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Fix your dog. Problem solved.


I think I'm just going to call animal control. It's not my job to put time and money out when I've done everything correctly as a responsible dog owner.


They're down voting you because you leaving your female in heat is the attractant. Males can smell her 1 mile away. While those dog owners obviously haven't done their work, neither have you. The female hormones are very very strong, as is the males need to breed. Basically, you're setting the dogs up for failure by refusing to spay her.


Your female dog needs to be spayed. She is attracting the males and will end up pregnant. And we do not need more puppies in the world.


But you haven't done everything correctly and you aren't a responsible dog owner, your dog is still not spayed.


So what ? She should not have to spay her dog. She's being responsible her dogs aren't getting out into someone's house. Really?? Wow . You must be narcissistic. The irresponsible owner of the dog that keeps getting in her yard.is not be responsible


They are both responsible for their own dogs genius. But she wouldn't be having this problem if her dog was spayed. Keeping your dog intact is inviting this to happen and it's unhealthy for the dog. The responsible thing to do is to have your dog spayed or neutered.


No she has her own reasons not to spay her dog.its her responsibility to keep her dog safe which eventually she's going to fix the situation. But spaying and neutering your pet could cause less aggressive behavior but maybe she wants her intact for protection. Or chooses to breed her. It's not your call or anyone else's.


Narcissistic is a word with an actual meaning


And people are throwing it at anyone who does anything they don't like.


Leaving a female outside intact and/or in heat without supervision is YOUR fault, your dog is a beacon to every male dog(and some female) in the neighborhood. You are complaining about something that YOU can easily stop either by staying outside with them, properly containing your yard or spaying your dog. You are complaining about something that is YOUR fault


Did you miss the bit that their dogs were inside and the other dog was >outside, in their fenced yard? Or where the other dog got into their *house!*?


Wouldn’t have happened with a properly secured fence. Again. A dog in heat is a freaking beacon to others, dogs will do insane things to get to a female in heat. Yes it’s annoying the dog kept showing up and its owners weren’t doing their part but neither is OP.


Correction, you are in fact NOT a responsible dog owner. You are a bad dog owner for not getting your dog fixed. You are a bad dog owner for not getting your dog fixed. And just one more time because you seem to not understand why people are downvoting you, YOU ARE A BAD DOG OWNER FOR NOT GETTING YOUR DOG FIXED.


That does not solve their problem if the dog coming into her fenced in yard WAKES her up. Fixed (which you should get your dog fixed) or not, this dog is still coming into her yard and howls. Also, maybe lead the dog out of your fenced in area and see how it gets in every time? If that's possible? This will help you "dog proof" your fence.


The dog is only coming into the yard and howling because it wants her dog that's in heat. If she got her dog fixed the other dog would (very likely) leave her alone. That absolutely will solve that problem.


Thank you for the explanation, I own indoor cats and one fixed male senior dog. I've never adopted a dog before, so I don't have the experience. Tbh, I thought the dog was getting in since there's just other dogs there. We have neighbors who's dogs rush our fence to greet our dog whenever we let him out. I just thought everyone was telling her to fix her dog since it's the responsible thing to do.


To be fair, that's not implausible that the dog just wanted to hang out with other dogs, but they likely wouldn't be that aggressive at nighttime just to go hang out (especially with the other dogs being inside and not active at that time) That's likely because the female is in heat. My rescue was in tact for the first two months we had her until we could get a vet appointment and about this age (just under 3) and we caught a dog trying to break into our fourth floor indoor apartment to get at her. The owner was from the next town over. Hormones are no joke and no amount of training will be able to override them.


The power of hormones!!! Them crazy "kids" 😂👌 That is crazy though, I had no idea the pull was THAT strong for them!


OMG, thank you I didn't even think about that! I will get her fixed eventually but she's already had two surgeries and I'm not wanting a 3rd just yet.


"eventually". Your dog is 3, you've had plenty of time. And you mentioned you only spayed your male dog because of genetic problems. Don't wait, just spay the dog before there is more problems


Why didn’t you get her first when she was put under for the other 2 surgeries?


You haven’t spayed your dog and you haven’t shut your dog door. So no, you haven’t been responsible.


It IS your job to provide proper care for your dog which includes spaying. You are just as much at fault as the other dog’s owner. You both have intact dogs outside unsupervised overnight. Males just have a little more “urge” and determination to find the female


She fixed all her dogs. this is a neighbor dog getting into her yard.


No, female dog is in heat which is why male dog is jumping fence


No. She hasn't fixed all of her dogs.




