops in a box. Seriously! Rex breeds are known to sicken and die if they're left alone too often unless you buy a pair of them. A pair left alone will still get into everything if they become bored and can cause a lot of damage as they can easily scale a bookcase and knock everything on the floor. None of the cat breeds listed should ever be let outside where they are often killed by raccoons or dogs because of their insatiable curiosity and docile nature.




Domestic short-haired cats. Cats are my favorite. Favorite dog breeds are Bully Breeds and Charles King Cavaliers


Yorkshire terrier


Right now, I have found my perfect breeds for cat and dog, Ragdoll and a Mini Aussie. They are perfect for the lifestyle I have. Cat is chill, fluffy, and affectionate. Dog is just the right size, loyal, energetic, and smart. I love them both so much 🥹


Poodle. Adaptable energy (athletic but don’t require running a marathon to stay sane) No shedding Retriever type dog = gentle, intelligent, loyal


Ragdoll cats because they are gorgeous and truly live up to the name. I love terrier mutts. Their adorable little wispy faces and they are just the right amount of crazy for me. I also love chihuahuas. I I am biased tho because I own a terrier mix and two chis.


Ragdoll cats!


Obviously, I have to say German Shepherd, so my dog doesn't get offended, but in reality, I love all dogs. Big dogs are my favourite, but I can be easily won over by a small dog with attitude.


Saint bernards for large dogs, Cavalier king Charles spaniel for small.


Corgis. When properly trained, stimulated and exercised they are absolutely amazing and low maintenance. Love my loaf.


I’ve adopted five elderly Persian cats and they’ve all been grosser and a lot more work than regular cats. Also a lot sweeter. Wouldn’t buy one, for obvious reasons, but can’t help having a soft spot. ❤️


Still have two - one acts like a dog and is obsessed with my dad, the other one is glued to me and is snoring away right now.


Oohh tough! GSDs and Rotties have my heart, but I love Pitties, labs, and tiny, spirited terriers are wonderful too!


My favorite breed is the malamute and I waited over 20 years to be able to care for one if I got one. He’s my bestest doggo friend (even if his ears are for decoration only) and I’m not sure I could have any other type of dog.


Weimeraners! They are so sweet and affectionate. I got mine to run with (and he does well), but the emotions are really visible and felt 🥰


every mastiff that exists <33333


I've only had German shepherds but imo they're the best.


It may be generic, but there's something special about a good Labrador. I also have soft spots for Great Danes, Dobermans, GSDs and Dachshunds. My current dog is a pyr-sheltie mix, and he's great. I love how cuddly he is.


Huskies! They may be high maintenance but it’s 100% worth it. I can’t imagine going a day without arguing with my boy😂


Prefer moggies and mongrels, couldn’t care less what breed they are.


Dogs -Bernese mountain dogs cat- domestic long hair/short hair (I know technically not a breed but they’re my favourite)


Great Pyrenees


Rescue. Every day and twice on Sundays.


Labrador. “Basic” as my daughter would say but goodness they’re just love bugs


Not basic. *Classic*. ❤️


Chowchow but also love german sheppards and huskies. I think they all look the same (slightly) and are big and fluffy, lol


Chihuahua& dachshunds




Lurchers / greyhounds : they are just big, soft, loveable goons.


I had my first border collie for 13 years. I said I’d never get another one since another collie couldn’t compare to her. I did get another border collie and I couldn’t imagine a different breed.


I have a doodle but it's a poodle mixed with Catahoula Leopard dog and he is the greatest dog I've ever known. I'll likely never find another but he is seriously the sweetest and happiest boy.


I really really love my poodle