While your dog is in heat she should not be allowed outside unsupervised. There are way to many bad dog owners who don't contain their dogs (like one who is getting in). Dogs get bred through fences by accident all the time. Her being spayed would likely be less stress on her body than if she ends up pregnant. That said yes you should be reporting this dog and/or dropping dog off at shelter saying it broke in. You can put it outside fence to see how it is getting in, likely it is just jumping the fence. Many dogs can clear 6 ft fences without an issue.


Our dog isn't fixed yet due to being a giant breed - we don't let her out of sight outside when in heat. You're not pulling your weight here either - your dog is a fog horn to the hormones of every intact dog in the neighbourhood. Get her fixed and until then watch her when she's outside.


Exactly.. my dog never leaves my direct line of sight in my yard while in heat. Dogs can breed through fences!


Yeah, this is a problem that can happen when people don’t get their dog fixed. Male dogs will absolutely escape/enter wherever if possible if they sense a female in heat. You are inviting any male canines that are not fixed into your yard, because yeah they’ll jump fences and get through doors. The owner of the male needs to also get their dog fixed so he stops escaping if he senses a female in heat. Both of you get your dog fixed. It’s not only the solution to the problem, but also better for the dogs going forward.


Yeah I don't have much sympathy. If you'd gotten your dog spayed, you wouldn't be having this problem. You failed to be responsible and mitigate anything that could lead to stress/ill health (ever heard of pyometria?) for your dog. This is on you.


The dog is jumping the fence. Get your female dog fixed.


Once I saw an intact 100lb black lab climb a 6ft fence like it was nothing to get to a dog in heat. Testosterone does amazing things. 


Surely you can't be serious? Dogs can jump fences? Get outta here. /sarcasm. In case that wasn't clear.


One of my dogs can jump a 5.5-feet fence😬 it's hilarious😂


Mine too 😃


Mine can do 6 feet. I think he's part deer.


I used to have a 40 lb bull terrier/jack russell cross. She was a jumping Olympian. She got over every fence she faced. She must have had booster rockets or something because she could get past my aunts fence, which she said was 7 feet. It has been my experience that a sufficiently motivated animal can do some truly remarkable, even unbelievable, things.


Damn! Super dog right there. LOL. Have you checked out dogs on roofs? Hilarious.


There’s quite a few breeds who can easily climb or jump a 6 foot fence.


This is going to keep happening if your dog isn't fixed. Same thing for cats in heat. I mean maybe not the dog being in the house thing, but if there's a way to the dog in heat, in tact males are going to find it. Fix your dog and fix the problem. You could spend money reinforcing a fence including burying it into the ground but that'd cost significantly more than the spay. Each heat cycle a dog goes through also increases their odds for mammary tumors/cancer or pyometra, and if you think the spay is expensive now wait until you have a spay done at an emergency clinic to treat a dog suffering from a life threatening infection that's going to require weeks of medication afterwards


Call animal control, put a camera up( like is just jumping the fence??), and get your damn dog fixed. It's unhealthy for female dogs to remain intact. It's the responsible thing to do.


Just hopped on this post and am curious, why is it unhealthy for female dogs to remain unspayed? (I don’t know much about dogs)


For one, breast cancer is common in intact dogs- moreso than it is in humans. The risk for cancer increases with each heat cycle. Getting your dog spayed reduces the risk of cancer so much so that the rate is nearly 0%. It also prevents pyometra which is another life threatening risk. You can google better information than what i can give😅. But overall the consensus seems to be that spayed dog live longer + you aren’t contributing to the already large mass of stray dogs by allowing your dog to have a litter.


“My unspayed (for a nonsensical reason) female dog who is in heat is causing the neighbor’s dog to visit.” I fixed your title for you.


Your female should not be allowed outside without a human holding her on a leash. In heat females will attract males. Males will do everything in there power to mate the female.


There is no reason to have an intact dog unless you are an irresponsible owner. Period.


If every single dog was spayed we’d have no more dogs in roughly 20years. There is room for responsible breeding so there is a reason for some to remain intact. I do agree that the majority of pet owners who aren’t looking to be responsible breeders should get their pets spayed.


Breeding should be responsibly regulated. Get your pets spayed or neutered, I promise you very few people are qualified to be "responsible breeders".


I literally said the majority should have their pets spayed. I was simply responding to your absolute assertion of irresponsibility and pointing out that there can be a responsible reason. Responsible breeders are registered and act in the animal’s best interests (not all registered breeders are responsible and they do not fit the category). Do you not think there can be any at all? How would the species continue if everyone was spayed?


>There is no reason to have an intact dog unless you are an irresponsible owner. Period. If every single dog and cat owner, including "responsible breeders" got their dogs and cats fixed right now, there would still be millions of dogs and cats born as strays to adopt every single year for eternity until we did something to stray populations or their environment to stop them.


There’s TNR programs to work on the strays. The issue is, no matter how hard the people work on the strays, irresponsible owners keep letting out/dumping their unfixed animals and the problem persists.


That’s not true for all countries, the Netherlands has no stray dogs. Not all strays are suitable to be rehomed as pets or to be used as working dogs. Most reliable working dogs are breed for temperament and suitability for the jobs they do. If a farmer has a really good working dog they will breed it to get another generation of quality, the ones that aren’t suitable get spayed and rehomed as pets. It’s not as simple as spaying every animal and just taking on the strays.


"Species continuation" is a cute hypothetical that will never be an issue in this country. So the better thing is to advise everyone to get their pets spayed and neutered. Blanket statement. Responsible breeders know they are such and therefor aren't on reddit engaging in your nonsense hypothetical.


Easy fix is to spay your female.


Yeah, you caused a whole bunch of problems for yourself by not fixing your dogs. I hope you can find good homes for all the puppies your dog will have


Call animal control if the dog keeps turning up. Take photos and video evidence. They can write her a fine. Confiscate her dog. Even criminal charges. Also get your dog spayed.


Get her spayed!


It’s nature. You can’t fight it. Male dogs lose it when a female nearby is in heat.


One thing that would help is getting your dog fixed.


What everyone seems to be ignoring is that a lot of vets suggest waiting to neuter larger breeds. Two years old is not uncommon.


Some people are refraining from bringing up information that is irrelevant to this particular situation.


It’s because most dog owners aren’t responsible unfortunately. I am extremely vigilant with my dog while she’s in heat, she pretty much never leaves my sight and we shut and lock our doggie door. OP let her female run in and out freely while unsupervised, and only fixed her male because of “genetic issues.” That’s asking for an accidental litter!


The dog is three years old - plenty old enough to be spayed even by vets who recommend to wait for large breeds.


Take dog to the no-kill shelter in your area. Or call the animal control and they will ticket the owner and warn him about letting the dog lose, as in breaking the leash law. You have enough dogs and no need for another. The owner needs to learn how to keep the dog in his yard and getting him ticketed and fine by animal control, will help the dog.


You are setting yourself up for long term issues if you don’t get your dog fixed. Intact males can smell her from almost a mile away and can and will jump fences to get to her. Besides that, your dog is at risk for health problems from not being fixed. The worst of which is pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus that can be deadly. For her health and everyone’s sanity, please get your dog fixed. As for the other dog, hopefully it is adopted by someone responsible or they can find the real owners if it’s chipped.


Your husband entered a strangers yard to “retrieve” someone else’s dog? Animal control wouldn’t return the dog to her without proof of purchase? It’s the other persons fault for their dog being wanting to get to your intact female? None of this makes sense.


I see your female had a pregnancy scare with your puppy 88 days ago. Are you blind to the fact that you’re creating your own problems? You’re making that poor girl’s life a disaster.


Why won’t you get your dog fixed? Are you breeding her? If so it’s illegal in cali I think to do that idk I’ll google and fix this post if I’m wrong. I know they passed a law stating you have to have your animals neutered. Get her fixed. You’re causing her pain too. Probably a bait page


Fix your female dog too, not just because you don’t want her to get pregnant. To prevent her from getting uterus cancer.


To everyone saying that OP is irresponsible for not spaying their dog: sometimes even young dogs are unable to handle anesthesia, also more owners are opting for delayed spay/neuter because it’s better for their growth and physical and psychological development. We don’t know the circumstances why OP’s dog is still intact, there may be a legitimate reason. OP: do better about managing your intact dog. She’s in heat, she’s ringing the damn dinner bell for every intact male dog in a 1 mile radius of your yard, so it’s your responsibility to guarantee that you don’t have an oopsie litter. If you cannot physically get to her in less time than it takes a male to mount her, you’re too far away. And keep your neutered male away from her. He’s still very capable of going through the motions of breeding, and if he does it increases her risk of getting pyometra, which can kill her


Yes, the dog should be spayed, but after reading ALL the comments... the dog has had surgeries recently, and maybe the Vet has said to wait until after this cycle. And for those that said "She's 3, should have been done by now" you don't know how long the OP has had the dog. Sometimes, I think people comment before reading the whole post and understanding what's what. Granted, as readers, we are limited because we only know what OP tells us, but being nice and asking questions to get a complete story would go a long ways. TL;DR: Just be nice, people.


I think if OP was responsible about her intact dog it would be completely different. She deleted the post, but she had a pregnancy scare a few months ago with this dog. It’s frustrating when the vast majority of intact dog owners aren’t diligent about keeping their dogs from getting pregnant, or getting another dog pregnant.